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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39369148


Trends in faculty demographic composition, promotion success, and retention are important considerations in Academic Health Centers (AHC). This paper reviews the design, implementation, and utility of a faculty promotion and tenure (P&T) database (PROMO/TE©) over 12 years in a large southwestern academic health center. Review of the system design, portfolio creation, P&T tracking, interface with other faculty databases, and lessons learned will be offered. PROMO/TE© was developed to improve the P&T packet creation, application, and review process in one College and was expanded to other colleges at the AHC. The PROMO/TE© system is integrated with Workday® and FACFACTS© to track trends in recruitment, attrition, and P&T trends across gender, underrepresented minorities, and other subgroups. PROMO/TE© has several advantages including improving communication, transparency, uniformity, and efficiency in the P&T packet creation, application, and review process. Increased cost savings ($217,198 annually) were noted with elimination of hard copy packets and decreased time spent. The first college reviewed 743 dossiers in the PROMO/TE© system since its creation in 2012 and there has been on average a 10% increase in P&T approvals since its inception. PROMO/TE© facilitates and tracks trends in the P&T process and has many benefits as well as significant cost savings. PROMO/TE© serves as a potential model for other institutions.

Food Chem ; 448: 139068, 2024 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38608397


Preclinical rodent models are used to examine the relationship between tea consumption and bone health, where tea is available for rodents and typically replaced weekly. However, the extent to which the tea polyphenols change over time remains uncertain, despite its importance in preparing tea during preclinical rodent trials. Using an untargeted molecular approach, we applied a liquid chromatography quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOFMS) system to assess the molecular profile of red rooibos teas throughout a 6-day aging period. We found a significant, 3-fold decrease of polyphenols involved in bone metabolism, including m-coumaric acid, catechin derivatives and courmaroyl tartaric acid over 6 days, likely due to photochemical decomposition and autooxidation within tea extracts. Using a novel untargeted workflow for polyphenol characterization, our findings revealed the complexity of polyphenols in red rooibos teas that can inform the evidence-based decisions of how often to change teas during in vivo rodent trials.

Appl Physiol Nutr Metab ; 49(3): 306-318, 2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37913528


Folic acid fortification of all white flour, enriched pasta, and cornmeal products became mandatory in Canada to reduce risk of neural tube defects at birth. Furthermore, Health Canada and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada recommend women take daily prenatal folic acid supplements in addition to folic acid fortified foods during pregnancy. However, the influence of maternal folic acid supplementation on offspring development, specifically the highly abundant and metabolically active skeletal muscle, is currently unknown. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supplemental folic acid (four times higher than normal dietary consumption), in utero and throughout suckling on muscle size, function, and metabolism in male and female CD-1 mouse offspring. The major findings were that maternal exposure to supplemental folic acid (i) had no impact on postpartum growth rates or muscle mass in female and male offspring, (ii) had no impact on skeletal muscle contractile kinetics in females and male offspring, and (iii) increased maximal phosphofructokinase activity in extensor digitorum longus of female and male offspring. These findings suggest that exposure to folic acid supplementation in utero and throughout suckling at levels four times higher than recommended had minimal effect on skeletal muscle size, function, and metabolism regardless of sex. Future research is needed explore the underlying biological pathways and mechanisms affected by folic acid supplementation during pregnancy and lactation on offspring skeletal muscle tissue, specifically in humans.

Contração Muscular , Músculo Esquelético , Gravidez , Feminino , Masculino , Humanos , Animais , Camundongos , Fosforilação , Ácido Fólico/farmacologia , Suplementos Nutricionais
CMAJ ; 195(46): E1585-E1603, 2023 11 26.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38011931


