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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 2823, 2024 02 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38307948


Three-dimensional (3D) geometrical models are potent tools for quantifying complex tissue features and exploring structure-function relationships. However, these models are generally incomplete due to experimental limitations in acquiring multiple (> 4) fluorescent channels in thick tissue sections simultaneously. Indeed, predictive geometrical and functional models of the liver have been restricted to few tissue and cellular components, excluding important cellular populations such as hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and Kupffer cells (KCs). Here, we combined deep-tissue immunostaining, multiphoton microscopy, deep-learning techniques, and 3D image processing to computationally expand the number of simultaneously reconstructed tissue structures. We then generated a spatial single-cell atlas of hepatic architecture (Hep3D), including all main tissue and cellular components at different stages of post-natal development in mice. We used Hep3D to quantitatively study 1) hepatic morphodynamics from early post-natal development to adulthood, and 2) the effect on the liver's overall structure when changing the hepatic environment after removing KCs. In addition to a complete description of bile canaliculi and sinusoidal network remodeling, our analysis uncovered unexpected spatiotemporal patterns of non-parenchymal cells and hepatocytes differing in size, number of nuclei, and DNA content. Surprisingly, we found that the specific depletion of KCs results in morphological changes in hepatocytes and HSCs. These findings reveal novel characteristics of liver heterogeneity and have important implications for both the structural organization of liver tissue and its function. Our next-gen 3D single-cell atlas is a powerful tool to understand liver tissue architecture, opening up avenues for in-depth investigations into tissue structure across both normal and pathological conditions.

Hepatócitos , Fígado , Camundongos , Animais , Fígado/patologia , Células de Kupffer/patologia , Células Estreladas do Fígado/patologia , Canalículos Biliares
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38086972


BACKGROUND: Few epidemiologic studies have focused on the specific source of ambient air pollution and adverse health effects in early life. Here, we investigated whether air pollutants from different emission sources were associated with decreased birth anthropometry parameters and increased DNA adduct formation in mother-child pairs residing in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 190 pregnant women recruited during their last trimester of pregnancy from two hospitals at MCMA, and a Modeling Emissions Inventory (MEI) to calculate exposure to ambient air pollutants from different emissions sources (area, point, mobile, and natural) for two geographical buffers 250 and 750 m radii around the participants households. RESULTS: Contaminants were positively correlated with umbilical cord blood (UCB) adducts, but not with maternal blood (MB) adducts. PM10 emissions (area and point sources, overall emissions), PM2.5 (point sources), volatile organic compounds (VOC), total organic compounds (TOC) from point sources were positively correlated with UCB adducts. Air pollutants emitted from natural sources were correlated with a decrease in MB and UCB adducts. PM10 and PM2.5 were correlated (p < 0.05) with a decrease in birth weight (BW), birth length (BL) and gestational age at term (GA). In multivariate analyses adjusted for potential confounders, PM10 was associated with an increase in UCB adducts. PM10 and PM2.5 from overall emissions were associated with a decrease in BW, BL and GA at term. IMPACT: Results suggested higher susceptibility of newborns compared to mothers to damage related to ambient air pollution. PMs are associated with birth anthropometry parameters and DNA damage in adjusted models, highlighting the need for more strict regulation of PM emissions.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(1): 207-215, Jan.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528706


Resumen Objetivo: Sintetizar la evidencia existente sobre los principales resultados de programas de rehabilitación presenciales y/o mediante telerrehabilitación, sobre la funcionalidad en personas mayores con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC). Materiales y método: Se realizó la búsqueda de artículos científicos en las bases de datos: Medline vía PubMed y BVS Lilacs que cumplan con los criterios de elegibilidad, entre la fecha del 1 de enero del 2019 hasta el 1 de enero de 2021, seleccionando 4 documentos. Para la identificaciónde artículos se utilizó las palabras clave "Aged", "Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive", "Rehabilitation - Telerehabilitation". Resultados: La edad promedio de las personas participantes, fue de 65.4, predominaron los estudios en género masculino y de las personas mayores incluidas con EPOC, el 50% lo padecía de forma severa. Sobre la descripción de los programas de rehabilitación, el 75% tuvo seguimiento de los resultados, desde los 3 a los 12 meses, el 50% de los programas tuvo una duración de 10 semanas, en el 50% de los casos se les proporcionó a los pacientes tecnología para el uso en domicilio y solo un 15% utilizó una aplicación móvil. Conclusión: Los resultados respaldan la opinión de que los proveedores de atención médica pueden usar la telerrehabilitación, para el tratamiento de las personas mayores con EPOC junto con la rehabilitación habitual.

