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Sensors (Basel) ; 23(12)2023 Jun 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37420596


Optical fiber sensors are newly established gas pipeline leakage monitoring technologies with advantages, including high detection sensitivity to weak leaks and suitability for harsh environments. This work presents a systematic numerical study on the multi-physics propagation and coupling process of the leakage-included stress wave to the fiber under test (FUT) through the soil layer. The results indicate that the transmitted pressure amplitude (hence the axial stress acted on FUT) and the frequency response of the transient strain signal strongly depends on the types of soil. Furthermore, it is found that soil with a higher viscous resistance is more favorable to the propagation of spherical stress waves, allowing FUT to be installed at a longer distance from the pipeline, given the sensor detection limit. By setting the detection limit of the distributed acoustic sensor to 1 nε, the feasible range between FUT and the pipeline for clay, loamy soil and silty sand is numerically determined. The gas-leakage-included temperature variation by the Joule-Thomson effect is also analyzed. Results provide a quantitative criterion on the installation condition of distributed fiber sensors buried in soil for the great-demanding gas pipeline leakage monitoring applications.

Fibras Ópticas , Solo , Física , Argila , Acústica
Opt Express ; 30(10): 17437-17450, 2022 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36221567


Hollow-core negative curvature fibers can confine light within air core and have small nonlinearity and dispersion and high damage threshold, thereby attracting a great deal of interest in the field of hollow core fibers. However, reducing the loss of hollow-core negative curvature fibers is a serious problem. On this basis, three new types of fibers with different nested tube structures are proposed in the near-infrared spectral regions and compared in detail with a previously proposed hollow-core negative curvature fiber. We used finite-element method for numerical simulation studies of their transmission loss, bending loss, and single-mode performance, and then the transmission performance of various structural fibers is compared. We found that the nested elliptical antiresonant fiber 1 has better transmission performance than that of the three other types of fibers in the spectral range of 0.72-1.6 µm. Results show that the confinement loss of the LP01 mode is as low as 6.45×10-6 dB/km at λ = 1.06 µm. To the best of our knowledge, the record low level of confinement loss of hollow-core antiresonant fibers with nested tube structures was created. In addition, the nested elliptical antiresonant fiber 1 has better bending resistance, and its bending loss was below 2.99×10-2 dB/km at 5 cm bending radius.

Opt Express ; 30(4): 4759-4767, 2022 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35209450


A signal picked-up technique to improve the demodulation stability and accuracy of sapphire fiber external Fabry-Perot interferometer is proposed and demonstrated. Through fusion splicing four pieces of multimode fiber in sequence with different core diameters, the in-step change of the core diameter is found to introduce a sufficient fliting effect on the transmitted higher-order guided modes in the sapphire fiber and further reduce their influence on the fundamental mode interference demodulation. Experimental results show that the proposed multi-stage coupling technique can suppress by five-fold the additional phase imposed on the fundamental mode demodulation when compared with the conventional single-stage coupling approach in which single-mode fiber is spliced with only one piece of multimode fiber. The standard deviation of the demodulated optical phase and cavity length can also be reduced by more than two times. The proposed technique provides a simple yet sufficient solution for the long-standing difficulty of multimode sapphire fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer demodulation.

Opt Express ; 29(15): 24193, 2021 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34614669


This erratum corrects a typographical error in Eq. (10) of our paper [Opt. Express29, 14615 (2021)10.1364/OE.421842].

Opt Lett ; 46(16): 3909-3912, 2021 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34388772


Optical binding of microparticles offers a versatile playground for investigating the optomechanics of levitated multi-particle systems. We report millimeter-range optical binding of polystyrene microparticles in hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. The first particle scatters the incident LP01 mode into several LP0n modes, creating a beat pattern that exerts a position-dependent force on the second particle. Particle binding results from the interplay of the forces created by counterpropagating beams. A femtosecond trapping laser is used so that group velocity walk-off eliminates disturbance caused by higher order modes accidentally excited at the fiber input. The inter-particle distance can be optically switched over 2 orders of magnitude (from 42 µm to 3 mm), and the bound particle pairs can be translated along the fiber by unbalancing the powers in the counterpropagating trapping beams. The frequency response of a bound particle pair is investigated at low gas pressure by driving with an intensity-modulated control beam. The system offers new degrees of freedom for manipulating the dynamics and configurations of optically levitated microparticle arrays.