CONTEXTE: Au Canada, plus de 2 millions de personnes vivent avec l'ostéoporose, une maladie qui accroît le risque de fracture, ce qui fait augmenter la morbidité et la mortalité, et entraîne une perte de qualité de vie et d'autonomie. La présente actualisation des lignes directrices vise à accompagner les professionnelles et professionnels de la santé au Canada dans la prestation de soins visant à optimiser la santé osseuse et à prévenir les fractures chez les femmes ménopausées et les hommes de 50 ans et plus. MÉTHODES: Le présent document fournit une actualisation des lignes directrices de pratique clinique de 2010 d'Ostéoporose Canada sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge de l'ostéoporose au pays. Nous avons utilisé l'approche GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) et effectué l'assurance de la qualité conformément aux normes de qualité et de présentation des rapports de la grille AGREE II (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation). Les médecins de premier recours et les patientes et patients partenaires ont été représentés à tous les niveaux des comités et des groupes ayant participé à l'élaboration des lignes directrices, et ont participé à toutes les étapes du processus pour garantir la pertinence des informations pour les futurs utilisateurs et utilisatrices. Le processus de gestion des intérêts concurrents a été entamé avant l'élaboration des lignes directrices et s'est poursuivi sur toute sa durée, selon les principes du Réseau international en matière de lignes directrices. Dans la formulation des recommandations, nous avons tenu compte des avantages et des risques, des valeurs et préférences de la patientèle, des ressources, de l'équité, de l'acceptabilité et de la faisabilité; la force de chacune des recommandations a été déterminée en fonction du cadre GRADE. RECOMMANDATIONS: Les 25 recommandations et les 10 énoncés de bonne pratique sont répartis en sections : activité physique, alimentation, évaluation du risque de fracture, instauration du traitement, interventions pharmacologiques, durée et séquence du traitement, et monitorage. La prise en charge de l'ostéoporose devrait se fonder sur le risque de fracture, établi au moyen d'une évaluation clinique réalisée avec un outil d'évaluation du risque de fracture validé. L'activité physique, l'alimentation et la pharmacothérapie sont des éléments essentiels à la stratégie de prévention des fractures, qui devraient être personnalisés. INTERPRÉTATION: Les présentes lignes directrices ont pour but d'outiller les professionnelles et professionnels de la santé et la patientèle afin qu'ensemble ils puissent parler de l'importance de la santé osseuse et du risque de fracture tout au long de la vie adulte avancée. La détection et la prise en charge efficace de la fragilité osseuse peuvent contribuer à réduire les fractures et à préserver la mobilité, l'autonomie et la qualité de vie.

Fraturas Ósseas , Osteoporose , Humanos , Canadá
CMAJ ; 195(39): E1333-E1348, 2023 10 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37816527


BACKGROUND: In Canada, more than 2 million people live with osteoporosis, a disease that increases the risk for fractures, which result in excess mortality and morbidity, decreased quality of life and loss of autonomy. This guideline update is intended to assist Canadian health care professionals in the delivery of care to optimize skeletal health and prevent fractures in postmenopausal females and in males aged 50 years and older. METHODS: This guideline is an update of the 2010 Osteoporosis Canada clinical practice guideline on the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in Canada. We followed the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) framework and quality assurance as per Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) quality and reporting standards. Primary care physicians and patient partners were represented at all levels of the guideline committees and groups, and participated throughout the entire process to ensure relevance to target users. The process for managing competing interests was developed before and continued throughout the guideline development, informed by the Guideline International Network principles. We considered benefits and harms, patient values and preferences, resources, equity, acceptability and feasibility when developing recommendations; the strength of each recommendation was assigned according to the GRADE framework. RECOMMENDATIONS: The 25 recommendations and 10 good practice statements are grouped under the sections of exercise, nutrition, fracture risk assessment and treatment initiation, pharmacologic interventions, duration and sequence of therapy, and monitoring. The management of osteoporosis should be guided by the patient's risk of fracture, based on clinical assessment and using a validated fracture risk assessment tool. Exercise, nutrition and pharmacotherapy are key elements of the management strategy for fracture prevention and should be individualized. INTERPRETATION: The aim of this guideline is to empower health care professionals and patients to have meaningful discussions on the importance of skeletal health and fracture risk throughout older adulthood. Identification and appropriate management of skeletal fragility can reduce fractures, and preserve mobility, autonomy and quality of life.

