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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38596606


Objectives: To identify predictors of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) requirement as a revascularization method in in real-world non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) patients. Materials and methods: . An individual pre-specified analysis of patients with NSTE-ACS was performed from two prospective Argentine registries between 2017 and 2022. We analyzed the difference in baseline characteristics between patients who required CABG and those who did not require this intervention. Then, a logistic regression analysis was performed to determine independent predictors in patients who received CABG as a method of revascularization. Results: A total of 1848 patients with a median age of 54.8 (interquartile range [IQR]: 53.7-56) years and an ejection fraction of 42.1% (IQR: 41.2-43.1) were included. A total of 233 patients required CABG (12.6%). Baseline characteristics between the two groups were similar, except in patients requiring CABG, who were younger (51.5 vs. 55.7 years; p=0.010), more frequently diabetic (38.2% vs. 25.7%; p=0.001) and male (90.1% vs. 73.7%; p=0.001). In addition, they had, to a lesser extent, previous cardiac surgery (2.1% vs. 11.2%; p=0.011). After multivariable analysis, the following were independently associated with CABG: age (Odds Ratio [OR]: 0.99, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.98-0.99; p=0.008), male sex (OR: 3.08, 95% CI: 1.87-5.1; p=0.001), history of previous CABG (OR: 0.14, 95% CI: 0.05-0.30; p=0.001) and diabetes (OR: 1.84, 95% CI: 1.31- 2.57; p=0.001). Conclusions: In this analysis of two NSTEACS registries, younger age, male sex, a diagnosis of diabetes and the absence of previous surgery were independent predictors of the requirement for inpatient CABG.

Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38046230


Objective: To evaluate the self-perception of cardiology residents in Argentina regarding their abilities to help their patients stop smoking, as well as their opinions about their knowledge and skills in this area. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out using secondary data from a study carried out in five Latin American countries and Spain, focusing on the information provided by cardiology residents in Argentina. Discrete variables were expressed as median and interquartile range, and categorical variables were expressed as percentages, and were analyzed using the chi-square test or Fisher's exact test, depending on the relative frequency of the expected values. Results: 447 residents participated; 87.5% routinely provided brief advice to quit smoking, and 11.6% used validated questionnaires to assess the degree of addiction. Furthermore, 32.1% stated that they prescribed pharmacological treatment, but 53.1% were only familiar with a single drug. When asked about their self-perception of getting their patients to stop smoking, the median response was 5 (scale from 1 to 10); only 13.7% responded with a score of 8 or more. Conclusions: The present study suggests that cardiology residents in Argentina recognize the importance of carrying out smoking cessation interventions, but a high proportion of them do not feel qualified to do so.

Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38046231


Objectives: To evaluate the rate of use of antiplatelet pretreatment in patients with non-ST elevated acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) and its association with adverse events in two Argentine registries. Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed two Argentine acute coronary syndrome (ACS) registries from 2017 and 2022. We explored the incidence of pretreatment and the drug used. We evaluated the relationship between this strategy and a composite clinical outcome of in-hospital events: death + myocardial infarction + stent thrombosis + post-MI angina + transient ischemic event/cerebrovascular event, and with bleeding events (BARC 2 or higher). Subsequently, we performed a multivariate analysis by logistic regression with other clinical variables. Results: A total of 1297 patients were included; 75.6% were men, 25.6% diabetics, 27.1% smokers, 70.3% hypertensive, and 23.1% had a previous ACS. The mean age was 55.3 years. The mean GRACE score was 113.5, and the CRUSADE was 23.8. 44% of the patients received pretreatment, the majority with clopidogrel (93.5%). Pretreatment was significantly associated with a higher incidence of the composite clinical outcome (10.1% vs. 6.9%) (OR 1,56; IC 95%: 1,06-2,3; p=0,02). Bleeding events were numerically more frequent with pretreatment (8.7% vs. 5.9%) (OR 1,51; IC95%: 0,99 -2,3; p=0,054). In the multivariate analysis, pretreatment was no longer associated with a higher incidence of ischemic outcomes (OR 1,4; IC95%: 0,89-2,3; p=0,13). Conclusion: Pretreatment was used in almost half of the patients, mainly with clopidogrel, and did not show a reduction in ischemic events in patients with NSTACS.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 91(5): 352-358, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550699


