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Plants (Basel) ; 13(7)2024 Mar 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38611467


Since sugarcane is semi-perennial, it has no escape from water stresses in the Brazilian Cerrado, and consequently, drought impacts plant growth and industrial quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphophysiology and quality of the first ratoon of two sugarcane varieties submitted to irrigated and stressed treatments under field conditions. For the biometric characteristics, in general, significant decreases were observed under the stressed treatment for all periods, and only minor differences were detected between the studied cultivars. Physiological parameters decreased under stressed conditions, but to a different extent between the varieties. RB855536 was able to maintain a greater rate of transpiration. Productivity was reduced by 103 t ha-1 for variety RB855536 and 121 t ha-1 for RB867515, compared to plants with full irrigation during the dry period, but cane quality was similar in both genotypes. Measurements of physiological and morphological parameters may prove useful in the rapid identification of genotypes with greater tolerance to abiotic stress.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(20)2023 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37896034


Selecting drought-tolerant and more water-efficient wheat genotypes is a research priority, specifically in regions with irregular rainfall or areas where climate change is expected to result in reduced water availability. The objective of this work was to use high-throughput measurements with morphophysiological traits to characterize wheat genotypes in relation to water stress. Field experiments were conducted from May to September 2018 and 2019, using a sprinkler bar irrigation system to control water availability to eighteen wheat genotypes: BRS 254; BRS 264; CPAC 01019; CPAC 01047; CPAC 07258; CPAC 08318; CPAC 9110; BRS 394 (irrigated biotypes), and Aliança; BR 18_Terena; BRS 404; MGS Brilhante; PF 020037; PF 020062; PF 120337; PF 100368; PF 080492; and TBIO Sintonia (rainfed biotypes). The water regimes varied from 22 to 100% of the crop evapotranspiration replacement. Water stress negatively affected gas exchange, vegetation indices, and grain yield. High throughput variables TCARI, NDVI, OSAVI, SAVI, PRI, NDRE, and GNDVI had higher yield and morphophysiological measurement correlations. The drought resistance index indicated that genotypes Aliança, BRS 254, BRS 404, CPAC 01019, PF 020062, and PF 080492 were more drought tolerant.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(11)2023 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37299061


Future predictions due to climate change are of decreases in rainfall and longer drought periods. The search for new tolerant crops is an important strategy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of water stress on the physiology and productivity of crops with potential for growing in the off-season period in the Cerrado, and evaluate correlations with the temperature of the canopy obtained by means of thermography. The experiment was conducted under field conditions, with experimental design in randomized blocks, in a split-plot scheme and four replications. The plots were: common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris); amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus); quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa); and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum). The subplots were composed of four water regimes: maximum water regime (WR 535 mm), high-availability regime (WR 410 mm), off-season water regime (WR 304 mm) and severe water regime (WR 187 mm). Under WR 304 mm, the internal concentration of CO2 and photosynthesis were reduced by less than 10% in amaranth. Common bean and buckwheat reduced 85% in photosynthesis. The reduction in water availability increased the canopy temperature in the four crops and, in general, common bean was the most sensitive species, while quinoa had the lowest canopy temperatures. Furthermore, canopy temperature correlated negatively with grain yield, biomass yield and gas exchange across all plant species, thus thermal imaging of the canopy represents a promising tool for monitoring crop productivity for farmers, For the identification of crops with high water use management for research.

Front Plant Sci ; 13: 1054484, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36438098


This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin content in soil under different cover crops with and without the application of nitrogen in the cover. The following cover plants were used: Crotalaria juncea (Crotalaria juncea L.), wild beans from Ceará (Canavalia brasiliensis Mart. ex Benth.), Guandú 'BRS mandarin' [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], millet 'BR05' [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.] and sorghum 'BR 304' [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. The absolute control of the experiment was the treatment without the use of cover crops, that is, the vegetation of spontaneous occurrence in the area. The experimental design was randomized blocks in subplots with three replications. Spore density, mycorrhizal colonization rate, easily extractable glomalin, and species present in the rhizosphere of the cover crops were determined. No differences were found in the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi associated with the different cover crops studied or in the values of spore density, root colonization, or glomalin content. Nitrogen application did not influence the mycorrhizal activity in the investigated cover crops. The most frequent species associated with cover crops were Scutellospora pellucida and Scutellospora persica in C. juncea; Gigaspora sp. on Sorghum; Glomus macrocarpum in Guandu; G. macrocarpum and Glomus clavisporum in millet; and Glomus microaggregatum and Glomus tortuosum in Spontaneous Vegetation.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(4)2022 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35214892


