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J Am Chem Soc ; 146(4): 2736-2747, 2024 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38227768


Barocaloric effects─solid-state thermal changes induced by the application and removal of hydrostatic pressure─offer the potential for energy-efficient heating and cooling without relying on volatile refrigerants. Here, we report that dialkylammonium halides─organic salts featuring bilayers of alkyl chains templated through hydrogen bonds to halide anions─display large, reversible, and tunable barocaloric effects near ambient temperature. The conformational flexibility and soft nature of the weakly confined hydrocarbons give rise to order-disorder phase transitions in the solid state that are associated with substantial entropy changes (>200 J kg-1 K-1) and high sensitivity to pressure (>24 K kbar-1), the combination of which drives strong barocaloric effects at relatively low pressures. Through high-pressure calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy, we investigate the structural factors that influence pressure-induced phase transitions of select dialkylammonium halides and evaluate the magnitude and reversibility of their barocaloric effects. Furthermore, we characterize the cyclability of thin-film samples under aggressive conditions (heating rate of 3500 K s-1 and over 11,000 cycles) using nanocalorimetry. Taken together, these results establish dialkylammonium halides as a promising class of pressure-responsive thermal materials.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 2536, 2022 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35534457


Pressure-induced thermal changes in solids-barocaloric effects-can be used to drive cooling cycles that offer a promising alternative to traditional vapor-compression technologies. Efficient barocaloric cooling requires materials that undergo reversible phase transitions with large entropy changes, high sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure, and minimal hysteresis, the combination of which has been challenging to achieve in existing barocaloric materials. Here, we report a new mechanism for achieving colossal barocaloric effects that leverages the large volume and conformational entropy changes of hydrocarbon order-disorder transitions within the organic bilayers of select two-dimensional metal-halide perovskites. Significantly, we show how the confined nature of these order-disorder phase transitions and the synthetic tunability of layered perovskites can be leveraged to reduce phase transition hysteresis through careful control over the inorganic-organic interface. The combination of ultralow hysteresis and high pressure sensitivity leads to colossal reversible isothermal entropy changes (>200 J kg-1 K-1) at record-low pressures (<300 bar).

ACS Appl Bio Mater ; 1(4): 1094-1101, 2018 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34996149


We present a new targetable nanoconstruct (NC) capable of simultaneously serving as a therapeutic platform for photodynamic therapy (PDT) as well as a magnetic resonance (MR) molecular imaging agent, free of heavy metal atoms. PDT has seen much interest with the introduction of NC-assisted cell-specific targeting of the photosensitizer (PS). The previously reported ultrasmall 8-arm polyethylene glycol amine (8PEGA) NC, with an attached chlorin e6 (Ce6) PS, yielded promising results for PDT of heart arrhythmia, in vivo and ex vivo, on live rat and sheep hearts, respectively, when using targeting peptides for cell-specific ablation of cardio-myocytes. Here we explore the extension of this NC-based PDT to cancer. For this purpose, we switched the targeting peptide from CTP-cys to F3-cys. Notably, the 8PEGA-Ce6 NCs have a superior reactive oxygen species (ROS) production compared to traditional Ce6 encapsulated polyacrylamide (PAAm) NCs, which should be advantageous for PDT. This NC is also cyto-compatible and offers chemical flexibility for the attachment of a choice of targeting peptides. Finally, this label-free 8PEGA NC can be directly and selectively imaged by MRI, using standard spin-echo imaging sequences with large diffusion magnetic field gradients to suppress the water signal. Notably, due to its ultrasmall size this NC is also expected to have improved in vivo penetration and bioelimination, as was already shown in previous biodistribution studies.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28956023


Nanoparticles (NPs) containing the photo-therapeutic dye Chlorin e6 (Ce6) have been explored in multiple studies for photo-dynamic therapy (PDT). However, little work has been carried out regarding their PDT efficacy, relative to other dye containing NPs. Here polyacrylamide nanoparticles (PAAm NPs) containing Ce6 were prepared and their PDT efficacy compared to previously reported methylene blue (MB) containing PAAmNPs. It was found that, for identical NP dosages and photon doses, the Ce6 NPs are an order of magnitude more potent in killing cancer cells.