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J Dent ; 148: 105154, 2024 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38942111


OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the clinical performance of Class II restorations made with flowable bulk-fill base versus conventional layering ORMOCER-based restorative material in a split-mouth randomized clinical trial. METHODS: Thirty patients received two class II restorations (n = 60) performed with different strategies. All preparations received the application of the universal self-etching adhesive system according to the manufacturer's recommendation, followed by the placement of a sectional matrix, wooden wedge, and separation ring. The first restoration was performed using 4 mm of flowable bulk-fill material covered by 2 mm of conventional viscosity restorative material (Bulk-fill technique). The second restoration was performed only with the conventional viscosity material, with a maximum of 2 mm thick increments, up to fill the cavity (Layering technique). After occlusal adjustment, the same polishing system was used for all restorations. Evaluations using the FDI criteria were conducted after 7 days, 12, and 24 months. Data were analyzed with the Fisher's Exact test (α=0.05). RESULTS: From 30 participants, 24 attended the 24-month recall, and 48 restorations were evaluated. All restorations received acceptable overall scores for esthetic and biological properties after this period, while only 6.66 % of the restorations exhibited unacceptable overall scores for the functional properties in both groups. No significant differences between the tested restorative materials and techniques were found for each FDI criterion assessed. The success rate after 2 years was 93.33 % for both groups. CONCLUSION: Both restorative materials exhibited good clinical performance for the parameters analyzed with no differences between them after 24-month follow-up. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Flowable bulk-fill ORMOCER-based material is a suitable alternative for direct Class II restorations, providing good clinical outcomes and simplifying the restorative procedure. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: RBR-6mvp9w.

Resinas Compostas , Materiais Dentários , Restauração Dentária Permanente , Humanos , Restauração Dentária Permanente/métodos , Restauração Dentária Permanente/classificação , Feminino , Masculino , Resinas Compostas/química , Resinas Compostas/uso terapêutico , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Materiais Dentários/química , Estética Dentária , Propriedades de Superfície , Viscosidade , Cerâmicas Modificadas Organicamente , Adulto Jovem , Resultado do Tratamento , Preparo da Cavidade Dentária/classificação , Preparo da Cavidade Dentária/métodos , Cárie Dentária/terapia , Polimento Dentário , Adaptação Marginal Dentária
J Mech Behav Biomed Mater ; 152: 106407, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38277911


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of a Nisin-based dentin pretreatment solution on microtensile bond strength, antibacterial activity, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity of the adhesive interface. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 human molars were sectioned to expose dentin. The teeth were assigned to five groups (n = 20), according to the dentin pretreatment: 0.5%, 1.0%, or 1.5% Nisin; 0.12% chlorhexidine (positive control), and no solution (negative control), and divided into 2 subgroups: no aging, and thermomechanical aging. Specimens were etched with 37% H3PO4 for 15 s and submitted to the dentin pretreatment. Then, they were bonded with an adhesive (Adper Single Bond 2) and a resin composite for microtensile bond strength (µTBS) evaluation. Antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans was qualitatively examined using an agar diffusion test. Anti-MMP activity within hybrid layers was examined using in-situ zymography. Data were analyzed with two-factor ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey's test (α = 0.050). RESULTS: For µTBS, significant differences were identified for the factors "solutions" (p = 0.002), "aging" (p = 0.017), and interaction of the two factors (p = 0.002). In the absence of aging, higher µTBS was observed for the group 0.5% Nisin. In the presence of aging, all groups showed similar µTBS values. All Nisin concentrations were effective in inhibiting the growth of S. mutans. Endogenous MMP activity was more significantly inhibited using 0.5% and 1.0% Nisin (p < 0.050). CONCLUSION: 0.5% and 1.0% Nisin solutions do not adversely affect resin-dentin bond strength and exhibit a potential bactericidal effect against S. mutans. Both concentrations effectively reduce endogenous gelatinolytic activity within the hybrid layer. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The use of 0.5% and 1.0% Nisin solutions for dentin pretreatment potentially contributes to preserving the adhesive interface, increasing the longevity of composite restorations.