Rainfall is among the climatic factors that most affect production, as in the Brazilian Cerrado. Non-destructive and automated phenotyping methods are fast and efficient for genotype selection. The objective of this work was to evaluate, under field conditions, the morphophysiological changes, yield, and grain quality of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) under water stress in the Brazilian Cerrado. The plots comprised six soybean cultivars and the subplots of four water regimes, corresponding to 31, 44, 64 and 100% of crop evapotranspiration replacement. The experiments were conducted from May to September 2018 and 2019. An irrigation system with a bar of sprinklers with different flow rates was used. Gas exchange, vegetation indices (measured using a hyperspectral sensor embedded in a drone), yield and grain quality were evaluated. Water stress had different effects on gas exchange, vegetation indices, grain yield and chemical composition among the cultivars. Embrapa cultivar BRS 7280 Roundup ready (RR) and Nidera cultivar NA 5909 RG (glyphosate resistant) are yield stable and have a greater tolerance to drought. BRS 7280RR showed a higher tolerance to drought and higher water use efficiency (WUE) than all other tested cultivars. Vegetation indices, such as the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), correlated with the morphophysiological traits, such as plant height, were the most responsive variables to water stress. The NDVI can be used to predict soybean yield as a tool in a selection program under drought.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(8)2021 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34451636


Quinoa stands out as an excellent crop in the Cerrado region for cultivation in the off-season or irrigated winter season. Here, we tested the effects of different water regimes on the agronomic characteristics, physiology, and grain quality of different elite quinoa genotypes under field conditions. The experiment was conducted under field conditions at Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF, Brazil). The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a split-plot scheme, with four replications. The plots were composed of 18 quinoa genotypes and modified BRS Piabiru (the currently used genotype), and the split-plots were divided into 4 different water regimes. The following variables were evaluated: productivity and productivity per unit of applied water (PUAA), plant height, flavonoids, anthocyanins, gas exchange, chlorophyll, leaf proline, and relative water content. Our results showed that water regimes between 309 and 389 mm can be recommended for quinoa in the Cerrado region. CPAC6 and CPAC13 presented the highest yield and PUAA under high and intermediate WRs, and hence were the most suitable for winter growth under irrigation. CPAC17 is most suitable for off-season growth under rainfed conditions, as it presented the highest PUAA under the low WRs (247 and 150). CPAC9 stood out in terms of accumulation of flavonoids and anthocyanins in all WRs. Physiological analyses revealed different responses of the genotypes to water restriction, together with symptoms of stress under lower water regimes. Our study reinforces the importance of detailed analyses of the relationship between productivity, physiology, and water use when choosing genotypes for planting and harvest in different seasons.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(4): 1118-1126, july/aug. 2014. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-967541


