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Front Physiol ; 15: 1442239, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39308978


Introduction: Bed rest can be used as a ground-based analog of the body unloading associated with spaceflight. In this study, we determined how strict head-down tilt bed rest affects subjects' performance of functional tests (sit-to-stand, tandem walk, walk-and-turn, dynamic posturography) that challenge astronauts' balance control systems immediately after they return from space. Methods: Forty-seven participants were assessed before and a few hours after 30 days of 6° head down tilt bed rest at the DLR:envihab facility. During this bed rest study, called SANS-CM, the participants were divided into 4 groups that either a) were positioned in head-down tilt continuously throughout the 30 days; b) sat upright for 6 h a day; c) were exposed to lower body negative pressure (LBNP) for 6 h a day; or d) exercised for 60 min and then wore venous-occlusive cuffs for 6 h a day. Results: Results showed that strict head-down tilt bed rest caused deficits in performance of functional tasks that were similar to those observed in astronauts after spaceflight. Seated upright posture mitigated these deficits, whereas exercise or LBNP and cuffs partly mitigated them. Discussion: These data suggest that more direct, active sensorimotor-based countermeasures may be necessary to maintain preflight levels of functional performance after a long period of body unloading.

Environ Mol Mutagen ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39228295


Understanding radiation-induced non-cancer effects on the central nervous system (CNS) is essential for the risk assessment of medical (e.g., radiotherapy) and occupational (e.g., nuclear workers and astronauts) exposures. Herein, the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) approach was used to consolidate relevant studies in the area of cognitive decline for identification of research gaps, countermeasure development, and for eventual use in risk assessments. AOPs are an analytical construct describing critical events to an adverse outcome (AO) in a simplified form beginning with a molecular initiating event (MIE). An AOP was constructed utilizing mechanistic information to build empirical support for the key event relationships (KERs) between the MIE of deposition of energy to the AO of learning and memory impairment through multiple key events (KEs). The evidence for the AOP was acquired through a documented scoping review of the literature. In this AOP, the MIE is connected to the AO via six KEs: increased oxidative stress, increased deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strand breaks, altered stress response signaling, tissue resident cell activation, increased pro-inflammatory mediators, and abnormal neural remodeling that encompasses atypical structural and functional alterations of neural cells and surrounding environment. Deposition of energy directly leads to oxidative stress, increased DNA strand breaks, an increase of pro-inflammatory mediators and tissue resident cell activation. These KEs, which are themselves interconnected, can lead to abnormal neural remodeling impacting learning and memory processes. Identified knowledge gaps include improving quantitative understanding of the AOP across several KERs and additional testing of proposed modulating factors through experimental work. Broadly, it is envisioned that the outcome of these efforts could be extended to other cognitive disorders and complement ongoing work by international radiation governing bodies in their review of the system of radiological protection.

NPJ Microgravity ; 10(1): 86, 2024 Aug 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39152140


Test subjects were assessed in a partial gravity environment during parabolic flight while they performed mission-critical activities that challenged their balance and locomotion. These functional activities included rising from a seated position and walking, jumping down, recovering from falls, and maintaining an upright stance. Twelve volunteers were tested during 10 parabolas that produced 0.25×g, 0.5×g, or 0.75×g, and at 1×g during level flight intervals between parabolas. Additionally, 14 other subjects were tested using identical procedures in a 1×g laboratory setting. Partial gravity altered the performance of settling after standing and navigating around obstacles. As gravity levels decreased, the time required to stand up, settle, walk, and negotiate obstacles, and the number of falls increased. Information obtained from these tests will allow space agencies to assess the vestibular, sensorimotor, and cardiovascular risks associated with different levels of partial gravity.

