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J Hist Neurosci ; : 1-11, 2024 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39186636


Jean-Martin Charcot is perhaps best remembered for his contributions to organic neurology. However, his pursuit of hysteria, the most prevalent diagnosis in his hospital clinic, yielded no anatomical lesion to account for hysteria's plethora of somatic disorders assumed due to a purely functional or dynamic lesion in the cerebral cortex. This led Charcot to turn his attention to the psychology of hysteria. Taking advantage of institutional reforms at the Salpêtrière-notably, the establishment of his professorship in nervous diseases-Charcot from the early 1880s focused his teaching increasingly on case histories of hysteria in male as well as female patients. Already renown for his earlier dramatic public lessons on female hysteria, his lessons of the 1880s, of which two volumes were published at the end of the decade, elaborated the issue of psychology in terms of altered states of patient's suggestibility. By the decade's end, Charcot's worldwide reputation rested on the prospects of this work as acknowledged by numerous students, notably medical psychologists Pierre Janet and Sigmund Freud. Yet Charcot's views remained sketchy. They were discussed at length in his unpublished notes for a lesson intended for May 1893, just a few months before his sudden death. His unpublished notes reveal a detailed case for dreams as illustrating a psychological mechanism underlying hysteria in a 17-year-old Paris artisan. I conclude by considering why this significant climactic case of Charcot's might have been overlooked by his entourage.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1413011, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39131866


Introduction: It has long been argued that there are dream metaphors which express waking-life experiences indirectly. Most of empirical evidence concerning this topic was in a qualitative way, while few studies explored the topic in a quantitative way. Under this background, we investigated whether dreaming of the typical theme 'being chased or pursued' was a metaphorical expression for waking-life experiences related to 'negative relationships with others'. Methods: One hundred and sixty participants reported their waking-life experiences and dreams for a single day. Following this, two external judges rated whether there were any elements related to 'negative relationships with others' in both waking-life experiences and dreams. In addition, the judges assessed if there was any content related to 'being chased or pursued' in both waking-life experiences and dreams. Results: The frequency of dreaming of 'negative relationships with others' was higher than the frequency of the same topic in waking-life experiences, which in turn was higher than the frequency of typical theme dreaming of 'being chased or pursued'. In addition, 'negative relationships with others' in waking-life experiences were correlated with both dreaming of 'being chased or pursued', and 'negative relationships with others' in dreams. Conclusion: These results suggested that the typical theme 'being chased or pursued' in dreams may represent some waking-life experiences metaphorically. In addition, the results support the threat simulation theory of dreaming, which suggests that threatening events in waking life increase the possibility of threatening events in dreams.

J Hist Biol ; 2024 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39212879


There's something strange about Freud's Civilization and its Discontents (1930). Biologically, Freud was a Neo-Lamarckian, who believed in both the modification of organisms through need and the inheritance of acquired characteristics. However, in Civilization, Freud argued that because human nature is immutable, society has dim odds of improving substantially. Lamarckians, of course, rejected that any species-nature is immutable, as species can always be transformed via the inheritance of acquired characteristics. In fact, many of Freud's Viennese contemporaries-such as Wilhelm Reich, Julius Tandler, and Paul Kammerer-took their Lamarckism to license precisely the sorts of radical social projects Freud deemed impossible. Thus the Freud of Civilization helped himself to a rigid view of human nature which, given his associated biological views, he seemingly ought to have rejected. In this paper, I explain this apparent inconsistency, and suggest Freud resolved it in the following way: Freud was not merely a Lamarckian, but also a strong and peculiar kind of recapitulationist, who believed stages of psychological development both recapitulate phylogeny, and "remain with us" throughout both individual lives and future species-history. I suggest Freud's recapitulationism supposed a certain inertia: what occurred in phylogenetic history cannot un-occur, and therefore there are aspects of our nature which we cannot un-acquire. In this way, Freud reached a rigid conception of human nature despite his Lamarckism.

