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J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(31)2022 06 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35623339


We study the short-time dynamics (STD) of the Vicsek model (VM) with vector noise. The study of STD has proved to be very useful in the determination of the critical point, critical exponents and spinodal points in equilibrium phase transitions. Here we aim is to test its applicability in active systems. We find that, despite the essential non-equilibrium characteristics of the VM (absence of detailed balance, activity), the STD presents qualitatively the same phenomenology as in equilibrium systems. From the STD one can distinguish whether the transition is continuous or discontinuous (which we have checked also computing the Binder cumulant). When the transition is continuous, one can determine the critical point and the critical exponents.

Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis , Humanos , Transição de Fase
Environ Pollut ; 285: 117344, 2021 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34049135


Large-scale ecotoxicological studies have technical and ethical limitations, both related to the need to expose large numbers of individuals to potentially harmful compounds. The computational modeling is a complementary useful and predictive tool that overcomes these limitations. Considering the increasing interest in the effects of pesticides on behavioral traits, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of chlorpyrifos (CPF) on intra- and inter-specific interactions of anuran tadpoles, complementing traditional ecotoxicological tools with a theoretical analysis verified by computational simulations. Experiments were developed under two consecutive phases: a first phase of exposure (treated and control group), and a second phase of interactions. The second phase consisted of evaluating the effects of CPF on intra- and inter-specific interactions of exposed C. ornata (Co) tadpoles acting as predators and unexposed Rhinella fernandezae (Rf) tadpoles acting as prey (Experiment I), under different predator-prey proportions (0/10 = 0Co-10Rf, 2/8, 4/6, 6/4, 8/2, 10/0). Also, intraspecific interactions of three Co tadpoles under different conditions of exposure were evaluated (Experiment II: 3 exposed Co, 2 exposed Co/1 non-exposed, 1 exposed Co/2 non-exposed). During the exposure phase, chlorpyrifos induced significant mortality from 48 h (48 h: p < 0.05, 72 h-96 h: p < 0.001), irregular swimming, tail flexure, and the presence of subcutaneous air. Also, it induced effects on the sounds emitted after 96 h of exposure, registering a smaller number of pulses and higher dominant frequencies, and altered intra- and inter-specific interactions. During the interaction phase, the larvae continued to show sound effects, however, the antipredator mechanism continued to be operating and efficient. Finally, it was possible to model the behavior of the larvae under the effects of chlorpyrifos. We conclude that experimental data and computational modeling matched. Therefore, computational simulation is a valuable ecotoxicological tool that provides new information and allows prediction of natural processes.

Clorpirifos , Animais , Anuros , Bufonidae , Clorpirifos/toxicidade , Ecotoxicologia , Humanos , Larva , Comportamento Predatório
Phys Rev E ; 102(2-1): 022307, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32942496


We study the pedestrian motion along a corridor in a nonpanic regime, as usually happens in evacuation scenarios in, e.g., schools, hospitals, or airports, by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We present a model, a combination of the well-known social force model (SFM) and Vicsek model (VM), that takes into account both model interactions, based on the relative position (SFM) and based on the velocity of the particles with some randomness (modulated by an external control parameter, the noise η, VM), respectively. To clarify the influence of the model ingredients we have compared simulations using (a) the pure Vicsek model (VM) with two boundary conditions (periodic and bouncing back) and with or without desired direction of motion, (b) the social force model (SFM), and (c) the model (SFM+VM). The study of steady-state particle configurations in the VM with confined geometry shows the expected bands perpendicular to the motion direction, while in the SFM and SFM+VM particles order in stripes of a given width w along the direction of motion. The results in the SFM+VM case show that w(t)≃t^{α} has a diffusivelike behavior at low noise η (dynamic exponent α≈1/2), while it is subdiffusive at high values of external noise (α<1/2). We observe the well-known order-disorder transition in the VM with both boundary conditions, but the application of a desired direction condition inhibits the existence of disorder as expected. Similar behavior is observed in the SFM case. For the SFM+VM case we find a susceptibility maximum which slowly increases with system size as a function of noise strength. This might be indicative of a order-disorder transition in the range of densities (ρε[1/12,1/9]) and speeds (v_{0}ε[0.5,2]) studied.

Phys Rev E ; 99(5-1): 052602, 2019 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31212496


We study through numerical simulation the Vicsek model for very low speeds and densities. We consider scalar noise in two and three dimensions and vector noise in three dimensions. We focus on the behavior of the critical noise with density and speed, trying to clarify seemingly contradictory earlier results. We find that, for scalar noise, the critical noise is a power law in both density and speed, but although we confirm the density exponent in two dimensions, we find a speed exponent different from earlier reports (we consider lower speeds than previous studies). On the other hand, for the vector noise case we find that the dependence of the critical noise cannot be separated as a product of power laws in speed and density. Finally, we study the dependence of the relaxation time with speed. At the critical point we find a power law, with the same exponent in two and three dimensions.