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Infant Ment Health J ; 45(3): 249-262, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38267083


Infant and early childhood mental health consultation (IECMHC) in early care and education (ECE) settings is a promising approach to support young children. Although research on the effects of IECMHC is encouraging, it is limited by the complexities of the systems in which IECMHC is implemented and the variability in IECMHC models. The current study aims to clearly articulate a statewide, child-focused, short-term IECMHC model, assess consultee satisfaction, examine the effects of consultation on children's functioning in the school and home settings, and evaluate changes in teacher perceptions associated with expulsion risk following consultation. In total, 268 children ages 1-5 (69% White, 75% male) and their family and school caregivers participated in consultation in a New England state, and 95 children and caregivers were included in an evaluation subsample. Of this subsample, teachers and ECE administrators, but not families, indicated significant improvement in children's functioning from referral to end of consultation. There was also a significant decrease in children's risk of expulsion, as measured by teachers' perceptions associated with expulsion decisions. This study contributes to the IECMHC literature by providing results specific to a child-focused model of consultation and highlighting the possible role of adult attributions for children in ECE.

La consulta de salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez (IECMHC) en los entornos de cuidados y educación tempranos (ECE) es un acercamiento prometedor para apoyar a los niños pequeños. A pesar de que la investigación sobre los efectos de IECMHC es alentadora, está limitada por las complejidades de los sistemas dentro de los cuales se implementa IECMHC y la variabilidad en los modelos de IECMHC. El presente estudio se propone articular claramente un modelo de IECMHC para todo el estado, con enfoque en el niño y a corto plazo, evaluar la satisfacción que quienes participan de la consulta, examinar los efectos de la consulta sobre el funcionamiento de los niños en la escuela y en el entorno del hogar, así como evaluar los cambios en las percepciones de los maestros asociadas con los riesgos de expulsión después de la consulta. En total, 268 niños de edad 1­5 (69% blancos, 75% varones) y sus familias y quienes les cuidaba en la escuela participaron en la consulta en un estado de Nueva Inglaterra, y se incluyó a 95 niños y sus cuidadores en una evaluación de un subgrupo muestra. De este subgrupo muestra, los maestros y los administradores de ECE, pero no las familias, indicaron significativas mejorías en el funcionamiento de los niños desde la referencia hasta el final de la consulta. Se dio también una significativa disminución en el riesgo de expulsión de los niños, tal como se midió por medio de las percepciones de los maestros asociadas con las decisiones de expulsión. Este estudio contribuye a la literatura informativa sobre IECMHC por medio de ofrecer resultados específicos al modelo de consulta enfocado en el niño y subrayar el posible papel de las atribuciones del adulto para los niños en ECE.

La consultation de santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance (Infant and early childhood mental health consultation abrégé en anglais IECMHC) dans des contextes éducatifs et de crèches (abrégé ici CEC selon le français) est une approche prometteuse pour le soutien aux jeunes enfants. Bien que les recherches sur les effets de l'IECMHC sont encourageantes, elles sont limitées par les complexités des systèmes dans lesquels l'IECMHC est mise en oeuvre et la variabilité des modèles de l'IECMHC. Cette étude s'est donné pour but de clairement articuler un modèle IECMHC au niveau de l'état, focalisé sur l'enfant et à court terme, d'évaluer la satisfaction de la personne consultée, d'examiner les effets de la consultation sur le fonctionnement des enfants à l'école et à la maison, et d'évaluer les changements dans les perceptions de l'enseignant liée au risque d'expulsion après la consultation. En tout 268 enfants âgés de 1­5 ans (69% blancs, 75% garçons) et leur famille et les personnes prenant soin d'eux à l'école ont participé à une consultation dans un état de nous Nouvelle Angleterre (aux Etats­Unis), et 95 enfants et personnes prenant soin d'eux ont été inclus dans un sous­échantillon d'évaluation. Dans ce sous­échantillon les enseignants et administrateurs CEC, mais pas les familles, ont fait état d'une amélioration important dans le fonctionnement des enfants du moment de la référence à la fin de la consultation. Il n'a pas de baisse importante du risque d'expulsion des enfants, mesurée par les perceptions des enseignants liées aux décisions d'expulsion. Cette étude contribue aux recherches sur l'IECMHC en offrant des résultats spécifiques à un modèle de consultation focalisé sur l'enfant et en mettant en lumière le rôle possible des attributions adultes pour les enfants dans les CEC.

