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Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 22(1): 79-86, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115574


RESUMEN La batata (Ipomoea batatas L.) se cultiva en todo el mundo como fuente de carbohidratos, y su producción comercial requiere un alto aporte de fertilizantes químicos, lo cual eleva los costos de producción. Los inoculantes microbianos, se emplean como una fuente alternativa de nutrición vegetal. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de Pseudomonas denitrificans IBVS2 y Azotobacter vinelandii IBVS13 con diferentes niveles fertilización química nitrogenada en el cultivo de batata en la microrregión del Valle del Sinú en el Caribe Colombiano. Para los montajes de los experimentos se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorizado, ocho tratamientos y tres repeticiones usando como material vegetal plántulas obtenidas in vitro endurecidas en invernadero. Los resultados demostraron que la cepa Azotobacter vinelandii IBVS13 con un 75% de fertilización nitrogenada (FN) mejoró la capacidad de acumulación de materia seca en los tubérculos de batata, generando incrementos de 6,65 t/ha respecto al testigo químico y 3,18 t/ha en relación con el testigo absoluto, garantizando un incremento del rendimiento. Así mismo, el contenido de proteína bruta aumentó 13,93% al realizar la inoculación de las plantas con esta cepa. En el mismo sentido, la cepa Pseudomonas denitrificans IBVS2+ fertilización nitrogenada 50% presentó aumentos en la variable de fibra cruda 31,75% respecto al testigo absoluto, contribuyendo de manera eficaz como bioestimulante microbiano en la agricultura.

ABSTRACT Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) are grown worldwide as a source of carbohydrates, and their commercial production requires a high contribution of chemical fertilizers, which increases production costs. Microbial inoculants are used as an alternative source of plant nutrition. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of Pseudomonas denitrificans IBVS2 and Azotobacter vinelandii IBVS13 with different levels of nitrogen chemical fertilization in the sweet potato crop in the microregion of the Sinú Valley in the Colombian Caribbean. A completely randomized design was used for the experiment development, eight treatments was evaluated and three repetitions were carried out. In vitro hardened seedlings was used as a plant material. The results showed that the Azotobacter vinelandii IBVS1 3 strain with 75% nitrogen fertilization (FM) improved the accumulation capacity of dry matter in sweet potato roots, generating increases of 6.65 t / ha compared to the chemical control and 3.18 t / ha in relation to the absolute control, guaranteeing an increase in yield. The crude protein content was increased in 13.93% when inoculating the plants with this strain. In the same way, with the inoculation of strain Pseudomonas denitrificans IBVS2 + 50% nitrogen fertilization the crude fiber variable was increased in 31.75% compared to the absolute control, contributing effectively as a microbial biostimulant in agriculture.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 49(4): 377-383, Dec. 2017. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-958019


The aim of this research was to evaluate whether the application of two plant growth-promoting (rhizo)bacteria might reduce nitrogen fertilization doses in cotton. We used strains Azotobacter chroococcum AC1 and AC10 for their proven ability to promote seed germination and cotton growth. These microorganisms were characterized by their plant growth-promoting activities. Then, we conducted a glasshouse study to evaluate the plant growth promoting ability of these strains with reduced doses of urea fertilization in cotton. Results revealed that both strains are capable of fixing nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorus, synthesizing indole compounds and producing hydrolytic enzymes. After 12 weeks, the glasshouse experiment showed that cotton growth was positively influenced due to bacterial inoculation with respect to chemical fertilization. Notably, we observed that microbial inoculation further influenced plant biomass (p<0.05) than nitrogen content. Co-inoculation, interestingly, exhibited a greater beneficial effect on plant growth parameters compared to single inoculation. Moreover, similar results without significant statistical differences were observed among bacterial co-inoculation plus 50% urea and 100% fertilization. These findings suggest that coinoculation of A. chroococcum strains allow to reduce nitrogen fertilization doses up to 50% on cotton growth. Our results showed that inoculation with AC1 and AC10 represents a viable alternative to improve cotton growth while decreasing the N fertilizer dose and allows to alleviate the environmental deterioration related to N pollution.