Brain Sci ; 14(8)2024 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39199462


Long-duration bedrest impairs upright postural and locomotor control, prompting the need for assessment tools to predict the effects of deconditioning on post-bedrest outcome measures. We developed a tilt board mounted vertically with a horizontal air-bearing sled as a potential supine assessment tool for a future bedrest study. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the association between supine proprioceptive assessments on the tilt board and upright functional mobility. Seventeen healthy participants completed variations of a supine tilt board task and an upright functional mobility task (FMT), which is an established obstacle avoidance course. During the supine tasks, participants lay on the air-bearing sled with axial loading toward the tilt board. Participants tilted the board to capture virtual targets on an overhead monitor during 30 s trials. The tasks included two dynamic tasks (i.e., double-leg stance matching mediolateral tilt targets over ±3° or ±9° ranges) and two static tasks (i.e., single-leg stance maintaining a central target position). The performances during the dynamic tasks were significantly correlated with the FMT time to completion. The dominant-leg static task performance showed a moderate trend with the FMT time to completion. The results indicate that supine proprioceptive assessments may be associated with upright ambulation performance, and thus, support the proposed application in bedrest studies.

Aerosp Med Hum Perform ; 95(7): 390-398, 2024 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38915170


INTRODUCTION: Spatial disorientation (SD) remains the leading contributor to Class A mishaps in the U.S. Navy, consistent with historical trends. Despite this, SD training for military aircrew is largely confined to the classroom and experiential training replicating SD illusions is limited and infrequent. Static flight simulators are most commonly used for training but offer no vestibular stimulation to the flight crew, omitting the source of vestibular-mediated SD.BACKGROUND: We first cover vestibular-mediated SD illusions which may be replicated through galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) in a static environment. GVS is a safe, reliable, low-cost avenue for providing vestibular sensory stimulation. We review the underlying mechanisms of GVS such as the excitement and inhibition of the afferent neurons innervating the vestibular system, particularly in the binaural bipolar electrode montage.APPLICATIONS: Two approaches for how GVS may be used to enhance SD training are examined. The first is a means for providing unreliable vestibular sensory perceptions to pilots, and the second details how GVS can be leveraged for replicating vestibular-mediated SD illusions.DISCUSSION: We recommend GVS be pursued as an enhancement to existing SD training. The ability to disorient aircrew in the safe training environment of a static flight simulator would allow for aircrew familiarization to SD, serving as an opportunity to practice life-saving checklist items to recover from SD. A repeatable training profile that could be worn by military aircrew in a static flight simulator may afford a low-cost training solution to the number one cause of fatalities in military aviation.Allred AR, Lippert AF, Wood SJ. Galvanic vestibular stimulation advancements for spatial disorientation training. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2024; 95(7):390-398.

Medicina Aeroespacial , Confusão , Militares , Vestíbulo do Labirinto , Humanos , Vestíbulo do Labirinto/fisiologia , Pilotos , Estimulação Elétrica/métodos , Treinamento por Simulação/métodos , Ilusões/fisiologia
Front Physiol ; 15: 1369788, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38699143


The perceptual and motor coordination problems experienced following return from spaceflight reflect the sensory adaptation to altered gravity. The purpose of this study was to develop a ground-based analog that replicates similar sensorimotor impairment using a standard measures test battery and subjective feedback from experienced crewmembers. This Sensorimotor Disorientation Analog (SDA) included varying levels of sensorimotor disorientation through combined vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive disruptions. The SDA was evaluated on five previously flown astronauts to compare with their postflight experience and functional motor performance immediately (Return (R)+0 days) and +24 h (R+1) after landing. The SDA consisted of galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS), visual disruption goggles, and a weighted suit to alter proprioceptive feedback and replicate perceived heaviness postflight. Astronauts reported that GVS alone replicated ∼50-90% of their postflight performance with the weighted suit fine-tuning the experience to replicate an additional 10%-40% of their experience. Astronauts did not report feeling that the disruption goggles represented either the visual disruptions or illusory sensations that they experienced, nor did they impact motor performance in postflight tasks similarly. Based on these results, we recommend an SDA including the GVS and the weighted suit. These results provide a more realistic and portable SDA framework to provide transient spaceflight-relevant sensorimotor disruptions for use in countermeasure testing and as a pre-flight training tool.