Abstract Objective: To synthesize the existing evidence on the main results of face-to-face and/or telerehabilitation rehabilitation programs on functionality in elderly people with COPD. Materials and method: We searched for scientific articles in the following databases: Medline via PubMed and BVS Lilacs that met the eligibility criteria, between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2021, selecting 4 documents. The keywords "Aged", "Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive", "Rehabilitation - Telerehabilitation" were used to identify articles. Results: The average age of the participants was 65.4, male studies predominated and of the elderly included with COPD, 50% suffered from severe COPD. Regarding the description of the rehabilitation programs, 75% had follow-up of the results, from 3 to 12 months, 50% of the programs had a duration of 10 weeks, in 50% of the cases the patients were provided with technology for home use and only 15% used a mobile application. Conclusion: The results support the view that health care providers can use telerehabilitation for the treatment of older persons with COPD in conjunction with usual rehabilitation.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(8): 570-580, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520945


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar, conforme al Índice de Robson, la tasa de cesáreas en pacientes atendidas, en un periodo de nueve meses, en el Centro de Investigación Materno-Infantil del Grupo de Estudios al Nacimiento. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y monocéntrico efectuado en pacientes embarazadas atendidas en el Centro de Investigación Materno Infantil del Grupo de Estudios al Nacimiento, (CIMIGen) que finalizaron el embarazo por cesárea y en quienes se utilizó el índice de Robson para su clasificación. Parámetros de estudio: indicaciones de la cesárea, riesgo de pérdida del bienestar fetal, alta de progresión del trabajo de parto, falla en la inducción del trabajo de parto, macrosomía, periodo intergenésico corto (menos de 18 meses). RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron 569 pacientes de las que 228 finalizaron el embarazo mediante cesárea y 341 por parto, lo que representó una tasa de cesáreas del 39.9%. Al aplicar el método de clasificación de Robson, los grupos con mayor contribución relativa a la tasa global de cesáreas fueron: grupo 1 (17.62%), grupo 2, subdividido en sus dos categorías: 2a con 19.38% y 2b 17.18%; y el grupo 5.1 (22.91%) y grupo 5.2 (3.96%). Las principales indicaciones de cesárea fueron: 1) riesgo de pérdida del bienestar fetal (18.9%), 2) falta de progresión del trabajo de parto (16.7%), 3) falla en la inducción del trabajo de parto (11.1%), 4) macrosomía (7.2%) y 5) periodo intergenésico corto (7.2%). CONCLUSIONES: El índice de Robson señaló a los grupos 1, 2 y 5 como los mayores contribuyentes a la tasa de cesáreas en CIMIGen. Esta tendencia, grupos 1 y 2 con porcentajes elevados, también se observa en otros centros de atención en México, lo que pudiera indicar una práctica de atención obstétrica que debe revisarse. Esto también se ve en otros países, aunque los porcentajes son distintos pero siguen siendo considerables en los grupos 1, 2 y 5.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine, according to the Robson Index, the caesarean section rate in patients attended, over a period of nine months, at the Maternal and Infant Research Centre of the Childbirth Studies Group. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, single-centre study carried out in pregnant patients attended at the Maternal and Infant Research Centre of the Childbirth Study Group (CIMIGen) who terminated gestation by caesarean section and in whom the Robson index was used for classification. Study parameters: indications for caesarean section, risk of loss of fetal well-being, high labour progression, failure of labour induction, macrosomia, short inter-gestational period (less than 18 months). RESULTS: We obtained 569 patients of whom 228 terminated pregnancy by caesarean section and 341 by delivery, representing a caesarean section rate of 39.9%. Applying Robson's classification method, the groups with the highest relative contribution to the overall caesarean section rate were: group 1 (17.62%), group 2, subdivided into its two categories: 2a with 19.38% and 2b 17.18%; and group 5.1 (22.91%) and group 5.2 (3.96%). The main indications for caesarean section were 1) risk of loss of fetal well-being (18.9%), 2) failure of labour to progress (16.7%), 3) failure of induction of labour (11.1%), 4) macrosomia (7.2%) and 5) short inter-gestational period (7.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Robson's index pointed to groups 1, 2 and 5 as the largest contributors to the caesarean section rate at CIMIGen. This trend, groups 1 and 2 with high percentages, is also seen in other facilities in Mexico, which may indicate an obstetric care practice that needs to be reviewed. This is also seen in other countries, although the percentages are different but still considerable in groups 1, 2 and 5.

