We examine the quantum structure of continuum entanglement and in the context of short-pulse down-conversion we answer the open question of how many of the uncountably many frequency modes contribute effectively to the entanglement. We derive a set of two-photon mode functions that provide an exact, discrete, and effectively finite basis for characterizing pairwise entanglement. Our analysis provides a basis for entropy control in two-photon pulses generated from down-conversion.
Using homodyning with weak coherent fields and photon counting, we have observed violations of Bell-type inequalities by the generalized Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state produced in a pulsed nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier, as predicted by Grangier et al. [Phys. Rev. A 38, 3132 (1988)]. The maximum observed visibility of the interference pattern was (89+/-4)%. This interference can be regarded as a manifestation of nonlocality in the sense described by Banaszek and Wodkiewicz [Phys. Rev. A 58, 4345 (1998)]. We have investigated the interference both theoretically and experimentally and have measured the influence of dispersion and phase matching.