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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(67): 171-185, mai-ago.2025. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1577002


Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o dimorfismo sexual em uma coleção de mandíbulas portuguesas através de uma metodologia métrica digital, utilizando análise estatística descritiva, inferencial e multivariada para identificar quais parâmetros são mais dimórficos e quais são os melhores preditores de sexo. Trinta e três mandíbulas (14 mulheres e 19 homens) e pertences pessoais foram fotograficamente registrados com código e sexo. Os dados foram coletados por tomografia e as medidas foram feitas pelo software Simplant Pro. Foram registrados a largura máxima e mínima do ramo mandibular, altura condilar, altura do processo coronoide, altura da sínfise mandibular, ângulo mandibular, distâncias bimentual, biantegonial, bigonial e bicondilar e comprimento máximo mandibular. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando IBM® SPSS. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os seguintes parâmetros: altura do processo coronoide, altura do côndilo, comprimento máximo da mandíbula e largura mínima do ramo mandibular. Na análise estatística multivariada foi possível identificar a altura do processo coronoide como melhor preditor de sexo com precisão em 72,2% dos casos. Isto permite uma diferenciação mais fácil entre mandíbulas femininas e masculinas com uma precisão de 64,3% e 78,9%, respectivamente. Foi possível concluir que a altura do processo coronoide é o parâmetro mais dimórfico e o melhor preditor de sexo na amostra.

This study aimed to assess sex dimorphism in a collection of Portuguese mandibles through a digital metric methodology by using descriptive, inferential, and multivariate statistical analysis to identify which parameters are the most dimorphic and which are the best sex predictors. Thirty-three mandibles (14 females and 19 males) and personal belongings were photographically registered with code and sex. Data was collected using tomography, and measurements were made using the Simplant Pro software. The maximum and minimum width of the mandibular ramus, condylar height, coronoid process height, mandibular symphysis height, mandibular angle, bi-mental, bi-antegonial, bi-gonial and bi-condylar distances, and maximal mandibular length were registered. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM® SPSS. The results showed statistically significant differences for the following parameters: coronoid process height, condyle height, the maximum length of the mandible, and the minimum width of the mandibular ramus. In the multivariate statistical analysis, it was possible to identify the coronoid process height as the best sex predictor accurately in 72.2% of cases. This allows for easier differentiation between female and male mandibles with an accuracy of 64.3% and 78.9%, respectively. It was possible to conclude that the coronoid process height is the most dimorphic parameter and the best sex predictor in the sample.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Caracteres Sexuais , Diagnóstico , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Mandíbula
J Mech Behav Biomed Mater ; 126: 105060, 2022 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34974323


The use of zirconia as an alternative biomaterial for titanium implants has been increasing due to its biocompatibility, favorable aesthetic features, less potential for early plaque accumulation and mechanical properties. Despite the developed efforts, strategies to promote an effective osseointegration are still enough. In this sense and combining the silica properties to improve bone formation with the micropatterning guidance characteristics, silica coatings with micropatterns were designed and evaluated regarding their hydrophilicity and integrity through resistance to scratch and friction tests against femoral bone plates (simulating implant insertion). A combined sol-gel and soft-lithography techniques were used to produce silica coatings onto zirconia substrates and different techniques were used to characterize the micropatterned silica coatings. The results revealed that the production of lines and pillars micropatterns increases the surface roughness (Ra values) and improves the surface strength adhesion. Through the scratch test, it was possible to verify that the integrity and topography characteristics of all micropatterned coatings were not significantly affected after the friction test meaning that their function is not compromised after implant insertion. Additionally, the lines micropattern was the one that presented the highest hydrophilicity for distilled water, thus being a promising surface to promote improved osseointegration. The combined use of different surface micropatterns could potentially be used to guide bone apposition and avoiding peri-implantitis.