Geriatrics (Basel) ; 7(6)2022 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36547266


Current evidence suggests that attitude towards older people may be associated with sociodemographic and educational variables; hence, a positive attitude towards older people is key when training new university professionals. However, there is little evidence of this association in Chilean university students. The objective was to analyze students from a Chilean university's attitudes towards older people, according to sociodemographic and educational variables. Analytical and cross-sectional study; 515 students from a Chilean university were consulted online about their attitude towards older people using Kogan's Attitudes towards Old People scale. Additionally, sociodemographic and educational variables were recorded. The average score for positive attitude was 70.8 (±9.7), while the negative attitude score was 68.3 (±11.6). The total score was 139.1 (±16.6). Mostly, university students perceive themselves with a low-level positive attitude (61.2%). Additionally, older university students (26-42 years old); women; Chileans; students of law, speech therapy, and occupational therapy; students in their final years of the programs; and those who had training in older people outside the university have a more positive attitude towards older people. In Conclusion, a profile of sociodemographic and educational characteristics of students with a lower and higher attitude towards older age was investigated. These results are relevant since the way of seeing the aging process could regulate the training of future professionals and consequently generate changes in dealing with older people. Young people's perception of ageing would affect the treatment and incorporation of the older people in society and the adaptation of policies in this age group.

Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 63(3): 150-157, dic.2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436860


INTRODUCCIÓN Desde marzo del 2020, Chile se ha visto afectado por la pandemia por coronavirus 2019 (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19, en inglés), que ha provocado alteraciones en todo el mundo, causando un gran impacto en los servicios de salud y el personal sanitario. OBJETIVO Describir características demográficas y laborales relacionadas al contagio de COVID-19 en traumatólogos y residentes de traumatología en Chile. MÉTODOS Realizamos una encuesta on-line, solicitando información demográfica, datos laborales, exposición y contagio de COVID-19, sintomatología y medidas de protección. RESULTADOS En total, 567 médicos contestaron. De ellos, 37 (6,4%) tuvieron COVID-19, sin diferencia significativa respecto a género. Se observó mayor contagio entre residentes, 9 de 73 (12,3%), que entre traumatólogos, 28 de 494 (5,7%), así como mayor contagio entre quienes trabajaron más de 60 horas (p <0,05). De los contagiados, 31 (83,8%) eran de la Región Metropolitana (RM), cuyo contagio es significativamente mayor que en el resto de las regiones (p < 0,05). Sólo 8 (21,6%) de los contagiados presentaban antecedentes médicos. Requirieron hospitalización 3 (5,4%), 1 de los cuales en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), y el resto fue manejado en forma domiciliaria. El sitio de contagio más frecuente fue el trabajo, siendo las áreas comunes las más sospechadas, seguidas de la atención ambulatoria y las áreas de hospitalización traumatológica. Un 40.5% (15) reportó haber contagiado a alguien más. Hubo además un impacto en los ingresos de los traumatólogos: un 14,8% (84) refirió una disminución menor al 20%, y un 45%, disminución mayor al 50%. Esta fue mayor en los traumatólogos que en los residentes, y en aquellos de la RM que en otras regiones (p < 0,05). CONCLUSIÓN Aunque la actividad traumatológica se ha visto disminuida por la pandemia, los traumatólogos se han visto expuestos al riesgo de contagio por COVID-19. El trabajo parece ser el lugar de mayor riesgo, sobre todo las áreas comunes.

