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J Environ Sci Health B ; 58(3): 239-246, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36905095


The present paper describes the effect of glycyrrhizic acid contained in licorice roots on the quality of pork produced. The study uses advanced research methods as ion-exchange chromatography, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, drying of an average sample of muscle, and pressing method. The paper set out to investigate the effect of glycyrrhizic acid on the pig meat quality after deworming. Of particular concern is the animal body restoration after deworming that results in metabolic disorders. The nutrient content of meat reduces, the output of bones and tendons rises. This is the first report on the use of glycyrrhizic acid to increase the meat quality of pigs after deworming. The findings from this study indicated higher pork quality resulted from a favorable effect of GA on the chemical and amino acid composition of meat. The resulting data demonstrated that glycyrrhizic acid in the piglets' diet had a beneficial effect on the biochemical processes in their body. The main scientific provisions of this paper and its findings have several practical implications for veterinary specialists. They can also be recommended for the educational process. Another possible implication is the development of new drugs, methods, and treatment plans.

Ascaríase , Ácido Glicirrízico , Suínos , Animais , Ácido Glicirrízico/farmacologia , Ácido Glicirrízico/química , Dieta/veterinária , Músculos , Carne/análise
Can J Vet Res ; 86(3): 194-202, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35794969


The objective of this research was to study the spread of diseases in the oviducts and paraovarian structures of cows diagnosed using clinical, laboratory, and morphological analysis methods. Rectal examinations of 283 cows were conducted on farms to study their reproductive function. A thorough morphological study of the reproductive organs was carried out and the ovaries and uterus were weighed and measured. The method to detect blockage of the oviducts involved filling the oviducts with air under excessive pressure and assessing the patency based on the pressure drop. During postmortem macroscopic examination of the reproductive organs of infertile cows, the most common diseases of the oviducts and pathology of paraovarian structures detected were hydrosalpinx (6.9%), cysts on oviduct walls (3.4%), ovarian-bursal adhesions (37.8%), cysts and adhesions in the mesovarian ligament and mesosalpinx (17.0%), cysts of the ovary network (3.4%), and serous inclusion cysts on the surface of the ovary (6.9%). Clinically pronounced pathology of the oviducts was detected in 2.5% of infertile cows. The proposed method for diagnosing obstruction of the oviducts made it possible to find the hidden pathology of these organs, which manifested itself in increased patency and relative and total obstruction.

L'objectif de cette recherche était d'étudier la propagation de maladies dans les oviductes et les structures para-ovariennes des vaches diagnostiquées à l'aide de méthodes d'analyse clinique, de laboratoire et morphologique. Des examens transrectaux de 283 vaches ont été effectués à la ferme pour étudier leur fonction de reproduction. Une étude morphologique approfondie des organes reproducteurs a été réalisée et les ovaires et l'utérus ont été pesés et mesurés. La méthode pour détecter le blocage des oviductes consistait à remplir les oviductes avec de l'air sous une pression excessive et à évaluer la perméabilité en fonction de la chute de pression. Lors de l'examen macroscopique postmortem des organes reproducteurs de vaches infertiles, les maladies des oviductes et pathologies des structures para-ovariennes les plus fréquemment détectées étaient l'hydrosalpinx (6,9 %), les kystes sur les parois de l'oviducte (3,4 %), les adhérences ovaire-bourse (37,8 %), kystes et adhérences du ligament mésovarien et du mésosalpinx (17,0 %), kystes du réseau ovarien (3,4 %) et kystes d'inclusion séreuse à la surface de l'ovaire (6,9 %). Une pathologie cliniquement prononcée des oviductes a été détectée chez 2,5 % des vaches infertiles. La méthode proposée pour diagnostiquer l'obstruction des oviductes a permis de trouver la pathologie cachée de ces organes, qui se manifestait par une perméabilité accrue et une obstruction relative et totale.(Traduit par Docteur Serge Messier).

