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Chem Sci ; 2024 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39144462


The burgeoning field of quantum sensing hinges on the creation and control of quantum bits. To date, the most well-studied quantum sensors are optically active, paramagnetic defects residing in crystalline hosts. We previously developed analogous optically addressable molecules featuring a ground-state spin-triplet centered on a Cr4+ ion with an optical-spin interface. In this work, we evaluate isovalent V3+ and Mo4+ congeners, which offer unique advantages, such as an intrinsic nuclear spin for V3+ or larger spin-orbit coupling for Mo4+, as optically addressable spin systems. We assess the ground-state spin structure and dynamics for each complex, illustrating that all of these spin-triplet species can be coherently controlled. However, unlike the Cr4+ derivatives, these pseudo-tetrahedral V3+ and Mo4+ complexes exhibit no measurable emission. Coupling absorption spectroscopy with computational predictions, we investigate why these complexes exhibit no detectable photoluminescence. These cumulative results suggest that design of future V3+ complexes should target pseudo-tetrahedral symmetries using bidentate or tridentate ligand scaffolds, ideally with deuterated or fluorinated ligand environments. We also suggest that spin-triplet Mo4+, and by extension W4+, complexes may not be suitable candidate optically addressable qubit systems due to their low energy spin-singlet states. By understanding the failures and successes of these systems, we outline additional design features for optically addressable V- or Mo-based molecules to expand the library of tailor-made quantum sensors.

Inorg Chem ; 63(28): 12785-12802, 2024 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38954760


Ordered oxygen vacancies (OOVs) in perovskites can exhibit long-range order and may be used to direct materials properties through modifications in electronic structures and broken symmetries. Based on the various vacancy patterns observed in previously known compounds, we explore the ordering principles of oxygen-deficient perovskite oxides with ABO2.5 stoichiometry to identify other OOV variants. We performed first-principles calculations to assess the OOV stability on a data set of 50 OOV structures generated from our bespoke algorithm. The algorithm employs uniform planar vacancy patterns on (111) pseudocubic perovskite layers and the approach proves effective for generating stable OOV patterns with minimal computational loads. We find as expected that the major factors determining the stability of OOV structures include coordination preferences of transition metals and elastic penalties resulting from the assemblies of polyhedra. Cooperative rotational modes of polyhedra within the OOV structures reduce elastic instabilities by optimizing the bond valence of A- and B cations. This finding explains the observed formation of vacancy channels along low-index crystallographic directions in prototypical OOV phases. The identified ordering principles enable us to devise other stable vacancy patterns with longer periodicity for targeted property design in yet to be synthesized compounds.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(30): 40160-40169, 2024 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39016442


Molecular qubits are a promising platform for quantum information systems. Although single molecule and ensemble studies have assessed the performance of S = 1/2 molecules, it is understood that to function in devices, regular arrays of addressable qubits supported by a substrate are needed. The substrate imposes mechanical and electronic boundary conditions on the molecule; however, the impact of these effects on spin-lattice relaxation times is not well understood. Here we perform electronic structure calculations to assess the effects of a graphene (Cgr) substrate on the molecular qubit copper phthalocyanine (CuPc). We use a progressive Hessian approach to efficiently calculate and separate the substrate contributions. We also use a simple thermal model to predict the impact of these changes on the spin-phonon coupling from 0 to 200 K. Further analysis of the individual vibrational modes with and without Cgr shows that an overall increase in SPC between the vibrations modes of CuPc with the surface reduces the spin-lattice relaxation time T1. We explain these changes by examining how the substrate lifts symmetries of CuPc in the absorbed configuration. Our work shows that a surface can have a large unintentional impact on SPC and that ways to reduce this coupling need to be found to fully exploit arrays of molecular qubits in device architectures.

