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Polymers (Basel) ; 16(9)2024 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38732666


Simulation models are used to design extruders in the polymer processing industry. This eliminates the need for prototypes and reduces development time for extruders and, in particular, extrusion screws. These programs simulate, among other process parameters, the temperature and pressure curves in the extruder. At present, it is not possible to predict the resulting melt quality from these results. This paper presents a simulation model for predicting the melt quality in the extrusion process. Previous work has shown correlations between material and thermal homogeneity and the screw performance index. As a result, the screw performance index can be used as a target value for the model to be developed. The results of the simulations were used as input variables, and with the help of artificial intelligence-more precisely, machine learning-a linear regression model was built. Finally, the correlation between the process parameters and the melt quality was determined, and the quality of the model was evaluated.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(17)2023 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37687584


During the processing of thermoplastics, polymers are subjected to high stress. As a result of this stress, the polymer chains break, leading to a lower molar mass. This further leads to a lower viscosity of the plastic melt and, eventually, to poorer mechanical properties of the manufactured plastic product. Especially in the context of recycling plastics, this poses a challenge to process technology and product properties. This work aims is to provide a prediction of the material degradation under known stress, so that, for example, a process design that is gentle on the material can be carried out. In order to be able to predict material degradation under a load, a test stand for defined material degradation was designed. The test stand allows for material damaging under a defined temperature, shear rate and residence time. At the same time, the test stand can be used to measure the viscosity, which is used to describe the degradation behavior, since the viscosity correlates with the molar mass. The measured decrease in viscosity under stress can be used to predict material damage under the influencing variables of temperature, shear rate and residence time by means of a test plan and a suitable mathematical description of the measured data. The mathematical description can thus be integrated into simulation environments for plastics processing, so that a simulation of the material degradation can be carried out, if necessary also taking the viscosity reduction into account.

Polymers (Basel) ; 15(16)2023 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37631484


For polymer-processing extruders, designing screws via analytical computational models is helpful for reducing experimental costs. However, the current simulation programs cannot predict the melt quality at the screw tip with sufficient accuracy. There are a number of definitions of melt quality in the literature. This paper will review some of these definitions and present how melt quality can be assessed in subsequent work. In this paper, both the thermal and material homogeneity of the melt quality are examined for correlations with the screw performance index. If correlations exist with the screw performance index determined from direct experimental measurement data, these can be used as target values for developing a melt quality prediction model.

Polymers (Basel) ; 15(9)2023 May 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37177327


Nowadays, usable plastic materials with defined properties are created by blending additives into the base polymer. This is the main task of compounding on co-rotating twin-screw extruders. The thermal and mechanical stress occurring in the process leads to a mostly irreversible damage to the material. Consequently, the properties of the polymer melt and the subsequent product are affected. The material degradation of polypropylene (PP) on a 28 mm twin-screw extruder has already been studied and modeled at Kunststofftechnik Paderborn. In this work, the transferability of the previous results to other machine sizes and polypropylene compounds were investigated experimentally. Therefore, pure polypropylene was processed with screw diameters of 25 mm and 45 mm. Furthermore, polypropylene compounds with titanium dioxide as well as carbon fibers were considered on a 28 mm extruder. In the course of the evaluation of the pure polypropylene, the melt flow rates of the samples were measured and the molar masses were calculated on this basis. The compounds were analyzed by gel permeation chromatography. As in the previous investigations, high rotational speeds, low throughputs and high melt temperatures lead to a higher material degradation. In addition, it is illustrated that the previously developed model for the calculation of material degradation is generally able to predict the degradation even for different machine sizes by adjusting the process coefficients. In summary, this article shows that compounders can use the recommendations for action and the calculation model for the material degradation of polypropylene, irrespective of the machine size, to design processes that are gentle on the material.

Polymers (Basel) ; 15(4)2023 Feb 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36850316


In the context of plastics recycling, plastics are processed several times. With each new melting and extrusion the plastic is damaged, which can have a negative effect on product properties. To counteract material damage, special additives such as chain extenders can be used, which are intended to lead to post-polymerization during processing. A linear chain extension is important here, as branching and crosslinking can lead to uncontrolled changes in the plastic's properties. To investigate the suitability of specialized linear chain extenders for polyamides, a polyamide-6 was processed several times and the molar mass distribution was evaluated after each extrusion cycle. Three series of tests were carried out. First, the plastic was regranulated five times without additives and twice with different concentrations of chain extenders on a twin-screw extruder. The results of the study show that not only can molar mass degradation be prevented with the appropriate additive, it is even possible to achieve a material buildup during processing. In our experiments, the polydispersity of the molar mass distribution remained nearly identical despite multiple extrusions. Thus, reactive extrusion makes it possible for the corresponding plastics to be processed several times without the molar mass decreasing. If a sufficiently pure material flow can be ensured during recycling, the number of possible reprocessings of the plastic can be significantly increased without the need to add virgin material.