Encaminhamento e Consulta , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Lactente , Adulto , New England , Cuidadores/psicologia , Professores Escolares/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Serviços de Saúde Mental
Infant Ment Health J ; 45(2): 185-200, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38230980


To address high rates of mental health and developmental concerns facing young children ages 0-6 in the United States and internationally, providers across professional sectors need Infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) training and support. The training and teleconsultation program (TTP) is a state-funded program developed in one Mountain West state in the United States to provide free IECMH training and teleconsultation to any provider working with young children. The TTP included access to webinars and individual or group consultation with licensed mental health providers. Webinars focused on increasing awareness and knowledge related to attachment and child development, supporting parents and caregivers, trauma-informed practice, supporting emotional health of staff and providers, and culturally responsive practices with infants, young children, and caregivers. Teleconsultation included case consultation, reflective individual and group supervision, and collaboration supports/referrals. During the 18-month evaluation period, 1568 unique providers engaged in either training or teleconsultation services, an average of 9% growth in new providers each month, with representation from all professional sectors and all state counties. This program demonstrates the feasibility and need for statewide training and teleconsultation programs to help meet the needs of providers who interact with and support young children and caregivers.

Para lidiar con las altas tasas de salud mental y preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo a las que se enfrentan los pequeños niños de edad 0-6 en los Estados Unidos e internacionalmente, quienes proveen el servicio dentro de la gama de todos los sectores profesionales necesitan entrenamiento y apoyo en el campo de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez (IECMH). El programa de entrenamiento y teleconsulta (TTP) es un programa con fondos estatales desarrollado en un estado del oeste montañoso en los Estados Unidos para ofrecer entrenamiento y teleconsulta gratis en IECMH a cualquier profesional que trabaja con niños pequeños. El TTP incluye acceso a seminarios web y consulta individual o en grupo con profesionales licenciados de la salud mental. Los seminarios web se enfocaron en incrementar la conciencia y el conocimiento relacionado con la afectividad y el desarrollo del niño, apoyar a progenitores y cuidadores, la práctica con atención informada sobre trauma, apoyar la salud emocional del personal y los proveedores, así como las prácticas culturalmente sensibles con los infantes, niños pequeños y quienes les cuidan. La teleconsulta incluyó consulta de casos, supervisión con reflexión tanto individual como de grupo, así como los apoyos/referencias colaborativas. Durante el período de evaluación de 18 meses, 1,568 proveedores con características particulares recibieron los servicios del entrenamiento o de la teleconsulta, un promedio de 9% de aumento de nuevos proveedores cada mes, con representación de todos los sectores profesionales y todos los condados del estado. Este programa demuestra la posibilidad y necesidad de programas de entrenamiento y teleconsulta a través de todo el estado para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de los proveedores que interactúan con y apoyan a los niños pequeños y quienes les cuidan.

