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Front Psychol ; 15: 1336562, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38988400


Introduction: There are several risk factors associated with developing mental disorders among people over 60 years of age. Mental health encompasses multiple domains or capacities, which can comprise the psychological wellbeing of older people. Therefore, resilient coping, self-compassion, self-esteem, hopelessness, quality of life, and depression are considered the characteristics and adaptive mechanisms that bring together the main risk and protective factors for imbalance in mental wellbeing. Objective: This study aimed to establish the demographic, social, and family factors, as well as the clinical characteristics and lifestyle habits that influence the mental health of the elderly people in the city of Medellín, in the year 2021, to build a mental health index. Methodology: This study adopts a quantitative approach, employs retrospective temporality, and utilizes secondary sources. A cross-sectional survey was carried out with the SABAM Project (health and mental wellbeing of older adults from five cities in Colombia in 2021 by its Spanish acronym) database (secondary source), which is part of the research group "Public Health Observatory" of CES University (Medellín, Colombia). The database comprised 500 records of people aged over 60 years from the city of Medellín in 2021. While constructing the index, a principal component analysis was used, along with the Varimax method for factor analysis rotation. Results: The median age of the general population was 67 years (IQR 63-72); for men, the median age was 66 years (IQR 63-71) and for women, the median age was 67 years (IQR 63-72). An association was found between low socioeconomic levels, alcohol consumption, and the level of higher education (university-postgraduate) with low levels of the Mental Health Index in people over 60 years of age in Medellín during the year 2021. Conclusion: A quantitative model was developed to predict either a positive or negative prognosis in the mental wellbeing of the population over 60 years of age in the city of Medellín. The model was also used for the development of a sociodemographic profile highlighting the impact on mental health among people over 60 years of age with limited economic resources.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36612730


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore the housing and residential environment conditions associated with functional autonomy in older persons. METHODS: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted, including 175 individuals over the age of 60. Participants were non-institutionalized urban residents of Medellín, Colombia, selected by random two-stage sampling (neighborhoods and blocks). Analysis was done according to functional autonomy of action (dependent variable); and demographic conditions, housing, and the physical and social environment suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the strategy of age-friendly cities (independent variables). Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed with these variables, where the odds ratio (OR), association hypothesis test, and confidence intervals were estimated, using logistic regression models. RESULTS: 89.7% of older persons had moderate physical performance. The performance of intergenerational activities (OR = 5.28) and community actions (OR = 11.28) were part of social environments. The adaptations in public transport (OR = 90.33), sanitary services (OR = 4.1), and lighting in parks (OR = 19.9) of the physical environment were the associations found with functional autonomy. CONCLUSIONS: Exploring how the physical and social environments surrounding housing are associated with the functional performance of older persons can generate useful information to support public health and city infrastructure strategies that improve their physical performance and maintain autonomy.

Meio Ambiente , Meio Social , Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estudos Transversais , Cidades , Características de Residência
Agora USB ; 20(2): 118-128, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152758


Resumen Algunas personas en procesos de reintegración mayores (PPRM) que participaron en la guerra presentan alteraciones mentales explicadas por el largo tiempo desescola rizados y las situaciones vividas, que le disminuyen la posibilidad de acceso al campo laboral y a la sociedad, el funcionamiento cognitivo alterado fue más prevalente en personas sin educación formal, sin pareja o vivir en familias no funcionales. Entre los factores demográficos de las PPRM que aumentan la probabilidad de tener un sínto ma depresivo fue pertenecer al sexo masculino, tener más de 65 años, no contar con apoyo de una pareja y disminuye esta probabilidad si se cuenta con algún grado de escolaridad. De los factores familiares y sociales que se analizaron, solo se encontró que vivir con una familia no funcional aumenta el riesgo de sufrir síntomas depre sivos. Por lo que se requiere acompañamiento para la aceptación de su proceso de envejecimiento, el aprovechamiento de experiencias y el ejercicio de la ciudadanía.