Doenças dos Bovinos , Cistos , Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Cistos/veterinária , Feminino , Ovário , Oviductos , Útero
Can J Vet Res ; 86(1): 48-51, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34975222


The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Subtilin ointment on the hematology of dairy cows when used to treat inflammation and necrotic tissue in the digital area. Holstein-Friesian cows were allocated to 2 groups of 10 animals each. The first group consisted of clinically healthy cows and the second group consisted of cows with a purulent-necrotic lesion in the digital area. To make a comparative analysis, blood samples of healthy and diseased cows were taken and tested before treatment with Subtilin ointment and 10 days after treatment. The blood of the diseased cows had more leukocytes (53.38%), lymphocytes (46.81%), erythrocytes (15.78%), granulocytes (64.56%), and platelets (34.76%), and a higher mean cell volume (of 8.37%) and increased level of monocytes/eosinophils (65.12%) than did the blood of clinically healthy cows. At the same time, there were no evident changes in the level of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, mean cell hemoglobin, mean cell hemoglobin concentration, and percentage of lymphocytes in either clinically healthy or diseased cows. The hematology of diseased cows treated with Subtilin ointment demonstrated positive dynamics in the healing of ulcerative processes.

L'objectif de cette étude était d'étudier l'effet de la pommade Subtilin sur l'hématologie des vaches laitières lorsqu'elle est utilisée pour traiter l'inflammation et les tissus nécrotiques dans la zone digitale. Des vaches Holstein-Friesian ont été réparties en deux groupes de 10 animaux chacun. Le premier groupe était constitué de vaches cliniquement saines et le deuxième groupe de vaches présentant une lésion purulente-nécrotique dans la zone digitale. Pour faire une analyse comparative, des échantillons de sang de vaches saines et malades ont été prélevés et testés avant le traitement avec la pommade Subtilin et 10 jours après le traitement. Le sang des vaches malades avait plus de leucocytes (53,38 %), de lymphocytes (46,81 %), d'érythrocytes (15,78 %), de granulocytes (64,56 %) et de plaquettes (34,76 %), et un volume cellulaire moyen plus élevé (de 8,37 %) et un niveau accru de monocytes/éosinophiles (65,12 %) que le sang de vaches cliniquement en bonne santé. En même temps, il n'y a eu aucun changement évident dans le taux d'érythrocytes, d'hémoglobine, d'hémoglobine cellulaire moyenne, de concentration moyenne d'hémoglobine cellulaire et de pourcentage de lymphocytes chez les vaches cliniquement saines ou malades. L'hématologie des vaches malades traitées avec la pommade Subtilin a démontré une dynamique positive dans la guérison des processus ulcéreux.(Traduit par Docteur Serge Messier).

Bacteriocinas , Doenças dos Bovinos , Animais , Bacteriocinas/uso terapêutico , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/sangue , Doenças dos Bovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Feminino , Hematologia , Contagem de Leucócitos/veterinária , Pomadas
Can J Vet Res ; 85(3): 186-192, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34248262


The purpose of this study was to analyze the morpho-functional features of the ovaries and uterus of sows with different genotypes for the estrogen receptor (ESR), prolactin receptor (PRLR), and follicle-stimulating hormone subunit beta (FSHß) genes associated with reproductive traits. Healthy Large White sows were studied. The genotypic status of the ESR, PRLR, and FSHß genes was detected by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The structure of the ovaries and uterus was studied using quantitative assessment of organs and histological research. Sows with the ESR BB genotype significantly exceeded animals with the ESR AA genotype in milk yield (by 0.3 kg) and in the number of piglets at birth (by 0.9 animals) and at weaning (by 0.7 animals). Sows with the ESR AB genotype were midway between those with ESR BB and ESR AA genotypes in terms of these reproductive traits. Animals with the PRLR AA genotype significantly exceeded those with the PRLR BB genotype in the number of piglets born (P < 0.05); the differences in litter weight at birth were not significant. Compared to other genotypes, sows with genotypes ESR BB (P < 0.05) and PRLR AA (AB) (P < 0.05) had larger uteruses and more yellow bodies, tertiary follicles, and primordial follicles in their ovaries. Animals with the FSHß BB genotype significantly exceeded animals with the FSHß AB genotype in the length of uterus by 21 cm (P < 0.05).

