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Astrophys J Suppl Ser ; 253(2)2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33854258


Circumstellar environments of oxygen-rich stars are among the strongest SiO maser emitters. Physical processes such as collisions, infrared pumping and overlaps favors the inversion of level population and produce maser emission at different vibrational states. Despite numerous observational and theoretical efforts, we still do not have an unified picture including all the physical processes involved in the SiO maser emission. The aim of this work is to provide homogeneous data in a large sample of oxygen-rich stars. We present a survey of 67 oxygen-rich stars from 7 to 1 mm, in their rotational transitions from J = 1 → 0 to J = 5 → 4, for vibrational numbers v from 0 to 6 in the three main SiO isotopologues. We have used one of the 34 m NASA antennas at Robledo and the IRAM 30 m radio telescope. The first tentative detection of a v = 6 line is reported, as well as the detection of new maser lines. The highest vibrational levels seem confined to small volumes, presumably close to the stars. The J = 1 → 0, v = 2 line flux is greater than the corresponding v = 1 in almost half of the sample, which may confirm a predicted dependence on the pulsation cycle. This database is potentially useful in models which should consider most of the physical agents, time dependency, and mass-loss rates. As by-product, we report detections of 27 thermal rotational lines from other molecules, including isotopologues of SiS, H2S, SO, SO2, and NaCl.

Astron Astrophys ; 6452021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33408420


CONTEXT: Yebes 40m radio telescope is the main and largest observing instrument at Yebes Observatory and it is devoted to Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and single dish observations since 2010. It has been covering frequency bands between 2 GHz and 90 GHz in discontinuous and narrow windows in most of the cases, to match the current needs of the European VLBI Network (EVN) and the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA). AIMS: Nanocosmos project, a European Union funded synergy grant, opened the possibility to increase the instantaneous frequency coverage to observe many molecular transitions with single tunnings in single dish mode. This reduces the observing time and maximises the output from the telescope. METHODS: We present the technical specifications of the recently installed 31.5 - 50GHz (Q band) and 72 - 90.5 GHz (W band) receivers along with the main characteristics of the telescope at these frequency ranges. We have observed IRC+10216, CRL 2688 and CRL 618, which harbour a rich molecular chemistry, to demonstrate the capabilities of the new instrumentation for spectral observations in single dish mode. RESULTS: The results show the high sensitivity of the telescope in the Q band. The spectrum of IRC+10126 offers a signal to noise ratio never seen before for this source in this band. On the other hand, the spectrum normalised by the continuum flux towards CRL 618 in the W band demonstrates that the 40 m radio telescope produces comparable results to those from the IRAM 30 m radio telescope, although with a smaller sensitivity. The new receivers fulfil one of the main goals of Nanocosmos and open the possibility to study the spectrum of different astrophysical media with unprecedented sensitivity.

Astron Astrophys ; 6372020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32508346


Chemical equilibrium has proven extremely useful for predicting the chemical composition of AGB atmospheres. Here we use a recently developed code and an updated thermochemical database that includes gaseous and condensed species involving 34 elements to compute the chemical equilibrium composition of AGB atmospheres of M-, S-, and C-type stars. We include for the first time Ti x C y clusters, with x = 1-4 and y = 1-4, and selected larger clusters ranging up to Ti13C22, for which thermochemical data are obtained from quantum-chemical calculations. Our main aims are to systematically survey the main reservoirs of each element in AGB atmospheres, review the successes and failures of chemical equilibrium by comparing it with the latest observational data, identify potentially detectable molecules that have not yet been observed, and diagnose the most likely gas-phase precursors of dust and determine which clusters might act as building blocks of dust grains. We find that in general, chemical equilibrium reproduces the observed abundances of parent molecules in circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars well. There are, however, severe discrepancies of several orders of magnitude for some parent molecules that are observed to be anomalously overabundant with respect to the predictions of chemical equilibrium. These are HCN, CS, NH3, and SO2 in M-type stars, H2O and NH3 in S-type stars, and the hydrides H2O, NH3, SiH4, and PH3 in C-type stars. Several molecules have not yet been observed in AGB atmospheres but are predicted with non-negligible abundances and are good candidates for detection with observatories such as ALMA. The most interesting ones are SiC5, SiNH, SiCl, PS, HBO, and the metal-containing molecules MgS, CaS, CaOH, CaCl, CaF, ScO, ZrO, VO, FeS, CoH, and NiS. In agreement with previous studies, the first condensates predicted to appear in C-rich atmospheres are found to be carbon, TiC, and SiC, while Al2O3 is the first major condensate expected in O-rich outflows. According to our chemical equilibrium calculations, the gas-phase precursors of carbon dust are probably acetylene, atomic carbon, and/or C3, while for silicon carbide dust, the most likely precursors are the molecules SiC2 and Si2C. In the case of titanium carbide dust, atomic Ti is the major reservoir of this element in the inner regions of AGB atmospheres, and therefore it is probably the main supplier of titanium during the formation of TiC dust. However, chemical equilibrium predicts that large titanium-carbon clusters such as Ti8C12 and Ti13C22 become the major reservoirs of titanium at the expense of atomic Ti in the region where condensation of TiC is expected to occur. This suggests that the assembly of large Ti x C y clusters might be related to the formation of the first condensation nuclei of TiC. In the case of Al2O3 dust, chemical equilibrium indicates that atomic Al and the carriers of Al-O bonds AlOH, AlO, and Al2O are the most likely gas-phase precursors.

