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Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 14(9)2024 Apr 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38727329


The rational design of composites based on graphene/metal oxides is one of the pillars for advancing their application in various practical fields, particularly gas sensing. In this study, a uniform distribution of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) through the graphene layer was achieved, taking advantage of amine functionalization. The beneficial effect of amine groups on the arrangement of ZnO NPs and the efficiency of their immobilization was revealed by core-level spectroscopy, pointing out strong ionic bonding between the aminated graphene (AmG) and ZnO. The stability of the resulting Am-ZnO nanocomposite was confirmed by demonstrating that its morphology remains unchanged even after prolonged heating up to 350 °C, as observed by electron microscopy. On-chip multisensor arrays composed of both AmG and Am-ZnO were fabricated and thoroughly tested, showing almost tenfold enhancement of the chemiresistive response upon decorating the AmG layer with ZnO nanoparticles, due to the formation of p-n heterojunctions. Operating at room temperature, the fabricated multisensor chips exhibited high robustness and a detection limit of 3.6 ppm and 5.1 ppm for ammonia and ethanol, respectively. Precise identification of the studied analytes was achieved by employing the pattern recognition technique based on linear discriminant analysis to process the acquired multisensor response.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(5): 3950-3958, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36648356


According to the classical nucleation theory, the presence of solid particles in a liquid should facilitate its heterogeneous nucleation upon supercooling. Here, we have analysed the behaviour of aqueous dispersions of detonation diamond nanoparticles (DND) with different signs of the surface charge in supercooled conditions and the frozen state. The behaviours of the diamond nanoparticles with a typical size of 4.5 nm were compared with each other and with deionized water in ice nucleation and ice shear experiments. The presented experimental data and analysis allowed the description of the significant increase in the freezing delay times for positively charged nanoparticles and the sharp decrease for negatively charged ones in comparison to deionized water, based on the peculiarities of the water structure around the nanoparticles and in the vicinity of a superhydrophobic surface. In addition, this approach has allowed the successful explanation of the difference in the practical work of adhesion for deionized water and dispersions of DND with different particle charges.

Membranes (Basel) ; 12(9)2022 Aug 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36135846


Compositional proton-conducting membranes based on perfluorinated Aquivion®-type copolymers modified by detonation nanodiamonds (DND) with positively charged surfaces were prepared to improve the performance of hydrogen fuel cells. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments demonstrated the fine structure in such membranes filled with DND (0-5 wt.%), where the conducting channels typical for Aquivion® membranes are mostly preserved while DND particles (4-5 nm in size) decorated the polymer domains on a submicron scale, according to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data. With the increase in DND content (0, 0.5, and 2.6 wt.%) the thermogravimetric analysis, potentiometry, potentiodynamic, and potentiotatic curves showed a stabilizing effect of the DNDs on the operational characteristics of the membranes. Membrane-electrode assemblies (MEA), working in the O2/H2 system with the membranes of different compositions, demonstrated improved functional properties of the modified membranes, such as larger operational stability, lower proton resistance, and higher current densities at elevated temperatures in the extended temperature range (22-120 °C) compared to pure membranes without additives.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 13(1)2022 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36615934


The derivatization of graphene to engineer its band structure is a subject of significant attention nowadays, extending the frames of graphene material applications in the fields of catalysis, sensing, and energy harvesting. Yet, the accurate identification of a certain group and its effect on graphene's electronic structure is an intricate question. Herein, we propose the advanced fingerprinting of the epoxide and hydroxyl groups on the graphene layers via core-level methods and reveal the modification of their valence band (VB) upon the introduction of these oxygen functionalities. The distinctive contribution of epoxide and hydroxyl groups to the C 1s X-ray photoelectron spectra was indicated experimentally, allowing the quantitative characterization of each group, not just their sum. The appearance of a set of localized states in graphene's VB related to the molecular orbitals of the introduced functionalities was signified both experimentally and theoretically. Applying the density functional theory calculations, the impact of the localized states corresponding to the molecular orbitals of the hydroxyl and epoxide groups was decomposed. Altogether, these findings unveiled the particular contribution of the epoxide and hydroxyl groups to the core-level spectra and band structure of graphene derivatives, advancing graphene functionalization as a tool to engineer its physical properties.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(11)2021 Nov 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34835831


Over a decade ago, it was confirmed that detonation nanodiamond (DND) powders reflect very cold neutrons (VCNs) diffusively at any incidence angle and that they reflect cold neutrons quasi-specularly at small incidence angles. In the present publication, we report the results of a study on the effect of particle sizes on the overall efficiency of neutron reflectors made of DNDs. To perform this study, we separated, by centrifugation, the fraction of finer DND nanoparticles (which are referred to as S-DNDs here) from a broad initial size distribution and experimentally and theoretically compared the performance of such a neutron reflector with that from deagglomerated fluorinated DNDs (DF-DNDs). Typical commercially available DNDs with the size of ~4.3 nm are close to the optimum for VCNs with a typical velocity of ~50 m/s, while smaller and larger DNDs are more efficient for faster and slower VCN velocities, respectively. Simulations show that, for a realistic reflector geometry, the replacement of DF-DNDs (a reflector with the best achieved performance) by S-DNDs (with smaller size DNDs) increases the neutron albedo in the velocity range above ~60 m/s. This increase in the albedo results in an increase in the density of faster VCNs in such a reflector cavity of up to ~25% as well as an increase in the upper boundary of the velocities of efficient VCN reflection.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(8)2021 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34443779


Neutrons can be an instrument or an object in many fields of research. Major efforts all over the world are devoted to improving the intensity of neutron sources and the efficiency of neutron delivery for experimental installations. In this context, neutron reflectors play a key role because they allow significant improvement of both economy and efficiency. For slow neutrons, Detonation NanoDiamond (DND) powders provide exceptionally good reflecting performance due to the combination of enhanced coherent scattering and low neutron absorption. The enhancement is at maximum when the nanoparticle diameter is close to the neutron wavelength. Therefore, the mean nanoparticle diameter and the diameter distribution are important. In addition, DNDs show clustering, which increases their effective diameters. Here, we report on how breaking agglomerates affects clustering of DNDs and the overall reflector performance. We characterize DNDs using small-angle neutron scattering, X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, neutron activation analysis, dynamical light scattering, infra-red light spectroscopy, and others. Based on the results of these tests, we discuss the calculated size distribution of DNDs, the absolute cross-section of neutron scattering, the neutron albedo, and the neutron intensity gain for neutron traps with DND walls.