The objective of this work was to characterize and quantify the genetic variability of 39 barley elite genotypes from a Brazilian working collection belonging to Embrapa, using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) molecular markers. Genomic DNA samples were extracted from leaves of each genotype and 15 decamer primers were used to obtain RAPD molecular markers. Molecular markers were converted in a binary data matrix utilized to estimate genetic dissimilarities between genotypes and to realize grouping and dispersion graphic analysis. A total of 160 RAPD markers were obtained, making 10.7 markers medium per primer. From all the markers, 141 (88.12%) were polymorphic. Genetic dissimilarities varied from 0.049 to 0.337 among the genotypes. PFC 2004033 and Prestige cultivar showed biggest genetic dissimilarities to others genetic materials. Grouping and dispersion graphic analysis showed a clustering tendency between the Mexican and American genotypes. Another clustering tendency was also found concerning the six-rowed materials. Accessions developed and used in Brazil and also in Germany, UK and Australia have shown the greatest genetic dissimilarity among themselves, being considered promising options to increase the genetic base of breeding programs.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e quantificar a variabilidade genética de 39 acessos de cevada elite da coleção de trabalho da Embrapa Cerrados, utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD. Foram utilizados 15 iniciadores decâmeros para a obtenção dos marcadores RAPD, que foram convertidos em uma matriz de dados binários, a partir da qual foram estimadas as dissimilaridades genéticas entre os diferentes acessos e realizadas análises de agrupamento. Foram obtidos 160 marcadores RAPD, dos quais 141 (88,12%) foram polimórficos. As dissimilaridades genéticas variaram de 0,049 a 0,337, entre os acessos de cevada. A análise de agrupamento e de dispersão gráfica mostrou uma tendência de agrupamento entre os genótipos mexicanos e americanos. Outra tendência de agrupamento também foi encontrada entre os genótipos de seis fileiras de grãos. Acessos desenvolvidos e utilizados no Brasil e também os genótipos provenientes da Alemanha, Inglaterra e Austrália têm demonstrado a maior divergência genética entre si, sendo considerados opções interessantes para aumentar a base genética dos programas de melhoramento.

Hordeum , Variação Genética , Técnica de Amplificação ao Acaso de DNA Polimórfico , Genótipo
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(3 Supplement): 401-410, 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-947881


O Trigo de Duplo Propósito (TDP) é um sistema de cultivo em que se utilizam cultivares para a produção de grãos e forragem, esta destinada ao consumo animal. Este sistema pode exercer grande influência na dinâmica e atividade microbiana do solo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do sistema de manejo (com e sem cortes e do número de cortes, 1 ou 2 cortes) de quatro cultivares de trigo para duplo propósito, nos atributos microbiológicos do solo em Planaltina, Distrito Federal. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com seis repetições em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, onde os cultivares de trigo (Frontana, BH 1146, BRS 264 e Aliança) foram alocados nas parcelas experimentais. Os cortes foram feitos após o primeiro ciclo de crescimento e foram as subparcelas. O cultivar Frontana proporcionou os maiores teores de carbono orgânico total (COT), de nitrogênio total (Ntotal) e da biomassa microbiana (N-BMS). Os maiores valores na relação N-BMS/Ntotal foram observados nos cultivares Frontana, Aliança e BRS 264. O corte estabelecido nos cultivares Frontana e Aliança provocou redução da respiração basal (RB) do solo, assim como do carbono da biomassa microbiana do solo (C-BMS) no trigo Aliança. O C-CBMS aumentou com o efeito do manejo do corte no cultivar BH 1146. O corte também provocou aumento nos percentuais do quociente microbiano (qMIC), nos cultivares Frontana e BH1146, enquanto que nos demais cultivares, houve um efeito oposto.

Dual purpose wheat (DPW) is a cultivation system which cultivars are utilized for grain and forage production and this last one is used for animal consumption. This system production can greatly influence the dynamics and soil microbial activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of management system (with or without cuts1 or 2 cuts and the number of cuts, 1 or 2) of four wheat cultivars for dual purpose on soil microbiological attributes in Planaltina, Distrito Federal). The experimental design was randomized blocks with split plot, with six replicates where wheat cultivars were planted on experimental plots (Frontana, BH 1146, BRS 264 and Aliança). The cuts were made after the first growing cycle and were the subplots. Frontana was the wheat cultivar with the highest levels of total organic carbon content (TOC), total N and nitrogen microbial biomass (N-NMB). The relation NMB/total N showed higher values on Frontana, Aliança and BRS 264. The cut made on Frontana and Aliança cultivars caused reduction in soil basal respiration (BR) and the soil microbial carbon biomass (C-MBC) in wheat Aliança. The C-MBC increase with the effect of cutting management on BH1146 and also promoted an increase im percentage of microbial quotient on Frontana and BH146, where as in the other cultivars, there was an opposite effect.