NPJ Microgravity ; 10(1): 24, 2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38429289


During long-duration spaceflight, astronauts experience headward fluid shifts and expansion of the cerebral perivascular spaces (PVS). A major limitation to our understanding of the changes in brain structure and physiology induced by spaceflight stems from the logistical difficulties of studying astronauts. The current study aimed to determine whether PVS changes also occur on Earth with the spaceflight analog head-down tilt bed rest (HDBR). We examined how the number and morphology of magnetic resonance imaging-visible PVS (MV-PVS) are affected by HDBR with and without elevated carbon dioxide (CO2). These environments mimic the headward fluid shifts, body unloading, and elevated CO2 observed aboard the International Space Station. Additionally, we sought to understand how changes in MV-PVS are associated with signs of Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS), ocular structural alterations that can occur with spaceflight. Participants were separated into two bed rest campaigns: HDBR (60 days) and HDBR + CO2 (30 days with elevated ambient CO2). Both groups completed multiple magnetic resonance image acquisitions before, during, and post-bed rest. We found that at the group level, neither spaceflight analog affected MV-PVS quantity or morphology. However, when taking into account SANS status, persons exhibiting signs of SANS showed little or no MV-PVS changes, whereas their No-SANS counterparts showed MV-PVS morphological changes during the HDBR + CO2 campaign. These findings highlight spaceflight analogs as models for inducing changes in MV-PVS and implicate MV-PVS dynamic compliance as a mechanism underlying SANS. These findings may lead to countermeasures to mitigate health risks associated with human spaceflight.

Front Physiol ; 14: 1303938, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38074314


In the early 1970s, nine astronauts participated in missions to the Skylab space station. During two preflight testing sessions at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola, the amplitudes of their ocular counter-rolling (OCR) during body tilts were assessed to determine if their vestibular functions were within normal ranges. We recently re-evaluated this data to determine asymmetry of each astronaut's OCR response and their OCR slope from sigmoid fits during static leftward and rightward body tilts, which we then compared with their Coriolis sickness susceptibility index (CSSI) on the ground, their motion sickness symptom scores during 0 g maneuvers in parabolic flight, and the severity of the symptoms of space motion sickness (SMS) they reported during their spaceflights. We arranged the astronauts in rank order for SMS severity based on the SMS symptoms they reported during spaceflight and the amount of anti-motion sickness medication they used. As previously reported, the OCR amplitudes of these astronauts were within the normal range. We determined that the OCR amplitudes were not correlated with SMS severity ranking, CSSI, or motion sickness symptoms experienced during parabolic flight. Indices of asymmetry in the OCR reflex were generally small and poorly correlated with SMS scores; however, the only subject with a high index of asymmetry also ranked highly for SMS. Although OCR slope, CSSI, and motion sickness symptoms induced during parabolic flight were each only moderately correlated with SMS severity ranking (rho = 0.41-0.44), a combined index that included all three parameters with equal weighting was significantly correlated with SMS severity ranking (rho = 0.71, p = 0.015). These results demonstrate the challenge of predicting an individual's susceptibility to SMS by measuring a single test parameter in a terrestrial environment and from a limited sample size.

Front Neurol ; 14: 1284029, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37965165


Introduction: This study compares the balance control and cognitive responses of subjects with bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP) to those of astronauts immediately after they return from long-duration spaceflight on board the International Space Station. Methods: Twenty-eight astronauts and thirty subjects with BVP performed five tests using the same procedures: sit-to-stand, walk-and-turn, tandem walk, duration judgment, and reaction time. Results: Compared to the astronauts' preflight responses, the BVP subjects' responses were impaired in all five tests. However, the BVP subjects' performance during the walk-and-turn and the tandem walk tests were comparable to the astronauts' performance on the day they returned from space. Moreover, the BVP subjects' time perception and reaction time were comparable to those of the astronauts during spaceflight. The BVP subjects performed the sit-to-stand test at a level that fell between the astronauts' performance on the day of landing and 1 day later. Discussion: These results indicate that the alterations in dynamic balance control, time perception, and reaction time that astronauts experience after spaceflight are likely driven by central vestibular adaptations. Vestibular and somatosensory training in orbit and vestibular rehabilitation after spaceflight could be effective countermeasures for mitigating these post-flight performance decrements.