Colagem Dentária , Nisina , Humanos , Nisina/farmacologia , Nisina/análise , Adesivos/análise , Dentina/química , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Resinas Compostas/química , Resistência à Tração , Adesivos Dentinários/química , Cimentos de Resina/análise , Teste de Materiais
Microsc Res Tech ; 85(8): 3014-3024, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35593488


The present study evaluated the bond strength (µTBS) of dentin treated with chlorhexidine and propolis subjected to simulated pulpal pressure (SPP) and thermocycle aging. One hundred and twenty healthy human molars were sectioned to obtain 2 mm of dentin thickness and were divided into two groups (n = 60): SPP (15 cm H2 O) and no SPP (Control group). Dentin surfaces were conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s and were divided according to the dentin treatment (n = 20): Control; Chlorhexidine gluconate (0.2% for 30 s) and Propolis (aqueous propolis extract for 30 s). Half of the specimens were submitted to 15,000 thermocycle aging (5 ± 2°C and 55 ± 2°C). The samples were sectioned into beams and submitted to µTBS. Data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA (SPP × Dentin treatment × Thermocycle aging) and the Tukey's tests (p < .001). With regard to the SPP, ANOVA revealed that the Control group (32.98 MPa) had significantly higher values of µTBS when compared to the SPP (29.19 MPa). With regard to Thermocycle aging, no aging (34.05 MPa) had significantly higher values of µTBS when compared to the aging (28.12 MPa). With regard to the dentin treatment, Propolis and Chlorhexidine did not statistically influence the results (p > .05). The SPP and thermocycle aging negatively influenced the bond strength between the dentin and resin; the 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate and aqueous propolis extract solutions did not interfere in the bond strength between the resin and dentin. The use of chlorhexidine and propolis as a dental treatment may not influence the dentin bond strength, but SPP and thermocycle aging may damage the longitudinal dentin bond strength. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Chlorhexidine and propolis as a dental treatment may not influence the dentin bond strength. Simulated pulpal pressure and thermocycle aging may damage the longitudinal dentin bond strength.

Colagem Dentária , Própole , Clorexidina/química , Clorexidina/farmacologia , Resinas Compostas/química , Dentina , Adesivos Dentinários/química , Humanos , Teste de Materiais , Cimentos de Resina/química , Resistência à Tração
Materials (Basel) ; 14(9)2021 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34062936


This study evaluated the stress distribution in five different class II cavities of premolar models restored with conventional or bulk-fill flowable composite by means of finite element analysis (FEA) under shrinkage and occlusal loading. An upper validated premolar model was imported in the software, and five class II cavities with different occlusal extensions and dimensions were prepared: horizontal cavity on the mesial surface (horizontal slot), mesio-occlusal cavity, mesial cavity (vertical slot), tunnel type cavity and direct access cavity. The models were restored with conventional or bulk-fill flowable resin composite. The tested materials were considered as homogeneous, linear, and isotropic. The Maximum Principal Stress criteria was chosen to evaluate the tensile stress results. The lowest shrinkage stress value was observed in the direct access cavity restored with bulk-fill flowable resin composite (36.12 MPa). The same cavity, restored with conventional composite showed a score of 36.14 MPa. The horizontal slot cavity with bulk-fill flowable showed a score of 46.71 MPa. The mesio-occlusal cavity with bulk-fill flowable had a score of 53.10 MPa, while with conventional composite this was 55.35 MPa. Higher shrinkage stress was found in the vertical slot cavity with conventional resin 56.14 MPa, followed by the same cavity with bulk-fill flowable 56.08 MPa. Results indicated that the use of bulk-fill flowable composite resin more significantly decreased the polymerization shrinkage stress magnitude. The larger the cavity and the volume of material necessary to restore the tooth, the greater the residual stress on enamel and dentin tissue.

J Clin Exp Dent ; 13(4): e357-e362, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33841734


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to evaluate surface treatments, adhesives and composites for repairing silorane based restorations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One hundred and twenty truncated cones (2 mm smaller diameter and 4 mm larger diameter) made of silorane composite were divided in 12 groups according with the surface treatment (diamond bur and oxide aluminum abrasion), the adhesive (Adper Scothbond Multipurpose (3M ESPE), Ecusit (Voco) and Filtek P90 Adhesive (3M ESPE)). Each group was subdivided in two according with the composite used for repair (methacrylate and silorane). The repair was made with a second truncated cone build over the first one and bond strength assssed by tensile strength. Data were submitted to ANOVA 3-way and Tukey's test (p<0.05). RESULTS: There was difference only for the adhesives and the composites, with conventional adhesives (Adper Scothbond Mutipurpose) and methacrylate-based composites (Filtek Z350) presenting superior tensile strength compared to the silorane ones (P90 Adhesive system and composite). CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, it must be concluded that silorane composite can be repaired with methacrylate base composites and adhesives. Key words:Silorane composites, composites, bond strength, minimal intervention.

