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Plant Dis ; 98(6): 817-824, 2014 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30708629


Bacterial heart rot caused by a yet undetermined species of Dickeya was first observed in December 2003 in Oahu, HI, on a pineapple cultivar (Ananas comosus 'PRI 73-114') recently imported from Central America. Identical symptoms were later seen in the same plantation in fields that had been planted with propagules from the Philippines. Dickeya strains isolated from symptomatic plants and irrigation water collected over subsequent years were identified using bacteriological tests and partial 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing and characterized using repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) with the BOXA1R primer (BOX-PCR), pathogenicity on pineapple leaves, and reactivity with two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Strains exhibited variability in pathogenicity and in reactivity with MAbs. BOX-PCR separated the plant-isolated Dickeya strains into seven haplotypes that were placed into four fingerprint groups (A to D). Strains from the A and B groups were isolated from the Central American stocks, whereas strains in the D group were identified from Philippine material. Strains from the C group were isolated from both planting materials. Most strains from water sources were placed into three haplotypes that loosely formed group E. BOX-PCR polymorphisms between the Dickeya strains isolated from foreign pineapple plants, a local collection of Dickeya strains, and strains from the plantation's water sources support the possibility that at least two separate introductions of genetically distinct strains occurred via imported planting stocks.

Plant Dis ; 96(12): 1798-1804, 2012 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30727278


Members of the genus Badnavirus (family Caulimovirdae) have been identified in dicots and monocots worldwide. The genome of a pineapple badnavirus, designated Pineapple bacilliform CO virus-HI1 (PBCOV-HI1), and nine genomic variants (A through H) were isolated and sequenced from pineapple, Ananas comosus, in Hawaii. The 7,451-nucleotide genome of PBCOV-HI1 possesses three open reading frames (ORFs) encoding putative proteins of 20 (ORF1), 15 (ORF2), and 211 (ORF3) kDa. ORF3 encodes a polyprotein that includes a putative movement protein and viral aspartyl proteinase, reverse transcriptase, and RNase H regions. Three distinct groups of putative endogenous pineapple pararetroviral sequences and Metaviridae-like retrotransposons encoding long terminal repeat, reverse-transcriptase, RNase H, and integrase regions were also identified from the pineapple genome. Detection assays were developed to distinguish PBCOV-HI1 and genomic variants, putative endogenous pararetrovirus sequences, and Ananas Metaviridae sequences also identified in pineapple. PBCOV-HI1 incidences in two commercially grown pineapple hybrids, PRI 73-114 and PRI 73-50, was 34 to 68%. PBCOV-HI1 was transmitted by gray pineapple mealybugs, Dysmicoccus neobrevipes, to pineapple.

Plant Dis ; 94(12): 1508, 2010 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30743381