Neuroimage ; 278: 120261, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37422277


Spaceflight has numerous untoward effects on human physiology. Various countermeasures are under investigation including artificial gravity (AG). Here, we investigated whether AG alters resting-state brain functional connectivity changes during head-down tilt bed rest (HDBR), a spaceflight analog. Participants underwent 60 days of HDBR. Two groups received daily AG administered either continuously (cAG) or intermittently (iAG). A control group received no AG. We assessed resting-state functional connectivity before, during, and after HDBR. We also measured balance and mobility changes from pre- to post-HDBR. We examined how functional connectivity changes throughout HDBR and whether AG is associated with differential effects. We found differential connectivity changes by group between posterior parietal cortex and multiple somatosensory regions. The control group exhibited increased functional connectivity between these regions throughout HDBR whereas the cAG group showed decreased functional connectivity. This finding suggests that AG alters somatosensory reweighting during HDBR. We also observed brain-behavioral correlations that differed significantly by group. Control group participants who showed increased connectivity between the putamen and somatosensory cortex exhibited greater mobility declines post-HDBR. For the cAG group, increased connectivity between these regions was associated with little to no mobility declines post-HDBR. This suggests that when somatosensory stimulation is provided via AG, functional connectivity increases between the putamen and somatosensory cortex are compensatory in nature, resulting in reduced mobility declines. Given these findings, AG may be an effective countermeasure for the reduced somatosensory stimulation that occurs in both microgravity and HDBR.

Gravidade Alterada , Voo Espacial , Humanos , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo/fisiologia , Lobo Parietal/diagnóstico por imagem , Lobo Parietal/fisiologia , Córtex Somatossensorial/diagnóstico por imagem
Sci Rep ; 13(1): 7878, 2023 06 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37291238


Spaceflight induces widespread changes in human brain morphology. It is unclear if these brain changes differ with varying mission duration or spaceflight experience history (i.e., novice or experienced, number of prior missions, time between missions). Here we addressed this issue by quantifying regional voxelwise changes in brain gray matter volume, white matter microstructure, extracellular free water (FW) distribution, and ventricular volume from pre- to post-flight in a sample of 30 astronauts. We found that longer missions were associated with greater expansion of the right lateral and third ventricles, with the majority of expansion occurring during the first 6 months in space then appearing to taper off for longer missions. Longer inter-mission intervals were associated with greater expansion of the ventricles following flight; crew with less than 3 years of time to recover between successive flights showed little to no enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles. These findings demonstrate that ventricle expansion continues with spaceflight with increasing mission duration, and inter-mission intervals less than 3 years may not allow sufficient time for the ventricles to fully recover their compensatory capacity. These findings illustrate some potential plateaus in and boundaries of human brain changes with spaceflight.

Voo Espacial , Substância Branca , Humanos , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Astronautas , Ventrículos Cerebrais/diagnóstico por imagem
Cereb Cortex ; 33(12): 8011-8023, 2023 06 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36958815


Altered vestibular signaling and body unloading in microgravity results in sensory reweighting and adaptation. Microgravity effects are well-replicated in head-down tilt bed rest (HDBR). Artificial gravity (AG) is a potential countermeasure to mitigate the effects of microgravity on human physiology and performance. We examined the effectiveness of daily AG for mitigating brain and/or behavioral changes in 60 days of HDBR. One group received AG for 30 minutes daily (AG; n = 16) and a control group spent the same time in HDBR but received no AG (CTRL; n = 8). All participants performed a sensorimotor adaptation task five times during fMRI scanning: twice prior to HDBR, twice during HDBR, and once following HDBR. The AG group showed similar behavioral adaptation effects compared with the CTRLs. We identified decreased brain activation in the AG group from pre to late HDBR in the cerebellum for the task baseline portion and in the thalamus, calcarine, cuneus, premotor cortices, and superior frontal gyrus in the AG group during the early adaptation phase. The two groups also exhibited differential brain-behavior correlations. Together, these results suggest that AG may result in a reduced recruitment of brain activity for basic motor processes and sensorimotor adaptation. These effects may stem from the somatosensory and vestibular stimulation that occur with AG.