Polymers (Basel) ; 14(15)2022 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35956627


Due to their valuable properties (low weight, and good thermal and mechanical properties), glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics are becoming increasingly important. Fiber-reinforced thermoplastics are mainly manufactured by injection molding and extrusion, whereby the extrusion compounding process is primarily used to produce fiber-filled granulates. Reproducible production of high-quality components requires a granulate in which the fiber length is even and high. However, the extrusion process leads to the fact that fiber breakages can occur during processing. To enable a significant quality enhancement, experimentally validated modeling is required. In this study, short glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics (polypropylene) were produced on two different twin-screw extruders. Therefore, the machine-specific process behavior is of major interest regarding its influence. First, the fiber length change after processing was determined by experimental investigations and then simulated with the SIGMA simulation software. By comparing the simulation and experimental tests, important insights could be gained and the effects on fiber lengths could be determined in advance. The resulting fiber lengths and distributions were different, not only for different screw configurations (SC), but also for the same screw configurations on different twin-screw extruders. This may have been due to manufacturer-specific tolerances.

Polymers (Basel) ; 14(2)2022 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35054665


For plastic processing extruders with grooved feed sections, the design of the feed section by means of analytical calculation models can be useful to reduce experimental costs. However, these models include assumptions and simplifications that can significantly decrease the prediction accuracy of the throughput due to complex flow behavior. In this paper, the accuracy of analytical modeling for calculating the throughput in a grooved barrel extruder is verified based on a statistical design of experiments. A special focus is placed on the assumptions made in the analytics of a backpressure-independent throughput, the assumption of a block flow and the differentiation of the solids conveying into different conveying cases. Simulative throughput tests with numerical simulation software using the discrete element method, as well as experimental throughput tests, serve as a benchmark. Overall, the analytical modeling already shows a very good calculation accuracy. Nevertheless, there are some outliers that lead to larger deviations in the throughput. The model predominantly overestimates the throughputs, whereby the origin of these deviations is often in the conveying angle calculation. Therefore, a regression-based correction factor for calculating the conveying angle is developed and implemented.

Polymers (Basel) ; 13(17)2021 Aug 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34503005


Additives such as nucleating agents are often used in the processing of plastic products not only for improving production efficiency but also for enhancing mechanical performance. In this work, the short- and long-term tensile strength, the morphology as well as the residual stresses of the welded polypropylene (PP) samples with different fillers (carbon black and special beta-nucleating agents) and different dimensionless joining paths are analyzed. Results obtained are then compared with those that are representative of the initial, filler-free samples. It is shown that, upon using the special beta-nucleating agent, superior long-term tensile strength can be achieved compared to the samples without additives or with carbon black agent (e.g., for the dimensionless joining path of 0.95, the long-term tensile strength of a PP nature sample is characterized by around 400 MPa, whereas by adding beta-nucleating agent 1% the value can be increased by 400% to reach around 2050 MPa). However, adding beta-nucleating agent 1% yields inferior short-term tensile strength. The hole drilling method (HDM) is used for the analysis of residual stresses. It is found that the residual stresses in the weld seam are characterized by low values of the tensile stresses. The residual stresses in the weld seam also can be converted from tensile into compressive stresses by adding the beta nucleating agent. However, this has the disadvantage that with a higher proportion by weight of the beta nucleating agent, the short-term tensile strength of the welded joint becomes lower than that of the other tested bonds.

Polymers (Basel) ; 13(12)2021 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34207753


Many theoretical analyses of extrusion ignore the effect of the flight clearance when predicting the pumping capability of a screw. This might be reasonable for conventional extruder screws with "normal" clearances but leads to errors when more advanced screw designs are considered. We present new leakage-flow models that allow the effect of the flight clearance to be included in the analysis of melt-conveying zones. Rather than directly correcting the drag and pressure flows, we derived regression models to predict locally the shear-thinning flow through the flight clearance. Using a hybrid modeling approach that includes analytical, numerical, and data-based modeling techniques enabled us to construct fast and accurate regressions for calculating flow rate and dissipation rate in the leakage gap. Using the novel regression models in combination with network theory, the new approximations consider the effect of the flight clearance in the predictions of pumping capability, power consumption and temperature development without modifying the equations for the down-channel flow. Unlike other approaches, our method is not limited to any specific screw designs or processing conditions.

