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Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 12(1): 15-24, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560181


Resumen La obesidad se ha posicionado como uno de los principales problemas de salud pública en México. Su estudio involucra el análisis de la conducta alimentaria (CA) y de algunos de sus parámetros, como la velocidad al comer (VC). El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la VC, tamaño y número de mordiscos, número y patrón de masticaciones que realizan personas con normopeso (n = 5) y sobrepeso-obesidad (n = 4). Mediante un diseño cuasiexperimental de una sola evaluación, los participantes fueron video-grabados mientras comían una rebana de pizza (90 gramos). Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el tamaño del mordisco (Z = 2.357, p = 0.016) y el número de mordiscos (Z = -2.357, p = 0.016), con un tamaño del efecto pequeño en ambos parámetros (r = 0.29), lo que indica que las personas con sobrepeso-obesidad tienen un mordisco de mayor tamaño y realizan un menor número de mordiscos. México posee un ambiente obesogénico y una prevalencia alta en enfermedades crónico-degenerativas, que comparten a la CA como una de las principales causas de su génesis, continuar con el estudio de la VC y parámetros asociados permitirá sentar las bases para el diseño de intervenciones para la prevención de sobrepeso-obesidad.

Abstract Obesity has become one of the main public health problems in Mexico. Its study involves the analysis of eating behavior (EB) and some of its parameters, such as eating speed (ES). The objective of this study was to compare the ES, size and number of bites, number and pattern of chewing performed by normal-weight (n = 5) and overweight-obese (n = 4) individuals. Using a single-assessment quasi-experimental design, participants were videotaped while eating a slice of pizza (90 grams). Significant differences were found in bite size (Z = 2.357, p = 0.016) and number of bites (Z = -2.357, p = 0.016), with a small effect size in both parameters (r = 0.29), indicating that overweight-obese individuals have a larger bite size and take a smaller number of bites. Mexico has an obesogenic environment and a high prevalence of chronic degenerative diseases, which share EB as one of the main causes of their genesis; continuing with the study of ES and associated parameters will allow us to lay the foundations for the design of interventions for the prevention of overweight-obesity.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 11(2): 183-192, jul.-dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565619


Resumen Complejidad textural: la percepción como determinante de la conducta de comer. El presente trabajo expone una revisión narrativa del papel que desempeñan las propiedades sensoriales de la comida, específicamente la complejidad de la textura, sobre la conducta de comer y la ingesta hasta la saciación. Se destaca la importancia de la percepción para la adquisición del conocimiento de la textura y la complejidad de la comida, como el origen de las expectativas y el comportamiento alimentario. Posteriormente se presentan los argumentos que establecen que la complejidad de la textura de la comida es un elemento fundamental para la modificación de la conducta de comer y la respuesta de saciación. Finalmente, se exponen los posibles mecanismos de acción.

Abstract Textural complexity: from perception to eating behavior. This paper presents a narrative review of the role of sensory properties of food, specifically textural complexity, on eating behavior and intake to satiation. The importance of perception for the acquisition of knowledge of food texture and complexity is highlighted as the origin of eating expectations and behavior. Subsequently, arguments are presented establishing that the complexity of food texture is a fundamental element for the modification of eating behavior and satiation response. Finally, possible mechanisms of action are discussed.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(10)2021 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34685883


Rhus trilobata (RHTR) is a medicinal plant with cytotoxic activity in different cancer cell lines. However, the active compounds in this plant against ovarian cancer are unknown. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the antineoplastic activity of RHTR and identify its active metabolites against ovarian cancer. The aqueous extract (AE) and an active fraction (AF02) purified on C18-cartridges/ethyl acetate decreased the viability of SKOV-3 cells at 50 and 38 µg/mL, respectively, compared with CHO-K1 (>50 µg/mL) in MTT assays and generated changes in the cell morphology with apoptosis induction in Hemacolor® and TUNEL assays (p ≤ 0.05, ANOVA). The metabolite profile of AF02 showed a higher abundance of flavonoid and lipid compounds compared with AE by UPLC-MSE. Gallic acid and myricetin were the most active compounds in RHTR against SKOV-3 cells at 50 and 166 µg/mL, respectively (p ≤ 0.05, ANOVA). Antineoplastic studies in Nu/Nu female mice with subcutaneous SKOV-3 cells xenotransplant revealed that 200 mg/kg/i.p. of AE and AF02 inhibited ovarian tumor lesions from 37.6% to 49% after 28 days (p ≤ 0.05, ANOVA). In conclusion, RHTR has antineoplastic activity against ovarian cancer through a cytostatic effect related to gallic acid and myricetin. Therefore, RHTR could be a complementary treatment for this pathology.