RESUMEN Introducción las mini entrevistas múltiples (MME) son un modelo para evaluar las habilidades no cognitivas en la selección de profesionales ingresantes a instituciones médicas. Objetivo el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la factibilidad, confiabilidad y la aceptabilidad de las MME para la selección de residentes y fellows en un centro cardiovascular en los últimos 5 años. Material y métodos se realizó un estudio observacional, en el cual se incluyeron consecutivamente postulantes a la residencia de Cardiología y a las especialidades de Medicina Nuclear y Ultrasonido en los años 2018, 2019 y 2022. Se desarrollaron diez estaciones para evaluar diferentes dominios no cognitivos. La confiabilidad se evaluó mediante el coeficiente G de generalización. Además, se encuestó a postulantes y entrevistadores para evaluar la aceptabilidad de las MME, y se evaluó la factibilidad en términos de tiempo dedicado al proceso. Resultados un total de 75 postulantes participaron de las MME. A partir del estudio G se obtuvieron coeficientes de confiabilidad de 0,62 y 0,61 acorde al diseño. Fue factible su implementación y el 92% de los postulantes valoró de manera muy positiva a las MME. El 90% de los entrevistadores refirió tener suficiente tiempo para evaluar a los participantes y que el proceso no era excesivamente agotador Conclusiones las MME son un método novedoso en nuestro medio. Demostraron ser confiables y con un elevado nivel de aceptabilidad para la evaluación de habilidades no cognitivas en el proceso de selección de postulantes a residencia de Cardiología y de subespecialidades en un centro cardiovascular.

ABSTRACT Background Multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) serve as a model to evaluate non-cognitive skills in the admission process of health care professionals. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, reliability and acceptability of the MMI model for the selection of residents and fellows in a cardiovascular center in the past 5 years. Methods We conducted an observational study including applicants to the cardiology residency program and to the fellowship in Nuclear Medicine and Cardiovascular Ultrasound in 2018, 2019 and 2022. Ten stations were developed to evaluate different non-cognitive domains. Reliability was assessed using G-coefficient. Applicants and interviewers were also surveyed to assess the acceptability of the MMI model and its feasibility in terms of the time required for the process. Results A total of 75 applicants participated in the MMIs. The G study showed reliability coefficients of 0.62 and 0.61 according to the design. Implementation was feasible; 92% of applicants gave positive reviews to the MMI model, and 90% of interviewers reported they had sufficient time to assess the participants and that the process was not an excessively exhausting. Conclusion MMIs are a novel method in our setting, demonstrating reliability and a high level of acceptability for evaluating non-cognitive skills in the selection process of applicants to the cardiology residency program and fellowships in a cardiovascular center.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 91(5): 365-373, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550701


RESUMEN La decisión sobre la mejor estrategia de revascularización para los pacientes con enfermedad de múltiples vasos se ha tornado una tarea compleja a medida que la angioplastia coronaria ha mejorado sus resultados. En la siguiente revisión nos propusimos evaluar las variables que en nuestra experiencia definen el beneficio de una técnica sobre la otra, entendiendo que de esta manera la decisión del médico tratante se hace más sencilla y objetiva. Por otro lado, y festejando el saludable protagonismo que se le da al paciente, creemos que esta evaluación permite ofrecer argumentos sólidos para ayudarlo en la toma de la decisión.

ABSTRACT The decision on the best revascularization strategy for patients with multivessel disease has become a complex task as coronary angioplasty has improved its results. In the following review, we set out to evaluate the variables that, in our experience, define the benefit of one technique over the other, understanding that in this way the treating physician's decision will become simpler and more objective. On the other hand, and celebrating the healthy prominence given to patients, we believe that this evaluation allows solid arguments to help them in decision making.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(2): 212-218, jun. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448623


Resumen Introducción: Una buena relación médico-paciente es crucial para la práctica médica. Un elemento fundamen tal de la misma es la empatía del médico tratante, y esta puede ser cuantificada mediante una escala validada llamada Escala de Empatía de Jefferson. Métodos: En este estudio buscamos correlacionar los valores de empatía de los médicos del servicio con los resultados de las encuestas de satisfacción del pa ciente ambulatorio, medido mediante una herramienta llamada HCAPS. Resultados: Encontramos que los pacientes percibían un mayor trato respetuoso y que se les explicaba mejor sus opciones de tratamiento por parte de los médicos con mayores niveles de empatía. No hubo diferencias en los niveles de empatía de los médicos según su edad, sexo, o tiempo desde la obtención del título de especialista. Discusión: Los resultados validan a la empatía como una habilidad clave dentro de la relación médico-paciente.

Abstract Introduction: A good doctor-patient relationship is crucial to medical practice. A fundamental element of it is the empathy of the treating physician, and it can be quantified by means of a validated scale called the Jefferson Empathy Scale. Methods: In this study we sought to correlate the empathy values of our physicians with the results of outpatient satisfaction surveys, measured using a tool called HCAPS. Results: We found that patients perceived greater respectful treatment and had their treatment options better explained to them by physicians with higher lev els of empathy. There were no differences in physicians' empathy levels according to their age, gender, or time since qualifying as a specialist. Discussion: These results validate empathy as a key skill in the doctor-patient relationship.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 91(2): 144-148, jun. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529592