F1000Res ; 8: 1743, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31723426


Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different bonding agents on bond-strength to demineralized enamel after remineralizing treatments and resin infiltration. Methods: Buccal enamel of 120 bovine incisors was polished and then were divided into five experimental groups: SE (sound enamel); DE (demineralized enamel); AS (demineralized enamel immersed in artificial saliva for eight weeks); NaF (demineralized enamel treated with 0.05% sodium fluoride solution (one minute) for eight weeks); Ic (demineralized enamel infiltrated with a low-viscosity resin (Icon-DGM). These groups were subdivided according to adhesive system used: self-etching adhesive Adper Easy One (3M/ESPE) and etch-and-rinse adhesive Single Bond (3M/ESPE). The composite resin blocks were fabricated using a Teflon matrix. A thermomechanical cycling machine was used to carry out the artificial aging of the specimens and thus were sectioned into sticks. The microtensile tests were performed using a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. Data (in MPa) were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (5%). Results: Significant differences were found for both factors tested and interactions (p<0.05). Tukey's test results of µTBS (mean ± SD) were: etch-and-rinse SE (28.79±3.93); DE (30.41±7.22); AS (29.03±3.33); NaF (29.81±4.06)a; Ic (29.47±5.5);  and self-etching SE (30.37±6.96); DE (14.62±4.47); AS (9.79±2.32); NaF (9.36±2.31); Ic (30.78±8.68).   Conclusions: Resin infiltration did not affect the bond strength of demineralized enamel for both adhesive systems tested. For etch-and-rinse adhesive, no differences were observed for the tested groups. For self-etching adhesive, only the resin-infiltrated group showed similar bond strength to sound enamel. Both etch-and-rinse and self-etching adhesive systems can be used in resin-infiltrated enamel, if a composite restoration needs to be further performed. In enamel that has undergone the de/remineralization process, the use of a total-etch adhesive might be preferable for the restorative procedure.

Condicionamento Ácido do Dente , Adesivos , Animais , Bovinos , Resinas Compostas , Teste de Materiais
ImplantNewsPerio ; 3(1): 148-157, jan.-fev. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-881732


A recessão gengival é uma queixa relativamente comum entre os pacientes quando procuram o cirurgião-dentista, e os motivos desse incômodo são sensibilidade e estética. Os autores relatam que o tratamento de recessões gengivais posteriores bilaterais são realizados a partir do transplante do tecido conjuntivo subepitelial. Já a técnica operatória utilizada nesse caso, para o posicionamento do tecido conjuntivo, foi a de Langer, com reposicionamento coronário do retalho. Houve um aumento considerável com relação ao recobrimento radicular, sugerindo um processo de reparação da recessão gengival bilateral, com a interposição do tecido conjuntivo na área receptora. Em relação à praticidade, a técnica de Langer mostra-se mais fácil de ser realizada com relação ao aspecto estético, recobrimento, ganho em altura e espessura. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de resolução estética para recessão gengival. A terapia inicial do presente caso consistiu em instruções de higiene oral acompanhado de raspagem dos dentes nos 30 dias anteriores à cirurgia. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram feitos seguindo técnica consagrada pela ciência. O enxerto de tecido do palato foi transplantado para a região de recessão, a fim de recobrir as áreas de exposição radicular. O paciente recebeu instruções de cuidados de higiene. Após 14 dias do pós-cirúrgico, realizou-se a remoção dos pontos e uma instrução para higiene permanente do local. O resultado clínico foi uma boa estética para o paciente. Geralmente não possui recidiva mediante cuidados no controle de higiene oral e hábitos.

Gingival recession is a relatively common complaint for patients seeking treatment due to sensitivity and esthetics. The authors report that the treatment of bilateral posterior gingival recessions is performed using the subepithelial connective tissue grafting. The operative technique used in this case was the Langer's method with coronary flap repositioning. There was a considerable increase regarding root coverage, suggesting repair process of the bilateral gingival recession with the interposition of connective tissue in the recipient area. In relation to clinical aspects, the Langer's technique is easier to be performed in relation to the esthetic aspect, coverage, and gains in height and thickness. The purpose of this paper is to report a clinical case to solve the gingival recession. The initial therapy consisted of oral hygiene instructions and root planning 30 days prior to surgery. Afterwards, the surgical procedures were performed accordingly. The graft was harvested from the palate and transplanted to the recession area to cover the areas of root exposure. After 14 days, sutures were removed and oral hygiene instruction was recommended. The clinical results were excellent in terms of esthetics. Generally, no relapse was observed after good oral hygiene and habits.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Tecido Conjuntivo/cirurgia , Tecido Conjuntivo/transplante , Estética Dentária , Retração Gengival/terapia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais , Transplante de Tecidos/métodos