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Ayu ; 41(2): 117-122, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34908796


INTRODUCTION: Shodhana (purification) is the process by which one can remove the impurity or toxicity of the raw drug and make the drug suitable for therapeutic purpose. Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica Linn.) is well known drug in Ayurveda and root of this plant is being used for therapeutic purpose and requires purification before used as a medicine. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE: There is no data available for pharmacognostical and analytical profile of processed Chitraka, hence it was planned to develop SOP of processed Chitraka for its identity, purity and strength through pharmacognostical and analytical profile. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Chitraka roots were procured from Pharmacy, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Purification was done in five batches with Churnodaka (lime water). Organoleptic characters, microscopic features, pH, loss on drying, ash value, water soluble extracts, methanol soluble extracts and plumbagin quantification through high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) were carried out, before and after the purification. RESULTS: Average 98.07% yield of Chitraka was obtained after purification. Differences were found in the processed samples of Chitraka in organoleptic features, pharmacognostical characters and physicochemical parameters, which show the impact of purification procedure on Chitraka. In HPTLC profile, plumbagin content was 0.29% in unpurified Chitraka powder, where in it was noted 0.98% after purification. CONCLUSION: Increase in plumbagin content through pharmaceutical process of Chitraka purification with lime water indicates that, this operating procedure is simple, convenient and can be considered as standard procedure. The organoleptic features, pharmacognostical characters, values of physicochemical parameters and quantity of plumbagin of purified Chitraka powder may be utilized for quality assurance in future studies.