Psychoanal Rev ; 111(2): 189-210, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38959075


This contribution considers a monthly seminar, Literature and Psychoanalysis, that has been taking place at Sofia University (Sofia, Bulgaria) since 2017. Three of the seminar's founders reflect on the transferences between literature and psychoanalysis, and on the ways in which literature and psychoanalysis can meaningfully converse. The exchange also touches on the fate of Freud's textual legacy in communist and post-communist Bulgaria.

Teoria Freudiana , Psicanálise , Humanos , Psicanálise/história , Bulgária , História do Século XX , Teoria Freudiana/história , Comunismo/história
J Hist Neurosci ; : 1-42, 2024 Jun 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38921955


The foundation by Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) of the Salpêtrière School in Paris had an influential role in the development of neurology during the late-nineteenth century. The international aura of Charcot attracted neurologists from all parts of the world. We here present the most representative European, American, and Russian young physicians who learned from Charcot during their tutoring or visit in Paris or Charcot's travels outside France. These include neurologists from Great Britain and Ireland, the United States, Germany and Austria, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Finland, Poland, Bohemia, Hungary, and Romania. Particularly emblematic among the renowned foreign scientists who met and/or learned from Charcot were Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard, who had interactions with Paris University and contributed to the early development of British and American neurological schools; John Hughlings Jackson, who was admired by Charcot and influenced French neurology similarly as Charcot did on British neurology; Silas Weir Mitchell, the pioneer in American neurology; Sigmund Freud, who was trained by Charcot to study patients with hysteria and then, back in Vienna, founded a new discipline called psychoanalysis; Aleksej Yakovlevich Kozhevnikov and almost all the founders of the Russian institutes of neurology who were instructed in Paris; and Georges Marinesco, who established the Romanian school of neurology and did major contributions thanks to his valuable relation with Charcot and French neurology.

Psychoanal Q ; 93(2): 249-272, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38814152


An attempt is made to encircle time and the times psychoanalytically. They are understood as the result of the interplay of different psychic systems: Timelessness of the Ucs system (psychic reality), actual time in the Pcpt-Cs (perceptual reality), and vectorial-linear time in the Cs/Pcs systems (reality principle). Time shows itself in the moment of presence, but it can only show itself if there is a temporal antecedent. At the same time, time and space are intertwined, so that the past is initially the place where something happened. However, the interplay of the mental systems with time and space can only develop in the object relationship. A short clinical example of an autistoid perversion illustrates this dynamic.

Teoria Psicanalítica , Humanos , Tempo , Terapia Psicanalítica , Percepção do Tempo , Psicanálise
Int J Psychoanal ; 105(2): 192-209, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38655646


Freud's very brief 1922 paper on the beheading of Medusa by Perseus wisely concludes with a call for a further examination of the sources of the legend. A now widespread interpretation of this legend is based (often without acknowledgement) on an addition to traditions concerning Medusa made in Ovid's Metamorphoses. It is argued here that this Ovidian innovation has often been misinterpreted, and that a more careful reading of Metamorphoses supports neither a widely alleged exclusively vengeful portrayal of Medusa, nor Freud's portrayal of Medusa's decapitation as solely a pitiable and terrible symbol of castration. Instead, Ovid's complex treatments of myths involving Medusa, Minerva and Perseus present parallels with Kleinian insights into phantasy attacks on fecundity, and into imagined revivals of dead or damaged inside babies. Thus the "displacement upwards" of the fearful castrated maternal genital envisioned in Freud's "Medusa's Head" must stand beside a quite different "displacement upwards" of the life-giving maternal genital. Indeed, tradition holds that Medusa's beheading gives rise to the birth of vigorous twins. Together with allied details, this aligns Ovid's masterwork with theories that modify or displace the so-called "sexual phallic monism" that some believe taints Freud's theories of gender development.