Nat Mater ; 23(7): 912-919, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38605196


Polar metals have recently garnered increasing interest because of their promising functionalities. Here we report the experimental realization of an intrinsic coexisting ferromagnetism, polar distortion and metallicity in quasi-two-dimensional Ca3Co3O8. This material crystallizes with alternating stacking of oxygen tetrahedral CoO4 monolayers and octahedral CoO6 bilayers. The ferromagnetic metallic state is confined within the quasi-two-dimensional CoO6 layers, and the broken inversion symmetry arises simultaneously from the Co displacements. The breaking of both spatial-inversion and time-reversal symmetries, along with their strong coupling, gives rise to an intrinsic magnetochiral anisotropy with exotic magnetic field-free non-reciprocal electrical resistivity. An extraordinarily robust topological Hall effect persists over a broad temperature-magnetic field phase space, arising from dipole-induced Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Our work not only provides a rich platform to explore the coupling between polarity and magnetism in a metallic system, with extensive potential applications, but also defines a novel design strategy to access exotic correlated electronic states.

Inorg Chem ; 63(18): 8131-8141, 2024 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38639743


Mixed metal oxyhalides are an exciting class of photocatalysts, capable of the sustainable generation of fuels and remediation of pollutants with solar energy. Bismuth oxyhalides of the types Bi4MO8X (M = Nb and Ta; X = Cl and Br) and Bi2AO4X (A = most lanthanides; X = Cl, Br, and I) have an electronic structure that imparts photostability, as their valence band maxima (VBM) are composed of O 2p orbitals rather than X np orbitals that typify many other bismuth oxyhalides. Here, flux-based synthesis of intergrowth Bi4NbO8Cl-Bi2GdO4Cl is reported, testing the hypothesis that both intergrowth stoichiometry and M identity serve as levers toward tunable optoelectronic properties. X-ray scattering and atomically resolved electron microscopy verify intergrowth formation. Facile manipulation of the Bi4NbO8Cl-to-Bi2GdO4Cl ratio is achieved with the specific ratio influencing both the crystal and electronic structures of the intergrowths. This compositional flexibility and crystal structure engineering can be leveraged for photocatalytic applications, with comparisons to the previously reported Bi4TaO8Cl-Bi2GdO4Cl intergrowth revealing how subtle structural and compositional features can impact photocatalytic materials.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(8): 6717-6725, 2024 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38321974


Here we present a detailed analysis of the structure, bonding character, and electronic structure of anti-anatase ß-Mo2N using density functional theory calculations. We analyze the crystal orbital Hamilton populations, phonon band structure, and electronic structure calculations to explain its low energy transport behavior. We further examine the electronic structures of (anti-)rutile and (anti-)anatase M3-nXn (X = N,O; n = 1,2) M = Ti and Mo nitrides and oxides to show that the atomic structure of anti-anatase leads to metallic behavior independent of the metal and ligand chemistry. Finally, we assess whether these anti-anatase compounds are viable electrides using electron density maps and electron localization functions. Our work shows anti-structures of known binary compounds can expand the phase space of available metallic ceramics beyond layered, hexagonal carbides and nitrides, e.g., Mn+1An (MAX) where n = 1-4.

Nat Mater ; 23(2): 182-188, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38182809


Multiferroic materials, particularly those possessing simultaneous electric and magnetic orders, offer a platform for design technologies and to study modern physics. Despite the substantial progress and evolution of multiferroics, one priority in the field remains to be the discovery of unexplored materials, especially those offering different mechanisms for controlling electric and magnetic orders1. Here we demonstrate the simultaneous thermal control of electric and magnetic polarizations in quasi-two-dimensional halides (K,Rb)3Mn2Cl7, arising from a polar-antipolar transition, as evidenced using both X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data. Our density functional theory calculations indicate a possible polarization-switching path including a strong coupling between the electric and magnetic orders in our halide materials, suggesting a magnetoelectric coupling and a situation not realized in oxide analogues. We expect our findings to stimulate the exploration of non-oxide multiferroics and magnetoelectrics to open access to alternative mechanisms, beyond conventional electric and magnetic control, for coupling ferroic orders.

