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Wetlands (Wilmington) ; 42(8): 124, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36530518


Biological invasions cause species extinction but can also provide benefits. Wetlands, such as salt marshes, include little-known but important ecosystems that are sometimes severely invaded by exotic plants. Salt marshes in eastern South America are increasingly impacted by invasions of the African grass Urochloa arrecta. This study investigated the appearance of a population of the mangrove rail Rallus longirostris in areas dominated by U. arrecta and its disappearance with the eradication of this plant. We monitored four areas (54.47 ha) in the Guaratuba Bay estuary in southern Brazil, from 2006 to 2022, two of which contained four patches of U. arrecta as the dominant species. In 2012, we started to eradicate U. arrecta with mechanical management, and in 2020, it was eradicated locally. We recorded R. longirostris for the first time within a patch of U. arrecta in 2007. In subsequent years we saw the species in two other patches of the exotic plant. Rallus longirostris was no longer observed once U. arrecta was eradicated. Differences in patch occupancy between invaded and uninvaded habitats observed for R. longirostris and Pardirallus nigricans, and the disappearance of R. longirostris following the exotic plant management suggest competitive advantage and/or differential habitat preference and population density as hypotheses to explain observed patterns. The invasion of U. arrecta can increase the local populations of R. longirostris. Since this bird is not endangered, we encourage the management of U. arrecta because of its impact on salt marshes, including an endemic endangered bird. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13157-022-01642-7.

PeerJ ; 4: e2490, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27761312


Mountains of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest can act as islands of cold and wet climate, leading to the isolation and speciation of species with low dispersal capacity, such as the toadlet species of the genus Brachycephalus. This genus is composed primarily by diurnal species, with miniaturized body sizes (<2.5 cm), inhabiting microhabitats in the leaf litter of montane forests. Still, little is known about the geographical distribution, altitudinal range, and ecological limits of most Brachycephalus species. In this study, we review the available data on the geographical and altitudinal distribution of Brachycephalus based on occurrence records compiled from literature and museums, both for the genus as a whole and separately for the three recently proposed groups of species (ephippium, didactylus, and pernix). The final ensemble dataset comprised 333 records, 120 localities, 28 described species, and six undescribed ones. Species were recorded in six relief units, the richest of which being the Serra do Mar, with 30 species. When the Serra do Mar is subdivided into three subunits, Northern, Central and Southern Serra do Mar, the number of species increase from north to the south, with records of six, nine, and 16 species, respectively. We were able to estimate the extent of occurrence of nearly half of the described species, and the resulting estimates indicate that many of them show remarkably small ranges, some of which less than 50 ha. Brachycephalus species are present from sea level to roughly 1,900 m a.s.l., with the highest richness being found between 751 and 1,000 m a.s.l. (21 spp.). The species with the broadest altitudinal range were B. didactylus (1,075 m) and Brachycephalus sp. 1 (1,035 m), both in the didactylus group, and B. ephippium (1,050 m), of the ephippium group. The broadest altitudinal amplitude for species of the pernix group was recorded for B. brunneus (535 m). The lowest altitudinal records for the pernix group were at 845 m a.s.l. in the state of Paraná and at 455 m a.s.l. in the state of Santa Catarina. The altitudinal occurrence in the pernixspecies group seems to decrease southward. Syntopy between species is also reviewed.