Teoria Freudiana , Humanos , História do Século XX , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Psicanálise/história , Feminino
Brain Sci ; 14(4)2024 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38672023


This review provided a comprehensive examination of various theories that attempt to explain hypnosis, focusing on the interplay between conscious and unconscious processes. We conducted a thorough analysis of key theories, from historical origins to recent models centered on cognition, social factors, and attributions. A central theme emerged: the critical role of the unconscious as a "gatekeeper" that modulates and guides the hypnotic experience. This notion appears in various forms across many theories, with the unconscious actively shaping and regulating the flow of information between conscious and unconscious realms during hypnosis. Understanding this dynamic interplay is crucial for comprehending the complex nature of hypnosis. The synthesized view of the unconscious as a "gatekeeper" offers a framework for integrating insights from diverse perspectives and highlights the centrality of unconscious processes in shaping hypnotic phenomena. Future research should further investigate the mechanisms of this unconscious "gatekeeper" role and its impact on hypnosis.

Memorandum ; 41: [1-26], abr. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561564


Este artigo objetiva identificar, contextualizar e analisar evidências e impacto do evolucionismo darwiniano na obra de Sigmund Freud, na literatura especializada nacional nas últimas duas décadas. Uma revisão sistemática da literatura foi empreendida, em conformidade com as orientações metodológicas PRISMA, valendo-se, para tanto, de palavras-chave selecionadas, posteriormente empregadas na pesquisa conduzida em sete base de dados distintas. Após seleção, chegou-se a uma amostra final composta por dezesseis artigos de relevância. De acordo com os resultados, evidencia-se: evolucionismo darwiniano como um recurso na escrita da obra freudiana; utilização da história evolutiva ou história filogenética como justificativa das elaborações de Freud; teoria darwiniana como meio para compreensão da origem de sintomas e estados psíquicos; uso da figura representativa de Darwin.

This paper aims to identify, contextualize, and analyze the evidence and impact of Darwinian evolutionism in the work of Sigmund Freud, in the national specialized literature in the last of two decades. A systematic review of the literature was carried out, in accordance to the PRISMA methodological guidelines, using selected keywords, which were later used in the research conducted in seven different databases. After selection, a final sample was made up of sixteen articles of relevance. According to the results, it is evidenced: Darwinian evolutionism as a resource in the writing of Freud's work; use of the evolutionary history or phylogenetic history as justification for Freud's elaborations; Darwinian theory as a means for understanding the origin of symptoms and psychic states; use of the representative figure of Darwin.

Psicanálise , Evolução Biológica , Teoria Freudiana
Psychoanal Rev ; 111(1): 37-46, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38551661


By revisiting the last years of a long psychoanalytic treatment of a female patient, a psychoanalyst reflects on her own development as a clinician and on the changes in her experience of psychoanalytic generativity. An increasing ability to understand patient's shifts between creativity and destructiveness brings about a different understanding of the process of mourning, while the shared aging of the analytic dyad highlights the difficulty of ending an analysis that has become a way of life.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Humanos , Feminino , Pesar , Criatividade , Sonhos , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Teoria Psicanalítica
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553583


O presente estudo visa avaliar, a partir da leitura integral de alguns dos escritos tardios da obra freudiana, as relações entre os termos Verdrängunge Unterdrückung. Nesse sentido, ele dá sequência a um percurso investigativo que focalizou o período inicial da obra freudiana, no qual concluiu-se serem frágeis os argumentos favoráveis a uma diferenciação categórica entre os dois termos na obra de Freud­o que poderia impactar no debate em torno das recentes traduções da mesma. (cf. Maireno, 2023) Ao final do presente trabalho, conclui-se que a posição defendida no trabalho anterior permanece válida, apesar de algumas linhas argumentativas ­curiosamente pouco exploradas pelos comentadores ­serem potencialmente fortes para perturbá-la. (AU).