Abstract Some Senior Citizens in Reintegration Processes (PPRM), who participated in war have mental disturbances explained by the long de-schooling and living situations, which decrease the possibility of accessing the workforce and society. Altered cognitive func tioning was more prevalent in people without formal education, without a partner, or living in non-functional families. Among the PPRM demographic factors of PPRM, which increase the likelihood of having a depressive symptom was belonging to the male sex, being over 65 years old, not having support from a partner. This likelihood decreases if there is any degree of schooling. Among the family and social factors discussed, only living with a non-functional family was found to increase the risk of depressive symptoms. Thus, accompaniment is required for the acceptance of their aging process, the use of experiences, and the exercise of citizenship.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 16(1): 93-112, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375278


Resumen A continuación se presenta una aproximación al estado actual de investigaciones relacionadas con la vejez y ser persona vieja. Para lograrlo se revisó sistemáticamente un amplio conjunto de referencias para dar cuenta de los aspectos más destacados, a saber, propósito general, referentes conceptuales, tipos de diseño, tipos de estudio, sujetos participantes, técnicas de recolección de la información, resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones. Posteriormente, se analizó en Colombia, durante los años 2008-2018, la formación universitaria existente, es decir, trabajos de grado de pregrado, especialización, maestría y doctorado y la producción escrita en libros. Además de los eventos académicos realizados durante los años 2014 - 2018 que permitan dar cuenta del estado actual de los estudios sobre la vejez y ser persona vieja desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria.

Abstract The following article presents an approach to the current state of research related to old age and being an elderly person. To this end, a broad set of references were systematically reviewed to account for the most outstanding aspects, namely: the general purpose of the study, conceptual references, types of design, types of study, participating subjects, techniques for collecting information, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Subsequently, the existing university education in Colombia for the years 2008-2018 was analyzed: that is, Undergraduate, Specialization, Masters and Doctorate degree programs, as well as and the written production in books. Additionally, the analysis covered the academic events held during the years 2014-2018, which allow to account for the current status of studies on old age and being an elderly person from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Agora USB ; 20(1): 173-189, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124125


Resumen Al analizar la Ruta de reintegración de la Agencia para la Reincorporación y la Normalización (ARN) para las Personas mayores en Colombia que han hecho parte de grupos armados al margen de la ley e inician procesos de reintegración a la vida civil, en el Estado Colombiano, se deja entrever por una lado que, esta población es especialmente vulnerable en tanto tienen más dificultad para adaptarse a la vida civil, advierte de la necesidad de reconocer los vacíos que exigen emplear enfoques diferenciales para abordar de forma adecuada las condiciones y necesidades particulares de este conjunto poblacional, destaca además, la importancia de aumentar o mejorar la oferta pública y privada de servicios que permitan una atención integral y sostenible.

Abstract By analyzing the Route of Reintegration of the Agency for Reintegration and Standardization (ARN) for senior citizens in Colombia, who have been part of illegal armed groups and initiate processes of reintegration into the civilian life, in the Colombian State, it is evident, on the one hand, that this population is especially vulnerable as they have more difficulty adapting to the civilian life. It warns of the need to recognize the gaps that require particular conditions and needs of this population group. It further stresses the importance of increasing and/or improving the public and private offer of services, which allow comprehensive and sustainable care.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1095657


La sexualidad es inherente y acompaña durante todo el curso de la vida a los seres humanos, trasciende el acto sexual para abordar aspectos de orden físico, emocional y cultural. Objetivo. Analizar los factores asociados a la percepción de la sexualidad según características demográficas, emocionales y psicológicas en personas mayores de 60 años. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, observacional analítico, con fuente de información primaria a 665 personas de 60 años y más de la ciudad de Medellín, en el año 2018. Se determinaron las características demográficas, emocionales y psicológicas que permitieran conocer su percepción sobre sexualidad. Se calcularon medidas de asociación X2 y como medidas epide- miológicas, razones de prevalencia crudas y ajustadas. Resultados. Las personas que nunca se sintieron tristes consideraron importante la sexualidad (69,4 %), los hombres con una pareja estable, que no se sienten solos, con apoyo social también la consideraron como algo importante. Conclusiones. La importancia en la sexualidad de la persona mayor está determinada por estados anímicos, de estabilidad emocional y de integración social.

