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Sci Data ; 11(1): 189, 2024 Feb 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38347012


QUIN database integrates and organizes structural-geological information from published and unpublished sources to constrain deformation in seismotectonic studies. The initial release, QUIN1.0, comprised 3,339 Fault Striation Pairs, mapped on 445 sites exposed along the Quaternary faults of central Italy. The present Data Descriptor introduces the QUIN 2.0 release, which includes 4,297 Fault Striation Pairs on 738 Structural Sites from southern Italy. The newly investigated faults span ~500 km along the Apennines chain, with strikes transitioning from ~SE to ~SW and comprehensively details Fault Striation Pairs' location, attitude, kinematics, and deformation axes. Additionally, it offers a shapefile of the fault traces hosting the data. The QUIN 2.0 release offers a significant geographic extension to the QUIN 1.0, with comprehensive description of local geometric-kinematic complexities of the regional pattern. The QUIN data may be especially relevant for constraining intra-Apennine potential seismogenic deformation patterns, where earthquake data only offer scattered or incomplete information. QUIN's data will support studies aimed at enhancing geological understanding, hazard assessment and comprehension of fault rupture propagation and barriers.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 7126, 2022 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36414645


Surface faulting earthquakes are known to cluster in time from historical and palaeoseismic studies, but the mechanism(s) responsible for clustering, such as fault interaction, strain-storage, and evolving dynamic topography, are poorly quantified, and hence not well understood. We present a quantified replication of observed earthquake clustering in central Italy. Six active normal faults are studied using 36Cl cosmogenic dating, revealing out-of-phase periods of high or low surface slip-rate on neighboring structures that we interpret as earthquake clusters and anticlusters. Our calculations link stress transfer caused by slip averaged over clusters and anti-clusters on coupled fault/shear-zone structures to viscous flow laws. We show that (1) differential stress fluctuates during fault/shear-zone interactions, and (2) these fluctuations are of sufficient magnitude to produce changes in strain-rate on viscous shear zones that explain slip-rate changes on their overlying brittle faults. These results suggest that fault/shear-zone interactions are a plausible explanation for clustering, opening the path towards process-led seismic hazard assessments.

Sci Data ; 9(1): 204, 2022 May 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35551216


We present QUIN, a "QUaternary fault strain INdicators database", designed to integrate and unify published and unpublished local-scale geological information and derive strain parameters for structural and seismotectonic analyses. It provides data on 3339 Fault Striation Pairs (FSP; fault plane and slickenline), distributed within 455 survey sites. These are exposed along the intra-Apennine Quaternary extensional faults of Central Italy. The area covers an extent of ~550 km in a NW-SE direction. We give information on FSP location, attitude and kinematics, and deformation axes. We also provide an original shapefile of the faults hosting the FSP. A large amount of homogeneously distributed Quaternary fault/slip data help to clarify and implement the contemporary geometric and kinematic deformation pattern of Central Italy that appears scattered and incomplete whenever exclusively derived from earthquake data. The high-density of structural data can help investigate stress pattern heterogeneities at local scales, with relevance for new generations of hazard assessment evaluation and a better understanding of rupture propagation and related barriers.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 23320, 2021 Dec 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34857777


To assess whether continental extension and seismic hazard are spatially-localized on single faults or spread over wide regions containing multiple active faults, we investigated temporal and spatial slip-rate variability over many millennia using in-situ 36Cl cosmogenic exposure dating for active normal faults near Athens, Greece. We study a ~ NNE-SSW transect, sub-parallel to the extensional strain direction, constrained by two permanent GPS stations located at each end of the transect and arranged normal to the fault strikes. We sampled 3 of the 7 seven normal faults that exist between the GPS sites for 36Cl analyses. Results from Bayesian inference of the measured 36Cl data implies that some faults slip relatively-rapidly for a few millennia accompanied by relative quiescence on faults across strike, defining out-of-phase fault activity. Assuming that the decadal strain-rate derived from GPS applies over many millennia, slip on a single fault can accommodate ~ 30-75% of the regional strain-rate for a few millennia. Our results imply that only a fraction of the total number of Holocene active faults slip over timescales of a few millennia, so continental deformation and seismic hazard are localized on specific faults and over a length-scale shorter than the spacing of the present GPS network over this time-scale. Thus, (1) the identification of clustered fault activity is vital for probabilistic seismic hazard assessments, and (2) a combination of dense geodetic observations and palaeoseismology is needed to identify the precise location and width of actively deforming zones over specific time periods.

