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Sci Total Environ ; 838(Pt 3): 155976, 2022 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35618134


Over the last decade, an increasing number of studies have used soundscapes to address diverse ecological questions. Sound represents one of the few sources of information capable of providing in situ insights into processes occurring within opaque soil matrices. To date, the use of soundscapes for soil macrofauna monitoring has been experimentally tested only in controlled laboratory environments. Here we assess the validity of laboratory predictions and explore the use of soil soundscape proxies for monitoring soil macrofauna (i.e., earthworm) activities in an outdoor context. In a common garden experiment in northern Sweden, we constructed outdoor mesocosm plots (N = 36) containing two different Arctic vegetation types (meadow and heath) and introduced earthworms to half of these plots. Earthworms substantially altered the ambient soil soundscape under both vegetation types, as measured by both traditional soundscape indices and frequency band power levels, although their acoustic impacts were expressed differently in heath versus meadow soils. While these findings support the as-of-yet untapped promise of using belowground soundscape analyses to monitor soil ecosystem health, direct acoustic emissions from earthworm activities appear to be an unlikely proxy for tracking worm activities at daily timescales. Instead, earthworms indirectly altered the soil soundscape by 're-engineering' the soil matrix: an effect that was dependent on vegetation type. Our findings suggest that long-term (i.e., seasonal) earthworm activities in natural soil settings can likely be monitored indirectly via their impacts on soundscape measures and acoustic indices. Analyzing soil soundscapes may enable larger-scale monitoring of high-latitude soils and is directly applicable to the specific case of earthworm invasions within Arctic soils, which has recently been identified as a potential threat to the resilience of high-latitude ecosystems. Soil soundscapes could also offer a novel means to monitor soils and soil-plant-faunal interactions in situ across diverse pedogenic, agronomic, and ecological systems.

Oligoquetos , Animais , Ecossistema , Espécies Introduzidas , Solo , Tundra
Sci Total Environ ; 692: 344-353, 2019 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31351278


Physical and chemical interactions between soil organic matter (OM) and minerals is one of the primary mechanisms for stabilizing OM in terrestrial ecosystems. Focusing on OM association with mineral surfaces, this study sought to examine mineral-associated OM from the perspectives of both mineral surface characteristics and organic matter chemistry. The research was conducted at paired-sites under North American Mid-Atlantic Coastal forest and crop production with shared environmental factors. Using carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) 1s micro- X-ray absorption near-edge fine structure (XANES) spectroscopy, we investigated the amounts and types of mineral-associated OM. Mineral specific surface area (SSA) of bulk soil was determined for three conditions: untreated, post OM removal and post iron (Fe) (oxyhydr)oxides removal. Amounts of mineral-associated OM were smaller in the agricultural soil, where greater SSA sourced from clay-sized phyllosilicates and Fe (oxyhydr)oxide minerals did not result in greater OM coverage of the mineral surface area. Although agricultural surface soil showed less abundance of phenolic C, speciation of mineral-associated OM did not differ between comparable horizons. Our results suggest that despite the plow-derived mixing of soil, which increased SSA and secondary minerals available to interact physically and chemically with OM in the plowed layer, the formation of mineral-associated OM in agricultural soil is ultimately limited by available OM.

Front Ecol Environ ; 17(9): 502-510, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31908623


Non-native, invasive earthworms are altering soils throughout the world. Ecological cascades emanating from these changes stem from earthworm-caused changes in detritus processing occurring at a mid-point in the trophic pyramid, rather than the more familiar bottom-up or top-down cascades. They include fundamental changes (microcascades) in soil morphology, bulk density, nutrient leaching, and a shift to warmer, drier soil surfaces with loss of organic horizons. In North American temperate and boreal forests, microcascades cause effects of concern to society (macrocascades), including changes in CO2 sequestration, disturbance regimes, soil quality, water quality, forest productivity, plant communities, and wildlife habitat, and facilitation of other invasive species. Interactions among these changes create cascade complexes that interact with climate change and other environmental changes. The diversity of cascade effects, combined with the vast area invaded by earthworms, lead to regionally important changes in ecological functioning.

Sci Total Environ ; 648: 1500-1510, 2019 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30340295


The interaction of soil organic matter (SOM) and minerals is a critical mechanism for retaining SOM in soil and protecting soil fertility and long-term agricultural sustainability. The chemical speciation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in mineral-associated SOM can be sensitive to both anthropogenic management practices and landscape positions, but these two aspects are rarely examined in tandem. Here we examined the effects of long-term (>100 years) agricultural management and erosion on mineral-associated SOM along grassland and agricultural hillslope transect. The mineral-associated SOM was obtained using particle size and density fractionation approaches. Chemical speciation of C and N in mineral-associated SOM was characterized using micro X-ray absorption near-edge fine structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The extent of SOM coverage and contribution of iron oxyhydroxides (Fe oxides) to the total specific mineral surface area (SSA) were determined using the BET-N2 adsorption method of soil samples under three conditions: untreated, SOM removal, and Fe oxides removal. The amount of SSA covered by SOM (SSASOM-covered) was lower by 61% and 37% in cultivated eroding and depositional topsoils, respectively, compared with the corresponding grassland. Depositional soils had higher SSASOM-covered than eroding positions. In the cultivated hillslopes, aromatic and phenolic C species were more abundant in depositional soils than in the eroding topsoils, indicating that deposition and burial of eroded or in-situ plant-derived phenolic C protected them from further transformation. Our results, therefore, highlight the importance of anthropogenic activities in the interaction of SOM and minerals, including C speciation changes, which may exert a considerable influence on SOM retention in soils.

Sci Total Environ ; 521-522: 326-35, 2015 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25847176


Agricultural activities alter elemental budgets of soils and thus their long-term geochemical development and suitability for food production. This study examined the utility of a geochemical mass balance approach that has been frequently used for understanding geochemical aspect of soil formation, but has not previously been applied to agricultural settings. Protected forest served as a reference to quantify the cumulative fluxes of Ca, P, K, and Pb at a nearby tilled crop land. This comparison was made at two sites with contrasting erosional environments: relatively flat Coastal Plain in Delaware vs. hilly Piedmont in Pennsylvania. Mass balance calculations suggested that liming not only replenished the Ca lost prior to agricultural practice but also added substantial surplus at both sites. At the relatively slowly eroding Coastal Plain site, the agricultural soil exhibited enrichment of P and less depletion of K, while both elements were depleted in the forest soil. At the rapidly eroding Piedmont site, erosion inhibited P enrichment. In similar, agricultural Pb contamination appeared to have resulted in Pb enrichment in the relatively slowly eroding Coastal Plain agricultural soil, while not in the rapidly eroding Piedmont soils. We conclude that agricultural practices transform soils into a new geochemical state where current levels of Ca, P, and Pb exceed those provided by the local soil minerals, but such impacts are significantly offset by soil erosion.