Polymers (Basel) ; 12(9)2020 Aug 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32846905


Due to progress in the development of screw designs over recent decades, numerous high-performance screws have become commercially available in single-screw extrusion. While some of these advanced designs have been studied intensively, others have received comparatively less attention. We developed and validated a semi-numerical network-theory-based modeling approach to predicting flows of shear-thinning polymer melts in wave-dispersion screws. In the first part (Part A), we systematically reduced the complexity of the flow analysis by omitting the influence of the screw rotation on the conveying behavior of the wave zone. In this part (Part B), we extended the original theory by considering the drag flow imposed by the screw. Two- and three-dimensional melt-conveying models were combined to predict locally the conveying characteristics of the wave channels in a discretized flow network. Extensive experiments were performed on a laboratory single-screw extruder, using various barrel designs and wave-dispersion screws. The predictions of our semi-numerical modeling approach for the axial pressure profile along the wave-dispersion zone accurately reproduce the experimental data. Removing the need for time-consuming numerical simulations, this modeling approach enables fast analyses of the conveying behavior of wave-dispersion zones, thereby offering a useful tool for design and optimization studies and process troubleshooting.

Polymers (Basel) ; 12(4)2020 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32325766


The progressive development of new screw concepts in single screw extrusion also makes it necessary to develop new models for the correct process description. When looking at wave-dispersion screws, the disperse melting behavior should be mentioned in particular, which has so far been less researched and modeled than the conventional melting behavior, as it occurs in standard screws. Therefore, an analytical model is presented in this paper, which considers the disperse melting under consideration of the melt and solid temperature. The basic assumption is Fourier heat conduction from the melt surrounding the particles into the particles. Furthermore, the melt temperature development by dissipation and the cooling effects were modeled analytically. Additionally, the solid bed temperature was modeled by a 2D-FDM method. By dividing the screw into several calculation sections with constant boundary conditions, it was subsequently possible to calculate the melting process over the screw length. The model developed shows comprehensible results in verification and successfully reproduces the solids content over the screw length with a mean deviation of absolute 11% in validation tests using cooling/pulling-out experiments.

Polymers (Basel) ; 11(9)2019 Sep 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31547371


Wave-dispersion screws have been used industrially in many types of extrusion processes, injection molding, and blow molding. These high-performance screws are constructed by replacing the metering section of a conventional screw with a melt-conveying zone consisting of two or more parallel flow channels that oscillate periodically in-depth over multiple cycles. With the barrier flight between the screw channels being selectively undercut, the molten resin is strategically forced to flow across the secondary flight, assuring repeated cross-channel mixing of the polymer melt. Despite the industrial relevance, very few scientific studies have investigated the flow in wave-dispersion sections in detail. As a result, current screw designs are often based on traditional trial-and-error procedures rather than on the principles of extrusion theory. This study, which was split into two parts, was carried out to systematically address this issue. The research reported here (Part A) was designed to reduce the complexity of the problem, exclusively analyzing the pressure-induced flows of polymer melts in wave sections. Ignoring the influence of the screw rotation on the conveying characteristics of the wave section, the results could be clearly assigned to the governing type of flow mechanism, thereby providing a better understanding of the underlying physics. Experimental studies were performed on a novel extrusion die equipped with a dual wave-channel system with alternating channel depth profiles. A seminumerical modeling approach based on network theory is proposed that locally describes the downchannel and cross-channel flows along the wave channels and accurately predicts the pressure distributions in the flow domain. The solutions of our seminumerical approach were, moreover, compared to the results of three-dimensional non-Newtonian CFD simulations. The results of this study will be extended to real screw designs in Part B, which will include the influence of the screw rotation in the flow analysis.

Sensors (Basel) ; 19(15)2019 Aug 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31382654


Thin film thermocouples are widely used for local temperature determinations of surfaces. However, depending on the environment in which they are used, thin film thermocouples need to be covered by a wear or oxidation resistant top layer. With regard to the utilization in wide-slit nozzles for plastic extrusion, Ni/Ni-20Cr thin film thermocouples were manufactured using direct-current (DC) magnetron sputtering combined with Aluminiumnitride (AlN) and Boron-Carbonitride (BCN) thin films. On the one hand, the deposition parameters of the nitride layers were varied to affect the chemical composition and morphology of the AlN and BCN thin films. On the other hand, the position of the nitride layers (below the thermocouple, above the thermocouple, around the thermocouple) was changed. Both factors were investigated concerning the influence on the Seebeck coefficient and the reaction behaviour of the thermocouples. Therefore, the impact of the nitride thin films on the morphology, physical structure, crystallite size, electrical resistance and hardness of the Ni and Ni-20Cr thin films is analysed. The investigations reveal that the Seebeck coefficient is not affected by the different architectures of the thermocouples. Nevertheless, the reaction time of the thermocouples can be significantly improved by adding a thermal conductive top coat over the thin films, whereas the top coat should have a coarse structure and low nitrogen content.