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Nat Commun ; 8(1): 491, 2017 09 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28887470


Engineering lattice thermal conductivity requires to control the heat carried by atomic vibration waves, the phonons. The key parameter for quantifying it is the phonon lifetime, limiting the travelling distance, whose determination is however at the limits of instrumental capabilities. Here, we show the achievement of a direct quantitative measurement of phonon lifetimes in a single crystal of the clathrate Ba7.81Ge40.67Au5.33, renowned for its puzzling 'glass-like' thermal conductivity. Surprisingly, thermal transport is dominated by acoustic phonons with long lifetimes, travelling over distances of 10 to 100 nm as their wave-vector goes from 0.3 to 0.1 Å-1. Considering only low-energy acoustic phonons, and their observed lifetime, leads to a calculated thermal conductivity very close to the experimental one. Our results challenge the current picture of thermal transport in clathrates, underlining the inability of state-of-the-art simulations to reproduce the experimental data, thus representing a crucial experimental input for theoretical developments.Phonon lifetime is a fundamental parameter of thermal transport however its determination is challenging. Using inelastic neutron scattering and the neutron resonant spin-echo technique, Lory et al. determine the acoustic phonon lifetime in a single crystal of clathrate Ba7.81Ge40.67Au5.33.

Z Anorg Allg Chem ; 641(11): 2020-2028, 2015 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26924860


Nano-grained CoSb3 was prepared by melt-spinning and subsequent spark plasma sintering. The phonon thermal conductivity of skutterudites is known to be sensitive to the kind and the amount of guest atoms. Thus, unfilled CoSb3 can serve as model compound to study the impact of a nanostructure on the thermoelectric properties, especially the phonon thermal conductivity. Therefore, a series of materials was prepared differing only by the cooling speed during the quenching procedure. In contrast to clathrates, the microstructure of meltspun CoSb3 was found to be sensitive to the cooling speed. Although the phonon thermal conductivity, studied by means of Flash and 3ω measurements, was found to be correlated with the grain size, the bulk density of the sintered materials had an even stronger impact. Interestingly, the reduced bulk density did not result in an increased electrical resistivity. The influence of Sb and CoSb2 as foreign phase on the electronic properties of CoSb3 was revealed by a multi-band Hall effect analysis. While CoSb2 increases the charge carrier density, the influence of the highly mobile charge carriers introduced by elemental Sb on the thermoelectric properties of the composite offer an interesting perspective for the preparation of efficient thermoelectric composite materials.