RESUMEN Introducción : de estar disponible, la angioplastia primaria (ATCp), en tiempos adecuados y en centros con experiencia, es la mejor estrategia de reperfusión para el infarto agudo de miocardio con supradesnivel del segmento ST (IAMCEST). El tiempo puerta-balón (TPB) es una expresión de eficiencia operativa de la institución que realiza la ATCp, con impacto en la evolución del paciente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los resultados a largo plazo de un programa de mejora continua del proceso TPB. Material y métodos : se incluyeron en forma prospectiva y consecutiva pacientes con diagnóstico de IAMCEST sometidos a ATCp desde enero de 2015 a mayo de 2022. La población se dividió en dos períodos: período de implementación inmediata y período de seguimiento a largo plazo. Resultados : se ingresaron 671 pacientes en forma prospectiva y consecutiva. En el primer período, de implementación, (P1), se incluyeron 91 pacientes, y en el segundo período, de seguimiento del programa, (P2), 580 pacientes. La mediana (rango intercuartilo, RIC) de TPB fue de 46 min (29-59) en P1 vs 42 min(25-52) en el P2, p = 0,055. En el segundo período se evi denció una reducción de las preactivaciones (P1 54,1% vs P2 30%,p = 0,02) y los procedimientos on hours (42% en p1 vs 30% en P2, p = 0,029). Conclusión : el registro mostró el mantenimiento de los buenos resultados a largo plazo a pesar de una reducción de las preactivaciones y los procedimientos on hours.

ABSTRACT Background : If available, primary transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), performed timely and in experienced sites, is the best reperfusion strategy for ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The door-to-balloon (DTB) time expresses operational efficiency of the site in charge of the PTCA, with an impact on patient's progress. The aim of this study was to analyze the long-term results of a continuous improvement program for the DTB time process. Methods : Patients diagnosed with STEMI who had undergone PTCA from January 2015 to May 2022 were prospectively and consecutively enrolled. The population was divided in two periods: an immediate implementation period and a long-term follow-up period. Results : 671 patients were prospectively and consecutively enrolled. During the implementation period (P1) 91 patients were enrolled, and 580 during the program follow-up (P2). The median (interquartile range, IQR) DTB time was 46 min (29-59) for P1 vs 42 min(25-52) for P2, p=0.055). The second period showed a reduction in pre-activations (P1 54,1% vs P2 30% p=0.02) and on-hour procedures (42% for P1 versus 30% for P2, p=0.029). Conclusion : The registry showed long-term maintenance of good results, despite reduced reactivations and on-hour procedures.

Medicina (B Aires) ; 83(2): 212-218, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37094189


INTRODUCTION: A good doctor-patient relationship is crucial to medical practice. A fundamental element of it is the empathy of the treating physician, and it can be quantified by means of a validated scale called the Jefferson Empathy Scale. METHODS: In this study we sought to correlate the empathy values of our physicians with the results of outpatient satisfaction surveys, measured using a tool called HCAPS. RESULTS: We found that patients perceived greater respectful treatment and had their treatment options better explained to them by physicians with higher levels of empathy. There were no differences in physicians' empathy levels according to their age, gender, or time since qualifying as a specialist. DISCUSSION: These results validate empathy as a key skill in the doctor-patient relationship.

Introducción: Una buena relación médico-paciente es crucial para la práctica médica. Un elemento fundamental de la misma es la empatía del médico tratante, y esta puede ser cuantificada mediante una escala validada llamada Escala de Empatía de Jefferson. Métodos: En este estudio buscamos correlacionar los valores de empatía de los médicos del servicio con los resultados de las encuestas de satisfacción del paciente ambulatorio, medido mediante una herramienta llamada HCAPS. Resultados: Encontramos que los pacientes percibían un mayor trato respetuoso y que se les explicaba mejor sus opciones de tratamiento por parte de los médicos con mayores niveles de empatía. No hubo diferencias en los niveles de empatía de los médicos según su edad, sexo, o tiempo desde la obtención del título de especialista. Discusión: Los resultados validan a la empatía como una habilidad clave dentro de la relación médico-paciente.

Relações Médico-Paciente , Médicos , Humanos , Satisfação do Paciente , Empatia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 90(4): 294-303, set. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441152


RESUMEN El ácido acetilsalicílico, o aspirina, es una de las herramientas farmacológicas más usadas en el cuidado de los pacientes cardiovasculares. Durante años se utilizó ampliamente en prevención primaria y secundaria para disminuir el riesgo cardiovascular. En los últimos tiempos su uso ha sido cuestionado, con nuevos ensayos en diferentes escenarios dentro de la patología cardíaca, como la enfermedad vascular periférica, el accidente cerebrovascular, la prevención primaria en el contexto del tratamiento médico moderno, o en el paciente con un síndrome coronario agudo y necesidad concomitante de anticoagulación. A su vez, nuevos estudios cuestionan la necesidad de mantener la aspirina durante 12 meses junto a una tienopiridina luego de un síndrome coronario agudo, y proponen esquemas abreviados. En esta revisión, evaluamos la evidencia detrás de las indicaciones actuales del uso de aspirina en diferentes escenarios clínicos, y formulamos recomendaciones en cada uno de los casos.