Solo , Microbiologia do Solo , Triticum , Qualidade do Solo , Pradaria , Produção Agrícola
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(5 Supplement 2): 534-546, 2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-947938


O amaranto é uma granífera com características de crescimento, estabelecimento e produção promissoras e com grande potencial para um aumento do seu cultivo. Porém, devido à lacuna de informações acerca do manejo para sua produção comercial, observa-se a inexistência de um modelo de densidade de semeadura e dose de nitrogênio ótimo para o Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito de quatro densidades de semeadura, e quatro doses de nitrogênio, com quatro repetições, no plantio de safra no cerrado, na produtividade e em variáveis biométricas de amaranto. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso e esquema fatorial, 4x4 (quatro densidades de semeadura, 25, 12, 8 e 6 plantas m-1 e quatro doses de N, 0, 50, 100 e 150 kg ha-¹), com quatro repetições. Determinaram-se os pesos de matéria seca, de panícula e de grãos, altura de plantas, diâmetro de caule e comprimento e largura de panícula. Todos os parâmetros, com exceção da largura de panícula, apresentaram interação entre a densidade de plantio x doses de N significante. Níveis crescentes de N, até a dose de 150 kg ha-¹, no geral em todas as densidades, produzem resposta linear no rendimento de grãos de amaranto.

The Amaranth is a gratifier with growth characteristics, establishment and production with great promise and potential for an increase in its cultivation. However, due to the lack of information about management for commercial production, there is the lack of a standard planting density and optimum dose of nitrogen to Brazil. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of planting density and nitrogen doses at productivity and biometric variables Amaranth. The experiment had the experimental design was randomized block s with factorial design 4x4 (four seeding, 25, 12, 8 and 6 plants per meter and four doses of N, 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1), with four replicates. For the analysis were determined: dry weights, and grain panicle, plant height, stem diameter and panicle length and width. All parameters, except the width of the panicle showed interaction between planting density x N rates significantly. Increasing levels of N up to a dose of 150 kg ha-1, in general, for all densities, produced a linear response in yield of amaranth.

Produção Agrícola , Pradaria , Amaranthus , Nitrogênio
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 28(2): 235-244, mar./apr. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-912560


O sistema de manejo interfere nas propriedades microbiológicas do solo, que por sua vez afeta a ciclagem de nutrientes, alterando, portanto, a sua sustentabilidade. Dentre os vários indicadores microbiológicos do solo, estão a quantificação e qualificação de esporos de fungos micorrízicos e sua colonização radicular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de forragens e/ou culturas em consórcio, na população micorrízica autóctone, através da análise quantitativa e qualitativa de esporos no solo e colonização radicular das culturas e/ou pastagens. As culturas e/ou forragens instaladas em cada piquete foram: 1. Panicum maximum cv Aruana; 2. Brachiaria humidicola + milho; 3. Brachiaria humidicola; 4. Panicum maximum cv Aruana + milho; 5. Soja (Glycine max); 6. Soja. A colonização micorrízica foi influenciada pela interação entre plantas; os dados mostraram que a presença do Panicum maximum cv. Aruana, em comparação com Brachiaria humidicola, alterou a colonização radicular do milho. Parece ocorrer associação preferencial de espécies de fungos a determinados hospedeiros. Os gêneros de maior ocorrência após a implantação das culturas e forragens foram: Glomus sp., Acaulospora sp. e Scutelospora cerradensis.

Soil management alters their microbiological properties and consequently the nutrient cycling which also affects sustentability. Among several microbiological soil indicators, can be outstanding micorhizal fungus spores quantification and qualification and root colonization. The aim of this research was evaluate the effect of several planting culture in crop and livestock integration on autoctone populations of mycorrhyzal fungus, through quantitative and qualitative analysis of soil spores and root colonization of crops and pastures. Crops and/or pastures were planted in each plot were: 1. Panicum maximum cv Aruana; 2. Brachiaria humidicola + maize (Zea mays); 3. Brachiaria humidicola; 4. Panicum maximum cv Aruana + maize; 5. Soybean (Glycine max); 6. Soybean. It was observed that root colonization was influenced by the interaction between plants and the date showed that Panicum maximum cv. Aruana compared with Brachiaria humidicola affected root colonization in maize. The results indicated a preferencial association between fungi species to certain host plants. After planting crops and pastures, the genera with higher occurrence were: Glomus sp., Acaulospora sp. e Scutelospora cerradensis.

Microbiologia do Solo , Análise do Solo , Alimentos , Brachiaria , Fungos , Panicum