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J Pain Res ; 16: 3085-3100, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37719270


Purpose: Polypharmacy can be defined as the concomitant use of ≥5 medications and excessive polypharmacy, as the use of ≥10 medications. Objectives were to (1) assess the prevalence of polypharmacy and excessive polypharmacy among persons living with chronic pain, and (2) identify sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with excessive polypharmacy. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study used data from 1342 persons from the ChrOnic Pain trEatment (COPE) Cohort (Quebec, Canada). The self-reported number of medications currently used by participants (regardless of whether they were prescribed or taken over-the-counter, or were used for treating pain or other health issues) was categorized to assess polypharmacy and excessive polypharmacy. Results: Participants reported using an average of 6 medications (median: 5). The prevalence of polypharmacy was 71.4% (95% CI: 69.0-73.8) and excessive polypharmacy was 25.9% (95% CI: 23.6-28.3). No significant differences were found across gender identity groups. Multivariable logistic regression revealed that factors associated with greater chances of reporting excessive polypharmacy (vs <10 medications) included being born in Canada, using prescribed pain medications, and reporting greater pain intensity (0-10) or pain relief from currently used pain treatments (0-100%). Factors associated with lower chances of excessive polypharmacy were using physical and psychological pain treatments, reporting better general health/physical functioning, considering pain to be terrible/feeling like it will never get better, and being employed. Conclusion: Polypharmacy is the rule rather than the exception among persons living with chronic pain. Close monitoring and evaluation of the different medications used are important for all persons, especially those with limited access to care.

Can J Pain ; 6(1): 65-77, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35694144


Background: Medical cannabis has been legal in Canada since 2001, and recreational cannabis was legalized in October 2018, which has led to a widespread increase in the accessibility of cannabis products. Aims: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of cannabis use among adults living with chronic pain (CP) and investigate the relationship between age and cannabis use for CP management. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of the COPE Cohort data set, a large Quebec sample of 1935 adults living with CP, was conducted. Participants completed a web-based questionnaire in 2019 that contained three yes/no questions about past-year use of cannabis (i.e., for pain management, management of other health-related conditions, recreational purposes). Results: Among the 1344 participants who completed the cannabis use section of the questionnaire, the overall prevalence of cannabis use for pain management was 30.1% (95% confidence interval 27.7-32.7). Differences were found between age groups, with the highest prevalence among participants aged ≤26 years (36.5%) and lowest for those aged ≥74 years (8.8%). A multivariable logistic model revealed that age, region of residence, generalized pain, use of medications or nonpharmacological approaches for pain management, alcohol/drug consumption, and smoking were associated with the likelihood of using cannabis for pain management. Conclusions: Cannabis is a common treatment for the management of CP, especially in younger generations. The high prevalence of use emphasizes the importance of better knowledge translation for people living with CP, rapidly generating evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of cannabis, and clinicians' involvement in supporting people who use cannabis for pain management.

Contexte: Le cannabis médical est légal au Canada depuis 2001 et le cannabis récréatif a été légalisé en octobre 2018, ce qui a conduit à une augmentation généralisée de l'accessibilité des produits du cannabis. Objectifs: Cette étude visait à estimer la prévalence de la consommation de cannabis chez les adultes vivant avec la douleur chronique et à étudier l'association entre l'âge et la consommation de cannabis pour la prise en charge de la douleur chronique. Méthodes: Une analyse transversale de l'ensemble de données de la cohorte COPE, un grand échantillon québécois de 1 935 adultes vivant avec la douleur chronique, a été menée. En 2019, les participants ont rempli un questionnaire en ligne qui contenait trois questions oui/non sur la consommation de cannabis au cours de l'année écoulée (c.-à-d., pour la prise en charge de la douleur, la prise en charge d'autres affections liées à la santé, à des fins récréatives). Résultats: Parmi les 1 344 participants qui ont rempli la section du questionnaire portant sur la consommation de cannabis, la prévalence globale de la consommation de cannabis pour la prise en charge de la douleur était de 30,1 % (intervalle de confiance à 95 %, 27,7-32,7). Des différences ont été constatées entre les groupes d'âge, avec la prévalence la plus élevée chez les participants âgés de ≤ 26 ans (36,5 %) et la plus basse chez les participants âgés de ≥ 74 ans (8,8 %). Un modéle logistique multivariable a révélé que l'âge, la région de résidence, la douleur généralisée, l'utilisation de médicaments ou approches non pharmacologiques pour la prise en charge de la douleur, la consommation d'alcool/de drogue et le tabagisme étaient associés à la probabilité d'utiliser le cannabis pour la prise en charge de la douleur. Conclusions: Le cannabis est un traitement courant pour la prise en charge de la douleur chronique, en particulier chez les jeunes générations. La prévalence élevée de l'utilisation souligne l'importance d'un meilleur transfert des connaissances pour les personnes vivant avec la douleur chronique, en générant rapidement des donnant probantes concernant l'innocuité et l'efficacité du cannabis, ainsi que l'implication des cliniciens dans le soutien aux personnes qui consomment du cannabis pour la prise en charge de la douleur.