Pour faire face aux taux élevés d'inquiétudes en matière de santé mentale et de comportement dont sont témoins les jeunes enfants âgés de 0-6 ans aux Etats-Unis et internationalement, les prestataires au travers des secteurs professionnels ont besoin de formation et de soutien en santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance (IECMH). Le programme de téléconsultation et de formation (TTP en anglais) est un programme financé au niveau de l'état développé dans un état des montagnes rocheuses aux Etats-Unis afin d'offrir une formation et une téléconsultation IECMH gratuite à tout prestataire travaillant avec de jeunes enfants. Le TTP a incorporé un accès à des webinaires et à une consultation individuelle ou de groupe avec des prestataires de santé mentale agréés. Les webinaires ont porté sur l'accroissement de la sensibilisation et des connaissances liées à l'attachement et au développement de l'enfant, au soutien des parents et des personnes prenant soin des enfants, à une pratique consciente des traumas, et au soutien de la santé émotionnelle des employés et des prestataires, et à des pratiques culturellement adaptées avec les nourrissons, les jeunes enfants et les personnes prenant soin d'eux. La téléconsultation a inclus une consultation de cas, une supervision de réflexion individuelle et de groupe, et des soutiens/références de collaboration. Durant la période d'évaluation de 18 mois, 1568 prestataires uniques se sont engagés soit dans une formation ou des services de téléconsultation, avec une moyenne de 9% de croissance chez les nouveaux prestataires chaque mois, avec une représentation de tous les secteurs professionnels et les comtés de l'état. Ce programme démontre la fiabilité et le besoin de programmes de formation et de téléconsultations au niveau de l'état afin d'aider à remplir les besoins des prestataires qui travaillent et soutiennent les jeunes enfants et les personnes prenant soin d'eux.

Consulta Remota , Lactente , Criança , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Estados Unidos , Desenvolvimento de Programas , Estudos de Viabilidade , Saúde Mental , Pais/psicologia
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique ; 71(2): 101424, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36780726


In public health, intervention is an object of research and evaluation which, over time, has given rise to numerous approaches. The first part of the article proposes to reposition intervention research in population health and intervention evaluation on a continuum. Although the former has a more cognitive objective and the latter a more pragmatic objective, they are not mutually exclusive. The distinction between these two practices is based on the predominance of the following characteristics: the objectives pursued, the scope of the investigations, the regulatory constraints, the financing obtained, the ethical approaches taken, and the deliverables established. The second part of the article offers a glance different fields and approaches within the continuum between these two poles: Health Technology Assessment, Health Services Research and Implementation Research. While all of them have the study of health interventions at their core, but each has developed through specialisation in one or the other type of intervention, in a particular scope or context, in certain evaluation questions, or in specific approaches. all as gateways to the study of public health intervention, these different approaches are by no means mutually exclusive.

Saúde Pública , Avaliação da Tecnologia Biomédica , Humanos , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique ; 71(1): 101420, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36610246


BACKGROUND: The social protection scheme in charge of farmers and agricultural employees (MSA) in France has developed a two-step health promotion program with a nurse appointment followed by a consultation with a doctor of the participant's choosing to reach its under-consuming beneficiaries and enroll them back into a care pathway. Our objective was to carry out a pilot evaluation of this program. METHODS: The evaluation was carried out on the population invited during the second semester of 2017 using data from the program's service providers (date of invitation, of nurse appointment…), regional MSA bodies (consultation voucher), and reimbursement data (other care consumption). Participation rates were calculated overall and by participant characteristics. Medical needs were identified during the nurse appointment and new care pathways were assessed using reimbursement data. Multivariable regression models identified factors associated with participation. RESULTS: 2366 beneficiaries were included in the analysis. 1559 (65.89%) were men and mean age was 52.41 (standard deviation = 14.86). 409 (17.29%) attended the nurse appointment. There was a significant increase in participation with age, in farmers vs. employees (odds ratio = 1.905, 95% confidence interval = 1.393-2.604), and in people living in the most disadvantaged areas (odds ratio = 1.579, 95% confidence interval=1.079-2.312). Participation to the consultation following the nurse appointment was high (62.35%-73.11%). 87.53% of participants had at least one medical need, and new care pathways were more frequent among those who had attended the nurse appointment (55.50% vs. 34.80%, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: This pilot evaluation shows promising results which need to be confirmed with a national evaluation of the program and longer-term evidence.