Onion (Allium spp.) production in Hawaii is mostly comprised of green onion and the locally prized sweet bulb onions (Allium cepa L.) that include short- and medium-day cultivars. Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV; family Bunyaviridae, genus Tospovirus) is an important constraint to bulb and seed onion production in many onion-growing regions of the continental United States and the world (3). In June 2010, straw-colored, diamond-shaped lesions with occasional green islands were observed on leaves of sweet onion 'Linda Vista' in an insecticide trial on Maui for onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) control. Collapse and lodging occurred when lesions on leaves were severe. Seven bulbs with green leaves exhibiting lesions were collected from this onion field in the Pulehu Region of the lower Kula District on Maui. Leaf samples that included a lesion or were within 1 cm of a lesion were found to be positive in indirect ELISA with IYSV-specific polyclonal antisera (2). A405nm readings after 1 h ranged from 0.263 to 2.067 for positive samples and 0.055 to 0.073 for healthy onion controls. Four samples that were prepared from leaf tissue several centimeters away from a lesion tested negative in ELISA. Such uneven virus distribution in the plants has been previously reported (4). In July 2010, symptomatic sweet onion from a commercial farm in upper Kula, Maui at the 1,060 to 1,220 m (3,500 to 4,000 foot) elevation tested positive for IYSV by ELISA. Green onion samples collected from a commercial farm in Omaopio, Maui, located approximately 0.8 km (0.5 mile) north of Pulehu, have tested negative, suggesting distribution may be limited at this time. RNA was isolated from leaf tissue from the seven 'Linda Vista' sweet onions collected from the Maui insecticide trial. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR with forward and complementary primers 5'-CTCTTAAACACATTTAACAAGCAC-3' and 5'-TAAAACAAACATTCAAACAA-3' flanking the nucleocapsid (N) gene encoded by the small RNA of IYSV was conducted as previously described (1). Amplicons approximately 1.1 kb long were obtained from all seven symptomatic onion samples but not from healthy samples or water controls. Sequencing of selected amplicons confirmed IYSV infection. Three sequence variants (GenBank Accession Nos. HM776014-HM776016) were identified from two RT-PCR reactions. Phylogenetic analyses of the three sequence variants with the neighbor-joining procedure available through NCBI-BLASTn Tree View showed that the highest nucleotide identities of 97 to 98% were shared with IYSV isolates from New Zealand (EU477515), Nevada (FJ713699), and northern California (FJ713700). Phylogenetic analyses with the N-gene showed the sequences from Hawaii are most closely related to isolates from the western United States, Texas, and New Zealand. To date, to our knowledge, IYSV has not been detected on the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, or Hawaii. The distribution and economic consequences of this disease to Hawaii's onion production are under investigation. References: (1) H. R. Pappu et al. Arch Virol. 151:1015, 2006. (2) H. R. Pappu et al. Plant Dis. 92:588, 2008. (3) H. R. Pappu et al. Virus Res. 141:219, 2009. (4) T. N. Smith et al. Plant Dis. 90:729, 2006.

Plant Dis ; 94(7): 921, 2010 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30743563


Flowering ginger, Alpinia purpurata (Vieill.) K. Schum., is a popular cut flower and tropical landscape plant in Hawaii. In Hawaii, ginger flowers, including red and pink cultivars, are grown as field crops with an estimated annual sales of more than $1.6 million (USD) in 2006 (2). In June 2009, a commercial ginger flower grower from Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii reported plants with symptoms that included severe mosaic and stripes on the leaves. Flowers showed significant cupping and browning and growers report a reduction in size and shelf life. Symptomatic ginger was also identified at the Lyon Arboretum in Honolulu. Double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) were isolated from pooled leaf samples collected from 42 symptomatic plants at two locations on the island of Oahu to further characterize the pathogen associated with the symptomatic ginger. dsRNAs of approximately 0.7, 1.1, 1.8, 2.2, and 12 kb were present in the extractions from symptomatic plants but not in extractions from asymptomatic plants. Partial cloning and sequence analysis of the dsRNA revealed 95 to 98% nucleotide identity to sequences of P1, HC-Pro, C1, 6K2, VpG, NIb, and CP genes and the 3' untranslated region (total approximately 6 kb) of Banana bract mosaic virus (BBrMV). Total RNAs were also isolated from the symptomatic and asymptomatic plants from the Waimanalo farm and Lyon Arboretum. These RNA isolations were used in reverse transcription (RT)-PCR with primers Bract N1: 5'-GGRACATCACCAAATTTRAATGG-3' and Bract NR: 5'-GTGTGCYTCTCTAGCCCTGTT-3' (1), to amplify a 279-bp conserved region of the coat protein of BBrMV. Amplicons of the appropriate size were obtained from 38 of the symptomatic plants, whereas none were obtained from asymptomatic controls. RT-PCR amplicons of arbitrarily selected samples were cloned into pGEM-T Easy, sequenced, and found to be 99% identical to corresponding sequences of BBrMV. Furthermore, using double-antibody sandwich-ELISA assay and antibodies (3), we developed a system that can specifically detect BBrMV in infected flowering ginger plants and not in healthy appearing ginger. To our knowledge, this is the first report of BBrMV in flowering ginger in Hawaii. Further research is needed to determine if BBrMV infecting ginger poses a threat to banana, edible ginger, and other closely related ornamentals in Hawaii. References: (1) M. L. Iskra-Caruana et al. J. Virol. Methods 153:223, 2008. (2) Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture (2006). HDOA/USDA (NASS). 96, 2008. (3) J. E. Thomas et al. Phytopathology 87:698, 1997.