Sci Adv ; 9(47): eadi0138, 2023 Nov 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37992171


Thin-film ferroelectrics have been pursued for capacitive and nonvolatile memory devices. They rely on polarizations that are oriented in an out-of-plane direction to facilitate integration and addressability with complementary metal-oxide semiconductor architectures. The internal depolarization field, however, formed by surface charges can suppress the out-of-plane polarization in ultrathin ferroelectric films that could otherwise exhibit lower coercive fields and operate with lower power. Here, we unveil stabilization of a polar longitudinal optical (LO) mode in the n = 2 Ruddlesden-Popper family that produces out-of-plane ferroelectricity, persists under open-circuit boundary conditions, and is distinct from hyperferroelectricity. Our first-principles calculations show the stabilization of the LO mode is ubiquitous in chalcogenides and halides and relies on anharmonic trilinear mode coupling. We further show that the out-of-plane ferroelectricity can be predicted with a crystallographic tolerance factor, and we use these insights to design a room-temperature multiferroic with strong magnetoelectric coupling suitable for magneto-electric spin-orbit transistors.

Inorg Chem ; 62(31): 12413-12422, 2023 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37489948


Transition metal subchalcogenides involve electron-rich metals and can facilitate an in-depth understanding of the relationships among quantum properties such as superconductivity, charge density wave, and topological band structures. However, effective experimental routes toward synthesizing transition metal subchalcogenides are still lacking, hindering the development of new quantum materials. Herein, we propose a eutectic polytelluride flux strategy as an excellent solution to address phase discovery and crystal growth in transition metal subtelluride systems. We report new phases easily and selectively synthesized using a eutectic "K3Te4" polytelluride flux upon adjusting the ratio of Nb metal to flux in the starting materials (K/Nb/Te = 3:x:4). Using a high Nb content in the solvent (x = 2 and 1), crystals of KNb3Te3O0.38 and K0.9Nb3Te4 are obtained. Both subtellurides exhibit diverse Nb clusters, including face-sharing and edge-sharing Nb6 octahedral columns and zig-zag Nb chains. Reducing the Nb content to x = 0.33 leads to the formation of a layered compound, K1.06NbTe2. This compound comprises a NbTe6 trigonal prism with K intercalated between the layers. Single crystals of known binary Nb tellurides can also be grown using another eutectic flux "KTe3.2", and the obtained NbTe2 exhibits a new polymorphism with extra trimerization along the b-axis in the Nb-Nb bonded double zig-zag cluster. Precise control over the structural dimensionality and oxidation state, combined with the facile crystal growth process, makes our synthetic strategy an efficient route to explore quantum materials in transition metal subchalcogenides.

Inorg Chem ; 62(28): 11134-11141, 2023 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37410695


Sulfide perovskites (ABX3) are under increasing investigation for use in photovoltaic, optoelectronic, dielectric, and thermoelectric devices due to their favorable band gaps, dynamical properties, environmental stability, and structural diversity. A key material parameter to optimize in such devices is the constituent materials' coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) in order to minimize thermomechanical stress during fabrication and operation. This can be done by avoiding materials that have large CTE mismatch or by compensating positive thermal expansion by including materials with negative thermal expansion (NTE). Here, we evaluate the CTE of (edge-connected) α- and (corner-connected) ß-SrZrS3 with density functional theory and the self-consistent quasiharmonic approximation. We find that both materials exhibit positive thermal expansion at 0 GPa and host pressure-induced negative thermal expansion. The ß phase has a smaller CTE (37 × 10-6 K-1) at room temperature and ambient pressure and also has a larger NTE response under pressure due to its more flexible corner-connected framework structure. We use our findings to suggest that corner-shared motifs should be prioritized over edge- or face-shared octahedral networks to maximize NTE arising from vibrational (phononic) mechanisms.