Implantes Dentários , Osseointegração , Dióxido de Silício , Propriedades de Superfície , Titânio , Zircônio
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 20399, 2021 10 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34650129


This research aimed to develop a new digital evaluation protocol to objectively quantify the volumetric changes of root coverage periodontal plastic surgery when combined with connective tissue graft. Consecutive patients with Cairo recession type 1 (RT1) or Cairo recession type 2 (RT2) were treated. Accurate study models obtained at baseline and follow-ups were optically scanned. Healing dynamics were measured by calculating volume differences between time points. Nineteen patients were treated between December 2014 and January 2019. At 3-month follow-up, root coverage was 95.6% (± 14.5%) with tunnel and connective tissue graft (TUN + CTG) technique, and 88.9% (± 20.5%) with the vestibular incision subperiosteal tunnel access and connective tissue graft (VISTA + CTG) technique. Recession decreased 1.33 (± 0.86) mm and 1.42 (± 0.92) mm, respectively (p = 0.337). At 6-month follow-up, root coverage was 96.5% (± 10.4%) with the TUN + CTG and 93.9% (± 10.3%) with the VISTA + CTG. Recession decreased 1.35 (± 0.85) mm and 1.45 (± 0.82) mm, respectively (p = 0.455). Complete root coverage was achieved in 86.7% (± 0.4%) with TUN + CTG and 70.6% (± 0.5%) with VISTA + CTG. No statistically significant differences were found between techniques. The digital protocol presented proved to be a non-invasive technique for accurate measurements of clinical outcomes. Both techniques reduce gingival recessions, with no statistically significant differences.

Retração Gengival/cirurgia , Periodonto/cirurgia , Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Periodontia/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Adulto Jovem
J Clin Med ; 9(12)2020 Dec 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33291369


This retrospective study evaluated the survival rate of short, sandblasted acid-etched surfaced implants with 6 and 8 mm lengths with at least 120 days of follow-up. Data concerning patient, implant and surgery characteristics were retrieved from clinical records. Sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA)-surfaced tissue-level 6 mm (TL6) or 8 mm (TL8) implants or bone-level tapered 8 mm (BLT8) implants were used. Absolute and relative frequency distributions were calculated for qualitative variables and mean values and standard deviations for quantitative variables. A Cox regression model was performed to verify whether type, length and/or width influence the implant survival. The cumulative implant survival rate was assessed by time-to-event analyses (Kaplan-Meier estimator). In all, 513 patients with a mean age of 58.00 ± 12.44 years received 1008 dental implants with a mean follow-up of 21.57 ± 10.77 months. Most implants (78.17%) presented a 4.1 mm diameter, and the most frequent indication was a partially edentulous arch (44.15%). The most frequent locations were the posterior mandible (53.97%) and the posterior maxilla (31.55%). No significant differences were found in survival rates between groups of type, length and width of implant with the cumulative rate being 97.7% ± 0.5%. Within the limitations of this study, the evaluated short implants are a predictable option with high survival rates during the follow-up without statistical differences between the appraised types, lengths and widths.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 8(3): 177-184, jul. 31, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145334


Aim: To determine the oral health behaviors, the prevalence of dental injuries, the level of information about first-aid procedures in the case of dental avulsion and the mouthguard awareness in a sample of Portuguese athletes. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional researchamong 1,048 athletes from the district of Viseu, Portugal. A self-administered questionnaire included demographic data and questions about: I) oral hygiene habits, II) occurrence of orofacial trauma, III) use of mouthguards and IV) athletes' knowledge regarding first-aid management in case of dental avulsion was given. The comparison between different variables was made by Chi-square test with level of significant set at p-value ≤0.05. Results: The mean age of the sample (76.24% male) was 18.14±8.17 years. Overall, the results demonstrated a low use of dental floss (25.48%) and a high number of athletes (21.94%) that had not visited a dentist in more than a year. The prevalence of dental trauma was 5.06% and the most common dental injuries experienced by athletes were crown fractures (60.38%). Nearly half of the participants (45.23%) reported not knowing how to act following a dental avulsion. The rate of mouthguard use was very low (9.73%). There was a significant relationship between the prevalence of dental injuries and the use of mouthguards (p=0.000; Cramér's V=0.145). Conclusion: The prevalence of dental trauma in our population was low. A low number of athletes use a mouthguard and there is a lack of knowledge concerning dental trauma issues. Prevention programs and promoting actions among this population are important and should be adopted.

