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Mar Environ Res ; 196: 106432, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38457908


Bioaccumulation patterns of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe and Cu) and organic (priority and emerging) pollutants, in combination with stable isotope analysis (SIA), were assessed in muscle and liver of three tuna species from the Gulf of Cadiz (Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus; Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda, and skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis). SIA and contaminant (heavy metal and organic) profiles separately discriminated between species. There was no significant overlap between the trophic niches estimated from isotopic data, suggesting that there are diet differences which may determine differential bioaccumulation patterns. The levels of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in muscle of all the individuals analyzed were below the allowable limits established by the current legislation. Concentrations of most contaminants were higher in liver than in muscle, underlining the powerful detoxifying capacity of the liver in tunas. In addition to diet, other factors such as size and age (exposure time to environmental chemicals) explain differences in pollutant accumulation patterns in tissues between species, each with varying degrees of involvement depending on the pollutant class. Our results show that combining contaminant profile data with trophic features based on SIA may help understand pollutant bioaccumulation patterns in upper levels of marine food webs.

Poluentes Ambientais , Metais Pesados , Humanos , Animais , Atum , Metais Pesados/análise , Isótopos/análise , Cadeia Alimentar
J Fish Biol ; 99(4): 1415-1429, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34259348


Anadromous alewife Alosa pseudoharengus (n = 202; mean ± s.d. fork length = 231 ± 14 mm) were captured from 10 May to 27 June 2018 in an upper watershed lake on the Isthmus of Chignecto, Canada (45°57'N, 64°14'W). Thirty individuals (mean ± s.d. fork length = 250 ± 12 mm) were captured in an adjacent estuary downstream of a tide gate on 25 April 2018. Comparing estuarine to freshwater specimens, mean gonad mass and gonadosomatic indices in males and females decreased approximately 40% and 60%, and 31% and 50%, respectively. Individuals were characterized as pre-spawners in the estuary and spawners in the lake. Males maintained similar body condition throughout the spawning run whereas female condition decreased 9.4% between the estuary and lake. Stomach fullness decreased comparing estuarine and freshwater specimens, yet 93% of stomachs examined from individuals captured in the lake contained prey. Most males fed throughout all spawning stages (3%-17% empty stomachs), while all females fed during pre- and post-spawning stages and some fasted during spawning (11% empty stomachs). Cumulative prey curve never reached an asymptote, either weekly or for the entire sampling period, so freshwater diet may not have been completely described. Calanoid copepods (79.3%IA ) were a diet staple, with the secondary prey of mayfly nymphs (O. Ephemeroptera) consumed more by females (13.6%IA ) than males (6.2%IA ). PERMANOVA and PERMDISP analyses revealed significant dietary differences in freshwater were weekly and not due to dispersion effects, thus most likely due to feeding on various development stages of insect species. Our results challenge the long-held paradigm that anadromous A. pseudoharengus fast during the spawning migration.

Ephemeroptera , Animais , Dieta , Estuários , Feminino , Peixes , Lagos
Mar Environ Res ; 161: 105087, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32758724


Feeding ecology of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT, Thunnus thynnus), from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Canada, was assessed by stomach content and stable isotope analyses. Stomachs were collected from 161 individuals averaging 249 ± 20 cm in curved fork length and 248 ± 64 in round weight. The fish were caught by commercial fishing boats using rod and reel gear during fall 2015-2017. Liver and muscle samples were taken from 133 fish for stable isotope analysis. Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) was the most abundant prey item in 2015 (%Alimentary index, %AI = 88.94), whereas in 2016 and 2017 the ABFT diet was mainly composed of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) (%AI = 56.73 and %AI = 77.23, respectively). PERMANOVA analysis revealed significant differences in the dietary composition between years. δ15N values varied between 12.3 and 15.4‰ for muscle and between 11.1 and 14.6‰ for liver. δ13C values ranged from -19.9 to -16.5‰ for muscle and from -20.7 to -17.3‰ for liver. PERMANOVA analysis also detected inter-annual isotopic differences in both muscle and liver samples (p < 0.05). Daily rations (DR) were similar in 2015 and 2016 (DR = 1.02 ± 0.32 and DR = 1.10 ± 0.21, respectively), but higher in 2017 (DR = 1.73 ± 0.54).

Ecologia , Atum , Animais , Canadá , Dieta , Humanos , Isótopos
J Fish Biol ; 97(2): 409-415, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32402108


This study provides sound evidence of the spawning activity of common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the Gulf of Cadiz (southwest Spain) during summer months. Along with waters off Côte d'Ivoire, this area adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea is the easternmost Atlantic spawning ground documented for the species. All the fish analysed (5 males and 15 females) were at spawning stage, except the smallest female (61.5 cm in fork length), which might not have yet reached sexual maturation. The oceanographic conditions during the samplings were similar to those occurring during the peak spawning season in the Gulf of Mexico. The study results are consistent with recent genetic studies indicating differentiation between Mediterranean and Atlantic dolphinfish populations, with the Strait of Gibraltar representing a boundary between two distinct reproductive units. The present results may contribute to improve the understanding of the dynamics of dolphinfish population and the management of eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks.