The present study aims to evaluate, based on acomplete reading of some Freud's last writings, the relationships between the terms Verdrängungand Unterdrückung. So, it continues an investigationthat at the beginning focused on the initial period of Freud's work, in which it was concluded that the arguments in favor of a radicaldifferentiation between both terms in Freud's work are fragile -which could impact the debate around itsrecent translations. (cf. Maireno, 2023) At the end of this work, it is concluded that the position defended in the previous work remains valid, despite some arguments­curiously little explored by commentators ­being potentially strong enough to disturb it (AU).

El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar, a partir de una lectura completa de algunos de los últimos escritos de Freud, las relaciones entre los términos Verdrängungy Unterdrückung. Continuamos así un camino que se centró en el período inicial de la obra de Freud, en el que se concluyó que los argumentos a favor de una diferenciación radical entre ambos términos en la obra de Freud son débiles -lo que podría impactar el debate en torno a sus traducciones recientes. (cf. Maireno, 2023) Al final de este trabajo, se concluye que la posición defendida en el trabajo anterior sigue válida, a pesar de que algunos argumentos ­curiosamente poco explorados por los comentaristas ­son lo suficientemente fuertes como para perturbar esto (AU).

Teoria Freudiana
J Hist Behav Sci ; 60(1): e22293, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38071451


A large literature has formed around the question of how Freud's Jewishness and/or Judaism influenced his psychological discoveries and development of psychoanalytic theory and methods. The article organizes the literature into several core theses but brings new clarity and insight by applying two essential criteria to demonstrate an impact of Judaism on Freud's thinking: direct content and historical timing. First, there should be evidence that Freud incorporated actual content from Jewish sources, and second, this incorporation must have occurred during the most crucial period of Freud's early discovery, conceptualization, and development of psychoanalysis, roughly 1893-1910. Thus, for example, Bakan's well-known theory that Freud studied Kabbala is completely negated by the absence of any evidence in the required time period. Part I reviews the literature on the influence of Freud's ethnic/cultural Jewish identity. Part II introduces the Judaic sacred literature, explores Freud's education in Judaism and Hebrew, and presents evidence that Freud had the motive, means, and resources to discover and draw from the "Dream Segment" of the Talmud-along with the traditional Judaic methods and techniques of textual exegesis. Freud then applied these same Judaic word-centered interpretive methods-used for revealing an invisible God-to revealing an invisible Unconscious in four successive books in 1900, 1901, and 1905.

Judaísmo , Psicanálise , Humanos , Teoria Freudiana/história , Judeus , Teoria Psicanalítica , Psicanálise/história
Psicol. USP ; 352024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1538366


A arte e a literatura estão presentes de maneira significativa, tanto em Freud quanto em Lacan, entretanto elas se inscrevem de diferentes formas nas duas teorias, isso pode ser melhor observado quando os autores se debruçam sobre uma mesma obra, como Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Além desta, Macbeth é outro drama shakespeariano que interessará a Freud por conta da personagem de Lady Macbeth. Diante disso, o artigo analisou as interpretações de Freud acerca dessas duas tragédias shakespearianas, assim como as de Lacan sobre Hamlet, investigando algumas particularidades acerca de relações com a arte e com a literatura. Embora impliquem em interpretações diversas, essas obras reúnem elementos importantes e por vezes com um valor de exemplo paradigmático para reflexões no campo da psicanálise

Both Freud and in Lacan make extensive, albeit different, use of art and literature in their theories. This can be better observed when they focus on the same work, such as Hamlet and, in Freud's case, Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Thus, this article analysed Freud's readings of these two Shakespearean tragedies, as well as Lacan's analysis of Hamlet, investigating some particularities about their relations with art and literature. Despite differences in interpretation, these works bring together important elements valuable as a paradigmatic example of psychoanalytic reflections

