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Rev. enferm. UFPE on line ; 14: [1-5], 2020.
Artigo em Português | BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1097011


Objetivo: descrever o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual em uma unidade endoscópica. Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, do tipo relato de experiência, em um hospital de ensino, realizado por enfermeiras atuantes na área endoscópica sobre a utilização de equipamentos de proteção individual. Resultados: nota-se que a endoscopia é um exame invasivo para visualizar cavidades corporais por meio de um endoscópio, permitindo realizar biópsias, aspiração de líquidos e até remoção de tumores. Informa-se que os trabalhadores de uma unidade endoscópica estão expostos diariamente a riscos biológicos, podendo adquirir infecções por meio de sangue e fluidos corpóreos, e, também, expostos ao risco químico devido ao processamento dos equipamentos, radiação e lesões musculares. Recomenda-se que os profissionais que atuam na área endoscópica devem ser capacitados em como atuar frente à exposição de sangue e outros materiais potencialmente infecciosos. Conclusão: conclui-se que, mesmo com equipamentos modernos e complexos, como lavadoras para o reprocessamento de endoscópios, os princípios de descontaminação continuam os mesmos e a utilização dos equipamentos de proteção individual é indispensável.(AU)

Objective: to describe the use of personal protective equipment in an endoscopic unit. Method: this is a descriptive study, of the experience report type, in a teaching hospital, carried out by nurses working in the endoscopic area on the use of personal protective equipment. Results: it is noted that endoscopy is an invasive exam to view body cavities through an endoscope, allowing biopsies, fluid aspiration and even tumor removal. It is reported that workers in an endoscopic unit are exposed daily to biological risks, being able to acquire infections through blood and body fluids, and also exposed to chemical risk due to the processing of equipment, radiation and muscle injuries. It is recommended that professionals working in the endoscopic area should be trained in how to act in the face of exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials. Conclusion: it is concluded that, even with modern and complex equipment, such as washing machines for reprocessing endoscopes, the decontamination principles remain the same and the use of personal protective equipment is essential.(AU)

Objetivo: describir el uso de equipos de protección personal en una unidad endoscópica. Método: este es un estudio descriptivo, del tipo de informe de experiencia, en un hospital universitario, realizado por enfermeras que trabajan en el área endoscópica en el uso de equipos de protección personal. Resultados: se observa que la endoscopia es un examen invasivo para ver las cavidades corporales a través de un endoscopio, lo que permite biopsias, aspiración de líquidos e incluso extirpación de tumores. Se informa que los trabajadores en una unidad endoscópica están expuestos diariamente a riesgos biológicos, pudiendo adquirir infecciones a través de sangre y fluidos corporales, y también expuestos a riesgos químicos debido al procesamiento de equipos, radiación y lesiones musculares. Se recomienda que los profesionales que trabajan en el área endoscópica reciban capacitación sobre cómo actuar ante la exposición a la sangre y otros materiales potencialmente infecciosos. Conclusión: se concluye que, incluso con equipos modernos y complejos, como lavadoras para el reprocesamiento de endoscopios, los principios de descontaminación siguen siendo los mismos y el uso de equipos de protección personal es esencial.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Riscos Ocupacionais , Endoscopia do Sistema Digestório , Exposição Ocupacional , Exposição Ocupacional/prevenção & controle , Saúde Ocupacional , Endoscopia , Equipamento de Proteção Individual , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Hospitais de Ensino
Plant J ; 97(4): 693-714, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30422331


The complete or partial loss of shattering ability occurred independently during the domestication of several crops. Therefore, the study of this trait can provide an understanding of the link between phenotypic and molecular convergent evolution. The genetic dissection of 'pod shattering' in Phaseolus vulgaris is achieved here using a population of introgression lines and next-generation sequencing techniques. The 'occurrence' of the indehiscent phenotype (indehiscent versus dehiscent) depends on a major locus on chromosome 5. Furthermore, at least two additional genes are associated with the 'level' of shattering (number of shattering pods per plant: low versus high) and the 'mode' of shattering (non-twisting versus twisting pods), with all of these loci contributing to the phenotype by epistatic interactions. Comparative mapping indicates that the major gene identified on common bean chromosome 5 corresponds to one of the four quantitative trait loci for pod shattering in Vigna unguiculata. None of the loci identified comprised genes that are homologs of the known shattering genes in Glycine max. Therefore, although convergent domestication can be determined by mutations at orthologous loci, this was only partially true for P. vulgaris and V. unguiculata, which are two phylogenetically closely related crop species, and this was not the case for the more distant P. vulgaris and G. max. Conversely, comparative mapping suggests that the convergent evolution of the indehiscent phenotype arose through mutations in different genes from the same underlying gene networks that are involved in secondary cell-wall biosynthesis and lignin deposition patterning at the pod level.