Promoção da Saúde , Médicos , Masculino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , Projetos Piloto , França/epidemiologia , Coleta de Dados
Glob Health Promot ; 29(1): 119-129, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33938297


OBJECTIF: Le Programme de Développement Affectif et Social (PRODAS) est un programme de développement des compétences psychosociales des enfants ou adolescents mis en œuvre depuis 2005 en milieu scolaire par une association française (le Planning familial). L'objectif de cet article était de synthétiser les connaissances sur les effets de ce programme, afin de contribuer à l'étude de sa transférabilité. MÉTHODES: La revue de littérature réalisée a porté sur des études datant de 1970 à 2017. Ont été interrogées les bases de données : ScienceDirect, PsycNET, ERIC, PsycINFO, erudit, ISIDOR, Cochrane. Les mots clés utilisés étaient « Human Development Program ¼ ou « PRODAS ¼. RÉSULTATS: Une amélioration, le plus souvent significative, des compétences émotionnelles et sociales des enfants et des adolescents était rapportée. Une relation de type dose-effet était également suggérée par certains résultats. Peu de données étaient disponibles chez les jeunes enfants (école maternelle) et aucune étude n'explorait les effets du programme à long terme. CONCLUSION: Cette synthèse a permis de mettre en lumière les principaux effets du PRODAS. Toutefois, considérant que ce programme est un des seuls à s'adresser aux enfants dès 4 ans en France, de futures études portant sur des enfants d'écoles maternelles, avec un suivi à long terme, seraient utiles pour compléter les données sur l'efficacité d'un tel programme.

Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique ; 69(1): 13-21, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33280942


BACKGROUND: Since 2010, in France, Therapeutic Patient Education (TPE) programs have applied to the Regional Health Agency (RHA) for authorization. Every four years, these programs are mandatorily re-evaluated, and the assessment allows for change in the program management criteria. In our hospital, we studied the evolution of the Therapeutic Patient Education (TPE) appraisal benchmarks, otherwise known as "indicators", in the 17 programs having been authorized and renewed at least once by the RHA. METHOD: The TPE program appraisal benchmarks are classified in terms of structure, process and outcomes; program activity itself as well as pedagogic, psychosocial and bioclinical indicators are taken into consideration. We wished to determine the extent to which these indicators were addressed, applied and renewed or created during renewal of the TPE programs. Statistical tests were carried out in order to compare changes in the number of benchmarks in each category before and after the renewal process. RESULTS: During the first authorization, there existed 533 appraisal benchmarks, while they numbered 550 for the second. As for "before-and-after" changes, they consisted in a reduced number of outcome indicators (43.7% to 35.1%), whereas process indicators increased (36.8% to 43.1%) (P=0.0141). In comparison to the category pertaining to pedagogic, psychosocial and bioclinical indicators, the most widely registered indicator category (55.5%) and the most frequently collected indicator category involved the program activity itself (54.7%) (P<0.0001), which increased pronouncedly during renewal periods (67.6%) (P=0.0002). Conversely, the pedagogic and psychosocial indicators were little if at all collected. As regards the latter, there was nevertheless a considerable increase in indicators related to skills and changes favoring health-promoting behaviours. Strictly bioclinical indicators have been largely supplanted by those having to do with the disease evolution, its impact and risk management. CONCLUSION: The major role assigned to process and structure indicators reflects the fact that they are predominantly structured by RHA requests. Even if this initial study necessitates further research, it highlights a change in the design of educational and psychosocial assessments among caregivers, a change likely to reflect their interest in how patients go about managing their illnesses, (more or less healthy) lifestyles and daily lives.

Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Doença Crônica/psicologia , Recursos Humanos em Hospital/psicologia , Doença Crônica/terapia , França , Hospitais Universitários , Humanos , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto
Infant Ment Health J ; 41(1): 5-23, 2020 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31508841


Since failed reunification is a detrimental outcome for children, particularly infants and toddlers, the aim of this study was to gain insight into support to families in multiple-problem situations to help them achieve sustainable good-enough parenting. Therefore, we examined outcomes of an assessment-based inpatient family preservation program. We prepared a thorough target-population description (n = 70) using file analysis. Next, we examined atypical parental behavior during the intervention using the Atypical Maternal Behavior Instrument for Assessment and Classification with a repeated measures design (n = 30). The family files revealed a great number of issues at the family, parent, and child levels, such as practical matters, problems in parent functioning and between parents, and difficulties in the broader environment. We found a significant decline in three dimensions of atypical parental behavior over time. This program has great potential in supporting vulnerable families in their pursuit of family preservation.

