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Geoderma Reg ; 37: None, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38887654


In the Eastern Gangetic Plain (EGP) soil hydrology is a major determinant of land use and also governs the ecosystem services derived from cropping systems, particularly greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from rice fields. To characterize patterns of soil hydrology in these, daily field monitoring of water levels was conducted during the monsoon (kharif) season in a comparatively wet (2021) and dry (2022) year with flooding depth and drainage tracked with field water tubes across 47 (2021) and 183 (2022) locations. Fields were clustered into hydrologic response types (HRT) which can then be used for land surface modelling, land use recommendations, and to target agronomic interventions that contribute to sustainable development outcomes. Clusters based on two methods of summarizing a single information source were compared. The information source was a time-series of field water-level observations, and the two methods were (1) the original time-series and their first differences and (2) a set of derived hydrologic descriptors that are conceptually related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Clustering was (1) by k-means with an optimization of cluster numbers and (2) by hierarchical clustering with the same number of clusters as identified by k-means. Hydrologic behaviour shifted dramatically between growing seasons, and it was not possible to identify consistent HRT's across years. The clusters had only a weak relation with soil properties, almost no relation with farmer perception of relative landscape position, and no relation with rice establishment method. Clusters based on time-series were moderately well predicted in the dry year 2022 by optimized random forest models, with the most important predictors being the number of irrigations, seasonal precipitation, pre-monsoon groundwater levels, seasonal groundwater level change, and pH, this latter as a surrogate for landscape position and other soil properties. In the wet year 2021 clusters were (poorly) predicted by just seasonal precipitation and pre-monsoon groundwater levels. This shows the complex relation of soil hydrology with landscape position and land management, as well as synoptic climate. By contrast, clusters based on the descriptors were not well-matched with those from the time-series, and could not be well predicted by random forest models. This shows that different clustering criteria may result in different interpretations of the landscape hydrology and thus different heuristics for anticipating the hydrology of a given field under different management choices.

Forensic Sci Int ; 347: 111688, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37068374


Similarity algorithms are commonly used in soil forensic applications to help identify similar samples from an existing reference library as possible source locations of unknown target samples. These algorithms are well-suited to compare soil spectra. However, different similarity algorithms may lead to different clusters of similar samples, and thus different strengths of evidence in forensic investigations. To quantify this, we conducted a study to evaluate the influence of seven similarity algorithms on soil provenance, using as a sample set a soil spectral library consisting of 280 soil profiles from Anhui Province, China. This library includes three spatial scales of datasets: provincial (DSp), county (DSc) and field (DSf). A set of ten samples covering a wide range of spectra variations were selected from the DSf dataset as the "unknown" samples, with the remaining being used as the reference samples. This study aimed to: (1) evaluate how several commonly-used similarity algorithms, namely Euclidean distance (ED), Mahalanobis distance (MD), Spectral angle mapper (SAM), and Spectral information divergence (SID), as well as variants of several of these measured in standardized principal component space computed from the spectra (ED_PCA, MD_PCA and SAM_PCA), influence the identification of the matched similar samples; (2) determine the overlap in sample selection between different similarity algorithms; (3) propose best practices for similarity algorithms applied to soil forensic analysis using spectroscopy. The use of different similarity algorithms did influence the selection of most similar samples. The similarity algorithms calculated in PC space (ED_PCA, MD_PCA and SAM_PCA) performed slightly better than their counterparts calculated in spectral space. Due to the availability of a detailed spectral library, regardless of the different similarity algorithms used, the matched most similar samples were all located close to the unknowns, mostly within 3 km, with one exception. That is, the varied choices of different similarity algorithms hardly influenced the conclusion of soil provenance in this case. In general, MD_PCA, SAM and ED were the best similarity algorithms overall. However, since there was no single best algorithms for all cases, we recommend the joint use of MD_PCA, SAM and ED as an ensemble. Indications of possible sample provenance from these similarity measured can be useful evidence to complement evidence from other methods in a forensic investigation.

Forensic Sci Int ; 317: 110544, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33152601


This study evaluates to what degree soil samples associated in characteristic space are also close in geographical space, i.e., the possible location from which an unknown sample was obtained in a forensic investigation. The study compares similarity computed from Munsell colors, RGB colors, and full visible-near infrared (vis-NIR) spectra by the spectral angle mapper with similarity based on six easily-measured physio-chemical properties. The reference area is Anhui Province, China with three scales of datasets: provincial, county, and field. Ten diverse "unknown" samples were selected by the Kennard-Stone algorithm from the field-scale dataset and their matches in characteristic space from the several datasets were found by the different methods. The geographic distances of the matches to the "unknowns" were used to evaluate the source identification ability. When a detailed library with local samples is present, a limited set of physio-chemical properties achieved higher geographic accuracy than the color and spectral methods. However, with a regional library the spectral and color methods are superior. Distances in RGB space reveal finer differences than exact matching in Munsell space, but whole-spectra matching outperforms both, because of the rich information influenced by more soil properties than influencing color. We recommend the use of soil vis-NIR spectra as a priority indicator for forensic soil analysis because of its success in this study and its ability to work non-destructively on small quantities of soil.