ABSTRACT Acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin, is one of pharmacological tools most widely used in the care of cardiovascular patients. For years, it has been widely used in primary and secondary prevention to reduce cardiovascular risk. Aspirin utilization has been questioned in recent times, with new trials in different scenarios of cardiovascular disease, such as peripheral vascular disease, stroke, primary prevention in the context of modern medical treatment, or in patients with acute coronary syndrome and concomitant need for anticoagulation. In turn, new studies question the need to maintain aspirin for 12 months together with a thienopyridine after an acute coronary syndrome, suggesting shorter regimens. In this review, we evaluate the evidence behind the current indications for aspirin use in different clinical scenarios and provide recommendations on a case-by-case basis.

Heart Rhythm ; 19(10): 1712-1722, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35644354


BACKGROUND: Current American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association/Heart Rhythm Society (ACC/AHA/HRS) and European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines recommend different strategies to avoid low-yield admissions in patients with syncope. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to directly compare the safety and efficacy of applying admission criteria of both guidelines to patients presenting with syncope to the emergency department in 2 multicenter studies. METHODS: The international BASEL IX (BAsel Syncope EvaLuation) study (median age 71 years) and the U.S. SRS (Improving Syncope Risk Stratification in Older Adults) study (median age 72 years) were investigated. Primary endpoints were sensitivity/specificity for the adjudicated diagnosis of cardiac syncope (BASEL IX only) and 30-day major adverse cardiovascular events (30d-MACE). RESULTS: Among 2560 patients in the BASEL IX and 2085 in SRS studies, ACC/AHA/HRS and ESC criteria recommended admission for a comparable number of patients in BASEL IX (27% vs 28%), but ACC/AHA/HRS criteria less often in SRS (19% vs 32%; P <.01). Recommendations were discordant in ∼25% of patients. In BASEL IX, sensitivity for cardiac syncope and 30d-MACE among patients without admission criteria was comparable for ACC/AHA/HRS and ESC criteria (64% vs 65%, P = .86; and 67% vs 71%, P = .15, respectively). In SRS, sensitivity for 30d-MACE was lower with ACC/AHA/HRS (54%) vs ESC criteria (88%; P <.001). Similarly, specificity for cardiac syncope and 30d-MACE in BASEL IX was comparable for both guidelines, but in SRS the ACC/AHA/HRS guidelines showed a higher specificity for 30d-MACE than the ESC guidelines. CONCLUSION: ACC/AHA/HRS and ESC guidelines showed disagreement regarding admission for 1 in 4 patients and had only modest sensitivity, all indicating possible opportunities for improvements.

American Heart Association , Cardiologia , Idoso , Hospitalização , Hospitais , Humanos , Síncope/diagnóstico , Síncope/terapia , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia
Curr Probl Cardiol ; 47(1): 100873, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34108084


Burnout syndrome (BO) may be increased during periods of high work and emotional stress, as occurred in the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). Resident physicians appear to be more exposed due to the higher workload, prolonged exposure and the first contact with patients. To compare the incidence of burnout syndrome before and during the COVID 19 pandemic in cardiology residents. A prospective study was carried out. The Maslach questionnaire was implemented in cardiology residents of an institution of the City of Buenos Aires, in the month of September 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the results were compared with those prospectively collected in the same population during September of 2019. The survey was anonymous. The questionnaire was responded by 39 residents (2019: 16; 2020: 23). Burnout was observed in 30% (n = 7) in 2019, and in 39% (9%) residents during the COVID-19 pandemic (P= 0.77). The median score for emotional exhaustion was 38 (IQR 29-43) for the 2020s group, and 34 (IQR 27-42) for the 2019 (P = 0.32). The median score for depersonalization was 12 (IQR 5-19) and 15 (IQR 11-18) for 2020 and 2019 respectively (P = 0.50). The median score for personal accomplishment in the 2020s group was 30 (IQR 23-37) and 31 (IQR 26-35) in the 2019s (P = 0.28). The COVID-19 pandemic was not associated with an increase in the incidence of burnout in cardiology residents, who already report a significant prevalence of this syndrome in pre pandemic period. We emphasize the importance of creating prevention strategies aimed at improving resident's working conditions and quality of life, especially in periods of high stress and workload such as a global health emergency.