El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar si la aplicación de 2 (rizo)bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal podría reducir la dosis de fertilizante nitrogenado en el cultivo de algodón. Se usaron las cepas Azotobacter chroococcum AC1 y AC10 por su habilidad para promover la germinación de semillas y el crecimiento del algodonero. Estos microorganismos fueron caracterizados sobre la base de sus actividades de promoción del crecimiento vegetal. Luego se realizó un estudio de invernadero con plantas de algodón para evaluar la capacidad de promoción del crecimiento vegetal de dichas cepas con dosis reducidas de urea. Los resultados revelaron que ambas cepas son capaces de fijar nitrógeno, solubilizar fósforo, sintetizar compuestos indólicos y producir enzimas hidrolíticas. Después de 12 semanas, el experimento de invernadero permitió observar que el crecimiento del algodón fue influido positivamente por la inoculación bacteriana con respecto a la fertilización química. En particular, se evidenció que la inoculación microbiana impactó más en la biomasa vegetal (p<0,05) que en el contenido de nitrógeno. Curiosamente, la coinoculación exhibió un mayor efecto positivo sobre los parámetros de crecimiento en comparación con la inoculación simple. Además, se observaron resultados similares, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas, entre la coinoculación bacteriana más del 50% de urea y el 100% de fertilización. Estos hallazgos indican que la coinoculación de las cepas de A. chroococcum AC1 y AC10 permitiría reducir las dosis de fertilización nitrogenada del cultivo de arroz en hasta el 50% y aliviar, de esta manera, el deterioro ambiental relacionado con la contaminación por N.

Azotobacter , Gossypium , Fertilizantes , Bactérias , Gossypium/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Nitrogênio
Rev Argent Microbiol ; 49(4): 377-383, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28864227


The aim of this research was to evaluate whether the application of two plant growth-promoting (rhizo)bacteria might reduce nitrogen fertilization doses in cotton. We used strains Azotobacter chroococcum AC1 and AC10 for their proven ability to promote seed germination and cotton growth. These microorganisms were characterized by their plant growth-promoting activities. Then, we conducted a glasshouse study to evaluate the plant growth promoting ability of these strains with reduced doses of urea fertilization in cotton. Results revealed that both strains are capable of fixing nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorus, synthesizing indole compounds and producing hydrolytic enzymes. After 12 weeks, the glasshouse experiment showed that cotton growth was positively influenced due to bacterial inoculation with respect to chemical fertilization. Notably, we observed that microbial inoculation further influenced plant biomass (p<0.05) than nitrogen content. Co-inoculation, interestingly, exhibited a greater beneficial effect on plant growth parameters compared to single inoculation. Moreover, similar results without significant statistical differences were observed among bacterial co-inoculation plus 50% urea and 100% fertilization. These findings suggest that co-inoculation of A. chroococcum strains allow to reduce nitrogen fertilization doses up to 50% on cotton growth. Our results showed that inoculation with AC1 and AC10 represents a viable alternative to improve cotton growth while decreasing the N fertilizer dose and allows to alleviate the environmental deterioration related to N pollution.

Azotobacter , Fertilizantes , Gossypium , Bactérias , Gossypium/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Nitrogênio
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 29(1): 152-158, jan./feb. 2013. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-914373


Foi realizado um estudo para investigar a colonização da rizosfera de plantas forrageiras por rizobactérias do gênero Bacillus, como também avaliar se a fertilidade do solo interfere nesta colonização bacteriana. Para isto foram coletadas amostras da parte radicular de Brachiaria decumbens, B. brizantha e Panicum maximum em 18 propriedades rurais com atividade pecuária na região oeste paulista, SP. Durante a condução do trabalho foram efetivadas análises de fertilidade do solo nas áreas amostradas. A quantificação de Bacillus spp. na rizosfera das plantas foi efetivada com o emprego da técnica do choque térmico e diluição seriada, finalizando-se com plaqueamento em meio de cultura. A colonização de Bacillus na rizosfera de plantas forrageiras apresentou-se com baixos valores e não houve correlação da colonização da rizosfera com a maioria dos parâmetros de fertilidade do solo. Apenas a matéria orgânica no solo se correlacionou de forma negativa com a colonização bacteriana na rizosfera. Não houve diferença significativa na colonização de Bacillus encontrada na rizosfera das três espécies de plantas forrageiras avaliadas.