BACKGROUND Since March 2020, Chile has been affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which has caused disruptions throughout the world, greatly impacting health services and healthcare workers. OBJETIVE To describe the demographic characteristics related to the COVID-19 pandemic in orthopedic surgeons and orthopedic surgery residents in Chile. METHODS We conducted an on-line survey requesting data on demographics, work, exposure to and infection by COVID-19, symptoms, and protection practices. RESULTS A total of 567 surgeons answered the survey; 37 (6.4%) had had COVID-19, without gender differences. There was a higher rate of infection among residents, 9 from 73 (12.3%), than among surgeons, 28 from 494 (5.7%), as well as higher rates of infection among those working more than 60 hours (p < 0.05). Among those infected, 31 (83.8%) were from the Metropolitan Region (MR), where the rate of infection was significantly higher compared with other regions (p < 0.05). Only 8 (21.6%) of those infected had medical history. Hospitalization was required by 3 (5.4%), 1 of them in the Intensive care Unit (ICU), and the remaining were handled at home. The most frequent location of infection was the workplace, with the common areas being the main suspected sites, followed by outpatient clinics and orthopedic surgery wards. In total, 40.5% (15) of the sample reported having infected other individuals. There was also an impact in the surgeon's income: 14.8% (84) reported a decrease lower than 20%, and 45% (256), a decrease higher than 50%. This decrease was higher among surgeons than among residents, and higher among those from the MR compared to other regions (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION Even though orthopedic surgery practice has been reduced by the pandemic, orthopedic surgeons have been exposed to the risk of infection by COVID-19. The workplace seems to be the site that poses the greatest risk, especially the common areas.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Traumatologia/estatística & dados numéricos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Chile/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Inquéritos e Questionários , Corpo Clínico Hospitalar
Salud UNINORTE ; 38(3)Sep.-Dec. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536815


Objetivo: Caracterizar indicadores clínicos, comorbilidad y variables de laboratorio asociadas a la hospitalización y mortalidad de personas mayores con Covid-19. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de acuerdo con la declaración PRISMA, en las bases de datos Medline/Pubmed, Science Direct y WOS, en la que se aplicaron estrategias de búsquedas específicas para artículos y estudios que fueron publicados desde el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2020 hasta el 26 de noviembre de 2020. Resultados: Se identificaron 28 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de selección, con una suma del tamaño muestral de los estudios incluidos de 581 319 sujetos (55.1 % mujeres). De los factores analizados, un estado funcional óptimo, el sexo femenino, el recuento de linfocitos, el uso de anticoagulantes de manera curativa y los niveles de albúmina sérica, se han asociado a un mejor pronóstico clínico en adultos mayores de 65 años. Conclusiones: Se encontraron características clínicas, de comorbilidad y variables de laboratorio asociadas a la hospitalización y morbilidad.

Objective: To characterize clinical indicators, comorbidity and laboratory variables associated with hospitalization and mortality in older people with Covid-19. Materials and methods: A systematic review was carried out in accordance with the PRISMA statement, in the Medline/Pubmed, Science databases. Direct and WOS, in which specific search strategies were applied to articles and studies that were published from the period of time between January 1, 2020 and November 26, 2020. Results: 28 articles were identified that met the the selection criteria, with a sum of the sample size of the included studies of 581,319 subjects (55.1% women). Of the factors analyzed, optimal functional status, female gender, lymphocyte count, curative use of anticoagulants, and serum albumin levels have been associated with a better clinical prognosis in adults older than 65 years. Conclusions: Clinical characteristics, comorbidity and laboratory variables associated with hospitalization and morbidity were found.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(2): 282-290, May.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448415


Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar los efectos de un programa de telerehabilitación (TR) en el nivel de independencia funcional y el número de caídas en personas mayores, asistentes a un centro de cuidados diurno. Materiales y método: 14 personas mayores ( χ =74 años), sometidas a un programa de kinesiterapia/fisioterapia/ terapia física (TF) a través de tele rehabilitación por un período de 12 semanas. El grupo control recibió intervención educativa a través de un cuadernillo de actividad física que debieron desarrollar de forma autónoma, con supervisión telefónica semanal; mientras que el grupo experimental recibió 15 sesiones de kinesiterapia/fisioterapia/terapia física por video llamada mediante aplicación WhatsApp TM . Ambos grupos fueron evaluados pre y post intervención con escala índice de Barthel (IB) y el número de caídas, mediante el cuestionario de la valoración geriátrica integral (VGI). Resultados: El grupo experimental aumentó el puntaje del índice de Barthel (↑3.6), mientras que el grupo control disminuyó este puntaje (↓6.9). Ambos grupos disminuyen el número de caídas, sin encontrar diferencias entre grupos. Al comparar ambos grupos, las personas mayores sometidas a un programa de kinesiterapia/fisioterapia/ terapia física a través de tele rehabilitación presentaron mejoras significativamente mayores en el índice de Barthel que el grupo control (p<0.05). Conclusión: Las personas mayores que participaron en un programa kinesiterapia/ fisioterapia/ terapia física a través de tele rehabilitación presentaron un mayor nivel de independencia funcional que las personas con la intervención con cuadernillo de actividad física guiado por llamada telefónica, lo que sugiere considerar a los programas de terapia física como una alternativa terapéutica para mejorar el nivel de independencia en personas mayores.

Abstract: Objective: To determine the effects of a telerehabilitation (TR) program on the level of functional independence and the number of falls in older people attending a day care center. Materials and method: 14 older people ( χ = 74 years), submitted to a kinesitherapy / physiotherapy / physical therapy (PT) program through telerehabilitation for a period of 12 weeks. The control group received educational intervention through a physical activity booklet which they had to develop independently, with weekly telephone supervision, while the experimental group received 15 kinesitherapy / physiotherapy / physical therapy sessions via video calls through WhatsApp TM application. Both groups were evaluated pre and post intervention with the Barthel index scale (BI) and the number of falls using the comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA). Results: The experimental group increased the Barthel index scale score (↑3,6) while the control group decreased this score (↓6,9). Both groups decreased the number of falls, without differences between groups. When comparing both groups, the elderly who underwent a kinesitherapy / physiotherapy / physical therapy program through telerehabilitation showed significantly greater improvements in Barthel index scale than the control group (p <0.05). Conclusion: Older people who participated in a kinesitherapy / physiotherapy / physical therapy program through telerehabilitation presented a higher level of functional independence compared to participants in the intervention with a phone call-guided physical activity booklet, which suggests a telerehabilitation programs as an alternative therapeutics to improve the level of independence in older people.

Salud UNINORTE ; 38(2)mayo-ago. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536807


Introducción: Actualmente el desarrollo, aplicación y uso de las nuevas tecnologías vinculadas a la salud es un campo emergente. En la actualidad no existe una revisión que sintetice la información sobre características y usabilidad de geolocalizadores en personas mayores. Objetivo: Sintetizar la evidencia existente sobre las características y usabilidad de dispositivos de geolocalización en personas mayores. Metodología: Se realizó la búsqueda de artículos científicos en las bases de datos: Medline vía PubMed, Lilacs y Google Scholar que cumplieran con los criterios de elegibilidad, entre el 1 de agosto de 2018 hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2020, y se seleccionó 11 documentos. Para la identificación de artículos se utilizó las palabras clave "Geolocalizador", "elderly", "aged" y "older adults". Resultados: La edad promedio de las personas participantes fue de 60,5, predominaron los estudios en género femenino, la población residía en su mayoría (63 %) en la comunidad y el 36,6 % padecía algún trastorno cognitivo. En cuanto a las características de los geolocalizadores, el 72 % de los dispositivos tiene un alcance de radio urbano y el 54 % tiene un costo bajo o gratuito en su implementación o ejecución. Conclusión: Esta revisión caracterizó los dispositivos de geolocalización y su uso en personas mayores en cuanto a su radio de alcance, costo, objetivos de intervención y población objetivo. Estos resultados podrían ser útiles para futuras investigaciones en el área de la gerontolocalización.

Introduction: Currently, the development, application, and use of new technologies related to health is an emerging field. As of right now, there is no review that synthesizes information on the characteristics and usability of geolocators in older adults. Objective: To synthesize the existing evidence on the characteristics and usability of geo-location devices in the elderly. Methodology: A search was made for scientific articles in the databases: Medline via Pub-Med, Lilacs, and Google Scholar that meet the eligibility criteria, between the date of August 1, 2018 to November 30, 2020, selecting 11 documents. For the identification of articles, the keywords "Geolocator", "elderly", "aged", and "older adults" were used. Results: The average age of the participants was 60.5, female studies predominated, most of the population (63%) resided in a community, and 36.6% suffered from a cognitive disorder. Regarding the characteristics of the geolocators, 72% of the devices have an urban radio range, and 54% have a low or free cost in their implementation or execution. Conclusion: This review characterized geolocation devices and their use in older adults in terms of their scope, cost, intervention objectives, and target population. These results could be useful for future research in the area of gerontolocation.

J Perinat Med ; 50(8): 1135-1141, 2022 Oct 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35534885


OBJECTIVES: Normal thyroid activity has an essential role in fetal development, its deficiency may hamper fetal neurodevelopment and neonatal growth. The quantitation of thyroid hormones although useful, still exposes differences on cut off levels to diagnose thyroid deficit accurately that can elicit under or over diagnosis of thyroid dysfuntion. METHODS: A total of 839 pregnant patients were studied for thyroidal clinical assessment through quantitation of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) circulating levels. Patients evaluated for prenatal and neonatal outcomes. Thyroid function deficiencies were determined with the American Thyroid Association (ATA) 2011 and 2017 values. Statistical analysis searched for associations between variables, odds ratios (OR) and correlations were calculated to evaluate the reliability of the cutoff values recommended by the ATA. RESULTS: Mean age of our cases was 27.5 + 5.83 years at diagnosis, mean gestational age at first consultation was 23.8 + 10.5 weeks. Mean TSH levels detected were: 2.5 + 1.89 mIU/L, total T3: 3.55 + 4.1 ng/dL, FT4: 3.14 + 4.4 ng/dL. The ATA 2011 values yielded 332 hypothyroidism cases vs. 507 euthyroid patients, a total incidence of 39.6% vs. the ATA 2017 values, diagnosing 100 hypothyroidism cases and 739 euthyroid patients, total incidence of 11.9%. Association with complications were not significant. CONCLUSIONS: Using ATA 2017 values showed a decreased population with gestational hypothyroidism, hence preventing overdiagnosis and over-treatment. No significant complications were associated, requiring the determination of new regional values. Education and sensibilization of our population is needed to comply with early prenatal consultation and thyroid function testing.

Hipotireoidismo , Complicações na Gravidez , Adulto , Feminino , Maternidades , Humanos , Hipotireoidismo/complicações , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/epidemiologia , Incidência , Recém-Nascido , México/epidemiologia , Gravidez , Complicações na Gravidez/diagnóstico , Complicações na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Hormônios Tireóideos , Tireotropina , Tiroxina , Adulto Jovem
Salud UNINORTE ; 37(2): 422-441, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377259


RESUMEN Introducción: La sarcopenia es la enfermedad muscular vinculada al proceso de envejecimiento y que se asocia a una disminución de la calidad de vida y la funcionalidad en las personas mayores. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la sarcopenia y la calidad de vida de personas mayores autovalentes y dependientes leves de dos ciudades del sur de Chile. Metodología: El estudio tuvo un diseño no experimental, analítico y de temporalidad transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 80 personas mayores (30 hombres); se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Para determinar la calidad de vida se aplicó la encuesta de calidad de vida SF-36, y para determinar sarcopenia se aplicó el flujo-grama del Grupo de Trabajo Europeo sobre Sarcopenia en Personas Mayores, que evalúa la fuerza muscular (dinamometría), masa muscular apendicular y rendimiento físico (velocidad de marcha). Resultados: La prevalencia de sarcopenia en las personas mayores alcanzó un 23,8 %. No se evidenció asociación entre la sarcopenia y calidad de vida. Al analizar los parámetros para evaluar la sarcopenia por separado, se evidenció una asociación entre la velocidad de marcha y las dimensiones de calidad de vida (función física; p=0,000, rol físico; p=0,005 y función social; p=0,010). Conclusión: Una menor velocidad de marcha se relacionó con una baja calidad de vida. Futuros programas de evaluación y control de la sarcopenia deberían considerar la calidad vida como una variable asociada al rendimiento físico de las personas mayores.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Sarcopenia is the muscle disease linked to the aging process and associated with a decrease in the quality of life and functionality in the older people. Objective: To determine the association between sarcopenia and the quality of life of self-reliant and mildly dependent elderly people from two cities in southern Chile. Methodology: The study had a non-experimental design, analytic and of transversal temporality. The sample consisted of 80 elderly people (30 men), a non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used. To determine the quality of life, the SF-36 quality of life survey was applied and to determine sarcopenia, the flowchart of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People was applied, which assesses muscle strength (dynamometry), appendicular muscle mass and physical performance (walking speed). Results: The prevalence of sarcopenia in the elderly reached 23.8 %. There was no evidence of association between sarcopenia and quality of life. When analyzing the parameters to evaluate sarcopenia separately, an association was evidenced between gait speed and quality of life dimensions (physical function; p = 0.000, physical role; p = 0.005 and social function; p = 0.010). Conclusion: A lower walking speed was related to a low quality of life. Future sarcopenia evaluation and control programs should consider quality of life as a variable associated with the physical performance of older people.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34206994


(1) Background: The aim of this study was to assess associations between particulate matter (PM) exposure and natriuretic peptide concentrations in cord blood from newborns. (2) Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional study in Mexico City with 101 pregnant women from CIMIGEN Hospital. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) were measured in plasma from cord blood in 51 newborns by ELISA. We estimated PM exposure (PM2.5 and PM10) at first, second and third trimester of pregnancy. (3) Results: The median and interquartile range for ANP, BNP and CNP plasma concentrations were 66.71 (46.92-80.23), 98.23 (73.64-112.30) and 1129.11 (944.10-1452.02) pg/mL, respectively. PM2.5 and PM10 levels for the whole pregnancy period were 22.2 µg/m3 and 41.63 µg/m3, respectively. Employing multivariable linear regression models adjusted for maternal age, newborn sex, smoking before pregnancy, maternal occupation and newborns' length and height, we observed a 2.47 pg/mL (95%CI: -4.67, -0.27) decrease in BNP associated with PM2.5 exposure during second trimester. Adjusted for the same set of confounders, third trimester PM10 exposure was inversely associated with ANP concentrations (beta estimate: -0.90; 95% CI: -1.80, -0.03). Neither PM10 nor PM2.5 were associated with CNP at any trimester of pregnancy. (4) Conclusions: Prenatal exposure to particulate matter was associated with ANP and BNP decrease in newborns.

Poluição do Ar , Material Particulado , Fator Natriurético Atrial , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Exposição Materna/efeitos adversos , México , Peptídeos Natriuréticos , Material Particulado/análise , Gravidez