Nutr Hosp ; 38(3): 631-644, 2021 Jun 10.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33840198


INTRODUCTION: Scientific evidence indicates that eating slowly reduces food and energy intake. However, few investigations have studied the effect of techniques and strategies that modify eating speed on intake. The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between these techniques and food and/or energy intake. Therefore, a systematic review of 15 human studies and a meta-analysis of 7 studies with 11 experimental and 1 observational manipulations were carried out. Only the results of two conditions were included, "slow" vs. "fast" of eating speed and ingestion. The estimation of the effect was expressed in OR with a 95 % CI under a random effects model, and heterogeneity was assessed with I2. Publication bias was also assessed with a funnel plot and Egger's linear regression test. The results indicate that eating slowly is a protective factor (OR = 0.73) from excessive intake. Additionally, eating small bites with a small spoon (OR = 0.315), serving food preparations on separate plates (OR = 0.860 and OR = 0.831), using a vibrotactile feedback fork (OR = 0.847), and eating hard-textured foods (OR = 0.831) are the techniques and strategies that modify eating speed and decrease food or energy intake. The present study confirms the premise that eating slowly can reduce excessive food and energy intake.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La evidencia científica indica que comer de modo lento reduce la ingesta de alimentos y de energía. Sin embargo, son pocas las investigaciones que han estudiado el efecto de las técnicas y estrategias que modifican la velocidad al comer sobre la ingesta. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relación entre estas técnicas y la ingesta de alimentos y/o energía. Para ello se realizó una revisión sistemática de 15 estudios de seres humanos y un metaanálisis de 7 estudios con 11 manipulaciones experimentales y 1 observacional. Se incluyeron únicamente los resultados de dos condiciones, "lenta" vs. "rápida", de la velocidad al comer y la ingesta. La estimación del efecto se expresó en OR con un IC del 95 % bajo el modelo de efectos aleatorios, y se evaluó la heterogeneidad con I2. También se evaluó el sesgo de publicación con un gráfico de embudo y la prueba de la regresión lineal de Egger. Los resultados indican que comer de modo lento es un factor de protección (OR = 0,73) frente a la ingesta excesiva. Además, comer bocados pequeños con una cuchara chica (OR = 0,315), servir los guisados en platos separados (OR = 0,860 y OR = 0,831), usar un tenedor con retroalimentación vibrotáctil (OR = 0,847) y comer alimentos de textura dura (OR = 0,891) son las técnicas y estrategias que modifican la velocidad al comer y disminuyen la ingesta de alimentos o energía. El presente estudio confirma la premisa de que el comer de modo lento podrá reducir la ingesta excesiva de alimentos y de energía.

Ingestão de Alimentos , Ingestão de Energia , Comportamento Alimentar , Humanos , Fatores de Tempo
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 70(2): 144-151, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1140347


El consumo de stevia ha sido promovido por su bajo aporte calórico, su efecto antidiabético y antihipercolesterolémico. Sin embargo, los efectos de la ingesta de stevia parecen no ser los mismos para las ratas hembras respecto de los machos. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la ingesta de stevia sobre el consumo de alimento, peso corporal y niveles de glucosa, insulina, colesterol y triglicéridos en ratas hembras Wistar durante 13 semanas y realizar un análisis predictivo del peso corporal y la ingesta de alimento a 20 semanas. Se utilizaron 20 ratas hembras adultas, que se dividieron en 2 grupos: control (CG) y stevia (SG), ambos grupos recibieron agua y comida a libre acceso, así como una solución de stevia al 0,2 % para el grupo SG. Se registró diariamente el consumo de alimento, agua y solución de stevia; la medición del peso corporal se realizó semanalmente. Al final de las 13 semanas de experimentación, los animales se sacrificaron para evaluar los parámetros metabolicos. El grupo SG mostró un mayor consumo de alimento, mayor proporción de ganancia de peso corporal, niveles de glucosa y colesterol que el grupo CG. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los niveles de triglicéridos e insulina. Respecto al análisis predictivo (semanas 14-20), se mantiene un incremento significativo en el consumo de alimento y se observa una tendencia de aumento en la proporción de ganancia de peso corporal. Esto indica que el consumo de stevia en ratas hembras parece no tener los mismos efectos benéficos reportados en machos(AU)

Consumption of stevia has been promoted due to its low caloric intake, it's effects as anti-diabetic and anti-hypercholesterolemic. However, the effects of stevia consumption is apparently not the same in females than males. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of stevia intake on meal consumption, body weight and levels of glucose, insulin, cholesterol and triglycerides in female Wistar rats during 13 weeks and develop a predictive analysis of the body weight and meal intake over 20 weeks. 20 adult female rats were utilized, these were divided into two groups: control (CG) and stevia (SG), both groups received free access to water and food, the SG also received a stevia solution at 0.2%. Consumption of food, water and stevia solution was recorded daily, while weight was recorded weekly. At the end of the 13 weeks of experiment, the subjects were sacrificed to evaluate the metabolic parameters. The SG group showed a higher consumption of food, higher proportion of body weight gain, glucose levels and cholesterol than the CG. No significant differences were found in levels of triglyceride or insulin. Respect to the predictive analysis (weeks 14-20), a significant increase in food consumption is maintained and an increasing trend is observed in the proportion of body weight gain. This indicates that stevia consumption appears not to have the same benefit effects in female rats than male rats(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Peso Corporal , Stevia , Metabolismo , Colesterol , Glucose