Sci Data ; 8(1): 87, 2021 03 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33753737


We present a database of field data for active faults in the central Apennines, Italy, including trace, fault and main fault locations with activity and location certainties, and slip-rate, slip-vector and surface geometry data. As advances occur in our capability to create more detailed fault-based hazard models, depending on the availability of primary data and observations, it is desirable that such data can be organized in a way that is easily understood and incorporated into present and future models. The database structure presented herein aims to assist this process. We recommend stating what observations have led to different location and activity certainty and presenting slip-rate data with point location coordinates of where the data were collected with the time periods over which they were calculated. Such data reporting allows more complete uncertainty analyses in hazard and risk modelling. The data and maps are available as kmz, kml, and geopackage files with the data presented in spreadsheet files and the map coordinates as txt files. The files are available at: .

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 12724, 2020 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32728150


Whether the stress-loading of faults to failure in earthquakes appears to be random or to an extent explainable, given constraints on fault/shear-zone interaction and the build-up and release of stress over many earthquake cycles, is a key question for seismic hazard assessment. Here we investigate earthquake recurrence for a system of 25 active normal faults arranged predominantly along strike from each other, allowing us to isolate the effects of stress-loading due to regional strain versus across- and along-strike fault interaction. We calculate stress changes over 6 centuries due to interseismic loading and 25 > Mw 5.5 earthquakes. Where only one fault exists across strike, stress-loading is dominated by the regional tectonics through slip on underlying shear zones and fault planes have spatially smooth stress with predominantly time-dependent stress increase. Conversely, where faults are stress-loaded by across-strike fault interactions, fault planes have more irregular stress patterns and interaction-influenced stress loading histories. Stress-loading to failure in earthquakes is not the same for all faults and is dependent on the geometry of the fault/shear-zone system.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 4612, 2017 07 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28676691


The temporal evolution of slip on surface ruptures during an earthquake is important for assessing fault displacement, defining seismic hazard and for predicting ground motion. However, measurements of near-field surface displacement at high temporal resolution are elusive. We present a novel record of near-field co-seismic displacement, measured with 1-second temporal resolution during the 30th October 2016 Mw 6.6 Vettore earthquake (Central Italy), using low-cost Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers located in the footwall and hangingwall of the Mt. Vettore - Mt. Bove fault system, close to new surface ruptures. We observe a clear temporal and spatial link between our near-field record and InSAR, far-field GPS data, regional measurements from the Italian Strong Motion and National Seismic networks, and field measurements of surface ruptures. Comparison of these datasets illustrates that the observed surface ruptures are the propagation of slip from depth on a surface rupturing (i.e. capable) fault array, as a direct and immediate response to the 30th October earthquake. Large near-field displacement ceased within 6-8 seconds of the origin time, implying that shaking induced gravitational processes were not the primary driving mechanism. We demonstrate that low-cost GNSS is an accurate monitoring tool when installed as custom-made, short-baseline networks.

J Res Natl Bur Stand A Phys Chem ; 72A(4): 351-354, 1968.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31824101


This paper presents data on a modified cadmium sulfate saturated standard cell of the Vosburgh type in which a tertiary amalgam containing 11.2 percent bismuth and 8.4 percent cadmium is used as anode and the double salt, CdSO4 · Na2SO4 · 2H2O is added to the usual CdSO4 electrolyte in an amount more than sufficient to saturate the solution with the double salt. Crystals of CdSO4 · Na2SO4 · 2H2O are placed over the surface of both electrodes. The emf of the cell, as a function of temperature, is given by E ( in volts ) = 1.018243 + 3.0956 × 10 - 5 t - 8.559 × 10 - 7 t 2 + 1.3534 × 10 - 8 t 3 . At 25 °C the cell has an emf-temperature coefficient of + 13.5 µV/°C while the conventional saturated cadmium sulfate cell has a dE/dT of -49.4 µV/°C. Data on the emf-temperature hysteresis of the cell on cooling and on heating are also given in graphical form. Data on the changes in Gibbs energy, enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity for the cell reaction are given for the temperature range of 5 to 40 °C.