Le but de cette étude était d'analyser les caractéristiques morpho-fonctionnelles des ovaires et de l'utérus de truies avec différents génotypes pour les gènes du récepteur des oestrogènes (ESR), du récepteur de la prolactine (PRLR) et de la sous-unité bêta de l'hormone folliculostimulante (FSHß) associés à des traits de reproduction. Des truies Large White en bonne santé ont été étudiées. Le statut génotypique des gènes ESR, PRLR et FSHß a été détecté par polymorphisme de la longueur des fragments de restriction par amplification en chaîne par la polymérase. La structure des ovaires et de l'utérus a été étudiée en utilisant une évaluation quantitative des organes et une recherche histologique.Les truies avec le génotype ESR BB dépassaient significativement les animaux avec le génotype ESR AA en rendement laitier (de 0,3 kg) et en nombre de porcelets à la naissance (de 0,9 animal) et au sevrage (de 0,7 animal). Les truies avec le génotype ESR AB étaient à mi-chemin entre celles avec les génotypes ESR BB et ESR AA en termes de ces traits de reproduction. Les animaux avec le génotype PRLR AA dépassaient significativement ceux avec le génotype PRLR BB dans le nombre de porcelets nés (P < 0,05); les différences de poids des portées à la naissance n'étaient pas significatives. Comparativement aux autres génotypes, les truies avec les génotypes ESR BB (P < 0,05) et PRLR AA (AB) (P < 0,05) avaient des utérus plus gros et plus de corps jaunes, de follicules tertiaires et de follicules primordiaux dans leurs ovaires. Les animaux avec le génotype FSHß BB dépassaient significativement les animaux avec le génotype FSHß AB pour la longueur de l'utérus de 21 cm (P < 0,05).(Traduit par Docteur Serge Messier).

Subunidade beta do Hormônio Folículoestimulante/genética , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Receptores de Estrogênio/genética , Receptores da Prolactina/genética , Suínos/anatomia & histologia , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Feminino , Regulação da Expressão Gênica/fisiologia , Gravidez , Suínos/genética , Suínos/metabolismo
Vet World ; 12(11): 1716-1728, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32009750


BACKGROUND AND AIM: The poultry farming development is held back by necessity to use the concentrates with the increased number of crude protein, mycotoxicoses, and subclinical infections concentration. They make a significant impact on the liver, therefore affecting its morphofunctional condition. Antioxidants use can prevent the negative influence of these factors. This study aimed to examine the impact of feed supplements containing natural antioxidants and synthetic antioxidants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Muscovy ducks, Hungarian White geese, and quails were the study object. Birds after hatching from eggs were split into two groups: Control and two experimental. The control group (40 birds of each species) received a normal diet in accordance with the type and age. The young ducklings, goslings, and quails of the first experimental group (30 birds of each species) received water with diisopropylammonium dichloroacetate (Dironax). The young ducklings, goslings, and quails of the second experimental group (30 birds of each species) received liquid multivitamin preparation, containing organic selenium form (Solvimin Selen) from the 1st day of the postembryonic development to the age of 60 days. We performed the weighing of the young ducklings, goslings, and quails, determined the live weight, liver weight, using the electronic scales (measurement inaccuracy is 0.02 g). To conduct the morphometric, histological, and electron microscopic studies liver, we killed the birds at the age of 1 day, 15 days, a month and 2 months during the postembryonic ontogenesis. RESULTS: The performed overall studies allowed to determine the positive influence of the antioxidants on growth and development of the meat bird, whose body mass increased by 5-10% in comparison with the control parameters. The antioxidants use prevents the development of fatty, hydropic and parenchymal degeneration, hepatocyte and epithelial cells necrosis of the bile ducts, and connective tissue proliferation with its further fibrosis. CONCLUSION: This study proved that it is more effective to use well-digestible, fast-acting natural polyvitaminic antioxidant complex with selenium, starting from the 1st day of the postembryonic ontogeny.

Vet World ; 13(4): 774-781, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32546925


AIM: The study aimed to determine both macroscopic and microscopic changes in the reproductive organs of sterile cows. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Careful clinical and gynecological examinations (using histological and histochemical methods) of organs of culled sterile cows, such as ovaries, oviducts, the uterus, pars anterior adenohypophysis, thyroid body, and adrenals, were performed. RESULTS: It was found that 20% of the examined cows in the farms of the Republic of Bashkortostan had pathology of reproductive organs. Ovarian dysfunction was diagnosed in 31% of sterile cows. Histological and histochemical studies revealed that high atresia of all types of ovarian follicles is associated with hypofunction of the ovaries. This was related to stromal vascular dystrophy and was accompanied by atrophy of thecal endocrine elements, resulting in decrease of endocrine and generative function of ovaries. CONCLUSION: Essential elements of the ovarian dysfunction pathogenesis are disorders of the functional system "ovary-pituitary-adrenal-thyroid gland" and the abnormality of utero-ovarian relationships, which differ significantly during hypofunction, in case of follicular cysts, and in case of persistent corpora lutea. This difference in abnormalities of utero-ovarian relationships should be considered when developing diagnostic and treatment methods and determining preventive measures.