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Ayu ; 42(4): 169-174, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37347083


Introduction: Gunasankarya implies the combination or admixture of different Guna (properties) in a Dravya (substance). Every Dravya in this world is composed of different Guna varying in their quantity and potency. The final resultant action of the Dravya depends on the combination of Guna and their interaction with each other. Aim: The present study was aimed to explain the manifestation of Karma (action) of a Dravya through its Guna (properties) and to evaluate the effect of the combination of Sheeta Guna (cool property) with different other Guna on digestion and metabolism in an animal model. Materials and methods: The test drugs Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides Linn.) and Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn.) were dried and powdered. A total of 18 adult healthy male and female Wistar strain albino rats were grouped randomly into three groups out of which the first was the control group and administered with distilled water. The second and third groups were fed with powder of Usheera and Bala, respectively, in the suspended form in distilled water. Test drugs were administered daily for 12 consecutive days. During the experimental phase, relative food intake, relative water intake, relative urine output, relative stool output, and food conversion ratio were recorded on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th day among which the 3rd day was considered as the initial day for the assessment, whereas body weight was measured from the 1st day of the study. Throughout the study, the main focus was on how these parameters change in Usheera and Bala-treated rats which are having different combinations of Guna with reference to the control group. Results: Both Usheera and Bala groups showed a nonsignificant increase in relative food and water intake, nonsignificant increase in relative urine output, significant decrease in relative stool output, and significant increase in food conversion ratio. Body weight was nonsignificantly increased in Usheera group, whereas it was nonsignificantly decreased in Bala group. This study aimed to show how the Guna are interacting and resulting in Karma either by dominating or suppressing or giving a combined effect of Guna. This study provides initial data regarding the concept of Gunasankarya (combination of properties). Conclusion: The study concludes that all the Guna in a Dravya interact and exhibit their resultant action, i.e., Karma based on Gunasankarya, with emphasis on example of assessment of the effects of Sheeta Guna Dravya, namely, Usheera and Bala on physiological parameters (digestion and metabolism) have been assessed experimentally in animal models to evaluation of the combination of Guna.

Ayu ; 39(2): 72-75, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30783360


An elevated total or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels or low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is defined as dyslipidemia which is an important risk factor for coronary artery diseases (CADs) and strokes. It is estimated that abnormal cholesterol levels in the blood lead to cause about 18% of cardio vascular diseases (CVDs) and 56% of the ischemic heart diseases at global level. In comparison with others, South Asians have the highest incidence rate of CADs. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Rukshana Upakrama (a type of management which induces dryness) as one amongst the Shad-Upakrama (six principles of management) and can be considered as the best for the reduction of increased Kapha Dosha, Meda Dhatu (adipose tissue) and their related morbid factors. A 42-year-old female patient visited the OPD of the department of Basic Principles, IPGT and RA, Jamnagar, Gujarat, with the complaints of weight gain, heaviness in the body and lethargy. After investigation, she was diagnosed as a case of dyslipidemia due to abnormality in cholesterol levels. She was treated with Takra-Siddha Yavagu (gruel prepared with buttermilk) and Udvartana (dry powder massage) for 30 days. After completion of treatment, hematological investigations revealed that her serum cholesterol level was decreased to 147 mg/dl from 223 mg/dl and serum LDL was reduced to 91 mg/dl from 153 mg/dl. Her weight also reduced to 82 kgs from 88 kgs. Hence, it can be concluded that Rukshana Upakrama in the form of Takra-Siddha Yavagu and Udvartana is effective in the management of dyslipidemia for normalization of lipid in the blood as it possesses Shoshana (absorption) and Kapha-Medohara (alleviation of vitiated Kapha and Meda) properties.

Ayu ; 37(1): 45-55, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28827955


BACKGROUND: Non-communicable diseases are expected to kill more people in the 21st century which are the resultant of deranged lifestyle such as unhealthy dietary habits and wrong behavioral pattern. In Ayurveda, Ahara Vidhi (dietary rules) and Vihara (conducts) are described in detail which can be included under the heading of lifestyle. Agnimandya (indigestion) is considered as the root cause of all diseases like diabetes mellitus, obesity etc., which are few among the top ten lifestyle disorders. AIM: The present study is aimed at establishment of relationship between disturbances in lifestyle and Agnimandya and role of lifestyle modification in correcting the state of Agnimandya. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was carried out on 33 patients diagnosed with Agnimandya having disturbed lifestyle. Patients were divided into two groups with simple random sampling method. In Group A, lifestyle modification was advised with placebo capsules of wheat flour, while in Group B, patients were treated with 2 g of Shatapushpadya Churna for 2 weeks. RESULTS: Both the groups showed statistically highly significant results on majority of the symptoms of Agnimandya, however, Group A provided better effect than Group B. CONCLUSION: Lifestyle has definite role in the manifestation and treatment of Agnimandya.