Sexuality is inherent and accompanies human beings throughout the course of life, transcends the sexual act, to address aspects of physical, emotional and cultural order. Objective. To analyze the factors associ- ated with the perception of sexuality according to demographic, emotional and psychological characteristics in people over 60 years of age. Materials and methods. A quantitative, analytical, observational study was conducted, with a primary source of information, to 665 people aged 60 and over, from the city of Medellin, in 2018. The demographic, emotional and psychological characteristics that allowed to know their percep- tion about sexuality. X2 association measures were calculated and as epidemiological measures, crude and adjusted prevalence ratios. Results. People who never felt sad considered sexuality important (69.4%), men with a stable partner, who do not feel alone, with social support also considered it important. Conclusions. The importance in the sexuality of the older person is determined by moods, emotional stability and social integration.

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Envelhecimento/psicologia , Sexualidade/psicologia
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 37(3): 15-24, sep.-dic. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092008


Resumen Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados a la capacidad laboral de las personas mayores de 50 años, excombatientes de los grupos al margen de la ley, adscritos a la Agencia para la Reincorporación y la Normalización. Metodología: Estudio observacional, analítico de fuente de información primaria, con 239 personas mayores en proceso de reintegración, encuestados en cinco lugares de Colombia. Se calculó la razón de prevalencia cruda y ajustada, mediante una regresión logística no condicional, con valor de p< 0,05, considerada una asociación estadísticamente significativa. Resultados: El 71,5 % de las personas mayores de 50 años se encuentran laborando, principalmente, en el sector informal. La dependencia funcional se asocia, aunque no de forma significativa, con ser hombre, soltero, no tener limitaciones para ver o moverse, y mostrar habilidades en la conducción de vehículos y el manejo de computadores. Presentaron mayor limitación en el campo laboral los que tienen dificultades para hablar y un menor nivel educativo. Conclusión: La adaptación a la vida laboral de las personas mayores excombatientes de los grupos al margen de la ley puede facilitarse con la implementación de enfoques diferenciales, programas educativos formales e informales, el uso de ayudas ortopédicas, la generación de estrategias de acceso al empleo y estrategias saludables que promuevan su salud y atención a los efectos de la guerra.

Abstract Objective: To identify factors associated with work capacity in people being over 50 years old, who used to be ex-combatants from groups outside the law, and who are now registered in the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization. Methodology: Observational analytic study using primary sources of information from 239 senior subjects in the reincorporation process. All of them were surveyed in five different locations in Colombia. Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios were calculated through unconditional logistic regression, with a p-value of < 0.05, which is considered a statistically significant association. Results: 71.5 % of subjects being over 50 years old work mainly in the informal sector. A functional dependency is associated, though not significantly, with being a single man, or a man without sight or movement disabilities, or a man having driving and computer skills. Those with speech disorders and a lower educational level presented greater limitations in the labor field. Conclusion: Adaptation processes to work life for senior ex-combatants from groups outside the law may be facilitated through the implementation of differential approaches, formal and informal educational programs, use of orthopedic aids, generation of strategies for access to employment and health strategies that promote their wellbeing and attention to the effects of war.

Resumo Objetivo: Identificar os fatores associados à capacidade laboral de pessoas acima de 50 anos, excombatentes de grupos fora da lei, vinculados à Agência de Reintegração e a vida Normal. Metodologia: Estudo observacional e analítico da fonte primária de informações, com 239 idosos em processo de reintegração, pesquisados em cinco locais da Colômbia. Calculou-se a razão de prevalência bruta e ajustada, através de uma regressão logística não condicional, com valor de p <0,05, considerada uma associação estatisticamente relevante. Resultados: O 71,5% das pessoas com mais de 50 anos estão trabalhando principalmente no setor informal. A dependência funcional está associada, embora não significativamente, a ser homem, solteiro, sem limitações para ver ou se mover e mostrar habilidades em dirigir veículos e trabalho com computadores. Apresentaram maiores limitações no trabalho aqueles que têm dificuldades para falar e com menor nível educacional. Conclusão: A adaptação à vida profissional dos idosos excombatentes dos grupos fora da lei pode ser facilitada com a implementação de abordagens diferenciais, programas educacionais formais e informais, uso de aparelhos ortopédicos, geração de estratégias de acesso ao emprego e estratégias saudáveis que promovam sua saúde e atenção aos efeitos da guerra.