Encéfalo , Gravidade Alterada , Humanos , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo/fisiologia , Cerebelo/diagnóstico por imagem , Adaptação Fisiológica
Brain Sci ; 13(2)2023 Jan 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36831732


BACKGROUND: A better understanding of how vestibular asymmetry manifests across tests is important due to its potential implications for balance dysfunction, motion sickness susceptibility, and adaptation to new environments. OBJECTIVE: We report the results of multiple tests for vestibular asymmetry in 32 healthy participants. METHODS: Asymmetry was measured using perceptual reports during unilateral centrifugation, oculomotor responses during visual alignment tasks, vestibulo-ocular reflex gain during head impulse tests, and body rotation during stepping tests. RESULTS: A significant correlation was observed between asymmetries of subjective visual vertical and verbal report during unilateral centrifugation. Another significant correlation was observed between the asymmetries of ocular alignment, vestibulo-ocular reflex gain, and body rotation. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that there are underlying vestibular asymmetries in healthy individuals that are consistent across various vestibular challenges. In addition, these findings have value in guiding test selection during experimental design for assessing vestibular asymmetry in healthy adults.

Cereb Cortex ; 33(6): 2641-2654, 2023 03 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35704860


We studied the longitudinal effects of approximately 6 months of spaceflight on brain activity and task-based connectivity during a spatial working memory (SWM) task. We further investigated whether any brain changes correlated with changes in SWM performance from pre- to post-flight. Brain activity was measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging while astronauts (n = 15) performed a SWM task. Data were collected twice pre-flight and 4 times post-flight. No significant effects on SWM performance or brain activity were found due to spaceflight; however, significant pre- to post-flight changes in brain connectivity were evident. Superior occipital gyrus showed pre- to post-flight reductions in task-based connectivity with the rest of the brain. There was also decreased connectivity between the left middle occipital gyrus and the left parahippocampal gyrus, left cerebellum, and left lateral occipital cortex during SWM performance. These results may reflect increased visual network modularity with spaceflight. Further, increased visual and visuomotor connectivity were correlated with improved SWM performance from pre- to post-flight, while decreased visual and visual-frontal cortical connectivity were associated with poorer performance post-flight. These results suggest that while SWM performance remains consistent from pre- to post-flight, underlying changes in connectivity among supporting networks suggest both disruptive and compensatory alterations due to spaceflight.

Memória de Curto Prazo , Voo Espacial , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Cognição , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos
Front Physiol ; 13: 1029161, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36505047


To properly assess the risk induced by vestibular and sensorimotor adaptation during exploration missions, we examined how long-duration stays on the International Space Station affect functional performance after gravity transitions. Mission-critical tasks that challenge the balance and the locomotion control systems were assessed: i.e., sit-to-stand, recovery-from-fall, tandem-walk, and walk-and-turn. We assessed 19 astronauts, including 7 first-time flyers and 12 experienced flyers, before their flight, a few hours after landing, and then 1 day and 6-11 days later. Results show that adaptation to long-term weightlessness causes deficits in functional performance immediately after landing that can last for up to 1 week. No differences were observed between first-time and experienced astronaut groups. These data suggest that additional sensorimotor-based countermeasures may be necessary to maintain functional performance at preflight levels when landing on planetary surfaces after a long period in weightlessness.