Plant Dis ; 94(2): 196-200, 2010 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30754271


A complex of Pineapple mealybug wilt-associated viruses (PMWaVs) that can infect pineapple (Ananas comosus) is correlated with reduced yields and mealybug wilt of pineapple. The incidences of PMWaV-1 and PMWaV-2 at planting, fruit harvest, the beginning of the ratoon crop, and ratoon fruit harvest were determined for end, side, and central regions of planting blocks in eight commercial fields. Differences in virus incidence for the three regions at ratoon harvest were highly significant (P = 0.0018). Central regions of planting blocks had lower virus incidences at the time of ratoon fruit harvest. Collection of propagation material from the central regions of planting blocks will help to minimize PMWaV incidence in fields planted with this material.

Plant Dis ; 94(5): 641, 2010 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30754444


Tomato yellow leaf curl disease, caused by the begomovirus Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV; family Geminiviridae), is an economically important disease of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) that can be very destructive in tropical and subtropical regions (1). In October 2009, tomato plants showing stunted new growth, interveinal chlorosis, and upward curling of leaf margins were reported by a residential gardener in Wailuku, on the island of Maui. Similar symptoms were observed in approximately 200 tomato plants at a University of Hawaii research farm in Poamoho, on the island of Oahu in November 2009. The similarity between these symptoms and those of tomato yellow leaf curl disease and the presence of whiteflies (Bemisia spp.), the vector of TYLCV, suggested the causal agent was a geminivirus such as TYLCV. Total nucleic acids were extracted from a tomato plant sample from Wailuku and Poamoho and used in a PCR assay with degenerate primers PAR1c715 and PAL1v1978 for geminivirus detection (4). The ~1.5-kbp amplicon expected to be produced from a geminivirus template was generated from the symptomatic tomato plant samples but not from a greenhouse-grown control tomato plant. The amplicons were cloned by the pGEM-T Easy vector (Promega, Madison, WI). Three clones from each sample were sequenced, revealing 97 to 99% nucleotide identity to TYLCV sequences in GenBank and a 98.9% nucleotide identity between the Wailuku (Accession No. GU322424) and Poamoho (Accession No. GU322423) isolates. A multiplex PCR assay for the detection and discrimination between the IL and Mld clades of TYLCV was also performed on these isolates (2). A ~0.8-kbp amplicon was generated from both isolates confirming the presence of TYLCV and their inclusion into the TYLCV-IL clade (2). Seven symptomatic and three asymptomatic tomato plant samples from Poamoho were tested for TYLCV using a squash-blot hybridization assay (3) utilizing a digoxigenin-labeled probe derived from the ~1.5-kbp PCR amplicon. All symptomatic tomato plants and one asymptomatic tomato plant were found to be infected with TYLCV. How the virus entered Hawaii and how long it has been present is unknown. The most plausible route is through infected plant material such as an asymptomatic alternative host rather than viruliferous whiteflies. It appears TYLCV is not a recent introduction into Hawaii since the Wailuku gardener observed similar disease symptoms for a few years before submitting samples for testing. In January 2010, TYLCV was also detected in two commercial tomato farms on Oahu, posing a serious threat to the state's $10 million annual tomato crop. References: (1) H. Czosnek and H. Laterrot. Arch. Virol. 142:1392, 1997. (2) P. Lefeuvre et al. J. Virol. Methods 144:165, 2007. (3) N. Navot et al. Phytopathology 79:562, 1989. (4) M. R. Rojas et al. Plant Dis. 77:340, 1993.

Arch Virol ; 153(4): 707-14, 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18283409


Pineapple mealybug wilt-associated virus-1 (PMWaV-1; family Closteroviridae, genus Ampelovirus) belongs to a complex of mealybug-transmissible viruses found in pineapple worldwide. In this study, the complete genome of PMWaV-1 was sequenced and found to be 13.1 kb in length, making it the smallest in the family. The genome encoded seven open reading frames (ORFs) and was unusual for an ampelovirus due to the lack of an intergenic region between the RdRp and p6 ORFs, an ORF encoding a relatively small coat protein (CP), and the absence of an ORF encoding a coat protein duplicate (CPd). Phylogenetic analyses placed PMWaV-1, plum bark necrosis stem pitting-associated virus and some grapevine leafroll-associated viruses in a distinct clade within the genus Ampelovirus.