Objetivo: Determinar los comportamientos de salud bucal, la prevalencia delesiones dentales, el nivel de información sobre los procedimientos de primeros auxilios en el caso de la avulsión dental y el conocimiento de los protectores bucales en una muestra de atletas portugueses. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal de 1048 atletas del distrito de Viseu, Portugal. Se utilizó un cuestionario auto administrado que incluyó datos demográficos y preguntas sobre: I) hábitos de higiene bucal, II) ocurrencia de traumatismos orofaciales, III) uso de protectores bucales y IV) conocimiento de los atletas sobre el manejo de primeros auxilios en caso de avulsión dental. La comparación entre diferentes variables se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado con el nivel de significancia establecido en p≤0.05. Resultados: La edad promedia de la muestra (76,24% hombres) fue de 18,14±8,17 años. En general, los resultados demostraron un bajo uso de hilo dental (25,48%) y un alto número de atletas (21,94%) que no habían visitado un dentista en más de un año. La prevalencia de trauma dental fue de 5,06% y las lesiones dentales más comunes que experimentaron los atletas fueron las fracturas de corona (60,38%). Casi la mitad de los participantes (45,23%) informaron que no sabían cómo actuar después de una avulsión dental. La tasa de uso de protectores bucales fue muy baja (9,73%). Hubo una relación significativa entre la prevalencia de lesiones dentales y el uso de protectores bucales (p=0,000; V de Cramer=0,145). Conclusión: la prevalencia de trauma dental en nuestra población fue baja. Un número bajo de atletas usa un protector bucal y hay una falta de conocimiento sobre temas de trauma dental. Programas de prevención y acciones de promoción entre esta población son importantes y deben ser adoptados.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Traumatismos em Atletas , Saúde Bucal , Protetores Bucais , Portugal , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Odontologia Preventiva , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Traumatismos Dentários/etiologia , Atletas
Acta Med Port ; 28(2): 240-9, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26061515


Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging has been increasingly used for detection, localization and staging of prostate cancer over the last years. It combines high-resolution T2 weighted-imaging and at least two functional techniques, which include dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging spectroscopy. Although the combined use of a pelvic phased-array and an endorectal coil is considered the state-of-the-art for magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of prostate cancer, endorectal coil is only absolute mandatory for magnetic resonance imaging spectroscopy at 1.5 T. Sensitivity and specificity levels in cancer detection and localization have been improving with functional technique implementation, compared to T2 weighted-imaging alone. It has been particularly useful to evaluate patients with abnormal PSA and negative biopsy. Moreover, the information added by the functional techniques may correlate to cancer aggressiveness and therefore be useful to select patients for focal radiotherapy, prostate sparing surgery, focal ablative therapy and active surveillance. However, more studies are needed to compare the functional techniques and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each one. This article reviews the basic principles of prostatic mp-magnetic resonance imaging, emphasizing its role on detection, staging and active surveillance of prostate cancer.

A Ressonância Magnética Multiparamétrica tem sido crescentemente utilizada na detecção, localização e estadiamento do cancro da próstata. Combina sequências T2 de alta-resolução com pelo menos duas técnicas funcionais, que incluem o estudo dinâmico pós-gadolínio, a difusão e a espectroscopia. O protocolo ideal aconselha a utilização combinada de uma antena de superfície e uma endorectal; contudo, a antena endorectal é apenas obrigatória para a realização de espectroscopia em aparelhos de 1,5 T. Os níveis de sensibilidade e especificidade na detecção e localização do cancro da próstata têm aumentado com a inclusão das técnicas funcionais, quando comparados com as sequências T2 isoladas, o que é particularmente vantajoso em doentes que têm biópsia negativa, apesar de níveis de PSA persistentemente elevados. Para além disso, a informação adicionada pelas técnicas funcionais aparenta correlacionar-se com a agressividade tumoral, podendo tornar-se útil na selecção de doentes radioterapia focal, cirurgias conservadoras, terapias de ablação focal e vigilância activa. Contudo, são necessários mais estudos para comparar as várias técnicas funcionais e compreender as vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma. Este artigo pretender rever os princípios básicos da Ressonância Magnética prostática multiparamétrica, enfatizando o seu papel na detecção, estadiamento e vigilância activa do cancro da próstata.

Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Neoplasias da Próstata/diagnóstico por imagem , Idoso , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade