In this letter, a sub-pm linewidth, high pulse energy and high beam quality microsecond-pulse 766.699â nm Ti:sapphire laser pumped by a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser is demonstrated. At an incident pump energy of 824 mJ, the maximum output energy of 132.5 mJ at 766.699â nm with linewidth of 0.66 pm and a pulse width of 100 µs is achieved at a repetition rate of 5â Hz. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest pulse energy at 766.699â nm with pulse width of hundred micro-seconds for a Ti:sapphire laser. The beam quality factor M2 is measured to be 1.21. It could be precisely tuned from 766.623 to 766.755â nm with a tuning resolution of 0.8 pm. The wavelength stability is measured to be less than ±0.7 pm over 30 min. The sub-pm linewidth, high pulse energy and high beam quality Ti:sapphire laser at 766.699â nm can be used to create a polychromatic laser guide star together with a home-made 589â nm laser in the mesospheric sodium and potassium layer for the tip-tilt correction resulting in the near-diffraction limited imagery on a large telescope.