Ananas/virologia , Closteroviridae/classificação , Closteroviridae/genética , Genoma Viral , Hemípteros/virologia , Filogenia , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Animais , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Fases de Leitura Aberta , Alinhamento de Sequência , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Plant Dis ; 89(5): 450-456, 2005 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30795420


Mealybug wilt of pineapple (MWP) is one of the most destructive diseases of pineapple (Ananas comosus) worldwide. At least one Ampelovirus species, Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-2 (PMWaV-2), and mealybug feeding are involved in the etiology of MWP. A previously undescribed Ampelovirus sharing highest homology with PMWaV-1 and a putative deletion mutant sharing highest homology with PMWaV-2 were detected with reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays using degenerate primers. Results were verified with additional sequence information and by immunosorbent electron microscopy. Sequence homology between the virus tentatively designated PMWaV-3, and PMWaV-1 and PMWaV-2, decreases toward the N-terminal across the HSP70 homolog, small hydrophobic protein, and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase open reading frames (ORF). Putative PMWaV-3 could not be detected with four different monoclonal antibodies specific for PMWaV-1 and PMWaV-2. The potential deletion mutant spanning the N-terminal of the HSP70 region was obtained from a pineapple accession from Zaire maintained at the USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Hawaii. Putative PMWaV-3, like PMWaV-1 and PMWaV-2, is transmissible separately or in combination with other PMWaVs by Dysmicoccus brevipes and D. neobrevipes mealybugs. Plants infected with PMWaV-3 that were continuously exposed to mealybugs did not develop symptoms of MWP in the absence of PMWaV-2. Specific RT-PCR assays were developed for detection of putative PMWaV-3 and the deletion mutant.

Plant Dis ; 86(9): 933-938, 2002 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30818551


The individual and combined effects of Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-1 (PMWaV-1) infection in pineapple, Ananas comosus, and Rotylenchus reniformis on pineapple growth were evaluated under greenhouse and field conditions. Under greenhouse conditions, no effect of PMWaV-1 infection on pineapple growth or nematode reproduction was observed. Under field conditions, the interaction of PMWaV-1 and nematodes was evaluated in plant and ratoon crops. In the plant crop, pineapple in plots treated with the nematicide 1,3-dichloropropane showed increased vegetative growth, whereas virus infection had no effect on vegetative growth. Nematodes reduced the average fruit weight (P = 0.01), whereas PMWaV-1 infection did not (P > 0.14). However, more fruit in the largest size classes (sizes 7 and 8) were produced in PMWaV-1-free plots than in PMWaV-1-infected plots (P = 0.03). The average fruit weight decreased in the presence of virus or nematodes. The smallest fruits were from PMWaV-1-infected plants infested with R. reniformis. More early-ripening fruit (30%) were produced by plants infected with PMWaV-1 than by PMWaV-free plants (P < 0.05). PMWaV-1 infection may be one of the reasons for asynchronous fruit ripening, which is a top limiting factor for pineapple production in Hawaii. In the ratoon crop, PMWaV-1 infection reduced fruit weight by 9% (P < 0.01), whereas nematode effects were similar across treatments (P > 0.10). More fruit in the three largest size categories were produced in PMWaV-1-free plots than in PMWaV-1-infected plots (P < 0.01). PMWaV-1 infection reduced the number of fruit produced in the ratoon crop (P < 0.02). An interaction (P < 0.03) between R. reniformis and PMWaV-1 infection status was detected in the ratoon crop. The fewest fruit were produced in plots with PMWaV-1-infected plants that were nematode infected.

