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Conserv Biol ; 37(2): e14005, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36178034


By rapidly modifying key habitat components, habitat restoration is at risk of producing attractive cues for animals without providing habitats of sufficient quality. As such, individual fitness components, such as reproduction, could be reduced and restored habitats could become ecological traps. This risk notably appears by using artificial constructions in restoration projects, yet few studies have evaluated their efficacy in a robust way. We investigated this by analyzing 154 islets that were created or restored to improve the conservation status of 7 colonial Laridae species in the South of France. From 2007 to 2016, we compared occupancy dynamics and breeding parameters of these species between the restored sites and 846 unmanaged nesting sites. We also explored species' preference for different nesting site characteristics and their respective effect on breeding parameters. Restored nesting sites were 2-9 times as attractive as unmanaged sites for all species except the Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). Colonization probability was up to 100 times higher in sites already used by other species the previous year and increased with distance to the shore until >0.2 when distance was over 250 m. Abandonment probability was 29-70% lower when breeding was successful the previous year in all species except the Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis). Productivity and breeding success probability were 2 times higher on managed sites. Distance from the shore was an important attractive characteristic of artificial nesting sites in all species. Other nesting site characteristics had species-specific effects on colonization, abandonment, and breeding success. Our results indicate that managed nesting sites are successful conservation tools for colonial Laridae in the Mediterranean and do not act as ecological traps. Our study showed that testing the ecological trap hypothesis is a robust way to evaluate the success of restoration projects of breeding habitats.

Eficiencia de los sitios de anidación creados y restaurados para la conservación de láridos coloniales en el sur de Francia Resumen Con la rápida modificación de los componentes clave de un hábitat, la restauración corre el riesgo de producir entradas atractivas para los animales sin proporcionar hábitats con la suficiente calidad. Como tal, los elementos individuales de la aptitud, como la reproducción, podrían ser reducidos y los hábitats restaurados podrían convertirse en trampas ecológicas. Aunque este riesgo aparece especialmente cuando se usan construcciones artificiales en los proyectos de restauración, son pocos los estudios que han evaluado su efectividad de manera firme. Investigamos lo anterior con el análisis de 154 islotes que fueron creados o restaurados para mejorar el estado de conservación de siete especies de láridos coloniales en el sur de Francia. Comparamos las dinámicas de ocupación y los parámetros de reproducción de estas especies entre 2007 y 2016 en los sitios restaurados y en 846 sitios de anidación no administrados. También exploramos la preferencia de las especies por diferentes características en los sitios de anidación y su respectivo efecto sobre los parámetros de reproducción. Los sitios de anidación restaurados fueron de 2 a 9 veces más atractivos para todas las especies, excepto la gaviota de cabeza negra (Croicocephalus ridibundus), que los sitios no administrados. La probabilidad de colonización fue hasta 100 veces mayor en los sitios usados por otras especies el año previo e incrementó con la distancia a la costa hasta >0.2, cuando la distancia fue mayor a los 250 metros. La probabilidad de abandono fue de 29 a 70% más baja para todas las especies, excepto el charrán de Sándwich (Thalasseus sandvicensis), cuando la reproducción fue exitosa el año anterior. La probabilidad de la productividad y el éxito de reproducción fueron dos veces mayores en los sitios administrados. La distancia a la costa fue una característica atractiva importante de los sitios artificiales de anidación para todas las especies. Otras características de los sitios de anidación tuvieron efectos específicos por especie sobre la colonización, el abandono y el éxito de la reproducción. Nuestros resultados indican que los sitios de anidación administrados son herramientas exitosas de conservación para los láridos coloniales en el Mediterráneo y no funcionan como trampas ecológicas. Nuestro estudio demuestra que analizar la hipótesis de la trampa ecológica es una manera sólida de evaluar el éxito de la restauración en los proyectos de hábitats para la reproducción.