Debido a que un fracasado intento de reunificación es un resultado perjudicial para los niños, particularmente los infantes y niños muy pequeñitos, la meta de este estudio fue adquirir percepciones en cuanto al apoyo a familias en situaciones de problemas múltiples para ayudarles a lograr una crianza sostenible suficientemente buena. Examinamos, por tanto, resultados de un programa de paciente interno para la preservación de la familia (FP) basado en evaluación. Preparamos una detallada descripción de la población de enfoque (n = 70) usando análisis de registros. Examinamos conductas atípicas de los padres durante la intervención usando el Instrumento de Conducta Materna Atípica para Evaluación y Clasificación (AMBIANCE) con un diseño de medidas repetidas (n = 30). Los registros familiares revelaron un gran número de asuntos al nivel de la familia, los padres y los niños, tales como asuntos prácticos, problemas en el funcionamiento de los padres y entre padres, y dificultades en el más amplio entorno. Encontramos una baja significativa en tres dimensiones de conducta atípica de los padres a lo largo del tiempo. El programa FP tiene un enorme potencial para apoyar a familias vulnerables en su esfuerzo por preservar la familia.

Puisque la réunification échouée est un résultat détrimentaire pour les enfants, en particulier les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants, le but de cette étude était d'explorer le soutien aux familles dans des situations avec de nombreux problèmes afin de les aider à atteindre un parentage durable et suffisant. Nous avons donc examiné les résultats d'un programme de maintien familial (abrégé ici MF en français) fondé sur l'évaluation et en hospitalisation. Nous avons préparé une description approfondie de la population cible (n = 70) en utilisant une analyse par dossier. Nous avons examiné le comportement parental atypique durant l'intervention en utilisant AMBIANCE, l'instrument de comportement maternel atypique pour l'évaluation et la classification avec une conception à mesures répétées (n = 30). Les dossiers familiaux ont révélé un grand nombre de problèmes au niveau de la famille, du parent et de l'enfant, tels que des problèmes pratiques, des problèmes dans le fonctionnement du parent ou entre les parents, et des difficultés dans le milieu plus large. Nous avons trouvé une baisse importante sur trois dimensions du comportement atypique parental au fil du temps. Le programme MF offre de grandes possibilités dans le soutien aux familles vulnérables dans leur quête de maintien familial.

Proteção da Criança , Criança Institucionalizada/psicologia , Desinstitucionalização , Comportamento Materno/psicologia , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Comportamento Paterno/psicologia , Cuidado da Criança/métodos , Cuidado da Criança/psicologia , Pré-Escolar , Desinstitucionalização/métodos , Desinstitucionalização/normas , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Psicopatologia , Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial
Can J Occup Ther ; 85(3): 185-195, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29972050


BACKGROUND: Occupational therapists value the principles of health and health care equity and often face challenges addressing inequities within the systems in which they work. PURPOSE: We present the Equity Lens for Occupational Therapy (ELOT), a framework to provide a practical starting point for reflecting on equity issues and the ways inequities are enacted in daily practice. KEY ISSUES: Building on an existing occupational therapy practice model and well-established program development and evaluation processes, we overlay an equity lens. The lens provides a structured way to critically reflect on occupational therapy programs within their contexts and develop action strategies to prevent or redress inequities. IMPLICATIONS: Taking action on the multiple ways that inequities can be embedded in occupational therapy programs within health and social systems can be a daunting task. The ELOT provides a systematic way to stimulate critical reflection and dialogue, examine practice, focus social advocacy, and take action.

