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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(10): e2117325119, 2022 03 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35238658


SignificanceLarge wildfires have been observed to inject smoke into the stratosphere, raising questions about their potential to affect the stratospheric ozone layer that protects life on Earth from biologically damaging ultraviolet radiation. Multiple observations of aerosol and NO2 concentrations from three independent satellite instruments are used here together with model calculations to identify decreases in stratospheric NO2 concentrations following major Australian 2019 through 2020 wildfires. The data confirm that important chemistry did occur on the smoke particle surfaces. The observed behavior in NO2 with increasing particle concentrations is a marker for surface chemistry that contributes to midlatitude ozone depletion. The results indicate that increasing wildfire activity in a warming world may slow the recovery of the ozone layer.

Altitude , Material Particulado/química , Fumaça/análise , Ozônio Estratosférico/química , Incêndios Florestais , Austrália
Geophys Res Lett ; 48(5): e2020GL091987, 2021 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33785974


Throughout spring and summer 2020, ozone stations in the northern extratropics recorded unusually low ozone in the free troposphere. From April to August, and from 1 to 8 kilometers altitude, ozone was on average 7% (≈4 nmol/mol) below the 2000-2020 climatological mean. Such low ozone, over several months, and at so many stations, has not been observed in any previous year since at least 2000. Atmospheric composition analyses from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service and simulations from the NASA GMI model indicate that the large 2020 springtime ozone depletion in the Arctic stratosphere contributed less than one-quarter of the observed tropospheric anomaly. The observed anomaly is consistent with recent chemistry-climate model simulations, which assume emissions reductions similar to those caused by the COVID-19 crisis. COVID-19 related emissions reductions appear to be the major cause for the observed reduced free tropospheric ozone in 2020.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 124(15): 8837-8850, 2019 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32071827


We use satellite ozone records and Global Modeling Initiative chemistry transport model simulations integrated with Modern Era Retrospective for Research and Analysis 2 meteorology to identify a metric that accurately captures the trend in Antarctic ozone attributable to the decline in ozone depleting substances (ODSs). The GMI CTM Baseline simulation with realistically varying ODS levels closely matches observed interannual to decadal scale variations in Antarctic September ozone over the past four decades. The expected increase or recovery trend is obtained from the differences between the Baseline simulation and one with identical meteorology and fixed 1995 ODS levels. The differences show that vortex-averaged column O3 has the greatest sensitivity to ODS change from 1 to 20 September. The observed vortex-averaged column O3 during this period produces a trend consistent with the expected recovery attributable to ODS decline. Trends from dates after 20 September have smaller sensitivity to ODS decline and are more uncertain due to transport variability. Simulations show that the greatest decrease in O3 loss (i.e., recovery) occurs inside the vortex near the edge. The polar cap metrics have vortex size-dependent bias and do not consistently sample this region. Because the 60-90°S 220 Dobson unit O3 mass deficit metric does not sample the edge region, its trend is lower than the expected trend; this is improved by area weighting. The 250-Dobson unit O3 mass deficit metric samples more of the edge region, which increases its trend. Approximately 25% of the September Antarctic O3 increase is due to higher O3 levels in June prior to winter depletion.

Science ; 358(6368): 1257-1258, 2017 Dec 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29217558
Atmos Chem Phys ; 17(13): 8429-8452, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32457810


We examine the capability of the Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) chemistry and transport model to reproduce global mid-tropospheric (618hPa) O3-CO correlations determined by the measurements from Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) aboard NASA's Aura satellite during boreal summer (July-August). The model is driven by three meteorological data sets (fvGCM with sea surface temperature for 1995, GEOS4-DAS for 2005, and MERRA for 2005), allowing us to examine the sensitivity of model O3-CO correlations to input meteorological data. Model simulations of radionuclide tracers (222Rn, 210Pb, and 7Be) are used to illustrate the differences in transport-related processes among the meteorological data sets. Simulated O3 values are evaluated with climatological ozone profiles from ozonesonde measurements and satellite tropospheric O3 columns. Despite the fact that three simulations show significantly different global and regional distributions of O3 and CO concentrations, all simulations show similar patterns of O3-CO correlations on a global scale. These patterns are consistent with those derived from TES observations, except in the tropical easterly biomass burning outflow regions. Discrepancies in regional O3-CO correlation patterns in the three simulations may be attributed to differences in convective transport, stratospheric influence, and subsidence, among other processes. To understand how various emissions drive global O3-CO correlation patterns, we examine the sensitivity of GMI/MERRA model-calculated O3 and CO concentrations and their correlations to emission types (fossil fuel, biomass burning, biogenic, and lightning NOx emissions). Fossil fuel and biomass burning emissions are mainly responsible for the strong positive O3-CO correlations over continental outflow regions in both hemispheres. Biogenic emissions have a relatively smaller impact on O3-CO correlations than other emissions, but are largely responsible for the negative correlations over the tropical eastern Pacific, reflecting the fact that O3 is consumed and CO generated during the atmospheric oxidation process of isoprene under low NOx conditions. We find that lightning NOx emissions degrade both positive correlations at mid-/high- latitudes and negative correlations in the tropics because ozone production downwind of lightning NOx emissions is not directly related to the emission and transport of CO. Our study concludes that O3-CO correlations may be used effectively to constrain the sources of regional tropospheric O3 in global 3-D models, especially for those regions where convective transport of pollution plays an important role.