Inorg Chem ; 62(23): 8903-8913, 2023 Jun 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37260199


Magnesium vanadate (MgV2O6) and its alloys with copper vanadate were synthesized via the solution combustion technique. Phase purity and solid solution formation were confirmed by a variety of experimental techniques, supported by electronic structure simulations based on density functional theory (DFT). Powder X-ray diffraction combined with Rietveld refinement, laser Raman spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy showed single-phase alloy formation despite the MgV2O6 and CuV2O6 end members exhibiting monoclinic and triclinic crystal systems, respectively. DFT-calculated optical band gaps showed close agreement in the computed optical bandgaps with experimentally derived values. Surface photovoltage spectroscopy, ambient-pressure photoemission spectroscopy, and Kelvin probe contact potential difference (work function) measurements confirmed a systematic variation in the optical bandgap modification and band alignment as a function of stoichiometry in the alloy composition. These data indicated n-type semiconductor behavior for all the samples which was confirmed by photoelectrochemical measurements.

ACS Nano ; 17(6): 5399-5411, 2023 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36883970


Conventional epitaxy plays a crucial role in current state-of-the art semiconductor technology, as it provides a path for accurate control at the atomic scale of thin films and nanostructures, to be used as the building blocks in nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, sensors, etc. Four decades ago, the terms "van der Waals" (vdW) and "quasi-vdW (Q-vdW) epitaxy" were coined to explain the oriented growth of vdW layers on 2D and 3D substrates, respectively. The major difference with conventional epitaxy is the weaker interaction between the epi-layer and the epi-substrates. Indeed, research on Q-vdW epitaxial growth of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) has been intense, with oriented growth of atomically thin semiconductors on sapphire being one of the most studied systems. Nonetheless, there are some striking and not yet understood differences in the literature regarding the orientation registry between the epi-layers and epi-substrate and the interface chemistry. Here we study the growth of WS2 via a sequential exposure of the metal and the chalcogen precursors in a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system, introducing a metal-seeding step prior to the growth. The ability to control the delivery of the precursor made it possible to study the formation of a continuous and apparently ordered WO3 mono- or few-layer at the surface of a c-plane sapphire. Such an interfacial layer is shown to strongly influence the subsequent quasi-vdW epitaxial growth of the atomically thin semiconductor layers on sapphire. Hence, here we elucidate an epitaxial growth mechanism and demonstrate the robustness of the metal-seeding approach for the oriented formation of other TMDC layers. This work may enable the rational design of vdW and quasi-vdW epitaxial growth on different material systems.

Inorg Chem ; 62(6): 2942-2950, 2023 Feb 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36716235


We report the synthesis and optical properties of noncentrosymmetric (NCS) γ-Cs2I4O11 that was obtained through IO4 polyhedral rearrangements from centrosymmetric (CS) ß-Cs2I4O11. Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) acts as a structure-directing agent and plays a key role in the synthesis. It is suggested that the function of TFA is to promote rearrangement reactions found in the organic synthesis of stereoisomers. γ-Cs2I4O11 crystallizes in the NCS monoclinic space group P21 (No. 4) and exhibits a strong second-harmonic-generation (SHG) response of 5.0 × KDP (KH2PO4) under 1064 nm laser radiation. Additional SHG experiments indicate that the material is type I phase matchable. First-principles calculations show that SHG intensity mainly comes from its d34, d21, and d23 SHG tensor components. The synthetic strategy of discovering γ-Cs2I4O11 provides a new way for designing novel NCS SHG materials.