COVID-19 , Cardiologia , Esgotamento Psicológico/epidemiologia , Humanos , Pandemias , Estudos Prospectivos , Qualidade de Vida , SARS-CoV-2 , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 89(5): 390-401, oct. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356915


RESUMEN Introducción: Uno de los pilares fundamentales para la reducción del riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes en prevención secundaria es el correcto manejo del tratamiento hipolipemiante. Las estatinas en altas dosis, el ezetimibe, y más recientemente los inhibidores de PCSK9 (iPCSK9) son las principales herramientas farmacológicas con las que contamos para que estos pacientes cumplan metas terapéuticas de colesterol LDL (C-LDL). A pesar de la contundente evidencia a favor de estas terapéuticas, existe una gran subutilización de las mismas a nivel mundial, con bajos niveles de adherencia e inercia terapéutica. En Argentina existe escasa evidencia sobre la calidad del tratamiento hipolipemiante, y qué porcentaje de pacientes en prevención secundaria se encuentran con un perfil lipídico controlado acorde a guías nacionales e internacionales. Material y métodos: Diseñamos un estudio de corte transversal en pacientes en prevención secundaria de eventos cardiovasculares incluidos de forma prospectiva, consecutiva y multicéntrica en hospitales de la República Argentina que poseen sistema de Residencia Médica afiliados al Consejo Argentino de Residentes de Cardiología (CONAREC). Se realizó la recolección de datos durante los meses de marzo a agosto del año 2020. Se relevó el tratamiento hipolipemiante que recibían, los motivos detrás de la no utilización de estatinas en dosis adecuadas, y los valores de perfil lipídico en caso de contar con un registro en los últimos 6 meses previos a la inclusión. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1000 pacientes consecutivos de 24 centros, correspondientes a 11 provincias. Un 85,9% se encontraba bajo tratamiento con estatinas; un 4,8%, con ezetimibe; un 2,4% con fibratos; y un 13%, sin tratamiento. De aquellos pacientes en tratamiento con estatinas, un 67% recibía estatinas en altas dosis (58% del total de pacientes). Un total de 509 pacientes presentaban medición del C-LDL dentro de los últimos 6 meses. El valor promedio de C-LDL fue de 94 (90,6-97,8) mg/dL; el de C-LDL, 41 (40,7-42,6) mg/dL; y el de triglicéridos, 151 (142,9-159,8) mg/dL. Un 30% se encontraba con valores por debajo del corte de 70 mg/dL. Un 16% se encontraba con valores por debajo de 55 mg/dL. Un 37% de los pacientes presentaba C-LDL >100 mg/dL. Conclusiones: En este estudio multicéntrico de pacientes en prevención secundaria desarrollado en la República Argentina, poco más de la mitad presentaba tratamiento con estatinas en altas dosis, con una escasa utilización de ezetimibe. El subtratamiento se reflejó en los valores de C-LDL, con más de dos tercios de los pacientes fuera de rango terapéutico y, por lo tanto, lejos de las recomendaciones de las guías clínicas.

ABSTRACT Background: The correct management of lipid-lowering treatment is one of the key factors for the reduction of cardiovascular risk in secondary prevention patients. High-dose statins, ezetimibe, and more recently PCSK9 inhibitors (PCSK9i) are the main tools available to meet LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) therapeutic goals in these patients. Despite the overwhelming evidence in their favor, these therapies are greatly underutilized worldwide, with low levels of adherence and therapeutic inertia. In Argentina, there is scarce evidence on the quality of lipid-lowering treatment and the rate of patients in secondary prevention with a controlled lipid profile according to national and international guidelines. Methods: A prospective, multicenter, cross-sectional study including consecutive patients in secondary prevention for cardiovascular events from hospitals of Argentina with a Medical Residency system affiliated to CONAREC, was carried out from March to August 2020. Data was collected on the lipid-lowering treatment received, the reasons behind the non-use of statins in adequate doses and the lipid profile levels in case of having a record from the last 6 months prior to inclusion. Results: Among 1000 consecutive patients included from 24 centers corresponding to 11 provinces, 85.9% was treated with statins, 4.8% with ezetimibe, 2.4% with fibrates, and 13% was without treatment. In the case of patients treated with statin therapy, 67% was receiving high-dose statins (58% of the total number of patients). A total of 509 patients presented LDL-C assessment within the last 6 months. Mean LDL-C was 94 (90.6-97.8) mg/dl, HDL cholesterol 41 (40.7-42.6) mg/dl, and triglycerides 151 (142.9-159.8) mg/dl. In 30% of cases, LDL-C was below the cut-off value of 70 mg/dl and in 16% below 55 mg/ dl. In 37% of patients, LDL-C was >100 mg/dl. Conclusions: In this multicenter secondary prevention study performed in Argentina, just over half of the patients presented high-dose statin treatment, with scarce use of ezetimibe. Undertreatment was reflected in LDL-C values, with more than two-thirds of patients outside the therapeutic range, and therefore far from clinical guideline recommendations.