Front Physiol ; 13: 921368, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36187781


Adaptation to microgravity causes astronauts to experience sensorimotor disturbances during return to Earth leading to functional difficulties. Recently, the Field Test (FT) study involving an incrementally demanding sensorimotor functional test battery has allowed for an unprecedented view into early decrements and recovery from multiple tests conducted on the landing day following 6-months International Space Station missions. Although the protocol was challenging and temporarily increased motion sickness symptoms, there were anecdotal reports that performing these tasks within the first few hours of landing accelerated their recovery. Therefore, results from computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) following return to Houston were used to compare recovery between crewmembers that participated in FT (n = 18) with those that did not (controls, n = 11). While there were significant decrements in postural performance for both groups, some FT participants tended to perform closer to their preflight baseline in the most challenging condition of the CDP sensitive to vestibular function-eyes closed, unstable support and head movements. However, the distribution of difference scores appeared bimodal with other FT participants in the lower range of performance. We attribute these observations to the manner in which the field tests were implemented-some benefitted by encouraging early movement to drive adaptation when performed in a constrained incremental fashion; however, movements above aversive thresholds may have impaired adaptation in others. Challenging the sensorimotor system with increasingly provocative movements performed as close to landing as possible, as long as within individual thresholds, could be a useful intervention to accelerate astronaut's sensorimotor readaptation that deserves further study.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 7238, 2022 05 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35513698


Humans are exposed to extreme environmental stressors during spaceflight and return with alterations in brain structure and shifts in intracranial fluids. To date, no studies have evaluated the effects of spaceflight on perivascular spaces (PVSs) within the brain, which are believed to facilitate fluid drainage and brain homeostasis. Here, we examined how the number and morphology of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-visible PVSs are affected by spaceflight, including prior spaceflight experience. Fifteen astronauts underwent six T1-weighted 3 T MRI scans, twice prior to launch and four times following their return to Earth after ~ 6-month missions to the International Space Station. White matter MRI-visible PVS number and morphology were calculated using an established, automated segmentation algorithm. We validated our automated segmentation algorithm by comparing algorithm PVS counts with those identified by two trained raters in 50 randomly selected slices from this cohort; the automated algorithm performed similarly to visual ratings (r(48) = 0.77, p < 0.001). In addition, we found high reliability for four of five PVS metrics across the two pre-flight time points and across the four control time points (ICC(3,k) > 0.50). Among the astronaut cohort, we found that novice astronauts showed an increase in total PVS volume from pre- to post-flight, whereas experienced crewmembers did not (p = 0.020), suggesting that experienced astronauts may exhibit holdover effects from prior spaceflight(s). Greater pre-flight PVS load was associated with more prior flight experience (r = 0.60-0.71), though these relationships did not reach statistical significance (p > 0.05). Pre- to post-flight changes in ventricular volume were not significantly associated with changes in PVS characteristics, and the presence of spaceflight associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) was not associated with PVS number or morphology. Together, these findings demonstrate that PVSs can be consistently identified on T1-weighted MRI scans, and that spaceflight is associated with PVS changes. Specifically, prior spaceflight experience may be an important factor in determining PVS characteristics.

Sistema Glinfático , Voo Espacial , Astronautas , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Brain Struct Funct ; 227(6): 2073-2086, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35469104


Motor adaptations to the microgravity environment during spaceflight allow astronauts to perform adequately in this unique environment. Upon return to Earth, this adaptation is no longer appropriate and can be disruptive for mission critical tasks. Here, we measured if metrics derived from MRI scans collected from astronauts can predict motor performance post-flight. Structural and diffusion MRI scans from 14 astronauts collected before launch, and motor measures (balance performance, speed of recovery from fall, and tandem walk step accuracy) collected pre-flight and post-flight were analyzed. Regional measures of gray matter volume (motor cortex, paracentral lobule, cerebellum), myelin density (motor cortex, paracentral lobule, corticospinal tract), and white matter microstructure (corticospinal tract) were derived as a-priori predictors. Additional whole-brain analyses of cortical thickness, cerebellar gray matter, and cortical myelin were also tested for associations with post-flight and pre-to-post-flight motor performance. The pre-selected regional measures were not significantly associated with motor behavior. However, whole-brain analyses showed that paracentral and precentral gyri thickness significantly predicted recovery from fall post-spaceflight. Thickness of vestibular and sensorimotor regions, including the posterior insula and the superior temporal gyrus, predicted balance performance post-flight and pre-to-post-flight decrements. Greater cortical thickness pre-flight predicted better performance post-flight. Regional thickness of somatosensory, motor, and vestibular brain regions has some predictive value for post-flight motor performance in astronauts, which may be used for the identification of training and countermeasure strategies targeted for maintaining operational task performance.