Freud et Lacan font tout deux un usage intensive, mais différent, de l'art et la littérature dans leurs théories. Cela peut être mieux lorsque les auteurs se concentrent sur la même œuvre, comme Hamlet et, dans le cas de Freud, Macbeth de William Shakespeare. Cet article donc analyse la lecture de Freud de ces deux tragédies shakespeariennes, ainsi que l'analyse de Lacan sur Hamlet, en étudiant certaines particularités de leurs relations avec l'art et la littérature. Bien qu'ils impliquent des interprétations différentes, ces travaux rassemblent des éléments importants et ont parfois valeur d'exemple paradigmatique pour les réflexions psychanalytiques

El arte y la literatura están presentes de manera significativa, tanto en Freud como en Lacan, sin embargo se inscriben de diferentes formas en ambas teorías, esto se puede observar mejor cuando los autores se enfocan en una misma obra, como Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Además de esto, Macbeth es otro drama de Shakespeare que a Freud le interesará por el personaje de Lady Macbeth. Por tanto, el artículo analizó las interpretaciones de Freud sobre estas dos tragedias de Shakespeare, así como las interpretaciones de Lacan sobre Hamlet, investigando algunas particularidades sobre sus relaciones con el arte y la literatura. Aunque implican diferentes interpretaciones, estas obras reúnen elementos importantes y, en ocasiones, con el valor de un ejemplo paradigmático para las reflexiones en el campo del psicoanálisis

Arte , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Teoria Psicanalítica , Literatura
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220137, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1564963


Resumo: Nas "Conferências introdutórias à psicanálise" (1916-1917), Freud argumenta pela participação fundamental da regressão na etiologia tanto da neurose, quanto da perversão. Em "O fetichismo" ( 1927 ), o autor formula uma nova versão desse conceito, de modo que as características do fetichismo passam a representar a estrutura geral de todas as perversões. Em 1938, Adorno, filósofo e sociólogo da Escola de Frankfurt, publica o ensaio "O fetichismo na música e a regressão da audição", no qual ele aborda ambos os conceitos em uma perspectiva sociológica. Nosso objetivo aqui é analisar comparativamente como os conceitos de fetichismo e regressão são definidos e empregados pelos dois autores, assim como examinar a influência da teoria freudiana sobre Adorno, a partir dos textos mencionados. Esse é um tema muito pouco explorado na literatura da área, de modo que sua discussão pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos conceitos e do impacto de suas diferentes interpretações.

Abstract: In the "Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis" (1916-1917), Freud argues for the fundamental participation of regression in the etiology of both neurosis and perversion. In "Fetishism" ( 1927 ), the author formulates a new version of this concept, so that the characteristics of fetishism came to represent the general structure of all perversions. In 1938, Adorno, a philosopher and sociologist from the Frankfurt school, published his essay "On the Fetish-Character in Music and the Regression of Listening," in which he approaches both concepts from a sociological perspective. Our objective here is to comparatively analyze how the concepts of fetishism and regression are defined and employed by the two authors and to discuss the influence of Freud's theory on Adorno, based on the texts mentioned above. This subject is rarely explored in the literature of the field, thus its discussion can contribute to a better understanding of the concepts and the impact of their different interpretations.

Résumé : Dans les « Conférences d'introduction à la psychanalyse ¼ (1916-1917), Freud soutient la participation fondamentale de la régression dans l'étiologie de la névrose et de la perversion. Dans « Le fétichisme ¼ ( 1927 ), l'auteur formule une nouvelle version de ce concept, de sorte que les caractéristiques du fétichisme en viennent à représenter la structure générale de toutes les perversions. En 1938, Adorno, philosophe et sociologue de l'école de Francfort, publie l'essai « Le caractère fétiche dans la musique et la régression de l'écoute ¼, dans lequel il aborde les deux concepts d'un point de vue sociologique. Notre objectif ici est d'analyser comparativement comment les concepts de fétichisme et de régression sont définis et employés par les deux auteurs, ainsi que d'examiner l'influence de la théorie freudienne sur Adorno à partir des textes mentionnés. Il s'agit d'un thème très peu exploré dans la littérature du domaine, de sorte que sa discussion peut contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des concepts et de l'impact de leurs différentes interprétations.