Medicina (B Aires) ; 81(3): 375-381, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34137696


Acute coronary syndromes without coronary lesions have gained relevance in recent years. However, local data on this condition is scarce. We aimed to explore this entity in a National registry of acute myocardial infarction that was carried out prospectively in hospitals with cardiology residence programs from Argentina. We included 1182 patients from 45 centers, where 33 did not present coronary lesions on angiography. The mean age was 64.5 ±13.0 and 69.7% were male, without differences compared to participants with epicardial disease. The most common electrocardiographic presentation was ST segment deviation. In addition, presented lower biomarkers (peak CPK 203.5 IU / l, range [IQR] 102-422.5 vs. 895.5 IU / l IQR 350-1891, p < 0.0001). The median hospitalization was 4.0 days (IQR 3-5.5), lower than the group with intermediate and severe coronary disease (5.5 days, RIC 4-7, and 6, RIC 4-7, p = 0.003). At discharge, less use of ACE/ARB (54.6% vs.78.0% y 79.7%, p = 0.002) and statins (78.8% vs. 87.9% y 91.9%, p = 0.017). No deaths during hospitalization were reported. Our data suggested that infarcts without significant coronary lesions are frequent, although they are probably underdiagnosed. Their prognosis seems to be more favorable, but they receive fewer drugs to prevent recurrence. New studies are necessary to deepen the knowledge of the disease.

Los síndromes coronarios agudos sin lesiones coronarias han cobrado relevancia en los últimos años, pero aún no se dispone de datos locales. Analizamos un registro de pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio, en 45 centros del país con residencias de cardiología. Se analizaron 1182 participantes de los cuales 33 (2.8%) no presentaron lesiones coronarias en angiografía, mientras que 89.5% tenían lesiones graves y 7.7% lesiones intermedias. La edad promedio de los pacientes sin lesiones coronarias fue 64.5 ± 13.0 años, 69.7% eran varones, sin diferencias respecto a aquellos con enfermedad epicárdica. La presentación electrocardiográfica más frecuente fue la desviación del segmento ST (13 supradesnivel y 10 infradesnivel del segmento). Además, este subgrupo presentó biomarcadores más bajos (CPK pico 203.5 UI/l, rango [RIC] 102-422.5 vs. 895.5 UI/l RIC 350-1891, p < 0.0001). La mediana de días de internación fue 4.0 (RIC 3-5.5), siendo menor que la del grupo con enfermedad coronaria intermedia y grave (5.5 días, RIC 4-7, y 6 RIC 4-7, p = 0.003). Al alta, aquellos sin lesiones coronarias recibieron menor prescripción de IECA/ARA II (54.6% vs. 78.0% y 79.7%, p = 0.002) y estatinas (78.8% vs. 87.9% y 91.9%, p = 0.017). Ninguno de este subgrupo falleció durante la internación. Nuestros datos sugieren que los infartos sin lesiones coronarias significativas son frecuentes en nuestro medio, aunque probablemente se encuentren subdiagnosticados. Si bien su pronóstico parece más favorable, resulta importante señalar que recibieron menos fármacos para prevenir su recurrencia. Nuevos estudios son necesarios para profundizar el conocimiento de esta enfermedad.

Vasos Coronários , Infarto do Miocárdio , Idoso , Antagonistas de Receptores de Angiotensina , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina , Argentina/epidemiologia , Angiografia Coronária , Vasos Coronários/diagnóstico por imagem , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Infarto do Miocárdio/diagnóstico por imagem , Infarto do Miocárdio/epidemiologia , Sistema de Registros , Fatores de Risco
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 81(3): 375-381, jun. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346472


Los síndromes coronarios agudos sin lesiones coronarias han cobrado relevancia en los últimos años, pero aún no se dispone de datos locales. Analizamos un registro de pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio, en 45 centros del país con residencias de cardiología. Se analizaron 1182 participantes de los cuales 33 (2.8%) no presentaron lesiones coronarias en angiografía, mientras que 89.5% tenían lesiones graves y 7.7% lesiones intermedias. La edad promedio de los pacientes sin lesiones coronarias fue 64.5 ± 13.0 años, 69.7% eran varones, sin diferencias respecto a aquellos con enfermedad epicárdica. La presentación electrocardiográfica más frecuente fue la desviación del segmento ST (13 supradesnivel y 10 infradesnivel del segmento). Además, este subgrupo presentó biomarcadores más bajos (CPK pico 203.5 UI/l, rango [RIC] 102- 422.5 vs. 895.5 UI/l RIC 350-1891, p < 0.0001). La mediana de días de internación fue 4.0 (RIC 3-5.5), siendo menor que la del grupo con enfermedad coronaria intermedia y grave (5.5 días, RIC 4-7, y 6 RIC 4-7, p = 0.003). Al alta, aquellos sin lesiones coronarias recibieron menor prescripción de IECA/ARA II (54.6% vs. 78.0% y 79.7%, p = 0.002) y estatinas (78.8% vs. 87.9% y 91.9%, p = 0.017). Ninguno de este subgrupo falleció durante la inter nación. Nuestros datos sugieren que los infartos sin lesiones coronarias significativas son frecuentes en nuestro medio, aunque probablemente se encuentren subdiagnosticados. Si bien su pronóstico parece más favorable, resulta importante señalar que recibieron menos fármacos para prevenir su recurrencia. Nuevos estudios son necesarios para profundizar el conocimiento de esta enfermedad.