Astrophys J ; 876(2)2019 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31105315


We aim at studying the properties of a particular type of evolved stars, the C-rich evolved stars with high expansion velocities. For this purpose we have focused on the two best studied objects within this group, IRC +10401 and AFGL 2233. We focused on determining their luminosity by studying their spectral energy distribution. Also we have obtained single-dish line profiles and interferometric maps of the CO J=1-0 and J=2-1emission lines for both objects. We have modeled this emission using a LVG radiative transfer code to determine the kinetic temperature and density profiles of the gas ejected by these stars. We have found that the luminosities obtained for these objects (log(L/L ⊙) = 4.1 & 5.4) locate them in the domain of the massive Asymptotic Giant Branch stars (AGBs) and the Red Supergiant stars (RSGs). In addition, the mass-loss rates obtained (1.5 × 10-5 - 6 × 10-3 M ⊙ yr-1) suggest that while IRC+10401 might be an AGB star, AFGL 2233 could be a RSG star. All these results, together with those from previous works suggest that both objects are massive objects, IRC +10401 a massive evolved star with M init ~ 5 - 9M ⊙ which could correspond to an AGB or a RSG and AFGL 2233 a RSG with M init ~ 20M ⊙, which would confirm the existence of massive C-rich evolved stars. Two scenarios are proposed to form these types of objects. The first one capable of producing high mass AGB stars up to ~ 8M ⊙ and a second one capable of forming C-rich RSGs as AFGL 2233.

Astron Astrophys ; 6112018 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29628518


CONTEXT: Silicon carbide dust is ubiquitous in circumstellar envelopes around C-rich AGB stars. However, the main gas-phase precursors leading to the formation of SiC dust have not yet been identified. The most obvious candidates among the molecules containing an Si-C bond detected in C-rich AGB stars are SiC2, SiC, and Si2C. To date, the ring molecule SiC2 has been observed in a handful of evolved stars, while SiC and Si2C have only been detected in the C-star envelope IRC +10216. AIMS: We aim to study how widespread and abundant SiC2, SiC, and Si2C are in envelopes around C-rich AGB stars and whether or not these species play an active role as gas-phase precursors of silicon carbide dust in the ejecta of carbon stars. METHODS: We carried out sensitive observations with the IRAM 30m telescope of a sample of 25 C-rich AGB stars to search for emission lines of SiC2, SiC, and Si2C in the λ 2 mm band. We performed non-LTE excitation and radiative transfer calculations based on the LVG method to model the observed lines of SiC2 and to derive SiC2 fractional abundances in the observed envelopes. RESULTS: We detect SiC2 in most of the sources, SiC in about half of them, and do not detect Si2C in any source, at the exception of IRC +10216. Most of these detections are reported for the first time in this work. We find a positive correlation between the SiC and SiC2 line emission, which suggests that both species are chemically linked, the SiC radical probably being the photodissociation product of SiC2 in the external layer of the envelope. We find a clear trend in which the denser the envelope, the less abundant SiC2 is. The observed trend is interpreted as an evidence of efficient incorporation of SiC2 onto dust grains, a process which is favored at high densities owing to the higher rate at which collisions between particles take place. CONCLUSIONS: The observed behavior of a decline in the SiC2 abundance with increasing density strongly suggests that SiC2 is an important gas-phase precursor of SiC dust in envelopes around carbon stars.

Proc Int Astron Union ; 14: 535-537, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31908652


Silicon carbide together with amorphous carbon are the main components of dust grains in the atmospheres of C-rich AGB stars. Small gaseous Si-C bearing molecules (such as SiC, SiCSi, and SiC2) are efficiently formed close to the stellar photosphere. They likely condense onto dust seeds owing to their highly refractory nature at the lower temperatures (i.e., below about 2500 K) in the dust growth zone which extends a few stellar radii from the photosphere. Beyond this region, the abundances of Si-C bearing molecules are expected to decrease until they are eventually reformed in the outer shells of the circumstellar envelope, owing to the interaction between the gas and the interstellar UV radiation field. Our goal is to understand the time-dependent chemical evolution of Si-C bond carriers probed by molecular spectral line emission in the circumstellar envelope of IRC+10216 at millimeter wavelengths.