Equidade em Saúde/organização & administração , Disparidades em Assistência à Saúde/organização & administração , Terapia Ocupacional/organização & administração , Equidade em Saúde/normas , Disparidades em Assistência à Saúde/normas , Humanos , Terapia Ocupacional/normas , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Desenvolvimento de Programas , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde
Can J Aging ; 37(4): 363-376, 2018 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30012228


ABSTRACTSeveral fall prevention programs have been implemented to reduce falls among seniors. In some rural areas or in French-speaking minority communities, the availability of such programs is limited. The objectives of this paper are to: (a) describe the Fall Prevention Program Marche vers le futur, offered in French, by videoconference; and (b) present the results of the evaluation of the program objectives. Results demonstrate that participants have improved their physical abilities, gained knowledge, adopted new behaviors and lifestyle habits. In short, Marche vers le futur reduces fall risk factors in a manner equal or superior to other programs. Marche vers le futur has made possible the provision of services in French in communities where availability of French-language resources is very limited, therefore fostering equity in access to health services.

Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) ; 64(3): 227-31, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26047873


Current recommendations advocate self-measurement of blood pressure (SMBP) for the diagnosis and monitoring of high blood pressure (HBP). The "PEA" is an education program of the HTA GWAD network. Its mission is to train hypertensive patients with SMBP. The objective of this study is to evaluate between 6 months to 1 year after the efficiency of this program on the theoretical and practical knowledge of patients, as well as their behavior towards hypertension. Hundred and twenty patients were included in the study. In an interview, their knowledge was assessed using a questionnaire. The acquisition of the technique, reading and figures transcription, purchase of a SMBP device were also evaluated. The average questionnaire score was 5.7/13 (σ=2.7) before the educational session, 9.5/13 (σ=1.9) 1 week after the educational session. This improvement persisted over time with 8.9/13 (σ=2.9) correct answers 6 months to 1 year later. Exactly 73.3% (n=88/120) had a self-measurement device. Among them, 44.3% (n=39/88) practiced SMBP before medical consultations and 10% systematically did it before each medical consultation. A number of 84.2% (n=101/120) mastered the technique and 76.7% (n=92/120) of patients knew how to transcribe figures. Reading and understanding figures were acquired by 61.7% (n=74/120) of patients. A high level of education was correlated with a high level of practice. PEA is a sustainable solid and stable education program. However, the practice of SMBP is not yet systematic and remains to be encouraged in some patients. Given this situation, the network offers improvements in its program: highlighting of objectives, calendar reminder, "coaching" nurse.

Monitorização Ambulatorial da Pressão Arterial , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto/métodos , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários
Can J Diabetes ; 37(1): 12-7, 2013 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24070743


OBJECTIVE: Given the existing and projected number of individuals with diabetes mellitus, there is an urgent need to implement effective prevention programs. Research trials have demonstrated reductions in risk through programs targeted at adopting a healthier lifestyle however translating this research evidence into primary care can be challenging. We examined the feasibility of implementing a pre-diabetes program into a primary care clinic in Ottawa, Canada. METHOD: "An Ounce of Prevention" Healthy Lifestyle and Diabetes Program was adapted from best evidence clinical trials and uses educational tools developed by the Diabetes Prevention Program for long-term behavior change, relies on principles of self-management, is group based and includes an integrated exercise component. We used a multimethod evaluation approach and examined feasibility and practical implementation aspects such as space, staffing, recruitment and retention issues. RESULTS: We have implemented the program and have offered 10 courses from June 2010 through to August 2012 with 74 participants in total. Results of the evaluation surveys show that participants are highly satisfied with the content as well as the format of the program and think that the content is relevant to them. Recruitment of patients is time- intensive and requires dedicated resources. Evaluation of effectiveness with follow-up surveys and clinical measures has been challenging due to limited resources and is ongoing. CONCLUSIONS: The translation and implementation of research evidence into clinical practice is complex and requires consideration of real-life practicalities such as time demands on participants, staffing costs, effective recruiting and ongoing evaluation.

Diabetes Mellitus/prevenção & controle , Atenção Primária à Saúde/métodos , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Estilo de Vida , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ontário , Satisfação do Paciente , Estado Pré-Diabético , Fatores de Risco , Autocuidado