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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(5)2022 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35082151


Noise generated by motion of charge and spin provides a unique window into materials at the atomic scale. From temperature of resistors to electrons breaking into fractional quasiparticles, "listening" to the noise spectrum is a powerful way to decode underlying dynamics. Here, we use ultrasensitive superconducting quantum interference device (SQUIDs) to probe the puzzling noise in a frustrated magnet, the spin-ice compound Dy2Ti2O7 (DTO), revealing cooperative and memory effects. DTO is a topological magnet in three dimensions-characterized by emergent magnetostatics and telltale fractionalized magnetic monopole quasiparticles-whose real-time dynamical properties have been an enigma from the very beginning. We show that DTO exhibits highly anomalous noise spectra, differing significantly from the expected Brownian noise of monopole random walks, in three qualitatively different regimes: equilibrium spin ice, a "frozen" regime extending to ultralow temperatures, and a high-temperature "anomalous" paramagnet. We present several distinct mechanisms that give rise to varied colored noise spectra. In addition, we identify the structure of the local spin-flip dynamics as a crucial ingredient for any modeling. Thus, the dynamics of spin ice reflects the interplay of local dynamics with emergent topological degrees of freedom and a frustration-generated imperfectly flat energy landscape, and as such, it points to intriguing cooperative and memory effects for a broad class of magnetic materials.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(4)2021 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33607645


Machine learning promises to deliver powerful new approaches to neutron scattering from magnetic materials. Large scale simulations provide the means to realise this with approaches including spin-wave, Landau Lifshitz, and Monte Carlo methods. These approaches are shown to be effective at simulating magnetic structures and dynamics in a wide range of materials. Using large numbers of simulations the effectiveness of machine learning approaches are assessed. Principal component analysis and nonlinear autoencoders are considered with the latter found to provide a high degree of compression and to be highly suited to neutron scattering problems. Agglomerative heirarchical clustering in the latent space is shown to be effective at extracting phase diagrams of behavior and features in an automated way that aid understanding and interpretation. The autoencoders are also well suited to optimizing model parameters and were found to be highly advantageous over conventional fitting approaches including being tolerant of artifacts in untreated data. The potential of machine learning to automate complex data analysis tasks including the inversion of neutron scattering data into models and the processing of large volumes of multidimensional data is assessed. Directions for future developments are considered and machine learning argued to have high potential for impact on neutron science generally.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 892, 2020 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32060263


Complex behavior poses challenges in extracting models from experiment. An example is spin liquid formation in frustrated magnets like Dy2Ti2O7. Understanding has been hindered by issues including disorder, glass formation, and interpretation of scattering data. Here, we use an automated capability to extract model Hamiltonians from data, and to identify different magnetic regimes. This involves training an autoencoder to learn a compressed representation of three-dimensional diffuse scattering, over a wide range of spin Hamiltonians. The autoencoder finds optimal matches according to scattering and heat capacity data and provides confidence intervals. Validation tests indicate that our optimal Hamiltonian accurately predicts temperature and field dependence of both magnetic structure and magnetization, as well as glass formation and irreversibility in Dy2Ti2O7. The autoencoder can also categorize different magnetic behaviors and eliminate background noise and artifacts in raw data. Our methodology is readily applicable to other materials and types of scattering problems.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(42): 11806-11810, 2016 10 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27698141


The notion of complex energy landscape underpins the intriguing dynamical behaviors in many complex systems ranging from polymers, to brain activity, to social networks and glass transitions. The spin glass state found in dilute magnetic alloys has been an exceptionally convenient laboratory frame for studying complex dynamics resulting from a hierarchical energy landscape with rugged funnels. Here, we show, by a bulk susceptibility and Monte Carlo simulation study, that densely populated frustrated magnets in a spin jam state exhibit much weaker memory effects than spin glasses, and the characteristic properties can be reproduced by a nonhierarchical landscape with a wide and nearly flat but rough bottom. Our results illustrate that the memory effects can be used to probe different slow dynamics of glassy materials, hence opening a window to explore their distinct energy landscapes.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(37): 11519-23, 2015 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26324917


Since the discovery of spin glasses in dilute magnetic systems, their study has been largely focused on understanding randomness and defects as the driving mechanism. The same paradigm has also been applied to explain glassy states found in dense frustrated systems. Recently, however, it has been theoretically suggested that different mechanisms, such as quantum fluctuations and topological features, may induce glassy states in defect-free spin systems, far from the conventional dilute limit. Here we report experimental evidence for existence of a glassy state, which we call a spin jam, in the vicinity of the clean limit of a frustrated magnet, which is insensitive to a low concentration of defects. We have studied the effect of impurities on SrCr9pGa12-9pO19 [SCGO(p)], a highly frustrated magnet, in which the magnetic Cr(3+) (s = 3/2) ions form a quasi-2D triangular system of bipyramids. Our experimental data show that as the nonmagnetic Ga(3+) impurity concentration is changed, there are two distinct phases of glassiness: an exotic glassy state, which we call a spin jam, for the high magnetic concentration region (p > 0.8) and a cluster spin glass for lower magnetic concentration (p < 0.8). This observation indicates that a spin jam is a unique vantage point from which the class of glassy states of dense frustrated magnets can be understood.