Fraturas Ósseas , Osteoporose , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Canadá , Estado Nutricional , Osteoporose/complicações , Osteoporose/diagnóstico , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Qualidade de Vida
J Clin Psychol Med Settings ; 30(3): 469-480, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37440144


Interprofessional Education (IPE) is intended to prepare health professionals for teambased care. Little is known about IPE offerings for psychology trainees. The article reports on a survey of training directors (263) from graduate school, internship, and fellowship programs about IPE in a 39-item survey. Most programs have IPE activities across 17 types (e.g., classroom didactics, IP team care, Grand Rounds, simulations, etc.), though 34% reported no or poorly coordinated IPE. Barriers included limited funding/protected time and conflicting student schedules. Resources needed for implementing IPE included incorporating IPE into clinical settings, curricular materials, and evaluation tools. Only 15% felt institutional leadership considered IPE a high priority. Training directors need leadership engagement and support, protected time, and administrative support as well as faculty development for event design and facilitation skills. This study is an exploratory first step, more granular investigation of quality and quantity of IPE from training directors' perspectives is needed.

iScience ; 26(7): 107047, 2023 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37360691


We examined the effects of ∼30 days of spaceflight on glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) content and inhibitory serine phosphorylation in murine muscle and bone samples from four separate missions (BION-M1, rodent research [RR]1, RR9, and RR18). Spaceflight reduced GSK3ß content across all missions, whereas its serine phosphorylation was elevated with RR18 and BION-M1. The reduction in GSK3ß was linked to the reduction in type IIA fibers commonly observed with spaceflight as these fibers are particularly enriched with GSK3. We then tested the effects of inhibiting GSK3 before this fiber type shift, and we demonstrate that muscle-specific Gsk3 knockdown increased muscle mass, preserved muscle strength, and promoted the oxidative fiber type with Earth-based hindlimb unloading. In bone, GSK3 activation was enhanced after spaceflight; and strikingly, muscle-specific Gsk3 deletion increased bone mineral density in response to hindlimb unloading. Thus, future studies should test the effects of GSK3 inhibition during spaceflight.

Curr Dev Nutr ; 7(5): 100071, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37180851


Maternal diet during pregnancy and/or throughout lactation provides a potential opportunity for nutritional programming of offspring bone development. Objectives of this study were to determine whether maternal consumption of red rooibos (RR) throughout pregnancy and lactation improved bone mineral density (BMD), bone structure, and bone strength in offspring and to determine potential sex-specific responses. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to control water or RR in water (2600 mg/kg body weight/d) from prepregnancy through to the end of lactation. At weaning, offspring were fed AIN-93G diet until age 3 mo. Longitudinal assessment of the tibia demonstrated that maternal exposure to RR did not alter the trajectory of BMD or bone structure in male or female offspring compared with sex-specific controls at age 1, 2, or 3 mo or bone strength at age 3 mo. In conclusion, maternal exposure to RR did not program bone development in male or female offspring.

J Contin Educ Health Prof ; 43(1): 42-51, 2023 01 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36215162


INTRODUCTION: Formal mentoring programs have direct benefits for academic health care institutions, but it is unclear whether program designs use recommended components and whether outcomes are being captured and evaluated appropriately. The goal of this scoping review is to address these questions. METHODS: We completed a literature review using a comprehensive search in SCOPUS and PubMed (1998-2019), a direct solicitation for unpublished programs, and hand-searched key references, while targeting mentor programs in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. After three rounds of screening, team members independently reviewed and extracted assigned articles for 40 design data items into a comprehensive database. RESULTS: Fifty-eight distinct mentoring programs were represented in the data set. The team members clarified specific mentor roles to assist the analysis. The analysis identified mentoring program characteristics that were properly implemented, including identifying program goals, specifying the target learners, and performing a needs assessment. The analysis also identified areas for improvement, including consistent use of models/frameworks for program design, implementation of mentor preparation, consistent reporting of objective outcomes and career satisfaction outcomes, engagement of program evaluation methods, increasing frequency of reports as programs as they mature, addressing the needs of specific faculty groups (eg, women and minority faculty), and providing analyses of program cost-effectiveness in relation to resource allocation (return on investment). CONCLUSION: The review found that several mentor program design, implementation, outcome, and evaluation components are poorly aligned with recommendations, and content for URM and women faculty members is underrepresented. The review should provide academic leadership information to improve these discrepancies.