Perciformes/fisiologia , Reprodução , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Animais , Oceano Atlântico , Feminino , Masculino , Mar Mediterrâneo , Estações do Ano , Espanha
Mar Environ Res ; 152: 104821, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31653436


Foraging habits of skipjack tuna, SKJ (Katsuwonus pelamis), were investigated in three Spanish marine regions (Balearic Sea, Alboran Sea and Gulf of Cadiz) using stomach content (SCA), stable isotope (SIA), and fatty acid (FA) analyses. The three methodological approaches yielded significant differences among locations. All the studied areas appear to serve as important foraging grounds for SKJ, but the diet composition significantly varied among them. The predominant prey species in the respective locations were the North Atlantic krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, in the Balearic Sea, the flyingfish, Exocœtus volitans, in the Alboran Sea, and the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, in the Gulf of Cadiz. Regional differences were also found in δ13C and δ15N values; furthermore, the analysis of standard ellipse areas (SEAc) based on isotopic data showed that the broadest niche corresponded to SKJ from the Gulf of Cadiz, with no significant isotopic niche overlap between areas. Consistent with the SCA and stable isotope results, the FA composition varied among areas. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) was the most abundant FA in the SKJ muscle, showing its highest values in samples from the Gulf of Cadiz; this FA was the most effective in segregating SKJ geographical groups. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that SKJ in eastern Atlantic and western Mediterranean waters can easily adapt their diet to local prey availability. Furthermore, stable isotope signatures and FA profiles of muscle tissue prove to be reliable trophic markers that allow separation of populations occurring in different marine areas.

Comportamento Alimentar , Atum , Animais , Peixes , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Isótopos
Mar Environ Res ; 139: 57-63, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29754735


Stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N from liver and muscle) was used to assess trophic relationships between Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT) (Thunnus thynnus) and striped dolphin (SC) (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Strait of Gibraltar (SoG). δ15N values from ABFT muscle and liver tissues were significantly different from those of dolphin samples, but no for δ13C values. Diet estimation by MixSIAR models from muscle and liver revealed that ABFT fed mainly on squids (Todaropsis eblanae and Illex coindetii). The shrimp Pasiphaea sp. was estimated to be the most important prey-species in the diet of SC. Trophic positions estimated from muscle and liver isotopic data suggested that ABFT occupy a higher trophic level than SC. Estimations of isotopic niche, as measured by the standard ellipse area, indicated that ABFT show a broader trophic niche than SC; furthermore, SEAc did not show trophic overlap between both predators. The results of this study suggest that resource partitioning occurs between ABFT and SC in the SoG ecosystem.

Cadeia Alimentar , Stenella/fisiologia , Atum/fisiologia , Animais , Ecologia , Gibraltar , Isótopos , Estado Nutricional
Interciencia ; 33(11): 810-816, nov. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-630697


El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar dos técnicas de optimización de multirespuesta basados en parámetros de selección: valores targets, cotas de aceptabilidad y pesos. Dichas técnicas se basan en una medida cuantitativa, en la cual las diversas variables de respuesta se transforman en una función distancia. Al realizar la comparación de los resultados obtenidos al aplicar las técnicas de optimización de Khuri-Conlon y de Vining a un conjunto de datos reales provenientes de la industria de los alimentos se obtuvo que la técnica de Khuri-Conlon es más robusta respecto al parámetro de valores targets, con valores óptimos obtenidos más cercanamente a sus valores "ideales" que al aplicar la técnica de Vining.

The aim of this work is to compare two multi-response optimization techniques based on selection parameters: target values, acceptability margins and weights. The techniques are based on a quantitative measurement, in which the different response variables are transformed into a distance function. When comparing the results obtained upon application of the optimization techniques of Khuri-Conlon and of Vining to a set of real values from the food industry, it was found that the Khuri-Conlon technique is more robust with respect to the target values, with optimal values being closer to their "ideal" values than after applying the Vining technique.

O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar duas técnicas de otimização de multiresposta baseados em parâmetros de seleção: valores alvo, quotas de aceitabilidade e pesos. Ditas técnicas se baseiam em uma medida quantitativa, na qual as diversas variáveis de resposta se transformam em uma função distância. Ao realizar a comparação dos resultados obtidos na aplicação das técnicas de otimização de Khuri-Conlon e de Vining a um conjunto de dados reais provenientes da indústria dos alimentos, se obteve que a técnica de Khuri-Conlon é mais robusta em relação ao parâmetro de valores alvo, com valores ótimos obtidos mais próximos aos seus valores "ideais" que ao aplicar a técnica de Vining.