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Mass Spectrom Rev ; 42(5): 1727-1771, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35657034


Environmental contamination by explosives occurs due to improper handling and disposal procedures. Explosives and their transformation products pose threat to human health and the ecosystem. Trace level detection of explosives present in different environmental matrices is a challenge, due to the interference caused by matrix components and the presence of cocontaminants. Liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is an advanced analytical tool, which is ideal for quantitative and qualitative detection of explosives and its metabolites at trace levels. This review aims to showcase the current trends in the application of LC-MS/MS for detecting explosives present in soil, sediment, and groundwater with detection limits ranging from nano to femtogram levels. Specificity and advantages of using LC-MS/MS over conventional analytical methods and various processing methods and techniques used for sample preparation are discussed in this article. Important application aspects of LC-MS/MS on environmental monitoring include site characterization and degradation evaluation. Studies on qualitative and quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis in determining the efficiency of treatment processes and contamination mapping, optimized conditions of LC and MS/MS adopted, role of different ionization techniques and mass analyzers in detection of explosives and its metabolites, relative abundance of various product ions formed on dissociation and the levels of detection achieved are reviewed. Ionization suppression, matrix effect, additive selection are some of the major factors which influence MS/MS detection. A summary of challenges and future research insights for effective utilization of this technique in the environmental monitoring of explosives are presented.