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J Geophys Res Planets ; 126(4): e2020JE006745, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34221785


The physical processes during planet formation span a large range of pressures and temperatures. Giant impacts, such as the one that formed the Moon, achieve peak pressures of 100s of GPa. The peak shock states generate sufficient entropy such that subsequent decompression to low pressures intersects the liquid-vapor phase boundary. The entire shock-and-release thermodynamic path must be calculated accurately in order to predict the post-impact structures of planetary bodies. Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) is a commonly used mineral to represent the mantles of differentiated bodies in hydrocode models of planetary collisions. Here, we performed shock experiments on the Sandia Z Machine to obtain the density and temperature of the liquid branch of the liquid-vapor phase boundary of forsterite. This work is combined with previous work constraining pressure, density, temperature, and entropy of the forsterite principal Hugoniot. We find that the vapor curves in previous forsterite equation of state models used in giant impacts vary substantially from our experimental results, and we compare our results to a recently updated equation of state. We have also found that due to under-predicted entropy production on the principal Hugoniot and elevated temperatures of the liquid vapor phase boundary of these past models, past impact studies may have underestimated vapor production. Furthermore, our results provide experimental support to the idea that giant impacts can transform much of the mantles of rocky planets into supercritical fluids.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(16): 165701, 2020 Oct 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33124844


Equation-of-state (pressure, density, temperature, internal energy) and reflectivity measurements on shock-compressed CO_{2} at and above the insulating-to-conducting transition reveal new insight into the chemistry of simple molecular systems in the warm-dense-matter regime. CO_{2} samples were precompressed in diamond-anvil cells to tune the initial densities from 1.35 g/cm^{3} (liquid) to 1.74 g/cm^{3} (solid) at room temperature and were then shock compressed up to 1 TPa and 93 000 K. Variation in initial density was leveraged to infer thermodynamic derivatives including specific heat and Gruneisen coefficient, exposing a complex bonded and moderately ionized state at the most extreme conditions studied.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(6): 065701, 2012 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22401087


Laser-driven shock compression experiments reveal the presence of a phase transition in MgSiO(3) over the pressure-temperature range 300-400 GPa and 10 000-16 000 K, with a positive Clapeyron slope and a volume change of ∼6.3 (±2.0) percent. The observations are most readily interpreted as an abrupt liquid-liquid transition in a silicate composition representative of terrestrial planetary mantles, implying potentially significant consequences for the thermal-chemical evolution of extrasolar planetary interiors. In addition, the present results extend the Hugoniot equation of state of MgSiO(3) single crystal and glass to 950 GPa.