Plant Dis ; 86(8): 867-874, 2002 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30818640


The impact of mealybug feeding and Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-1 (PMWaV-1) and PMWaV-2 infection on pineapple fruit yield, and the spread of PMWaV-1 and mealybug wilt of pineapple (MWP) were evaluated under field conditions with a randomized complete block design. Plots of PMWaV-1-free or infected plants were maintained mealybug-free or inoculated with mealybugs (Dysmicoccus spp.) at monthly intervals. Plants infected with PMWaV-2, an integral part of MWP etiology, were nested within plots that were maintained free of mealybugs, and in the plots of PMWaV-1 infected plants exposed to mealybugs. MWP, which only developed in PMWaV-2 infected plants exposed to mealybugs, resulted in a 35% reduction in yield when compared to PMWaV-free plants. Yield reductions were dependent on time of MWP symptom development; the earlier the expression of symptoms the greater the impact on fruit yields. An interaction effect between PMWaV infection, inclusive of both PMWaV-1 and PMWaV-2 infected plants, and mealybug exposure was detected in the plant crop (P < 0.02) but not in the ratoon crop (P > 0.59). This could be explained by the presence of MWP symptom expression during the plant crop and subsequent plant recovery in the ratoon crop. Virus infection, inclusive of PMWaV-1 and PMWaV-2, suppressed yield (P < 0.01) in the ratoon crop. The commercially desirable fruit sizes were most frequently obtained from PMWaV-free plants. Spatial analysis of PMWaV-2 spread, and MWP symptom expression in mealybug inoculated plots showed patterns of aggregation within rows and within beds but not between beds over the course of the study. Initial occurrence of MWP symptom expression in mealybug-inoculated plots was underdispersed indicating random occurrence of PMWaV-2 plants. After 6 months of mealybug exposure, patterns of both PMWaV-2 incidence and MWP were overdispersed. Management strategies are discussed.

Phytopathology ; 92(9): 928-35, 2002 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18944017


ABSTRACT The roles of Pineapple mealybug wilt-associated viruses (PMWaVs) and mealybug (Dysmicoccus spp.) feeding in the etiology of mealybug wilt of pineapple (MWP) were evaluated. Container-grown pineapple (Ananas comosus) plants from five commercially grown Hawaiian proprietary selections and a field study utilizing a randomized complete block design were used to test four treatments for induction of MWP: PMWaV-1-free and PMWaV-1-infected plants maintained mealybug-free, and PMWaV-1-free and PMWaV-1-infected plants that received monthly applications of nonviruliferous mealybugs. A second PMWaV, PMWaV-2, was identified in some of the test plants during the course of these studies and was shown to be an integral factor in MWP etiology. Typical MWP symptoms developed only in plants infected with PMWaV-2 and exposed to mealybugs. MWP did not develop in PMWaV-1-free or PMWaV-1-infected plants that were exposed to mealybugs, or in mealy-bug-free plants infected with PMWaV-1, PMWaV-2, or both viruses. Plants from all five Hawaiian proprietary selections developed MWP when PMWaV-2 infected plants were exposed to mealybug feeding. A PMWaV-2-specific monoclonal antibody was produced that decorated the particles in immunosorbent electron microscopy and detected the virus in tissue blot immunoassays. PMWaV-2 was acquired and transmitted by pink and gray pineapple mealybugs (Dysmicoccus spp.) to pineapple plants, and these plants subsequently developed MWP symptoms while sustaining mealybug populations.

J Gen Virol ; 82(Pt 1): 1-7, 2001 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11125151


The genome of pineapple mealybug wilt-associated closterovirus-2 (PMWaV-2) was cloned from double-stranded RNA isolated from diseased pineapple and its sequence determined. The 3'-terminal 14861 nt of the single-stranded RNA genome contains ten open reading frames (ORFs) which, from 5' to 3', potentially encode a >204 kDa polyprotein containing papain-like protease, methyltransferase and helicase domains (ORF1a), a 65 kDa RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (ORF1b), a 5 kDa hydrophobic protein (ORF2), a 59 kDa heat shock protein 70 homologue (ORF3), a 46 kDa protein (ORF4), a 34 kDa coat protein (ORF5), a 56 kDa diverged coat protein (ORF6), a 20 kDa protein (ORF7), a 22 kDa protein (ORF8) and a 6 kDa protein (ORF9). A 132 nt untranslated region was present at the 3' terminus of the genome. This genome organization is typical of the monopartite closteroviruses, including the putative +1 ribosomal frameshift allowing expression of ORF1b. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that within the family CLOSTEROVIRIDAE: the mealybug-transmitted PMWaV-2 is more closely related to other mealybug-transmitted members than to those which are transmitted by aphids or whiteflies. Within this group, PMWaV-2 shares the greatest sequence identity with grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3, another mealybug-transmitted closterovirus.