Atmos Meas Tech ; 10(11): 4067-4078, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29456762


Ozone within deep convective clouds is controlled by several factors involving photochemical reactions and transport. Gas-phase photochemical reactions and heterogeneous surface chemical reactions involving ice, water particles, and aerosols inside the clouds all contribute to the distribution and net production and loss of ozone. Ozone in clouds is also dependent on convective transport that carries low troposphere/boundary layer ozone and ozone precursors upward into the clouds. Characterizing ozone in thick clouds is an important step for quantifying relationships of ozone with tropospheric H2O, OH production, and cloud microphysics/transport properties. Although measuring ozone in deep convective clouds from either aircraft or balloon ozonesondes is largely impossible due to extreme meteorological conditions associated with these clouds, it is possible to estimate ozone in thick clouds using backscattered solar UV radiation measured by satellite instruments. Our study combines Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) satellite measurements to generate a new research product of monthly-mean ozone concentrations in deep convective clouds between 30°S to 30°N for October 2004 - April 2016. These measurements represent mean ozone concentration primarily in the upper levels of thick clouds and reveal key features of cloud ozone including: persistent low ozone concentrations in the tropical Pacific of ~10 ppbv or less; concentrations of up to 60 pphv or greater over landmass regions of South America, southern Africa, Australia, and India/east Asia; connections with tropical ENSO events; and intra-seasonal/Madden-Julian Oscillation variability. Analysis of OMI aerosol measurements suggests a cause and effect relation between boundary layer pollution and elevated ozone inside thick clouds over land-mass regions including southern Africa and India/east Asia.

J Adv Model Earth Syst ; 9(8): 3019-3044, 2017 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29497478


NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) Earth System Model (ESM) is a modular, general circulation model (GCM), and data assimilation system (DAS) that is used to simulate and study the coupled dynamics, physics, chemistry, and biology of our planet. GEOS is developed by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. It generates near-real-time analyzed data products, reanalyses, and weather and seasonal forecasts to support research targeted to understanding interactions among Earth System processes. For chemistry, our efforts are focused on ozone and its influence on the state of the atmosphere and oceans, and on trace gas data assimilation and global forecasting at mesoscale discretization. Several chemistry and aerosol modules are coupled to the GCM, which enables GEOS to address topics pertinent to NASA's Earth Science Mission. This paper describes the atmospheric chemistry components of GEOS and provides an overview of its Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)-based software infrastructure, which promotes a rich spectrum of feedbacks that influence circulation and climate, and impact human and ecosystem health. We detail how GEOS allows model users to select chemical mechanisms and emission scenarios at run time, establish the extent to which the aerosol and chemical components communicate, and decide whether either or both influence the radiative transfer calculations. A variety of resolutions facilitates research on spatial and temporal scales relevant to problems ranging from hourly changes in air quality to trace gas trends in a changing climate. Samples of recent GEOS chemistry applications are provided.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 120(11): 5693-5705, 2015 06 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26900537


Nitrous oxide lifetime is computed empirically from MLS satellite dataEmpirical N2O lifetimes compared with models including interannual variabilityResults improve values for present anthropogenic and preindustrial emissions.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 105(50): 19617-21, 2008 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19066224


One expectation when computationally solving an Earth system model is that a correct answer exists, that with adequate physical approximations and numerical methods our solutions will converge to that single answer. With such hubris, we performed a controlled numerical test of the atmospheric transport of CO(2) using 2 models known for accurate transport of trace species. Resulting differences were unexpectedly large, indicating that in some cases, scientific conclusions may err because of lack of knowledge of the numerical errors in tracer transport models. By doubling the resolution, thereby reducing numerical error, both models show some convergence to the same answer. Now, under realistic conditions, we identify a practical approach for finding the correct answer and thus quantifying the advection error.