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Pharmaceutics ; 15(12)2023 Nov 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140024


Organogels have importance for topical applications because they can be used to deliver drugs in a controlled and prolonged fashion. These are materials consisting of a three-dimensional network of organic molecules dispersed in a solvent. Recent studies have demonstrated that the solvent could be replaced by oils from non-conventional biologic sources. There is a diversity of not-explored species in the Amazon that are promising sources of vegetable oils with a promising composition. This study developed an organogel with buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.f) and cacay (Caryodendron orinocense Karst.) oils, using cetostearyl alcohol as an organogelator due to its compatibility, stability, security, affordability, and it is readily available. The oils were characterized, and the organogels were synthesized by studying their crystal evolution and oil-binding capacity. The microstructure was evaluated with polarized light microscopy, fractal dimension, FTIR spectroscopy, XRD, and thermal and rheological analyses. It was found that the critical gelation concentration was higher for cacay oil as it possessed a higher amount of polyunsaturated triacylglycerols. The crystals of the buriti organogel had a smaller lamellar shape, a greater surface area, and physical and thermal stability; although, it presented a slower crystal evolution due to the low number of minor compounds and a greater number of saturated triacylglycerols. The polar fraction of the organogelators as well as triacylglycerol and minor polar compounds are important in forming crystallization nuclei. The study showed that Amazonian oils in crystallization processes form microstructures with differentiating physicochemical properties.

Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 42(1): 122-133, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-677450


En este trabajo se llevó a cabo el desarrollo y la validación de una metodología analítica por HPLC para la cuantificación de Warfarina Sódica en una suspensión para uso hospitalario. La selectividad se evaluó frente a los excipientes y compuestos de degradación; la linealidad en el rango de concentraciones comprendido entre 0,05 y 0,15 mg/mL; la precisión se estudió en los niveles de repetibilidad y precisión intermedia y la exactitud en tres niveles de concentración que corresponden al 75%, 100% y 125%. Los resultados muestran que la validación de la metodología por HPLC es selectiva, lineal, precisa y exacta; por tanto, es confiable para ser utilizada en la cuantificación del activo Warfarina Sódica en una suspensión extemporánea y también en estudios de estabilidad de dicha preparación.

In this work was carried out the development and quantification of an analytical methodology for quantification of Warfarin Sodium in an extemporaneous suspension for hospital use. Evaluation of specificity was achieved against its excipients and degradation compounds. The selectivity was evaluated against the excipients and degradation compounds. Linearity studies were performed in a range of concentration between 0.05 to 0.15 mg/mL. Precision was evaluated in levels of repeatability and intermediate precision and accuracy in three concentration levels corresponding to the 75, 100 and 125%. The results show that the validation of the methodology is selective, linear, accurate and precise; therefore, it is reliable for use in the quantification of active warfarin sodium in the extemporaneous suspension.

Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 39(2): 168-187, dic. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-597436


El operador logístico (ol) es una organización del sector industrial que realiza actividades complementarias como distribución, almacenamiento y transporte tanto de materias primas como de producto terminado, y su participación es cada vez más frecuente en el manejo de medicamentos, donde eventualmente pudiera verse afectada la calidad del producto. En este estudio se identificaron 75 ol localizados en la ciudad de Bogotá y se caracterizaron de acuerdo con las actividades que realizan, con el fin de determinar su importancia dentro de la cadena de valor del medicamento (cvm). Se encontró que no existen políticas exclusivas para los ol en la legislación colombiana, aunque éstos deben cumplir la normatividad existente para la manipulación de los medicamentos. En el estudio se diseñó y se desafió con el ol del sector, un instrumento especializado para capturar información que puede ser empleado en la caracterización de estas empresas en futuras investigaciones. También se identificaron nuevos servicios que los operadores ofrecen a la industria farmacéutica, corroborando el hecho de que estas organizaciones han alcanzado un importante grado de intervención sobre la cvm, especialmente conectando los eslabones productorcliente y planteando un desafío para el profesional farmacéutico en áreas alternativas de su ejercicio profesional.

The Logistic Operator (lo) is a type of industrial organization that does complementary activities such as distribution, storage and transportation, as well as, raw materials and finished products. Their interference is frequently involved in the handling of drugs and exist the risk that the quality of the drug can be affected by their participation. In this study were identified and characterized 75 (lo) located in Bogota city according to the activities that they perform, with the intention to determine their importance within the chain value of the drug (cvd). We found that don’t exist exclusive policy for lo in the Colombian legislation although they must comply with the regulations referred to handling of medicines. In this study was designed and challenged in lo of the sector, a specific document to capture information that can be use in order to get the activities of characterization in future research. Also were identified new services for the pharmaceutical industry, it was demonstrated that the (lo) possess a high degree of intervention on the cvd connecting the producer-customer links and this result expound a challenge for the pharmacist in other fields of their professional performance.

Organização e Administração , Pessoal de Operação , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Escalas de Valor Relativo