Closterovirus/genética , Frutas/virologia , Genoma Viral , Animais , Clonagem Molecular , Closterovirus/classificação , Insetos/virologia , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Fases de Leitura Aberta
Plant Dis ; 85(8): 856-864, 2001 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30823053


Surveys for Pineapple mealybug wilt-associated virus-1 (PMWaV-1) and PMWaV-2 were conducted on pineapple samples from Hawaii and around the world. Tissue blot immunoassays (TBIAs) with two different monoclonal antibodies (MAb) specific to either PMWaV-1 or PMWaV-2 indicated that both closteroviruses are widely distributed throughout the pineapple-growing areas of the world. In the worldwide survey, PMWaV-1 was found in 80% of the mea-lybug wilt of pineapple (MWP)-symptomatic and 78% of the asymptomatic pineapple plants tested. A subset of plants was tested for PMWaV-2; 100% of the symptomatic plants and 12% of the asymptomatic plants were positive for this virus. A reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay was developed to differentiate between PMWaV-1 and PMWaV-2. Oligonucleotide primers were designed using distinct regions of the HSP 70 homolog genes of the two viruses. PMWaV-specific RT-PCR assays and TBIAs were used to screen the pineapple accessions maintained at the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service National Clonal Germplasm Repository for PMWaV infection; 73% of the accessions were found infected with at least one PMWaV. Pineapple accessions found PMWaV-free were challenged with viruliferous mealybugs to test for immunity to PMWaV-1. No immune germ plasm was identified. Potential alternative virus hosts were screened for infection with virus-specific RT-PCR assays and TBIAs and were also challenged with viruliferous mealybugs. No alternate hosts of PMWaV-1 or PMWaV-2 were identified. PMWaV-1 infection was eliminated through axillary and apical bud propagation from infected crowns. Strategies to manage MWP are discussed.

Phytopathology ; 88(11): 1224-30, 1998 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18944858


ABSTRACT Closterovirus-like particles associated with mealybug wilt of pineapple were acquired and transmitted by the pink pineapple mealybug, Dysmicoccus brevipes, and the gray pineapple mealybug, D. neobrevipes. Mealybugs acquired pineapple mealybug wilt-associated virus (PMWaV) from infected pineapple plants or detached leaves. The virus was detected in plants by tissue blot immunoassay and confirmed by immunosorbent electron microscopy. Plants exposed to mealybugs reared on PMWaV-free pineapple tissue remained uninfected. The presence of ants was correlated with an increased rate of virus spread when caged with D. brevipes. All stages of D. neobrevipes acquired PMWaV, although vector efficiency decreased significantly in older adult females. The probability of a single third-instar immature transmitting the virus was 0.04. Both species of mealybug acquired and transmitted PMWaV from infected pineapple material that had been clonally propagated for decades, and both species acquired PMWaV from sources previously infected with the virus by the other mealybug species.

Plant Dis ; 81(10): 1150-1154, 1997 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30861710


Specific monoclonal antibodies made to a pineapple closterovirus (PCV) were used in a tissue blotting immunoassay (TBIA) for the detection of PCV in pineapple. More than 2,000 samples were tested in 5 days by one person using this rapid and reliable assay. A survey was conducted using this assay to test more than 20,000 Hawaiian pineapple samples for the presence of PCV. PCV was detected in symptomless pineapple plants in the field and in the USDA pineapple germ plasm collection. Studies of the association of PCV with mealybug wilt of pineapple (MWP) suggest that PCV may be involved in MWP.