Astron Astrophys ; 6052017 Sep 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29142327


CONTEXT: Recent observations at subarcsecond resolution, now possible also at submillimeter wavelengths, have shown intricate circumstellar structures around asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, mostly attributed to binary interaction. The results presented here are part of a larger project aimed at investigating the effects of a binary companion on the morphology of circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) of AGB stars. AIMS: AGB stars are characterized by intense stellar winds that build CSEs around the stars. Here, the CO(J = 3→2) emission from the CSE of the binary S-type AGB star W Aql has been observed at subarcsecond resolution using ALMA. The aim of this paper is to investigate the wind properties of the AGB star and to analyse how the known companion has shaped the CSE. METHODS: The average mass-loss rate during the creation of the detected CSE is estimated through modelling, using the ALMA brightness distribution and previously published single-dish measurements as observational constraints. The ALMA observations are presented and compared to the results from a 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) binary interaction model with the same properties as the W Aql system and with two different orbital eccentricities. Three-dimensional radiative transfer modelling is performed and the response of the interferometer is modelled and discussed. RESULTS: The estimated average mass-loss rate of W Aql is M = 3.0×10-6 M⊙ yr-1 and agrees with previous results based on single-dish CO line emission observations. The size of the emitting region is consistent with photodissociation models. The inner 10″ of the CSE is asymmetric with arc-like structures at separations of 2-3″ scattered across the denser sections. Further out, weaker spiral structures at greater separations are found, but this is at the limit of the sensitivity and field of view of the ALMA observations. CONCLUSIONS: The CO(J = 3→2) emission is dominated by a smooth component overlayed with two weak arc patterns with different separations. The larger pattern is predicted by the binary interaction model with separations of ~10″ and therefore likely due to the known companion. It is consistent with a binary orbit with low eccentricity. The smaller separation pattern is asymmetric and coincides with the dust distribution, but the separation timescale (200 yrs) is not consistent with any known process of the system. The separation of the known companions of the system is large enough to not have a very strong effect on the circumstellar morphology. The density contrast across the envelope of a binary with an even larger separation will not be easily detectable, even with ALMA, unless the orbit is strongly asymmetric or the AGB star has a much larger mass-loss rate.

Astron Astrophys ; 6002017 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31844330


CONTEXT: Born-again stars offer us a unique possibility of studying the evolution of the circumstellar envelope of evolved stars in human timescales. To present, most of the observations of the circumstellar material in these stars have been limited to study the relatively hot gas and dust. In other evolved stars, the emission from rotational transitions of molecules, such as CO, is commonly used to study the cool component of their circumstellar envelopes. Thus, the detection and study of molecular gas in born-again stars would be of great importance to understand their composition and chemical evolution. In addition, the molecular emission would be an invaluable tool to explore the physical conditions, kinematics and formation of asymmetric structures in the circumstellar envelopes of these evolved stars. However, until now, all attempts to detect molecular emission from the cool material around born-again stars have failed. AIMS: We searched for emission from rotational transitions of molecules in the hydrogen-deficient circumstellar envelopes of born-again stars to explore the chemical composition, kinematics, and physical parameters of the relatively cool gas. METHODS: We carried out observations using the APEX and IRAM 30m telescopes to search for molecular emission toward four well studied born-again stars, V4334 Sgr, V605 Aql, A30 and A78, that are thought to represent an evolutionary sequence. RESULTS: We detected for the first time emission from HCN and H13CN molecules toward V4334 Sgr, and CO emission in V605 Aql. No molecular emission was detected above the noise level toward A30 and A78. The detected lines exhibit broad linewidths ≳150 km s-1, which indicates that the emission comes from gas ejected during the born-again event, rather than from the old planetary nebula. A first estimate of the H12CN/H13CN abundance ratio in the circumstellar environment of V4334 Sgr is ≈3, which is similar to the value of the 12C/13C ratio measured from other observations. We derived a rotational temperature of T rot=13±1 K, and a total column density of N HCN=1.6±0.1×1016 cm-2 for V4334 Sgr. This result sets a lower limit on the amount of hydrogen that was ejected into the wind during the born-again event of this source. For V605 Aql, we obtained a lower limit for the integrated line intensities I 12C/I 13C>4.

Astron Astrophys ; 5922016 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27458319


AIMS: Our knowledge of the chemical properties of the circumstellar ejecta of the most massive evolved stars is particularly poor. We aim to study the chemical characteristics of the prototypical yellow hypergiant star, IRC +10420. For this purpose, we obtained full line surveys at 1 and 3 mm atmospheric windows. METHODS: We have identified 106 molecular emission lines from 22 molecular species. Approximately half of the molecules detected are N-bearing species, in particular HCN, HNC, CN, NO, NS, PN, and N2H+. We used rotational diagrams to derive the density and rotational temperature of the different molecular species detected. We introduced an iterative method that allows us to take moderate line opacities into account. RESULTS: We have found that IRC +10420 presents high abundances of the N-bearing molecules compared with O-rich evolved stars. This result supports the presence of a N-rich chemistry, expected for massive stars. Our analysis also suggests a decrease of the 12C/13C ratio from ≳ 7 to ~ 3.7 in the last 3800 years, which can be directly related to the nitrogen enrichment observed. In addition, we found that SiO emission presents a significant intensity decrease for high-J lines when compared with older observations. Radiative transfer modeling shows that this variation can be explained by a decrease in the infrared (IR) flux of the dust. The origin of this decrease might be an expansion of the dust shell or a lower stellar temperature due to the pulsation of the star.