Phaseolus/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Produtos Agrícolas/genética , Genoma de Planta/genética , Mutação/genética , Locos de Características Quantitativas/genética
Front Plant Sci ; 8: 722, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28533789


Here, we aim to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the most significant outcomes in the literature regarding the origin of Phaseolus genus, the geographical distribution of the wild species, the domestication process, and the wide spread out of the centers of origin. Phaseolus can be considered as a unique model for the study of crop evolution, and in particular, for an understanding of the convergent phenotypic evolution that occurred under domestication. The almost unique situation that characterizes the Phaseolus genus is that five of its ∼70 species have been domesticated (i.e., Phaseolus vulgaris, P. coccineus, P. dumosus, P. acutifolius, and P. lunatus), and in addition, for P. vulgaris and P. lunatus, the wild forms are distributed in both Mesoamerica and South America, where at least two independent and isolated episodes of domestication occurred. Thus, at least seven independent domestication events occurred, which provides the possibility to unravel the genetic basis of the domestication process not only among species of the same genus, but also between gene pools within the same species. Along with this, other interesting features makes Phaseolus crops very useful in the study of evolution, including: (i) their recent divergence, and the high level of collinearity and synteny among their genomes; (ii) their different breeding systems and life history traits, from annual and autogamous, to perennial and allogamous; and (iii) their adaptation to different environments, not only in their centers of origin, but also out of the Americas, following their introduction and wide spread through different countries. In particular for P. vulgaris this resulted in the breaking of the spatial isolation of the Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools, which allowed spontaneous hybridization, thus increasing of the possibility of novel genotypes and phenotypes. This knowledge that is associated to the genetic resources that have been conserved ex situ and in situ represents a crucial tool in the hands of researchers, to preserve and evaluate this diversity, and at the same time, to identify the genetic basis of adaptation and to develop new improved varieties to tackle the challenges of climate change, and food security and sustainability.

Rev. bras. neurol ; 45(4): 17-24, out.-dez. 2009. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-536555


A doença de Parkinson é caracterizada por distúrbios do movimento que pode levar ao comprometimento da articulação, da voz e da deglutição em alguma fase da doença. O objetivo deste trabalho é traçar o perfil clínico epidemiológico de 32 pacientes no período de 2007/2008, mostrar a avaliação fonoaudiológica utilizada no Setor de Fonoaudiologia do INDC/UFRJ, apresentar técnicas fonoaudiológicas tradicionais aos profissionais da área da fonoaudiologia que desejam atuar na doença, para possibilitar a intervenção adequada dos distúrbios da comunicação e deglutição de pacientes com doença de Parkinson. Foram selecionados 32 pacientes do Ambulatório de Distúrbios do Movimento do INDC/UFRJ com diagnóstico de doença de Parkinson, avaliados segundo a escala Hoehn & Yahr (estágio II), com queixas relativas à articulação da palavra, da fonação e da deglutição e encaminhados ao setor de fonoaudiologia para a devida avaliação. Foi aplicado mensalmente, em todos os pacientes, o exame do tempo máximo fonatório (TMF) por um período de 1 ano, avaliando coaptação de pregas vocais, dinâmica respiratória, equilíbrio da força aerodinâmica e mioelástica da laringe. Entre os pacientes detectou-se: sexo masculino (24/75%), feminino (8/25%), brancos (15/47%), pardos (14/44%), negros (3/9%), média de idade no início da doença de 55 anos e na avaliação fonoaudiológica de 75 anos, iniciando com tremor em mãos (24/75%), voz rouca (26/81%), disartria (23/72%), disfagia (11/34%), reflexos protetivos presentes: tosse (31/96%), pigarreio (32/100%), anosmia (30/ 93%), hiposmia (2/7%). No tempo máximo fonatório, o maior percentual de alteração foi em eficiência glótica (31/96%) e o menor na hipercontração das pregas vocais (4/1%).A aplicação de técnicas fonoaudiológicas relativas aos distúrbios da comunicação e da deglutição do paciente com doença de Parkinson noSetor de Fonoaudiologia do INDC/UFRJ, vem sendo importante para a formulação de protocolos que permitam...

Parkinson´s disease is characterized by movement disorders which can lead to impairment of articulation, voice and swallowing in some phaseof the disease. The objective of this work is to trace the clinical epidemiological profile of 32 patients in the period of 2007/2008, to show the phonoaudiological assessment of the Speech Therapy Unit of INDC/UFRJ, to present traditional speech therapy techniques to theprofessionals of the area of the speech therapy that wish to act on the illness, to make possible the proper intervention on the communicationand deglutition disorders of the patient with Parkinsonïs disease.Thirty two patients of the clinic of movement disorders of the INDC/UFRJ with diagnosis of Parkinsonïs disease have been selected, with Hoehn & Yahr stage II, with complaints of word articulation, phonation and swallowing, and referred to the unit of speech therapy for specific assessment. The examination of the maximum phonation time (MFT) was applied monthly in all patients for a period of 1 year, evaluating the coaptation of the vocal folds, respiratory dynamics, and aerodynamic and myoelastic force balance of the larynx. Among the 32 patients was found: male (24/75%), female (8/25%), whites (15/47%), browns (14/44%), blacks (3/9%), mean age at onset of the disease 55 years, mean age in the evaluation of speech and swallowing 75 years, starting with hand tremor (24/75%), hoarse voice (26/81%), dysarthria (23/72%), dysphagia (11/34%), presence of protective reflexes: cough (31/96%), hawking (32/100%), anosmia (30/93%), hyposmia (2/7%). In maximum phonation time, the greatest percentage of change was in glottal efficiency (31/96%), and lowest in hypercontraction of the vocal folds (4/12%).The application of speech and swallowing techniques evaluation related to communication and swallowing disorders in patients with Parkinson?s disease in the Speech Therapy Unit of INDC/UFRJ, has been important for the formulation of protocols to permit...

Humanos , Distúrbios da Fala/reabilitação , Doença de Parkinson/complicações , Terapia da Linguagem , Fonoaudiologia