Sci Adv ; 7(28)2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34244140


The complex tumbling motion of spinning nonspherical objects is a topic of enduring interest, both in popular culture and in advanced scientific research. Here, we report all-optical control of the spin, precession, and nutation of vaterite microparticles levitated by counterpropagating circularly polarized laser beams guided in chiral hollow-core fiber. The circularly polarized light causes the anisotropic particles to spin about the fiber axis, while, regulated by minimization of free energy, dipole forces tend to align the extraordinary optical axis of positive uniaxial particles into the plane of rotating electric field. The end result is that, accompanied by oscillatory nutation, the optical axis reaches a stable tilt angle with respect to the plane of the electric field. The results reveal new possibilities for manipulating optical alignment through rotational degrees of freedom, with applications in the control of micromotors and microgyroscopes, laser alignment of polyatomic molecules, and study of rotational cell mechanics.

Opt Express ; 29(10): 14615-14629, 2021 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33985180


Coherent optical frequency domain reflectometry has been widely used to locate static reflectors with high spatial resolution. Here, we present a new type of Doppler optical frequency domain reflectometry that offers simultaneous measurement of the position and speed of moving objects. The system is exploited to track optically levitated "flying" particles inside a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. As an example, we demonstrate distributed temperature sensing with sub-mm-scale spatial resolution and a standard deviation of ∼10°C up to 200°C.

Opt Express ; 28(22): 33433-33447, 2020 Oct 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33115006


Understanding signal fading effect is essential for the application of Rayleigh-scattering-based distributed acoustic fibre sensors (DASs) due to the nature of coherent beam interference within the pulse length. Statistical properties for the intensity of the Rayleigh backscattered light (i.e. intensity fading) and its impact on the sensitivity of DAS systems have been intensely studied over the last decades. Here we for the first time establish an analytical model for the phase signal retrieved from the dual-pulse heterodyne demodulated DAS system, which can be exploited to investigate the phase fading effect in this system. The developed model reveals that the phase fading phenomenon mainly originates from the randomness in the phase retardant of the Rayleigh scatters. The quantitatively resolved statistical features of the phase fading is confirmed by experimental results. Based on the analytical model, a noise figure is defined to characterize the global fading-induced noise level via taking into account contributions from all channels along the sensing fiber. The model also reproduces the anti-correlation relation between the power spectrum density of retrieved phase at the heterodyne frequency and the phase fading noise level. Following the analysis and the definition of the noise figure, an optimized real-time weighted-channel stack algorithm is developed to efficiently suppress the fading noise. Experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve a maximum noise figure reduction of 15.8 dB without increasing the system complexity.

Sensors (Basel) ; 20(4)2020 Feb 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32069854


Phase fading is fatal to the performance of distributed acoustic sensors (DASs) influencing its capability of distributed measurement as well as its noise level. Here, we report the experimental observation of a strong negative correlation between the relative power spectrum density (PSD) at the heterodyne frequency and the noise floor of the detected phase for the heterodyne demodulated distributed acoustic sensor (HD-DAS) system. We further propose a weighted-channel stack algorithm (WCSA) to alleviate the phase fading noise via an enhancement of the relative PSD at the heterodyne frequency. Experimental results show that the phase noise of the demodulated signal can be suppressed by 13.7 dB under optimal condition. As a potential application, we exploited the improved HD-DAS system to retrieve a piece of music lasted for 205 s, demonstrating the reliability of detecting wideband sound signal without distortion.

Opt Express ; 27(24): 34496-34504, 2019 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31878638


Efficient monitoring of airborne particulate matter (PM), especially particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5), is crucial for improving public health. Reliable information on the concentration, size distribution and chemical characteristics of PMs is key to evaluating air pollution and identifying its sources. Standard methods for PM2.5 characterization require sample collection from the atmosphere and post-analysis using sophisticated equipment in a laboratory environment, and are normally very time-consuming. Although optical methods based on analysis of scattering of free-space laser beams or evanescent fields are in principle suitable for real-time particle counting and sizing, lack of knowledge of the refractive index in these methods not only leads to inevitable sizing ambiguity but also prevents identification of the particle material. In the case of evanescent wave detection, the system lifetime is strongly limited by adhesion of particles to the surfaces. Here we report a novel technique for airborne particle metrology based on hollow-core photonic crystal fibre. It offers in situ particle counting, sizing and refractive index measurement with effectively unlimited device lifetime, and relies on optical forces that automatically capture airborne particles in front of the hollow core and propel them into the fibre. The resulting transmission drop, together with the time-of-flight of the particles passing through the fibre, provide unambiguous mapping of particle size and refractive index with high accuracy. The technique offers unique advantages over currently available real-time particle metrology systems, and can be directly applied to monitoring air pollution in the open atmosphere as well as precise particle characterization in a local environment such as a closed room or a reaction vessel.

