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Plants (Basel) ; 12(10)2023 May 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37653945


Selenium uptake and its content in soybean grains are affected by Se application methods. This study evaluated the impact of Se foliar application combined with a multi-nutrient fertilizer (MNF) on soybean, establishing a Se threshold to better understand the relationship between Se content in grains and yield of two genotypes (58I60 Lança and M5917). Two trials were conducted in a 4 × 2 factorial design: four Se rates (0, 10, 40, 80 g Se ha-1) and two methods of foliar Se application (Se combined or not with MNF). Foliar fertilizers were applied twice, at phenological stages of beginning of pod development and grain filling. Grain yield increased with the application of MNF, yet Se rates increased Se contents linearly up to 80 g Se ha-1, regardless of the use of MNF. Lança and M5917 genotypes had grain Se critical thresholds of 1.0 and 3.0 mg kg-1, respectively. The application of Se favored higher contents of K, P, and S in grains of genotype Lança and higher contents of Mn and Fe in grains of genotype M5917. Our findings highlight the importance of addressing different Se fertilization strategies as well as genotypic variations when assessing the effects of Se on soybean yield and grain quality.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(17)2023 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37687273


This study aimed to investigate the role of Se supply in improving osmotic stress tolerance in coffee seedlings while also evaluating the best timing for Se application. Five times of Se foliar application were assessed during induced osmotic stress with PEG-6000 using the day of imposing stress as a default, plus two control treatments: with osmotic stress and without Se, and without osmotic stress and Se. Results demonstrated that osmotic stress (OS) promoted mild stress in the coffee plants (ψw from -1.5MPa to -2.5 MPa). Control plants under stress showed seven and five times lower activity of the enzymes GR and SOD compared with the non-stressed ones, and OS was found to further induce starch degradation, which was potentialized by the Se foliar supply. The seedlings that received foliar Se application 8 days before the stress exhibited higher CAT, APX, and SOD than the absolute control (-OS-Se)-771.1%, 356.3%, and 266.5% higher, respectively. In conclusion, previous Se foliar spray is more effective than the Se supply after OS to overcome the adverse condition. On the other hand, the post-stress application seems to impose extra stress on the plants, leading them to reduce their water potential.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1): 434-446, Jan-Abr. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415106


Durante a prática de taekwondo com movimentos repetitivos, sistematizados e com certa sobrecarga de treino, o indivíduo pode gerar possíveis adaptações orgânicas que resultam em problemas posturais com grandes chances de desencadear desequilíbrio muscular. Objetivo: Verificar a presença de desequilíbrio entre os grupos musculares agonistas e antagonistas da articulação do joelho e entre membros dominantes e não dominantes de praticantes de taekwondo por meio da dinamometria isocinética. Método: Estudo transversal, observacional e descritivo realizado com nove praticantes de taekwondo do sexo masculino. Utilizou-se um dinamômetro isocinético para investigar o pico de torque, pico de torque por peso corporal, trabalho total, potência média, relação agonista/antagonista e índice de fadiga. Os dados dos membros dominante e não dominante foram comparados por meio do teste t-student para amostras pareadas. Foram calculados o intervalo de confiança de 95% da diferença média, o tamanho de efeito e o poder das análises. Resultados: Os músculos extensores dos membros dominante e não dominante apresentaram diferença média significante de 15,49 Nm (IC95% 7,27; 23,70; p=0,002) para pico de torque e de 22,64% (IC95% 11,83; 33,46; p=0,001) para pico de torque por peso corporal a 60°/s, representando tamanho de efeito médio. Conclusão: Os atletas de taekwondo apresentaram maior pico de torque e maior pico de torque por peso corporal dos músculos extensores do joelho a 60º/s no lado dominante. A relação agonista/ antagonista foi inferior a 60% e mais da metade dos atletas apresentaram uma diferença maior que 10% no pico de torque flexor no lado não dominante.

During taekwondo practice with the repetitive motions, systematized and with certain training overload, the person can generate possible organic adaptations that result in postural problems with a great chances of triggering muscle imbalance. Objective: To verify the presence of imbalance between agonist and antagonist muscle groups of knee joint and between dominant and non-dominant limbs through isokinetic dynamometry. Methods: Cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study realized with nine male taekwondo practitioners. An isokinetic dynamometer was used to investigate the peak torque, peak torque by body weight, total work, average power, agonist/antagonist ratio and fatigue index. Data from the dominant and non-dominant limbs were compared by t-student test for pared samples. The 95% confidence interval of the mean difference, the effect size and the power of analyses power were calculated. Results: The extensor muscles of the dominant and non-dominant limbs showed mean difference of 15,49 Nm (IC95% 7,27; 23,70; p=0,002) for peak torque and of 22,64% (IC95% 11,83; 33,46; p=0,001) for peak torque by body weight at 60°/s, representing average effect size. Conclusion: The taekwondo athletes had higher peak torque and higher peak torque by body weight of the knee extensors muscles in the dominant side. The agonist/ antagonist ratio was less than 60% and more than half of the athletes showed a difference greater than 10% in the peak flexor torque on the non-dominant side.

Durante la práctica de taekwondo con los movimientos repetitivos, sistematizados y con cierta sobrecarga de entrenamiento, la persona puede generar posibles adaptaciones orgánicas que deriven en problemas posturales con grandes posibilidades de desencadenar desequilibrios musculares. Objetivo: Verificar la presencia de desequilibrio entre grupos musculares agonistas y antagonistas de la articulación de la rodilla y entre miembros dominantes y no dominantes mediante dinamometría isocinética. Métodos: Estudio transversal, observacional y descriptivo realizado con nueve practicantes masculinos de taekwondo. Se utilizó un dinamómetro isocinético para investigar el par máximo, el par máximo por peso corporal, el trabajo total, la potencia media, la relación agonista/antagonista y el índice de fatiga. Los datos de las extremidades dominantes y no dominantes se compararon mediante la prueba t- student para muestras de pared. Se calcularon el intervalo de confianza del 95% de la diferencia media, el tamaño del efecto y la potencia de los análisis. Resultados: Los músculos extensores de los miembros dominantes y no dominantes mostraron una diferencia media de 15,49 Nm (IC95% 7,27; 23,70; p=0,002) para el par máximo y de 22,64% (IC95% 11,83; 33,46; p=0,001) para el par máximo por peso corporal a 60°/s, lo que representa el tamaño medio del efecto. Conclusiones: Los atletas de taekwondo presentaron un mayor par máximo y un mayor par máximo por peso corporal de los músculos extensores de la rodilla en el lado dominante. La relación agonista/antagonista fue inferior al 60% y más de la mitad de los atletas mostraron una diferencia superior al 10% en el pico de par flexor en el lado no dominante.

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Artes Marciais/fisiologia , Equilíbrio Postural/fisiologia , Atletas , Articulação do Joelho/fisiologia , Peso Corporal/fisiologia , Força Muscular/fisiologia , Dinamômetro de Força Muscular