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Am J Clin Nutr ; 116(4): 855-861, 2022 10 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35820048


The global population is expected to reach 11 billion people by the year 2100 and will require sustainable sources of dietary protein. Most dietary protein originates from animal and terrestrial plant agriculture, which leads to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Discovering alternative protein sources that are nutritionally adequate for the human diet without harmful environmental effects is imperative. Seaweeds are a promising option as they produce abundant protein with a low carbon footprint. Experimental evidence shows that seaweeds contain high concentrations of the essential amino acids (EAAs) necessary for human consumption, but seaweeds have yet to be evaluated with standardized metrics to compare their nutritional value to other protein sources. In this technical note, independent literature describing the EAA content and protein digestibility of 3 commonly consumed species of seaweeds was evaluated alongside traditional protein sources using a novel hybrid protein quality (HPQ) metric. HPQ is derived from the protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score and digestibility indispensable amino acid score but includes modifications to address the lack of in vivo digestibility data for seaweeds. Seaweed proteins are similar in quality to common plant protein sources such as peas, soy, and tree nuts. Furthermore, seaweed proteins from different species have complementary EAA profiles and can be mixed to form protein blends that are nutritionally on par with animal products such as milk and whey. Thus, seaweeds may be viable protein sources with a reduced footprint that provide beneficial ecosystem services.

Dieta , Proteínas de Vegetais Comestíveis , Alga Marinha , Aminoácidos Essenciais/química , Humanos , Proteínas de Vegetais Comestíveis/química , Alga Marinha/química , Verduras/química
Algal Res ; 57: 102331, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34026476


Viruses are abiotic obligate parasites utilizing complex mechanisms to hijack cellular machinery and reproduce, causing multiple harmful effects in the process. Viruses represent a growing global health concern; at the time of writing, COVID-19 has killed at least two million people around the world and devastated global economies. Lingering concern regarding the virus' prevalence yet hampers return to normalcy. While catastrophic in and of itself, COVID-19 further heralds in a new era of human-disease interaction characterized by the emergence of novel viruses from natural sources with heretofore unseen frequency. Due to deforestation, population growth, and climate change, we are encountering more viruses that can infect larger groups of people with greater ease and increasingly severe outcomes. The devastation of COVID-19 and forecasts of future human/disease interactions call for a creative reconsideration of global response to infectious disease. There is an urgent need for accessible, cost-effective antiviral (AV) drugs that can be mass-produced and widely distributed to large populations. Development of AV drugs should be informed by a thorough understanding of viral structure and function as well as human biology. To maximize efficacy, minimize cost, and reduce development of drug-resistance, these drugs would ideally operate through a varied set of mechanisms at multiple stages throughout the course of infection. Due to their abundance and diversity, natural compounds are ideal for such comprehensive therapeutic interventions. Promising sources of such drugs are found throughout nature; especially remarkable are the algae, a polyphyletic grouping of phototrophs that produce diverse bioactive compounds. While not much literature has been published on the subject, studies have shown that these compounds exert antiviral effects at different stages of viral pathogenesis. In this review, we follow the course of viral infection in the human body and evaluate the AV effects of algae-derived compounds at each stage. Specifically, we examine the AV activities of algae-derived compounds at the entry of viruses into the body, transport through the body via the lymph and blood, infection of target cells, and immune response. We discuss what is known about algae-derived compounds that may interfere with the infection pathways of SARS-CoV-2; and review which algae are promising sources for AV agents or AV precursors that, with further investigation, may yield life-saving drugs due to their diversity of mechanisms and exceptional pharmaceutical potential.