Resumen: En las Conferencias de introducción al psicoanálisis (1916-1917), Freud sostiene la participación fundamental de la regresión en la etiología tanto de la neurosis como de la perversión. En "Fetichismo" ( 1927 ), el autor formula una nueva versión de este concepto, de modo que las características del fetichismo pasan a representar la estructura general de todas las perversiones. En 1938, Adorno, filósofo y sociólogo de la Escuela de Fráncfort, publicó el ensayo "Sobre el carácter fetichista en la música y la regresión de la escucha" en el que aborda ambos conceptos desde una perspectiva sociológica. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar comparativamente cómo los conceptos de fetichismo y regresión son definidos y empleados por los dos autores, así como examinar la influencia de la teoría freudiana en Adorno a partir de los textos mencionados. Este es un tema muy poco explorado en la literatura del área, por lo que su discusión puede contribuir a una mejor comprensión de los conceptos y del impacto de sus diferentes interpretaciones.

Regressão Psicológica , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia , Teoria Freudiana , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/etnologia
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220019, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1558729


Resumo A psicologia do ego é reconhecida como uma releitura norte-americana da psicanálise, e teve Ernst Kris - que foi próximo de Freud - como um de seus fundadores. Apesar deste autor utilizar-se de textos freudianos para firmar os fundamentos de sua teoria, sustenta-se que a psicologia do ego mais se distancia do que se aproxima da obra de Freud. Este estudo visa demonstrar de que forma isso ocorre. Para isso, situa-se brevemente quem foi Ernst Kris e quais são as críticas já existentes à psicologia do ego. Num segundo momento, analisa-se o artigo "Ego Psychology and Interpretation in Psychoanalytic Therapy", de Kris, em confronto com a teoria de Freud. Por último, expõe-se a crítica de Lacan. Destaca-se que a crítica lacaniana remete a questões referentes à ética da psicanálise e ao lugar do analista na direção do tratamento.

Abstract Ego Psychology is a North-American re-reading of psychoanalysis and had Ernst Kris - a man who was close to Freud - as one of its founders. Despite using Freudian texts to establish its foundations, Ego Psychology distances itself from Freud's psychoanalysis. This study demonstrates how this occurs by briefly discussing who Ernst Kris was and the existing criticisms of Ego Psychology. Secondly, it analyzes Ernst Kris's article "Ego Psychology and Interpretation in Psychoanalytic Therapy" against Freud's theory, to finally present Lacan's critique, which refers to issues related to the ethics of psychoanalysis and the analyst's role in directing treatment.

Resumen La Psicología del Yo se considera como una relectura estadounidense del psicoanálisis y tuvo a Ernst Kris -quien era cercano a Freud- como uno de sus fundadores. A pesar de que Ernst Kris utiliza textos freudianos para establecer los fundamentos de su teoría, se sostiene que la Psicología del Yo se aleja más de la obra de Freud que se acerca a ella. Este estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar cómo ocurre esto. Para ello, se sitúa brevemente quién es Ernst Kris y cuáles son las críticas ya existentes a la Psicología del Yo. En segundo lugar, se analiza el artículo "Ego Psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy", de Ernst Kris, en confrontación con la teoría de Freud. Y, por último, se expone la crítica de Lacan. Se destaca que la crítica lacaniana remite a cuestiones relacionadas con la ética del psicoanálisis y el lugar del analista en la dirección del tratamiento.