Ayu ; 35(3): 221-6, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26664229


Since time immemorial 'Manas' has been the subject of curiosity for scholars, scientists and philosophers. The reason behind this curiosity is its importance in the development of mankind. Human being is superior to other creatures in the series of development. This supremacy of man remains in his quality to work after thinking, which is the function of 'Manas'. No other animal is capable to think logically. This is the only reason which leads the mankind to the crest of development in every aspect. To highlight the concept of Manas in Yoga Darshana, information extracted from Yoga literatures and Ayurvedic Samhitas. In Indian culture mind has been described from various angles. Vedic, Philosophical and Ayurvedic literatures have a vast and exclusive description of Manas. Philosophers either Astika or Nastika have described Manas Siddhanta vividly. Though many kinds of difference of opinions are there, Yoga Darshana accept the importance of mind in the process of perception and even for the birth of any individual.

Ayu ; 34(2): 184-8, 2013 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24250128


Rakta is considered to be the cause of the origin, maintenance and the destruction of the body. It may be correlated with blood tissue of modern science on the basis of similarities described in both the sciences and so, Raktakshaya can be correlated with anemia. The statistical figure shows that more than 50% of Indian population is affected by anemia. Because of Jatharagnimandya, Rakta Dhatvagni gets disturbed and leads to Raktakshaya. Current study was carried out on 46 patients of Raktakshaya. Patients were divided into two groups with simple random sampling method. Group A was treated with the Panchakola tablet while Group B was considered as placebo group and was given rice powder tablet. Duration of the treatment was 6 weeks. Classical Ayurvedic signs and symptoms of Raktakshaya with hematological parameters like hemoglobin (Hb), serum total iron binding capacity (S.TIBC), serum iron, serum ferittin level and blood indices were studied before and after treatment. Group A showed statistically highly significant increase in Hb g% and significant increase in other subjective and objective parameters.

Ayu ; 33(3): 435-40, 2012 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23723655


Ghrita (ghee) is the foremost substance of Indian cuisine from centuries. Ayurvedic classics described eight kinds of ghee from eight different animal milk, among them ghee made from cow milk is said to be the superior and ghee of ewe milk is said to be the inferior and also detrimental to heart. The present study was undertaken to evaluate chronic administration of cow ghee (Go Ghrita) and ghee of ewe milk (Avika Ghrita) to experimental animals. Experiment was carried out on Wistar strain albino rats and study was done at two dose levels. The test drugs were administered orally for 45 consecutive days. Parameters, such as gross behavior, body weight, weight of important organs, total fecal fat content, electrocardiogram, serum biochemical parameters, and histopathology of different organs were studied. Both the test drugs did not alter the gross behavior, body weight, weight of organs, and cytoarchitecture of different organs to significant extent. Avika Ghrita at a low dose significantly decreased triglyceride content, significantly prolonged QTc and at both dose levels it significantly shortened the PR interval. This study shows chronic administration of Avika Ghrita and Go Ghrita has no marked differences between them except the QTc prolongation in Avika Ghrita. This may be the basis for the classics to categorize Avika Ghrita as Ahridya.

Ayu ; 32(3): 340-4, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22529647


Adhyashana is a technical term of Ayurveda, which means eating before digestion of previous food. All the ancient classics describe the ill effects of Adhyashana. Charaka mentioned it as a prime causative factor for Grahani dosha. It is also said that Adhyashana can cause severe and incurable diseases or even death. All these references indicate the importance of Adhyashana as one of the health destroying factors, and yet this subject remained untouched by the Ayurvedic scientists for research. The present study was carried out to search the prevalence of Adhyashana in the patients of various diseases. For this purpose a survey study was planned and a total of 235 subjects attending outpatient and inpatient department of the Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research Hospital were surveyed. Among these patients 62.98% were found to be habituated to Adhyashana. Purishvaha Srotodushti was found in a maximum number of patients, which was 42%. Status of the disease was Krichchhra saadhya in maximum of these patients.

Ayu ; 31(3): 351-4, 2010 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131738


Ayurvedic management is not only concerned with the cure of the diseased person, but is also meant to maintain the health of the healthy person because it is used for Dhatusamya. Langhana is the prime tool in the process of Dhatusamya. In this research study, Upavasa plus Pachana and Upavasa (among ten types of Langhanas) are applied in two different groups, using the random sampling method. Upavasa is taken as Hina Matra Bhojana - that is, gradually increasing the dose of Ahara (by Padanshika Krama) was applied on the basis of the Ahara Shakti of the Atura and status of the Agnisada. Furthermore, for the Pachana, Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) was selected. The subjects for the study were patients who had signs and symptoms of Agnisada and were between the age group of 20 and 60 years. In Group A (Upavasa plus Pachana) 83.77% and in Group B (Upavasa) 72.97% improvement was found, which was statistically highly significant (< 0.001). Upavasa plus Pachana and Upavasa were both found beneficial in promoting the Agni in patients with Agnisada. However, in the percentage-wise comparison Group A showed better result than Group B.