Charadriiformes , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Reprodução , França , Comportamento de Nidação
Oecologia ; 197(1): 167-178, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34459984


Life-history theory predicts that animals should develop adaptive trade-offs between survival and reproduction to maximize their fitness. This results in a continuum of life-history strategies among species, ranging from slow to fast paces-of-life. The optimal pace-of-life has been shown to vary within environmental gradients, with a commonly observed pattern of a slow-to-fast continuum from the tropics to the poles. Within species, pace-of-life variability has however received much less attention. In this study, we investigated whether or not the pace-of-life of populations within a species follows the expected slow-fast continuum associated with latitude. We analysed the variability of life-history strategies among populations of the European roller Coracias garrulus, a long-distance migratory species, comparing breeding parameters and adult survival between populations across a latitudinal gradient. The findings showed a negative correlation between survival and clutch size in roller populations, with a slower pace-of-life in the northern populations and a faster pace-of-life in the southern populations: a reverse gradient to what might be expected from inter-specific studies. These results suggest that northern populations would benefit from measures enhancing adult survival probability, such as reduction in harvesting rates, while southern populations would respond better to actions favouring reproductive success, such as nesting site provisioning. This study highlights that life-history traits can vary substantially between populations of a single species with a large latitudinal breeding range, and pinpoint how knowledge about this variability may be key in anticipating different populations' responses to threats as well as to conservation strategies.

Características de História de Vida , Passeriformes , Animais , Tamanho da Ninhada , Geografia , Reprodução
Ecol Evol ; 10(24): 13649-13663, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33391670


Artificial devices are increasingly used in conservation measures to mitigate the disappearance of natural habitats. However, few studies have demonstrated their benefits for the target species, and they may pose a risk of creating ecological traps. This occurs when lower individual fitness is found in artificial habitats that are more attractive than their natural equivalents. In this study, we tested the ecological trap hypothesis on a dense population of European rollers Coracias garrulus breeding in both natural cavities and nest boxes. Our initial prediction was that the more stressful microclimatic conditions of nest boxes would lead to reduced fitness of European rollers, thus creating an ecological trap. The results showed that nest boxes were preferred over natural cavities. Despite significantly more extreme microclimatic conditions in nest boxes, we found similar breeding parameters between artificial and natural nest types. Our results also suggest that European rollers selected the nest boxes which best buffered the temperature, thus avoiding potential ecological traps. Overall our results led to the conclusion that nest boxes do not create ecological traps for European rollers in this study area. However, other species may be more sensitive to microclimatic variations or less able to avoid the least favorable nest boxes. These findings could help to inform the placement of nest boxes in order to reduce extreme temperatures and variation in humidity rates. Future studies could compare nest types for other fitness parameters, such as juvenile body condition or survival. We also recommend the ecological trap hypothesis as a useful framework to evaluate the outcomes of artificial devices used for conservation.

J Ornithol ; 158(1): 83-90, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32355602


Despite recent advances in avian tracking technology, archival devices still present several limitations. Traditional ring recoveries provide a complementary method for studying migratory movements, particularly for cohorts of birds with a low return rate to the breeding site. Here we provide the first international analysis of ring recovery data in the European Roller Coracias garrulus, a long-distance migrant of conservation concern. Our data comprise 58 records of Rollers ringed during the breeding season and recovered during the non-breeding season. Most records come from Eastern Europe, half are of juveniles and over three quarters are of dead birds. Thus, ring recoveries provide migration data for cohorts of Rollers-juveniles and unsuccessful migrants-for which no information currently exists, complementing recent tracking studies. Qualitatively, our results are consistent with direct tracking studies, illustrating a broad-front migration across the Mediterranean Basin in autumn and the use of the Arabian Peninsula by Rollers from eastern populations in spring. Autumn movements were, on average, in a more southerly direction for juveniles than adults, which were more easterly. Juvenile autumn recovery direction also appeared to be more variable than in adults, though this difference was not statistically significant. This is consistent with juveniles following a naïve vector-based orientation program, and perhaps explains the 'moderate' migratory connectivity previously described for the Roller. In the first (qualitative) analysis of Roller non-breeding season mortality, we highlight the high prevalence of shooting. The recovery age ratio was juvenile-biased in autumn but adult-biased in spring. Although not statistically significant, this difference points towards a higher non-breeding season mortality of juveniles than adults. Our study demonstrates the complementarity of ring recoveries to direct tracking, providing an insight into the migration of juvenile Rollers and non-breeding season mortality.