Opt Lett ; 43(7): 1479-1482, 2018 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29601010


Whispering-gallery mode (WGM) resonators combine small optical mode volumes with narrow resonance linewidths, making them exciting platforms for a variety of applications. Here we report a flying WGM microlaser, realized by optically trapping a dye-doped microparticle within a liquid-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF) using a CW laser and then pumping it with a pulsed excitation laser whose wavelength matches the absorption band of the dye. The laser emits into core-guided modes that can be detected at the endfaces of the HC-PCF. Using radiation forces, the microlaser can be freely propelled along the HC-PCF over multi-centimeter distances-orders of magnitude farther than in previous experiments where tweezers and fiber traps were used. The system can be used to measure temperature with high spatial resolution, by exploiting the temperature-dependent frequency shift of the lasing modes, and may also permit precise delivery of light to remote locations.

Light Sci Appl ; 7: 22, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30839617


Optically levitated micro- and nanoparticles offer an ideal playground for investigating photon-phonon interactions over macroscopic distances. Here we report the observation of long-range optical binding of multiple levitated microparticles, mediated by intermodal scattering and interference inside the evacuated core of a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre (HC-PCF). Three polystyrene particles with a diameter of 1 µm are stably bound together with an inter-particle distance of ~40 µm, or 50 times longer than the wavelength of the trapping laser. The levitated bound-particle array can be translated to-and-fro over centimetre distances along the fibre. When evacuated to a gas pressure of 6 mbar, the collective mechanical modes of the bound-particle array are able to be observed. The measured inter-particle distance at equilibrium and mechanical eigenfrequencies are supported by a novel analytical formalism modelling the dynamics of the binding process. The HC-PCF system offers a unique platform for investigating the rich optomechanical dynamics of arrays of levitated particles in a well-isolated and protected environment.

Opt Lett ; 42(3): 442-445, 2017 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28146497


We demonstrate a novel type of distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor, with the ability to detect and retrieve actual temporal waveforms of multiple vibration events that occur simultaneously at different positions along the fiber. The system is realized via a dual-pulse phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry, and the actual waveform is retrieved by heterodyne phase demodulation. Experimental results show that the system has a background noise level as low as 8.91×10-4 rad/√Hz with a demodulation signal-to-noise ratio of 49.17 dB at 1 kHz, and can achieve a dynamic range of ∼60 dB at 1 kHz (0.1 to 104 rad) for phase demodulation, as well as a detection frequency range from 20 Hz to 25 kHz.

Opt Express ; 24(11): 12406-13, 2016 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27410155


A more than 1.5 octave-spanning mid-infrared supercontinuum (1.2 to 3.6 µm) is generated by pumping a As2S3-silica "double-nanospike" waveguide via a femtosecond Cr:ZnS laser at 2.35 µm. The combination of the optimized group velocity dispersion and extremely high nonlinearity provided by the As2S3-silica hybrid waveguide enables a ~100 pJ level pump pulse energy threshold for octave-spanning spectral broadening at a repetition rate of 90 MHz. Numerical simulations show that the generated supercontinuum is highly coherent over the entire spanning wavelength range. The results are important for realization of a high repetition rate octave-spanning frequency comb in the mid-infrared spectral region.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(27): 273901, 2016 Dec 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28084748


Appropriately designed optomechanical devices are ideal for making ultra-sensitive measurements. Here we report a fused-silica microspike that supports a flexural resonance with a quality factor greater than 100 000 at room temperature in vacuum. Fashioned by tapering single-mode fiber (SMF), it is designed so that the core-guided optical mode in the SMF evolves adiabatically into the fundamental mode of the air-glass waveguide at the tip. The very narrow mechanical linewidth (20 mHz) makes it possible to measure extremely small changes in resonant frequency. In a vacuum chamber at low pressure, the weak optical absorption of the glass is sufficient to create a temperature gradient along the microspike, which causes it to act as a microscopic Knudsen pump, driving a flow of gas molecules towards the tip where the temperature is highest. The result is a circulating molecular flow within the chamber. Momentum exchange between the vibrating microspike and the flowing molecules causes an additional restoring force that can be measured as a tiny shift in the resonant frequency. The effect is strongest when the mean free path of the gas molecules is comparable with the dimensions of the vacuum chamber. The system offers a novel means of monitoring the behavior of weakly absorbing optomechanical sensors operating in vacuum.