Résumé La psychologie de l'égo est une relecture nord-américaine de la psychanalyse dont Ernst Kris, un homme proche de Freud, est l'un des fondateurs. Bien qu'elle utilise des textes freudiens pour établir ses fondements, la psychologie de l'égo s'éloigne de la pensée freudienne. Pour démontrer cet écart, cette étude aborde la figure de Ernst Kris et des critiques existantes à l'égard de la psychologie de l'égo. Ensuite, elle analyse l'article « Ego Psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy ¼ par rapport à la théorie de Freud, pour enfin présenter la critique de Lacan, qui se réfère à des questions liées à l'éthique de la psychanalyse et au rôle de l'analyste dans la direction du traitement.

Teoria Psicanalítica , Psicanálise/história , Terapia Psicanalítica
Psicol. USP ; 35: e220074, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1558736


Resumo Este artigo reflete sobre a noção antropológica de animatismo, um estádio pré-animista da humanidade, à qual Freud recorreu em Totem e tabu. Com ela, ampliou seu objetivo de revelar a origem da religião e da moralidade, estendendo-o à origem e ao destino da humanidade. Objetivo que também perseguiu em interlocução com as teorias psiquiátricas da hereditariedade e da degeneração dos séculos XVIII e XIX. Teorias concebidas por Tissot, Pinel, Lucas, Morel, Esquirol, Magnan, Legrain, Charcot, entre outros, sumariamente apresentadas neste artigo. Por fim, este artigo também apresenta e põe em discussão algumas obras de Freud, nas quais as teorias da hereditariedade e da degeneração foram ressignificadas sob as de fixação e regressão, ampliando os fundamentos do que seria sua filosofia psicanalítica declinista da história, reveladora de um novo sentido e direção tanto para a origem, quanto para o destino da humanidade.

Abstract This article reflects on the anthropological notion of animatism, a pre-animist stage of humanity, to which Freud resorted in Totem and Taboo. With it he broadened his aim of revealing the origin of religion and morality, extending it to the origin and destiny of humanity. An objective that he also pursued in dialogue with the psychiatric theories of heredity and degeneration of the 18th and 19th centuries. Theories conceived by Tissot, Pinel, Lucas, Morel, Esquirol, Magnan, Legrain, Charcot, among others, are briefly presented in this article. Finally, this article also presents and discusses some works by Freud, in which the theories of heredity and degeneration were resignified under those of fixation and regression, expanding the foundations of what would be his declinist psychoanalytic philosophy of history, revealing a new meaning and direction for both the origin and the destiny of humanity.

Resumen Este artículo reflexiona sobre la noción antropológica de animatismo, etapa preanimista de la humanidad, a la que recurrió Freud en Tótem y tabú. Con ella amplió su objetivo de revelar el origen de la religión y la moral, extendiéndolo al origen y destino de la humanidad. Un objetivo que también persiguió en diálogo con las teorías psiquiátricas de la herencia y la degeneración de los siglos XVIII y XIX. En este artículo se presentan brevemente las teorías concebidas por Tissot, Pinel, Lucas, Morel, Esquirol, Magnan, Legrain, Charcot, entre otros. Finalmente, este artículo también presenta y discute algunos trabajos de Freud, en los que las teorías de la herencia y la degeneración fueron resignificadas bajo las de la fijación y la regresión, ampliando los fundamentos de lo que sería su filosofía psicoanalítica declinista de la historia, revelando un nuevo sentido y dirección tanto para el origen como para el destino de la humanidad.

Résumé Cet article reflète sur la notion anthropologique d'animatisme, un stade préanimiste de l'humanité auquel Freud a fait recours dans son texte Totem et Tabu. Avec cette notion, il amplifie son objectif de révéler l'origine de la religion et de la moralité afin d'aussi aborder l'origine et le destin de l'humanité. Cet objectif a été poursuivi dans un dialogue constant avec les théories psychiatriques de l'hérédité et de la dégénérescence du XVIIIe et du XIXe siècle. Les théories conçues par Tissot, Pine, Lucas, Morel, Esquirol, Magnan, Legrain, Charcot, entre autres, seront brièvement présentées dans cet article. Enfin, cet article propose aussi de présenter et mettre en débat quelques travaux de Freud, où les théories de l'hérédité et de la dégénération ont été resignifiées pour ce qui est des concepts de fixation et de régression, élargissant ainsi les fondements de ce qu'on pourrait appeler sa philosophie psychanalytique décliniste de l'histoire, une philosophie révélatrice d'un nouveau sens et d'une nouvelle direction concernant l'origine et le destin de l'humanité.