Voo Espacial , Ausência de Peso , Substância Branca , Astronautas , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Substância Branca/diagnóstico por imagem
Front Neural Circuits ; 16: 784280, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35310547


The altered vestibular signaling and somatosensory unloading of microgravity result in sensory reweighting and adaptation to conflicting sensory inputs. Aftereffects of these adaptive changes are evident postflight as impairments in behaviors such as balance and gait. Microgravity also induces fluid shifts toward the head and an upward shift of the brain within the skull; these changes are well-replicated in strict head-down tilt bed rest (HDBR), a spaceflight analog environment. Artificial gravity (AG) is a potential countermeasure to mitigate these effects of microgravity. A previous study demonstrated that intermittent (six, 5-mins bouts per day) daily AG sessions were more efficacious at counteracting orthostatic intolerance in a 5 day HDBR study than continuous daily AG. Here we examined whether intermittent daily AG was also more effective than continuous dosing for mitigating brain and behavioral changes in response to 60 days of HDBR. Participants (n = 24) were split evenly between three groups. The first received 30 mins of continuous AG daily (cAG). The second received 30 mins of intermittent AG daily (6 bouts of 5 mins; iAG). The third received no AG (Ctrl). We collected a broad range of sensorimotor, cognitive, and brain structural and functional assessments before, during, and after the 60 days of HDBR. We observed no significant differences between the three groups in terms of HDBR-associated changes in cognition, balance, and functional mobility. Interestingly, the intermittent AG group reported less severe motion sickness symptoms than the continuous group during centrifugation; iAG motion sickness levels were not elevated above those of controls who did not undergo AG. They also had a shorter duration of post-AG illusory motion than cAG. Moreover, the two AG groups performed the paced auditory serial addition test weekly while undergoing AG; their performance was more accurate than that of controls, who performed the test while in HDBR. Although AG did not counteract HDBR-induced gait and balance declines, iAG did not cause motion sickness and was associated with better self-motion perception during AG ramp-down. Additionally, both AG groups had superior cognitive performance while undergoing AG relative to controls; this may reflect attention or motivation differences between the groups.

Gravidade Alterada , Voo Espacial , Repouso em Cama , Cognição , Decúbito Inclinado com Rebaixamento da Cabeça/fisiologia , Humanos
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 1430, 2022 01 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35082357


The effect of varying sinusoidal linear acceleration on perception of human motion was examined using 4 motion paradigms: off-vertical axis rotation, variable radius centrifugation, linear lateral translation, and rotation about an earth-horizontal axis. The motion profiles for each paradigm included 6 frequencies (0.01-0.6 Hz) and 5 tilt amplitudes (5°-20°). Subjects verbally reported the perceived angle of their whole-body tilt and the peak-to-peak translation of their head in space and used a joystick capable of recording 2-axis motion in the sagittal and transversal planes to indicate the phase between the perceived and actual motions. The amplitudes of perceived tilt and translation were expressed in terms of gain, i.e., the ratio of perceived tilt to equivalent tilt angle, and the ratio of perceived translation to equivalent linear displacement. Tilt perception gain decreased, whereas translation perception gain increased, with increasing frequency. During off-vertical axis rotation, the phase of tilt perception and of translation perception did not vary across stimulus frequencies. These motion paradigms elicited similar responses in roll tilt and interaural perception of translation, with differences likely due to the influence of naso-occipital linear accelerations and input to the semicircular canals that varied across motion paradigms.

Sensação Gravitacional/fisiologia , Movimentos da Cabeça/fisiologia , Decúbito Inclinado com Rebaixamento da Cabeça/fisiologia , Percepção de Movimento/fisiologia , Orientação Espacial/fisiologia , Aceleração , Adulto , Movimentos Oculares/fisiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reflexo Vestíbulo-Ocular/fisiologia , Rotação , Canais Semicirculares/fisiologia