Tutoria , Mentores , Humanos , Feminino , Estados Unidos , Tutoria/métodos , Pessoal de Saúde , Docentes , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Atenção à Saúde , Docentes de Medicina
J Clin Psychol Med Settings ; 30(1): 80-91, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35366172


Integrated behavioral health care (IBHC) models are a growing trend for health care delivery, particularly in the primary setting. Clinicians working within IBHC contexts provide a spectrum of behavioral health services, including screening, prevention and health promotion, assessment, and treatment services. Integration of behavioral health providers into primary and specialty medical settings addresses the significant need for behavioral health services, improves care quality, improves patient experience, and reduces costs of care, access issues, and delays in service provision. While benefits are clear, what type of model to implement and which behavioral health care providers to include in that model remain elusive. This is partly due to the failure of IBHC models to include all behavioral health providers in their design, a lack of clarity of the expertise of each provider, and how providers work together. IBHC models are also complicated by contextual issues such as the relative availability of each profession, population health needs in different clinic populations, and financial factors. The purpose of this manuscript is to the clarify roles and responsibilities of different behavioral health professions including similarities and differences in their training, areas of unique expertise (role distinctions), shared responsibilities (role overlap), and relative cost and availability in the United States.

Serviços de Saúde Mental , Psiquiatria , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Atenção à Saúde
J Bone Miner Res ; 38(1): 198-213, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36401814


Osteoporosis has traditionally been characterized by underlying endocrine mechanisms, though evidence indicates a role of inflammation in its pathophysiology. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a component of gram-negative bacteria that reside in the intestines, can be released into circulation and stimulate the immune system, upregulating bone resorption. Exogenous LPS is used in rodent models to study the effect of systemic inflammation on bone, and to date a variety of different doses, routes, and durations of LPS administration have been used. The study objective was to determine whether systemic administration of LPS induced inflammatory bone loss in rodent models. A systematic search of Medline and four other databases resulted in a total of 110 studies that met the inclusion criteria. Pooled standardized mean differences (SMDs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) with a random-effects meta-analyses were used for bone volume fraction (BV/TV) and volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD). Heterogeneity was quantified using the I2 statistic. Shorter-term (<2 weeks) and longer-term (>2 weeks) LPS interventions were analyzed separately because of intractable study design differences. BV/TV was significantly reduced in both shorter-term (SMD = -3.79%, 95% CI [-4.20, -3.38], I2 62%; p < 0.01) and longer-term (SMD = -1.50%, 95% CI [-2.00, -1.00], I2 78%; p < 0.01) studies. vBMD was also reduced in both shorter-term (SMD = -3.11%, 95% CI [-3.78, -2.44]; I2 72%; p < 0.01) and longer-term (SMD = -3.49%, 95% CI [-4.94, -2.04], I2 82%; p < 0.01) studies. In both groups, regardless of duration, LPS negatively impacted trabecular bone structure but not cortical bone structure, and an upregulation in bone resorption demonstrated by bone cell staining and serum biomarkers was reported. This suggests systemically delivered exogenous LPS in rodents is a viable model for studying inflammatory bone loss, particularly in trabecular bone. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).

Doenças Ósseas Metabólicas , Reabsorção Óssea , Animais , Lipopolissacarídeos/farmacologia , Roedores , Densidade Óssea/fisiologia , Inflamação , Absorciometria de Fóton
Curr Nutr Rep ; 11(4): 537-562, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35986890


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Probiotics intake may be considered beneficial by prospective and pregnant mothers, but their effects on offspring development are incompletely understood. The purpose of this review was to examine recent pre-clinical and clinical studies to understand how maternal probiotics exposure affects offspring health outcomes. RECENT FINDINGS: Effects were investigated in the context of supporting offspring growth, intestinal health, and gut microbiota, preventing allergic diseases, supporting neurodevelopment, and preventing metabolic disorders in pre-clinical and clinical studies. Most human studies focused on infancy outcomes, whereas pre-clinical studies also examined outcomes at adolescence and young adulthood. While still understudied, both pre-clinical and clinical studies propose epigenetic modifications as an underlying mechanism. Optimal timing of intervention remains unclear. Administration of selected probiotics to mothers has programming potential for sustaining life-long health of offspring. Administration protocols, specific windows of susceptibility, and individual-specific responses need to be further studied.

Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Probióticos , Gravidez , Feminino , Adolescente , Criança , Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Estudos Prospectivos , Mães , Saúde da Criança
J Clin Psychol Med Settings ; 29(3): 557-569, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35761033


Mentoring has a long tradition in academic health centers, and from an institutional perspective can positively impact retention, wellness, promotion success, work satisfaction, and more. On the individual level, mentorship can provide professional growth and personal satisfaction for both participants. However, mentors may struggle with how to build their mentorship skills, navigating challenges with mentees over time, or if/how/when to conclude a mentor-mentee relationship. Mentees may not understand how to find a mentor, what the nature of that relationship is, or what their role is (what characterizes a "good" mentee). As important as mentorship is, it can be challenging for both to find and maintain a high-quality mentor-mentee relationship. This article reviews the qualities that are most critical in developing a successful mentoring relationship, the longitudinal nature of this relationship, common problems that arise, and the potential rewards that exist for each person involved in the relationship.

Tutoria , Humanos , Mentores , Satisfação Pessoal , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde
J Allied Health ; 51(2): e65-e69, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35640300


To meet the interprofessional education needs of students during the COVID-19 pandemic, universities transitioned to virtual options. For many universities, this transition was challenging and time-consuming. The Arkansas Interprofessional Education Consortium (ARIPEC) combined resources to create a novel learning experience for students with a focus on the skill of home assessment. An interinstitutional, interprofessional faculty project team was developed to create a learning experience, with each institution responsible for a portion of the virtual simulation development. This paper describes the process for creation and implementation of an interprofessional, interinstitutional virtual learning experience to support the growth of healthcare students across the state of Arkansas.

COVID-19 , Relações Interprofissionais , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Comportamento Cooperativo , Humanos , Aprendizagem , Pandemias
J Clin Psychol Med Settings ; 29(1): 1-9, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33389364


Interprofessional education (IPE) is defined as educational activities involving trainees from two or more professions learning about, from, and with each other with the goal of building team-based collaboration skills. The degree to which psychology trainees are involved in IPE is unknown. A national survey was distributed to gather information regarding the nature and prevalence of IPE experiences and psychology trainees' perceived competence in collaboration skills. Participant responses (n = 143) are presented overall and by training level. Some respondents reported no IPE activities in their training, especially trainees earlier in their training. Highest rated competencies were in acting with honesty and integrity and developing/maintaining mutual respect and trust of other professions. Lowest rated were in giving feedback to others and managing differences in opinion. More research related to the nature and impact of IPE on psychology trainees is critical.

Educação Interprofissional , Relações Interprofissionais , Comportamento Cooperativo , Pessoal de Saúde/educação , Humanos
J Clin Psychol Med Settings ; 29(1): 20-30, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33689102


Healthcare reform has led to the consideration of interprofessional team-based, collaborative care as a way to provide comprehensive, high-quality care to patients and families. Interprofessional education is the mechanism by which the next generation health professional workforce is preparing for the future of health care-team-based, collaborative care. This literature review explored the extent and content of published studies documenting Interprofessional Education (IPE) activities with psychology trainees across learner level. A systematic review following PRISMA guidelines was conducted of studies describing IPE involving psychology learners. Electronic databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, and EMBASE) were searched for the following terms: inter/multi-professional education/practice, inter/multidisciplinary education/practice, and psychology/psychologists. Thirty-seven articles were identified that included psychology in clinical outcome studies or other reviews of interprofessional education initiatives. The review addresses the nature of current IPE learning activities, the impact of IPE activities on participating trainees, opportunities for, and challenges of, involving psychology trainees in IPE, and future directions for research. This review illuminates the relative paucity of the literature about IPE in psychology training. Given the trend toward increasing team-based collaborative care, the limited inclusion of psychology in the IPE literature is concerning. The next generation of health professional trainees is learning about, from, and with each other with the objective of building collaboration and teamwork. Given the few articles documenting psychology trainees' involvement in IPE, future health professionals quite possibly will have limited understanding of, and contact with, psychologists. Our findings are a call to action for greater psychology involvement in IPE.