Adv Mater ; 35(11): e2205923, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36205651


The stability, reliability, and performance of halide-perovskite-based devices depend upon the structure, composition, and particle size of the device-enabling materials. Indeed, the degree of ion mixing in multicomponent perovskite crystals, although challenging to control, is a key factor in determining properties. Herein, an emerging method termed evaporation-crystallization polymer pen lithography is used to synthesize and systematically study the degree of ionic mixing of Cs0.5 FA0.5 PbX3 (FA = formamidinium; X = halide anion, ABX3 ) crystals, as a function of size, temperature, and composition. These experiments have led to the discovery of a heterostructure morphology where the A-site cations, Cs and FA, are segregated into the core and edge layers, respectively. Simulation and experimental results indicate that the heterostructures form as a consequence of a combination of both differences in solubility of the two ions in solution and the enthalpic preference for Cs-FA ion segregation. This preference for segregation can be overcome to form a solid-solution by decreasing crystal size (<60 nm) or increasing temperature. Finally, these tools are utilized to identify and synthesize solid-solution nanocrystals of Cs0.5 FA0.5 Pb(Br/I)3 that significantly suppress photoinduced anion migration compared to their bulk counterparts, offering a route to deliberately designed photostable optoelectronic materials.

Adv Mater ; 34(49): e2202841, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36189841


Magnetism in topological materials creates phases exhibiting quantized transport phenomena with potential technological applications. The emergence of such phases relies on strong interaction between localized spins and the topological bands, and the consequent formation of an exchange gap. However, this remains experimentally unquantified in intrinsic magnetic topological materials. Here, this interaction is quantified in MnBi2 Te4 , a topological insulator with intrinsic antiferromagnetism. This is achieved by optically exciting Bi-Te p states comprising the bulk topological bands and interrogating the consequent Mn 3d spin dynamics, using a multimodal ultrafast approach. Ultrafast electron scattering and magneto-optic measurements show that the p states demagnetize via electron-phonon scattering at picosecond timescales. Despite being energetically decoupled from the optical excitation, the Mn 3d spins, probed by resonant X-ray scattering, are observed to disorder concurrently with the p spins. Together with atomistic simulations, this reveals that the exchange coupling between localized spins and the topological bands is at least 100 times larger than the superexchange interaction, implying an optimal exchange gap of at least 25 meV in the surface states. By quantifying this exchange coupling, this study validates the materials-by-design strategy of utilizing localized magnetic order to manipulate topological phases, spanning static to ultrafast timescales.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(12): 127601, 2022 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36179158


We use an x-ray free-electron laser to study the lattice dynamics following photoexcitation with ultrafast near-UV light (wavelength 266 nm, 50 fs pulse duration) of the incipient ferroelectric potassium tantalate, KTaO_{3}. By probing the lattice dynamics corresponding to multiple Brillouin zones through the x-ray diffuse scattering with pulses from the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) (wavelength 1.3 Å and <10 fs pulse duration), we observe changes in the diffuse intensity associated with a hardening of the transverse acoustic phonon branches along Γ to X and Γ to M. Using force constants from density functional theory, we fit the quasiequilibrium intensity and obtain the instantaneous lattice temperature and density of photoexcited charge carriers. The density functional theory calculations demonstrate that photoexcitation transfers charge from oxygen 2p derived π-bonding orbitals to Ta 5d derived antibonding orbitals, further suppressing the ferroelectric instability and increasing the stability of the cubic, paraelectric structure.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(38)2022 07 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35797983


When creating training data for machine-learned interatomic potentials (MLIPs), it is common to create initial structures and evolve them using molecular dynamics (MD) to sample a larger configuration space. We benchmark two other modalities of evolving structures, contour exploration (CE) and dimer-method (DM) searches against MD for their ability to produce diverse and robust density functional theory training data sets for MLIPs. We also discuss the generation of initial structures which are either from known structures or from random structures in detail to further formalize the structure-sourcing processes in the future. The polymorph-rich zirconium-oxygen composition space is used as a rigorous benchmark system for comparing the performance of MLIPs trained on structures generated from these structural evolution methods. Using Behler-Parrinello neural networks as our MLIP models, we find that CE and the DM searches are generally superior to MD in terms of spatial descriptor diversity and statistical accuracy.