Opt Lett ; 39(17): 5216-9, 2014 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166113


A double-nanospike As2S3-silica hybrid waveguide structure is reported. The structure comprises nanotapers at input and output ends of a step-index waveguide with a subwavelength core (1 µm in diameter), with the aim of increasing the in-coupling and out-coupling efficiency. The design of the input nanospike is numerically optimized to match both the diameter and divergence of the input beam, resulting in efficient excitation of the fundamental mode of the waveguide. The output nanospike is introduced to reduce the output beam divergence and the strong endface Fresnel reflection. The insertion loss of the waveguide is measured to be ∼2 dB at 1550 nm in the case of free-space in-coupling, which is ∼7 dB lower than the previously reported single-nanospike waveguide. By pumping a 3-mm-long waveguide at 1550 nm using a 60-fs fiber laser, an octave-spanning supercontinuum (from 0.8 to beyond 2.5 µm) is generated at 38 pJ input energy.

Appl Opt ; 52(29): 7194-9, 2013 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24217738


The parameters of the semiconductor laser source are vital for the performances of optical coherent systems. In this paper, a novel method to measure the phase-shift φm between laser central optical-frequency modulation (COFM) and the accompanied optical-intensity modulation (AOIM) is proposed, which is easy to realize and requires no further fiber etalons or high-speed demodulators. An orthogonal test is utilized to measure φm. Experimental results show that the value of φm approaches 1.09π under different COFM conditions. Then the interference model of phase-generated carrier (PGC) demodulation is modified by taking into account the effect of φm, and the influences of φm on the demodulation results using two methods (look-up table and AOIM-factor division) are further analyzed in detail.

Opt Lett ; 37(19): 3936-8, 2012 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23027237


We report a distributed optical fiber birefringence measurement method based on homodyne Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry (BOTDR). Unlike conventional BOTDR, which requires scanning of the local oscillator to get the Brillouin spectrum, instead we propose the beat period measurement of fast and slow components of the backscattered Brillouin signal in single-mode fibers using homodyne detection. The beat period is measured by detecting the envelope of the Brillouin beat signal, which gives the beat length at different fiber locations, so that birefringence can be calculated accordingly. The distributed birefringence of a 1.7 km SMF-28 and a 4.3 km large-effective-area fiber were measured with 0.6 m spatial resolution without frequency scanning of the Brillouin spectrum.

Opt Lett ; 37(15): 3129-31, 2012 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22859108


We report a single frequency lasing phenomenon with a narrow linewidth of ~3 kHz in cascaded fiber that is composed of three types of low-loss communication fibers. The Rayleigh scattering of the Brillouin Stokes light created in the middle fiber section along both directions is enhanced by the other two fiber sections. When the Brillouin gain of the middle fiber exceeds the effective loss of the Brillouin stokes light in a roundtrip, a narrow linewidth lasing is observed on the top of the Brillouin spectrum line of the middle fiber. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first report on Rayleigh scattering-assisted Brillouin lasing with single frequency and narrow linewidth in cascaded low-loss communication fibers.

Appl Opt ; 51(19): 4359-69, 2012 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22772108


A polarization averaged short-time Fourier transform (PASTFT) technique is developed for distributed fiber birefringence characterization based on counterpropagating stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) gain signal. This technique can be used for the birefringence characterization of the general elliptical birefringent fiber. A theoretical model on polarization matching of counterpropagating SBS process is established. The performance of the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) method and the PASTFT technique is analyzed by using the simulation of the theoretical model. Simulation results show that the process of polarization average could effectively reduce the birefringence characterization error caused by the polarization dependence of the local period of SBS gain. A less than 8% normalized root mean square error is achieved for the characterization of the length of the birefringence vector on elliptical birefringent fibers. The PASTFT technique is experimentally verified by the distributed measurement of beat length and differential group delay of a standard single-mode fiber via the Brillouin optical time domain analysis system.