Filosofia/história , Psicanálise/história , Teoria Psicanalítica , Hereditariedade , Regressão Psicológica , Fixação Psicológica Instintiva
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(5): 843-853, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140964


This paper explores the principal reasons for the exclusion of Lacanian ideas from psychoanalytic training institutes in the United States. The history of Lacan's role in the International Psychoanalytical Association, from which essentially he was expelled, occupies a central place in this story. Significant issues arose also from his practice style and technical innovations, whose rationale remains controversial today. Another major obstacle for the reception of his work is the theoretical framework of Lacanian analysis, so different from that of other schools. Inclusion of its unfamiliar vocabulary and concepts poses practical problems for training programs. At a more fundamental level, the strong antihumanist evolution of Lacan's thought runs contrary to the increasingly relational and intersubjective orientation of American psychoanalysis. The incompatibility between the disparate languages of a scientific theory aiming at objectivity and a phenomenology of personal intentionality and meaning greatly limits the possibilities for dialogue. The tension between these perspectives cannot be resolved, but a productive exchange between them is possible if they are accepted as valid and complementary ways of speaking about human behavior.

Psicanálise , Teoria Psicanalítica , Humanos , Teoria Lacaniana
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(5): 907-931, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140963


This paper is an investigation into the prominence of hysteria in Lacan's work and the enduring significance of the diagnosis for contemporary practice. Beginning with Lacan's theory of neurosis, the importance of language, and symbolic functions, we will begin to understand why the hysterical symptom is the symptomatic structure par excellence. Lacan lauds hysteria as the neurosis in direct dialogue with a given historical moment, teaching the psychoanalyst where we are in the unfolding struggle between neurosis and civilization. He returned to the case of Dora throughout his twenty-eight years of teaching to refine his work. He even saw psychoanalysis as the progressive "hystericization" of the patient and depicted himself as an hysteric walking around on a stage, not knowing what he was saying, while attempting to teach the psychoanalysts. Lacan's reading of Dora seems to mark important shifts in his own life, from his beginning to write as a psychoanalyst, to being thrown out of the IPA, to struggling with his own school and the ensuing political eruptions in France in 1968. By tracking his elaboration of Dora we can witness the evolution of Lacan's work and how he uniquely positions the analyst in the transference.

Histeria , Teoria Psicanalítica , Humanos , França
Cureus ; 15(9): e45171, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37842377


The field of psychology has been shaped by the views and perspectives of Sigmund Freud and his former students: Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Erik Erikson, and Karen Horney. These psychologists and their respective schools of thought provide distinct views on psychology and influences on personality and psychosocial development. The foundation for psychoanalysis was laid by Freud, his work on the unconscious mind, and his emphasis on early childhood experiences. His students also made substantial contributions that expanded, sharpened, and challenged his theories. This review will begin by highlighting the work of Sigmund Freud; it will then compare his theories with the theories of his students. This review will introduce and bring attention to the most important figures of psychoanalysis and give a brief overview of their theories.

Psychoanal Rev ; 110(3): 287-294, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37695799


Social media has profound impact on how we experience the world and interact with others. Rapidly advancing technology has created platforms that have become increasingly image-based and emotionally manipulative. Do the new patterns of communication change patients' mental processes? Is free association becoming more imagistic? Contemporary clinical settings invite new perspectives on the intersections between the social and individual realms, patients' modes of expression, and analysts' interpretations.

Associação Livre , Mídias Sociais , Humanos , Comunicação