Benchmarking , Redes Neurais de Computação , Aprendizagem , Aprendizado de Máquina , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular
J Am Chem Soc ; 144(30): 13903-13912, 2022 Aug 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35867482


The isostructural heteroanionic compounds ß-LiAsS2-xSex (x = 0, 0.25, 1, 1.75, 2) show a positive correlation between selenium content and second-harmonic response and greatly outperform the industry standard AgGaSe2. These materials crystallize in the noncentrosymmetric space group Cc as one-dimensional 1/∞ [AsQ2]- (Q = S, Se, S/Se) chains consisting of corner-sharing AsQ3 trigonal pyramids with charge-balancing Li+ atoms interspersed between the chains. LiAsS2-xSex melts congruently for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.75, but when the Se content exceeds x = 1.75, crystallization is complicated by a phase transition. This behavior is attributed to the ß- to α-phase transition present in LiAsSe2, which is observed in the Se-rich compositions. The band gap decreases with increasing Se content, starting at 1.63 eV (LiAsS2) and reaching 1.06 eV (ß-LiAsSe2). Second-harmonic generation measurements as a function of wavelength on powder samples of ß-LiAsS2-xSex show that these materials exhibit significantly higher nonlinearity than AgGaSe2 (d36 = 33 pm/V), reaching a maximum of 61.2 pm/V for LiAsS2. In comparison, single-crystal measurements for LiAsSSe yielded a deff = 410 pm/V. LiAsSSe, LiAsS0.25Se1.75, and ß-LiAsSe2 show phase-matching behavior for incident wavelengths exceeding 3 µm. The laser-induced damage thresholds from two-photon absorption processes are on the same order of magnitude as AgGaSe2, with S-rich materials slightly outperforming AgGaSe2 and Se-rich materials slightly underperforming AgGaSe2.

Chem Sci ; 13(23): 7034-7045, 2022 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35774181


The second quantum revolution harnesses exquisite quantum control for a slate of diverse applications including sensing, communication, and computation. Of the many candidates for building quantum systems, molecules offer both tunability and specificity, but the principles to enable high temperature operation are not well established. Spin-lattice relaxation, represented by the time constant T 1, is the primary factor dictating the high temperature performance of quantum bits (qubits), and serves as the upper limit on qubit coherence times (T 2). For molecular qubits at elevated temperatures (>100 K), molecular vibrations facilitate rapid spin-lattice relaxation which limits T 2 to well below operational minimums for certain quantum technologies. Here we identify the effects of controlling orbital angular momentum through metal coordination geometry and ligand rigidity via π-conjugation on T 1 relaxation in three four-coordinate Cu2+ S = ½ qubit candidates: bis(N,N'-dimethyl-4-amino-3-penten-2-imine) copper(ii) (Me2Nac)2 (1), bis(acetylacetone)ethylenediamine copper(ii) Cu(acacen) (2), and tetramethyltetraazaannulene copper(ii) Cu(tmtaa) (3). We obtain significant T 1 improvement upon changing from tetrahedral to square planar geometries through changes in orbital angular momentum. T 1 is further improved with greater π-conjugation in the ligand framework. Our electronic structure calculations reveal that the reduced motion of low energy vibrations in the primary coordination sphere slows relaxation and increases T 1. These principles enable us to report a new molecular qubit candidate with room temperature T 2 = 0.43 µs, and establishes guidelines for designing novel qubit candidates operating above 100 K.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 13(26): 6236-6243, 2022 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35770969


We formulate the maximum driving force (MDF) parameter as a descriptor to capture the thermodynamic stability of aqueous surface scale creation over a range of environmental conditions. We use free energies of formation, ΔfG's, sourced from high-throughput density functional theory (DFT) calculations and experimental databases to compute the maximum driving force for a range of materials, including oxides and hydroxides of varying compositions. We show how to use the MDF to describe trends in the aqueous corrosion of nickel thin films determined from experimental linear sweep voltammetry data. We also show how to account for subsurface oxidation behavior using depth-dependent effective chemical potentials. We anticipate this approach will increase the overall understanding of oxide formation on chemically complex multielement alloys, where competing oxide phases can form during transient aqueous corrosion.