A study was conducted to investigate whether the rhizosphere of pastures promotes root colonization by rhizobacteria of the Bacillus genus, as also the fertility of this soil interferes with bacterial colonization. For this we collected samples of the root system of B. decumbens, B. brizantha and Panicum maximum in 18 farms with cattle ranching in western Sao Paulo, Brazil. While driving to work were effective analysis of soil fertility in the sampled areas. Quantification of Bacillus spp. In the rhizosphere of plants was performed by employing the technique of thermal shock and dilution ending with plating on culture media. Colonization of Bacillus in the rhizosphere of pasture were considered low and there was no correlation between rhizosphere colonization with most of the parameters of soil fertility. Just organic matter in the soil correlated negatively with bacterial colonization in the rhizosphere. No significant difference was found in the colonization of Bacillus in the rhizosphere of three grassland species assessed.

Bacillus , Brachiaria , Rizosfera , Panicum
Ciênc. rural ; 41(10): 1738-1743, out. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-601930


A inoculação de plantas leguminosas com rizóbios é um dos principais métodos biotecnológicos de utilização de micro-organismos em plantas visando à fixação biológica de nitrogênio na agricultura. No entanto, nos últimos anos, vêm sendo observada nesses micro-organismos a capacidade de produção de fitohormônios, principalmente o ácido indol-acético (AIA) e a promoção de crescimento em gramíneas. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste trabalho foram quantificar o ácido indol-acético produzido por rizóbios isolados de alfafa, avaliar o efeito da inoculação desses micro-organismos na germinação de sementes de arroz e realizar a caracterização genética desses isolados. Nove rizóbios isolados de nódulos de alfafa foram avaliados quanto a sua capacidade de produção de equivalentes de AIA e a influência da inoculação desses micro-organismos na germinação e desenvolvimento de plântulas de arroz. Os rizóbios produtores de AIA foram identificados pelo sequenciamento da região do gene 16S do DNAr. A produção de equivalentes ao ácido indol-acético foi observada em todos rizóbios, com valores que variaram de 43,04 a 101,26µg mL-1 em meio de cultura. Com relação à germinação das sementes de arroz, a inoculação com rizóbios acelerou o processo e o crescimento de suas plântulas. Os rizóbios UFRGS Ms58, Ms515, Ms195, Ms205, Ms2010 e 2012 foram identificados como pertencentes à espécie Sinorhizobium meliloti e UFRGS Ms55, Ms72 e Ms75 à espécie Rhizobium sp.

The inoculation of leguminous plants with rhizobia is one of the main methods of biotechnological use of microorganisms in order to obtain biological nitrogen fixation in agriculture. However, in recent years it has been attributed to these microorganisms the ability to produce phytohormones, mainly indole acetic acid (IAA), and to promote the growth in grasses. Thus, the objectives of this study were to quantify the indole acetic acid produced by rhizobia from alfalfa and to evaluate the effect of inoculation of these microorganisms on the germination of rice seed and to perform the genetic characterization of these isolates. Nine rhizobia, from nodules of alfalfa, were evaluated for their ability to produce IAA equivalents and for their influence in inoculating these microorganisms on germination and seedling development of rice. Moreover, these rhizobia producers of IAA were identified by the 16S region of DNAr. The equivalent production of indole acetic acid was observed in all tested isolates, with values ranging from 43.04 to 101.26µg mL-1 in culture medium. Regarding the germination of rice seeds, the inoculation with rhizobia accelerated this germination and its growth. Microorganisms UFRGS Ms58, UFRGS Ms515, UFRGS Ms195, UFRGS Ms205, UFRGS Ms2010 and UFRGS 2012 were identified as belonging to the species of Sinorhizobium meliloti. Microorganisms Ms55 UFRGS, UFRGS Ms75 and UFRG Ms72 were identified as belonging to the species of Rhizobium sp.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 38(4): 759-765, Oct.-Dec. 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-473495


To contribute for the development of environmental friendly methods for weed control, a selection of rhizobacteria able to produce phytotoxic substances was carried out. Initially, 35 strains previously isolated from plants in the south of Minas Gerais State (Brazil) were grown in tryptic soy broth. After removal of bacterial cells, the resulting liquids were freeze-dried and extracted with methanol/ethyl acetate (1:1). The extracts were concentrated under vacuum and dissolved in water to be submitted to a lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seed assay. Metabolites produced by five strains reduced the number of normal seedlings to values statistically bellow the one observed for the negative control, being the most expressive results obtained with Bacillus cereus Frankland and Frankland, isolated from Ricinus communis L., which was able to cause rotted rootlets to 82.4 percent of seedlings. The bacterium metabolites also avoided germination of 52 percent Brachiaria decumbens Stapf seeds and the remaining 48 percent resulted in abnormal seedlings. Metabolites from B. cereus were submitted to a purification process guided by the lettuce seed assay. As a consequence, one substance causing rotted rootlets to all lettuce seedlings during the seed assay at 0.057 g/L was isolated and will be identified in future studies.

Com vistas a contribuir para o desenvolvimento de métodos não agressivos ao meio ambiente, para o controle de plantas invasoras, buscou-se selecionar rizobactérias produtoras de substâncias fitotóxicas. Inicialmente, 35 culturas previamente isoladas de plantas da região sul do Estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil) foram cultivadas em caldo soja tripticaseína. Após remoção das células bacterianas, os líquidos resultantes foram liofilizados e extraídos com metanol/acetato de etila (1:1). Os extratos foram concentrados sob vácuo e submetidos a testes com sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa L.). Os metabólitos produzidos por cinco isolados bacterianos reduziram o número de plântulas normais para valores estatisticamente inferiores aos observados para o controle negativo, sendo os mais expressivos resultados obtidos com Bacillus cereus Frankland and Frankland, isolado de Ricinus communis L., que causou necroses nas radículas de 82,4 por cento das plântulas. Os metabólitos dessa bactéria também impediram a germinação de 52 por cento das sementes de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf e fizeram com que as 48 por cento restantes dessem origem a plântulas anormais. Os metabólitos de B. cereus foram submetidos a processos de purificação direcionados por testes com sementes de alface. Em decorrência, isolou-se uma substância, que será identificada em estudos futuros. Na concentração de 0,057 g/L, causou necrose nas radículas de todas as plântulas de alface provenientes do teste com sementes.

Ciênc. rural ; 27(1): 153-160, Jan.-Mar. 1997.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-483517


Esta revisão bibliográfica teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de antagonismo de espécies de Pseudomonas fluorescentes a Pseudomonas solanacearum, agente causal da murcha bacteriana do tomateiro. Devido a dificuldade encontrada nas estratégias utilizadas para o controle da Murcha Bacteriana por meio de métodos convencionais, alguns outros tem sido estudados, como o uso de microrganismos benéficos. As rizobactérias vem proporcionando solução viável a algumas doenças consideradas de difícil manejo. Dentre os mecanismos que tem sido sugeridos para o controle microbiano de patógenos de plantas, através do uso de rizobactérias fluorescentes, citamse produção de antibióticos, bactericinas, enzimas titicas, competição por espaço e nutrientes. Possuem uma alta capacidade de colonização e sobrevivência no hospedeiro, falares que são importantes no estabelecimento e introdução de microrganismos na rizosfera. Estas bactérias podem também incitar um aumento no desenvolvimento e na produção do hospedeiro, sendo denominadas de rizobactérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas.

This literature review has the objetive of evaluating the antagonism potential of species of florescem Pseudomonas to Pseudomonas solanacearum which is the causal agent of bacterial wilt on the tomato crop. Due to serious limitation in the ejficiency of conventional methods of contrai, other strategies have been siudied, such as the use o/beneficiai microrganisms. Rhizobacteria have shown to be a viable alternative in the contrai of some diseases of difficult managmenl. Among the mechanisms which have been suggestedfor microbian control of plantpathogens with fluorescent rhizobacteria, can be used antibiotic production, bacteriocin, uric emimes and competition for colonization and survival capacity on the host. The survival capacity is very important in the introduction and stablishment ofthe microrganisms in the rhizosphere. These bacteria can aiso increse the development and yield of the host and can be calledplant growth promete rhizobacteria.