Abstract Acute coronary syndromes without coronary lesions have gained relevance in recent years. However, local data on this condition is scarce. We aimed to explore this entity in a National registry of acute myocardial infarction that was carried out prospectively in hospitals with cardiology residence programs from Ar gentina. We included 1182 patients from 45 centers, where 33 did not present coronary lesions on angiography. The mean age was 64.5 ±13.0 and 69.7% were male, without differences compared to participants with epicardial disease. The most common electrocardiographic presentation was ST segment deviation. In addition, presented lower biomarkers (peak CPK 203.5 IU / l, range [IQR] 102-422.5 vs. 895.5 IU / l IQR 350-1891, p < 0.0001). The median hospitalization was 4.0 days (IQR 3-5.5), lower than the group with intermediate and severe coronary disease (5.5 days, RIC 4-7, and 6, RIC 4-7, p = 0.003). At discharge, less use of ACE/ARB (54.6% vs.78.0% y 79.7%, p = 0.002) and statins (78.8% vs. 87.9% y 91.9%, p = 0.017). No deaths during hospitalization were reported. Our data suggested that infarcts without significant coronary lesions are frequent, although they are probably underdiagnosed. Their prognosis seems to be more favorable, but they receive fewer drugs to prevent recurrence. New studies are necessary to deepen the knowledge of the disease.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Vasos Coronários/diagnóstico por imagem , Infarto do Miocárdio/epidemiologia , Infarto do Miocárdio/diagnóstico por imagem , Argentina/epidemiologia , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina , Sistema de Registros , Fatores de Risco , Angiografia Coronária , Antagonistas de Receptores de Angiotensina
Arch Cardiol Mex ; 91(4): 431-438, 2021 Nov 01.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33938903


Introduction and objectives: Although cardiologists frequently assist patients who suffer damage from smoking, the degree of training they receive to manage this problem during their residency is unknown. Because of this, we'd proposed to ­evaluate the preferences and practices of cardiology residents for smoking cessation of the attending patients. Materials and methods: Closed, prefixed, voluntary and anonymous survey among doctors who carried out the specialty of cardiology in 5 countries of Latin America and Spain. Results: 716 residents were surveyed; 62.4% from Argentina, 19% from Mexico, 6.8% from Spain, 6.7% from Chile, 3.2% from Uruguay, and 1.9% from Paraguay. When asked about the importance they assigned to this problem (using a scale of 1-10), 85.8% assigned this question a score of 8 or higher. While 80.5% of the participants expressed giving short anti-tobacco advice routinely, only 27.7% used pharmacological therapy for this purpose. Among those who did not use pharmacological therapy, 58.3% said that the reason was not being familiar with the treatments; 62.9% of the surveyed said they had not received any type of training in this problem. Those residents who received some type of training reported feeling more prepared for this (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: We found that cardiology residents have a low knowledge of pharmacological treatment and relatively low confidence to provide assistance in smoking cessation. This topic should be included in the training of future cardiologists in order to achieve a more comprehensive cardiovascular prevention.

Introducción y objetivos: Si bien los cardiólogos asisten cotidianamente a pacientes que sufren daño por el tabaquismo, no se conoce el grado de formación que reciben sobre esta problemática durante su residencia. Debido a ello nos propusimos evaluar las preferencias y prácticas de los residentes de cardiología para la cesación tabáquica de los pacientes que asisten. Materiales y métodos: Encuesta cerrada, prefijada, voluntaria y anónima entre médicos que realizaban la especialidad de cardiología en cinco países de Latinoamérica y España. Resultados: Se encuestaron 716 residentes: un 62.4% de Argentina, un 19% de México, un 6.8% de España, un 6.7% de Chile, un 3.2% de Uruguay y un 1.9% de Paraguay. Con respecto a la importancia que asignaban a esta problemática (empleando una escala de 1-10), el 85.8% le asignó a esta pregunta una puntuación de 8 o mayor. Mientras el 80.5% de los participantes expresó dar consejo breve antitabáquico sistemáticamente, solamente un 27.7% empleaban terapia farmacológica con este fin. Entre quienes no empleaban terapia farmacológica, el 58.3% manifestó que el motivo era no encontrarse familiarizados con los tratamientos. El 62.9% de los encuestados dijo no haber recibido ningún tipo de formación en esta problemática. Aquellos residentes que recibieron algún tipo de formación manifestaron sentirse más preparados (p < 0.0001). Conclusión: Encontramos un bajo conocimiento sobre el tratamiento farmacológico y relativamente poca seguridad por parte de los residentes de cardiología para brindar asistencia en cesación tabáquica. Consideramos esencial incluir este tópico en la formación de los futuros cardiólogos a fin de lograr una prevención cardiovascular más integral.