Educação Interprofissional , Relações Interprofissionais , Comportamento Cooperativo , Pessoal de Saúde/educação , Humanos , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente
Child Obes ; 18(2): 75-83, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34491828


Racism and childhood obesity are both pervasive factors adversely affecting the health and wellbeing of children and adolescents in the United States. The association between racism and obesity has been touched upon in the literature; yet most work has focused on a few dimensions of intersectionality of these two domains at one time. The renewed focus on structural racism as the primary contributor to distress of Black individuals in the United States has highlighted the urgency of identifying the contributions of racism to the childhood obesity epidemic. The current article is not a complete review of the literature, rather, it is meant to take a broad narrative review of the myriad ways in which racism contributes to the obesity epidemic in Black youth to serve as a call to action for more research, prevention, and intervention. The current article illustrates how a number of mechanisms for the etiology and maintenance of obesity are heavily influenced by racism and how addressing racism is critical for ameliorating the childhood obesity epidemic.

Obesidade Infantil , Racismo , Adolescente , População Negra , Criança , Humanos , Obesidade Infantil/epidemiologia , Obesidade Infantil/prevenção & controle , Racismo Sistêmico , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia
Front Nutr ; 8: 798936, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34950693


During pregnancy and lactation, maternal bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced as calcium is mobilized to support offspring bone development. In humans, BMD returns to pre-pregnancy levels shortly after delivery, shifting from a high rate of bone resorption during pregnancy and lactation, into a rapid phase of bone formation post-lactation. This rapid change in bone turnover may provide an opportunity to stimulate a greater gain in BMD and stronger trabecular and cortical structure than present pre-pregnancy. Providing polyphenols present in red rooibos herbal tea may promote such an effect. In vitro, red rooibos polyphenols stimulate osteoblast activity, reduce osteoclastic resorption, and increase mineral production. The study objective was to determine if consuming red rooibos from pre-pregnancy through to 4 months post-lactation resulted in a higher BMD and improved trabecular and cortical bone structure in a commonly used rat model. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 42) were randomized to one of the following groups: PREG TEA (pregnant, received supplemental level of red rooibos in water: ~2.6 g /kg body weight/day in water), PREG WATER (pregnant, received water), or NONPREG CON (age-matched, non-pregnant control, received water) from 2 weeks pre-pregnancy (age 8 weeks) through to 4 months post-lactation. Rats were fed AIN-93G (pre-pregnancy through to the end of lactation) and AIN-93M (post-lactation onwards). BMD and trabecular structure (bone volume fraction, trabecular number, trabecular separation) were improved (p < 0.05) by 1- or 2-months post-lactation when comparing PREG TEA to PREG CON, though neither group recovered to the level of NONPREG CON. Cortical outcomes (cortical area fraction, cortical thickness, tissue mineral density) for PREG TEA and PREG CON were reduced (p < 0.05) following lactation but returned to the level of NONPREG CON by 2-months post-lactation, with the exception of cortical thickness. The lack of recovery of BMD and key outcomes of trabecular bone structure was unexpected. While consumption of red rooibos did not result in stronger bone post-lactation, red rooibos did support the partial recovery of trabecular BMD and bone structure following pregnancy and lactation. The findings also provide insight into the timing and dose of polyphenols to study in future interventions.

Nutrients ; 13(11)2021 Oct 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34835978


The aim of this study was to determine whether a relationship between periodontal healing and protein intake exists in patients undergoing non-surgical treatment for periodontitis. Dietary protein intake was assessed using the 2005 Block food frequency questionnaire in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis undergoing scaling and root planing (n = 63 for non-smokers, n = 22 for smokers). Protein intake was correlated to post-treatment probing depth using multiple linear regression. Non-smoking patients who consumed ≥1 g protein/kg body weight/day had fewer sites with probing depth ≥ 4 mm after scaling and root planing compared to patients with intakes <1 g protein/kg body weight/day (11 ± 2 versus 16 ± 2, p = 0.05). This relationship was strengthened after controlling for baseline probing depth, hygienist and time between treatment and follow-up (10 ± 2 versus 16 ± 1, p = 0.018) and further strengthened after controlling for potential confounders including age, sex, body mass index, flossing frequency, and bleeding on probing (8 ± 2 versus 18 ± 2, p < 0.001). No associations were seen in patients who smoked. Consuming ≥1 g protein/kg body weight/day was associated with reductions in periodontal disease burden following scaling and root planing in patients who were non-smokers. Further studies are needed to differentiate between animal and plant proteins.

Proteínas Alimentares/farmacologia , não Fumantes , Periodonto/patologia , Cicatrização , Feminino , Humanos , Modelos Lineares , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Periodonto/efeitos dos fármacos , Tamanho da Amostra