Cardiologia/educação , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Internato e Residência , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar , Humanos , América Latina , Espanha
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 89(1): 3-12, mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279713


RESUMEN Introducción: El ArgenSCORE tiene una versión original (I) desarrollada en 1999 sobre una población con mortalidad del 8% y una versión II (recalibración del modelo en 2007) sobre una población con una mortalidad del 4%. Evaluamos en el registro CONAREC XVI la hipótesis de que el ArgenSCORE II podría estimar mejor el riesgo de mortalidad intrahospitalaria en los centros con baja mortalidad; en cambio, el ArgenSCORE I estimaría mejor la mortalidad en los centros con alta mortalidad. Material y métodos: Se analizaron 2548 pacientes de 44 centros del registro prospectivo y multicéntrico en cirugía cardíaca, CONAREC XVI. En cada centro se evaluó la mortalidad media observada (MO) y se calculó la mortalidad estimada media (ME) aplicando ambas versiones del ArgenSCORE. Se calculó la relación MO/ME de cada centro para los dos modelos y se evaluó si había diferencias significativas mediante el test Z. Resultados: La mortalidad intrahospitalaria del registro fue del 7,69%. El 75% de los centros (33/44) presentaban una mortalidad mayor del 6%. En centros con mortalidad menor del 6%, al aplicar el ArgenSCORE II, la relación MO/ME mostró valores cercanos a 1 y sin diferencias significativas. En centros con mortalidad mayor del 6%, el ArgenSCORE II subestima significativamente el riesgo. En cambio, cuando se aplica en estos centros el ArgenSCORE I, la relación MO/ME es cercana a 1 (sin diferencias significativas). Conclusiones: En centros con mortalidad menor del 6%, es recomendable utilizar el ArgenSCORE II-recalibrado; en centros con mortalidad mayor del 6%, tiene mejor desempeño el ArgenSCORE I-original.

ABSTRACT Background: The ArgenSCORE I was developed in 1999 on a population with 8% mortality. The ArgenSCORE II emerged after recalibrating the original model in 2007 on a validation population with 4% mortality. Using the CONAREC XVI registry, we evaluated the hypothesis that the ArgenSCORE II could better predict the risk of in-hospital mortality in centers with low mortality, whereas the ArgenSCORE I could better predict mortality in centers with high mortality. Methods: A total of 2548 patients from 44 centers of the prospective and multicenter cardiac surgery CONAREC XVI registry, were analyzed. Mean observed mortality (OM) and mean expected mortality (EM) were estimated applying both versions of the ArgenSCORE. The OM/EM ratio was calculated in each center for both models and the Z test was used to evaluate significant differences. Results: In-hospital mortality was 7.69% for the entire registry. In 75% of the centers (33/44) mortality was >6%. In centers with mortality <6%, the OM/EM ratio was close to 1 after applying the ArgenSCORE II, without significant differences. In centers with mortality >6%, the ArgenSCORE II significantly underestimated the risk. On the contrary, when the ArgenSCORE I was applied in these centers, the OM/EM ratio was close to 1, without significant differences. Conclusions: The recalibrated ArgenSCORE II is recommended in centers with mortality <6%, while in those with mortality >6% the original ArgenSCORE I has better performance.

Medicina (B Aires) ; 80(2): 138-142, 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32282319


Burnout syndrome is a very prevalent condition of physical and mental wear in the medical profession. It is associated with serious physical and emotional consequences in health professionals, and is generally produced by an adverse working environment. Several research papers have proven that resilience, defined as the capacity to overcome adversity, can be a protective factor against burnout. In this study, levels of resilience were evaluated through a validated questionnaire in cardiology fellows and residents, and a relationship with burnout syndrome was established. One third of participants showed low resilience levels and a similar amount had positive criteria for burnout syndrome. A statistically significant association was found between these two conditions. Resilience was also negatively associated with tiredness, and positively with the perception of personal realization. Therefore, it is important to incorporate procedures for detecting low resilience levels in residents in order to attempt to improve them and thus diminish the risk of experiencing burnout.

El síndrome de burnout es un estado de desgaste mental y físico muy prevalente en el ambiente médico. Está asociado a serios detrimentos físicos y emocionales de los profesionales de la salud, y se produce generalmente en un clima de trabajo adverso. Varios trabajos han demostrado que la resiliencia, definida como la capacidad de reponerse frente a las adversidades, puede ser un factor protector del síndrome de burnout. En este estudio se evaluaron los niveles de resiliencia por medio de un cuestionario validado en residentes de cardiología y cardiólogos realizando subespecialidades, y se relacionaron con los criterios de burnout. Se comprobó que un tercio de los encuestados presentaban niveles bajos de resiliencia y criterios positivos de burnout, y se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre ambas variables. Por su parte, la resiliencia se asoció negativamente con el cansancio y positivamente con la percepción de la realización personal. Es importante incorporar técnicas de detección de niveles bajos de resiliencia en residentes para intentar modificarlos y disminuir así el riesgo de burnout.

Esgotamento Profissional/psicologia , Cardiologia , Internato e Residência , Resiliência Psicológica , Adulto , Esgotamento Profissional/prevenção & controle , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários