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Ambix ; 71(3): 233-242, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39263879


This Ambix special issue explores premodern alchemical ideas and practices in their entanglements with medicine. It employs diverse methods, from traditional close reading to the new distant-reading framework of computational humanities, to investigate alchemical thought over a timespan of several centuries. In medieval times, everyday practices could offer heuristic models of material transformation - such as the fermentation of bread as a model for metallic transmutation (Schmechel). Paracelsus relied on "fire" to link his natural philosophy with his medical alchemy; new computational methods show how his ideas evolved over time (Hedesan). Early modern medical pluralism favoured the thriving of chemical medicine in Italy; diplomatic efforts introduced chemical remedies into acknowledged pharmacopoeias (Clericuzio). An English physician offers William Cavendish both practical distillation recipes and the hope of learning more about the principles of chemistry (Begley). In eighteenth-century France, Diderot draws on chemical ideas to blur the conceptual boundary between living and non-living matter (Wolfe). The papers largely adhere to integrated history and philosophy of science (iHPS) and to a pragmatist "operational ideal of knowledge" (Chang). They showcase the interdisciplinarity of premodern scientific thought and examine how medicine and alchemy, but also theory and (everyday) practice informed each other fruitfully across the ages.

Alquimia , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XVII , História do Século XVI , História Medieval , História do Século XV , Humanos , História do Século XIX
J Anal Psychol ; 69(4): 581-601, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39049498


The author presents a long analysis of a patient, Giulia, whose obstinate will to achieve evokes the workings of alchemical sulphur at its fieriest and a dread of its coniunctio with alchemical salt. Jung's description of these symbols in Mysterium Coniunctionis offers a useful imaginal perspective to clinical work in the area of compulsion and its possible transformations. Right from the start, the analytic relationship appeared to be mirrored and affected by this alchemical perspective. However, it was only after much time, uncertainty and emotional endurance that a fuller psychological experience of sulphur and salt could be accessed, allowing the analysis to take a more imaginative and mercurial turn. In the course of his work with Giulia the author has witnessed and experienced a range of intense affects-the many colours that the combustion of sulphur can generate-whether on the verge of unstoppable creation or ruthless destruction, often of archetypal intensity. This experience has been lived through and has undergone a transformative relation with salt, which until then had lived a dissociated existence in the fixed trauma of the compulsion and in a nocturnal underworld of tears.

L'auteur présente la longue analyse d'une patiente, Giulia, dont la volonté obstinée de réussir fait penser à l'activité du soufre alchimique à son point le plus ardent et à la crainte terrible de son coniunctio avec le sel alchimique. La description que fait Jung de ces symboles dans Mysterium Coniunctionis fournit une perspective imaginale qui est utile pour le travail clinique dans le domaine de la compulsion et de ses transformations possibles. Dès le début, la relation analytique semblait être reflétée et affectée par cette perspective alchimique. Cependant, ce fut seulement après beaucoup de temps, d'incertitude et d'endurance émotionnelle qu'une expérience psychologique plus complète du soufre et du sel a pu être atteinte, ce qui a permis à l'analyse de prendre une tournure plus imaginative et plus mercurienne. Durant son travail avec Giulia l'auteur a été témoin et a éprouvé un éventail d'affects intenses ­ les multiples couleurs que la combustion du souffre peut générer ­ que ce soit au bord d'une création irrésistible ou d'une destruction impitoyable, souvent d'une intensité archétypale. Cette expérience a été traversée et a subi une relation transformative avec le sel, qui jusqu'alors avait vécu une existence dissociée dans le traumatisme figé de la compulsion et dans les enfers nocturnes des larmes.

El autor presenta un largo análisis de una paciente, Giulia, cuya obstinada voluntad de logro evoca el funcionamiento del azufre alquímico en su forma más ardiente y el temor a su coniunctio con la sal alquímica. La descripción que Jung hace de estos símbolos en Mysterium Coniunctionis ofrece una perspectiva imaginal útil para el trabajo clínico en el ámbito de la compulsión y sus posibles transformaciones. Desde el principio, la relación analítica pareció reflejarse y verse afectada por esta perspectiva alquímica. Sin embargo, fue sólo después de mucho tiempo, incertidumbre y resistencia emocional que pudo accederse a una más plena experiencia psicológica de azufre y sal, lo cual permitió que el análisis tomara un giro más imaginativo y mercurial. En el transcurso de su trabajo con Giulia, el autor ha sido testigo y ha experimentado una gama de intensas emociones ­los múltiples colores que puede generar la combustión del azufre­, ya sea al borde de una creación imparable o de una destrucción despiadada, a menudo de intensidad arquetípica. Esta experiencia pudo ser atravesada y ha experimentado una relación transformadora con la sal, la cual hasta entonces había vivido una existencia disociada en la fijeza compulsiva del trauma y en un submundo nocturno de lágrimas.

Enxofre , Humanos , Comportamento Compulsivo , Teoria Junguiana , Adulto , Terapia Psicanalítica , Masculino
Ann Sci ; : 1-21, 2024 Apr 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38666321


Paracelsus was a transmutational alchemist: For most of his career, he believed that one metal could be turned into another. In an alchemical text, the De renovatione et restauratione, he explored the theoretical foundations of transmutation and hinted at recipes for bringing it about. He proposed that from plants, gems, metals, and minerals might be prepared a class of marvelous medicaments, which he called prima entia (first entities). Each primum ens had particular uses, but the entia were all supposed to be able to revitalize the human body and cleanse it of disease. Certain entia could also transmute metals. The De renovatione et restauratione affirmed the metaphysical centrality, in goldmaking and medicine alike, not just of purification or alteration but of renewal and transformation. It expressed the author's eschatological excitement at God's works of wonder, whether within or above nature.

J Comput Chem ; 45(17): 1444-1455, 2024 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38471815


In a protein, nearby titratable sites can be coupled: the (de)protonation of one may affect the other. The degree of this interaction depends on several factors and can influence the measured p K a . Here, we derive a formalism based on double free energy differences ( Δ Δ G ) for quantifying the individual site p K a values of coupled residues. As Δ Δ G values can be obtained by means of alchemical free energy calculations, the presented approach allows for a convenient estimation of coupled residue p K a s in practice. We demonstrate that our approach and a previously proposed microscopic p K a formalism, can be combined with alchemical free energy calculations to resolve pH-dependent protein p K a values. Toy models and both, regular and constant-pH molecular dynamics simulations, alongside experimental data, are used to validate this approach. Our results highlight the insights gleaned when coupling and microstate probabilities are analyzed and suggest extensions to more complex enzymatic contexts. Furthermore, we find that naïvely computed p K a values that ignore coupling, can be significantly improved when coupling is accounted for, in some cases reducing the error by half. In short, alchemical free energy methods can resolve the p K a values of both uncoupled and coupled residues.

J Anal Psychol ; 69(2): 281-297, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38500376


For most residents of Europe, war is a new experience in which they find themselves both as witnesses and participants. In this paper the war in Ukraine serves as an illustration and case example. Like any unfamiliar experience, war elicits profound emotional responses which can be so overwhelming that an individual may be unable to fully process them and to create mental representations of the reality of war. When the psyche becomes entrapped in an unprocessed state, without the capacity to derive meaning from it, this results in the "fossilization" of the psyche akin to what McGinley and Segal describes as a totalitarian state of mind. Subjectivity and individual differences come under collective or personal attack, or both. This state of being prioritizes the needs of the collective psyche over the individual psyche. The image of Gorgon Medusa, who transformed living people into "fossilized" ones, is presented as a metaphor of total identification with the collective dimension. In contrast, the psyche can reveal a creative approach to resolving war-induced trauma. This is depicted in the concept of the Alchemical Stone and its creation, which symbolizes a harmonious connection between the external and internal realms, the subjective and objective experiences, and the real and the imaginal dimension.

Pour la plupart des habitants de l'Europe, la guerre est une nouvelle expérience dans laquelle ils se retrouvent à la fois témoins et participants. Dans cet article, la guerre en Ukraine sert d'illustration et de cas exemplaire. Comme toute expérience qui sort de l'ordinaire, la guerre suscite des réactions émotionnelles profondes qui peuvent être si accablantes qu'un individu peut se trouver incapable de les traiter pleinement et de créer des représentations mentales de la réalité de la guerre. Lorsque la psyché se retrouve piégée dans un état qu'elle ne peut pas traiter, sans la capacité d'en tirer un sens, il en résulte une « fossilisation ¼ de la psyché, semblable à ce que McGinley et Segal a décrit comme un état d'esprit totalitaire. La subjectivité et les différences individuelles font l'objet d'attaques collectives ou personnelles, ou des deux. Cet état d'être donne la priorité aux besoins de la psyché collective plutôt qu'à la psyché individuelle. L'image de la Gorgone Méduse, qui a transformé des êtres vivants en êtres «fossilisés¼, est présentée comme une métaphore de l'identification totale à la dimension collective. En revanche, la psyché peut révéler une approche créative pour résoudre les traumatismes induits par la guerre. Ceci est représenté par le concept de la Pierre Alchimique et de sa création, qui symbolise un lien harmonieux entre les royaumes extérieur et intérieur, les expériences subjectives et objectives, et les dimensions réelles et imaginales.

Para la mayoría de los habitantes de Europa, la guerra es una experiencia nueva en la que se encuentran tanto como testigos y como participantes. En este artículo, la guerra en Ucrania sirve como ilustración y ejemplo de caso. Como cualquier experiencia desconocida, la guerra provoca profundas respuestas emocionales que pueden ser tan abrumadoras que un individuo puede ser incapaz de procesarlas completamente y de crear representaciones mentales de la realidad de la guerra. Cuando la psique queda atrapada en un estado, sin posibilidad de elaborar y sin la capacidad para hallarle un sentido, se produce una "fosilización" de la psique similar a lo que McGinley Segal describe como un estado mental Totalitario. La subjetividad y las diferencias individuales son objeto de ataques colectivos o personales, o ambos. Este estado de ánimo prioriza las necesidades de la psique colectiva sobre la individual. La imagen de la Gorgona Medusa, que transformó a las personas vivas en "fosilizadas", se presenta como una metáfora de la identificación total con la dimensión colectiva. Por el contrario, la psique puede revelar un enfoque creativo para resolver el trauma inducido por la guerra. Esto se representa en el concepto de la Piedra Alquímica y su creación, que simboliza una conexión armoniosa entre los reinos externo e interno, las experiencias subjetivas y objetivas, y las dimensiones real e imaginal.

Mentalização , Humanos , Emoções , Europa (Continente)
Ann Sci ; : 1-31, 2024 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38214342


On November 14th, 1770, the young chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) read his 'Sur la nature de l'eau' to the Académie des Sciences. Eventually published in the Académie's journal in 1773, the two-part memoire challenged a widely held view of earlier experimenters: the transmutability of matter. Specifically, experimenters such as Jean-Baptiste Van Helmont (1580-1644), Robert Boyle (1627-1691), and Ole Borsch (1626-1690) had noted that when distilled water was heated in a glass vessel, a small amount of earthy residue remained, seemingly demonstrating the transmutation of water into earth. Antoine-Laurent designed an experiment to determine whether it was really to the 'destruction of a portion of the water that this residual earth owed its origin, or if it was to that of the glass.' In partial agreement with Jean-Baptiste Le Roy (1720-1800), a fellow academician, Antoine-Laurent aimed to disprove the antiquated belief - the transmutation of one element into another - by using a glass vessel from the alchemist's cabinet: the pelican.

J Anal Psychol ; 68(5): 807-827, 2023 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37818872


The Oedipus myth is foundational to depth psychology due to Freud's use of Sophocles' play Oedipus Rex in the creation of psychoanalysis. But analytical psychology's engagement with the myth has been limited despite the importance Jung also places upon it. The absence of a developed Jungian response to Oedipus means the myth's psychologically constructive elements have been overlooked in favour of reductive Freudian interpretations. I examine whether analytical psychology can fruitfully re-engage with Oedipus by reinterpreting his story as a paternal rebirth. This is achieved by reincorporating those parts of the myth that occur before and after the period portrayed in Oedipus Rex. Such a move reintegrates Oedipus' father, King Laius, into the story and unveils important parallels with the alchemical trope of the king's renewal by his son. Using Jung's method of amplification, Oedipus is recast as Laius' redeemer and identified with the archetype of psychological wholeness, the Self. The contention is that such an understanding of Oedipus supports a clearer recognition of the potentially generative quality of human suffering, restoring to the myth the quality of moral instruction it possessed in antiquity.

Le mythe d'Œdipe est fondamental pour la psychologie des profondeurs en raison de l'utilisation faite par Freud de la pièce de Sophocle, Œdipe Roi, dans la création de la psychanalyse. Mais l'engagement de la psychologie analytique avec ce mythe a été limité malgré l'importance que Jung lui accorde également. L'absence d'une réponse jungienne plus élaborée à Œdipe a pour conséquence que les éléments psychologiquement constructifs du mythe ont été négligés au profit d'interprétations freudiennes réductrices. J'explore la question de savoir si la psychologie analytique peut renouer avec succès avec Œdipe en réinterprétant son histoire comme une renaissance paternelle. Ceci est réalisé en réincorporant les parties du mythe qui se produisent avant et après la période décrite dans Œdipe Roi. Un tel geste réintègre le père d'Œdipe, le roi Laïos, dans l'histoire et dévoile des parallèles importants avec l'image alchimique du renouvellement du roi par son fils. En utilisant la méthode d'amplification de Jung, Œdipe est redéfini comme le rédempteur de Laïos et identifié à l'archétype de la plénitude psychologique, le Soi. Une telle compréhension d'Œdipe soutient une reconnaissance plus claire de la qualité potentiellement génératrice de la souffrance humaine, rétablissant dans le mythe la qualité d'instruction morale qu'il possédait dans l'Antiquité.

El mito de Edipo es fundamental para la psicología profunda debido a que Freud utilizó la obra Edipo Rey de Sófocles en la creación del psicoanálisis. Pero el involucramiento de la psicología analítica con el mito ha sido limitado a pesar de la importancia que Jung también le otorga. La ausencia de desarrollo de una respuesta junguiana al Edipo significa que los elementos psicológicamente constructivos del mito se han pasado por alto en favor de las interpretaciones freudianas reductivas. Examino si la psicología analítica puede volver a comprometerse fructíferamente con Edipo reinterpretando su historia como un renacimiento paterno. Esto se consigue reincorporando aquellas partes del mito que ocurren antes y después del periodo retratado en Edipo Rey. Este movimiento reintegra al padre de Edipo, el rey Layo, en la historia y desvela importantes paralelismos con el tema alquímico de la renovación del rey a través de su hijo. Utilizando el método de amplificación de Jung, Edipo se convierte en el redentor de Layo y se identifica con el arquetipo de la totalidad psicológica, el Self. El argumento es que tal comprensión de Edipo apoya un reconocimiento más claro de la cualidad potencialmente generativa del sufrimiento humano, devolviendo al mito la cualidad de instrucción moral que poseía en la antigüedad.

Teoria Junguiana , Psicanálise , Humanos , Psicoterapia , Princípios Morais , Ansiedade
Hist Sci ; 61(2): 123-178, 2023 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37249016


This roundtable brings together contributions from nine senior, mid-career and junior scholars who work on the history of science in pre-1800 Islamicate societies. The contributions reflect upon some of the challenges that have historically constrained the subfield, how they have sought to overcome them, and what they see as some of the more productive and fruitful turns the field has taken and/or should take in the future. A central trend in all contributions is how they seek to confront the combined weight of colonialism, Orientalism, and the teleological history of science that continues to haunt contemporary discussions in both academia and the general public with regards to science in pre-1800 Islamicate societies. Without diminishing the pioneering achievements of the generations of historians who have preceded us, and upon whose work we continue to rely, this combined weight has tended a) to marginalize the study of occult sciences in Islamicate societies; b) to emphasize investigations of content from an etic perspective of how we got to the present, which is primarily seen as how the scientific content is connected to the rise of modern science in Europe; and c) to concomitantly marginalize the study of science in post-1200 Islamicate societies, particularly those with little to no connection to the rise of "Western" science. The contributions build upon conversations that took place among participants in December 2019 at a workshop at New York University (NYU), Abu Dhabi Institute in New York City, funded by a grant from NYU Abu Dhabi.

Ocultismo , Sociedades , Humanos , Europa (Continente) , Colonialismo , Cidade de Nova Iorque
Chempluschem ; 88(5): e202300091, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36976519


C. F. Wenzel was a chemist and an alchemist. He had deep knowledge of acids, bases and salts, and he was credited with the first formulation of the Law of Mass Action. Yet he was also an alchemist, who on the eve of the Chemical Revolution published his beliefs in transmutation and in the division of metals into their constituents, for which he was rewarded with the gold medal of the Royal Danish Academy of the Sciences. His promoter, Professor C. G. Kratzenstein, was himself a believer in transmutation, even if he voiced some reservations.

Chempluschem ; 88(1): e202200289, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36420954


17th century chemistry was concerned largely with iatrochemistry (medicinal chemistry) and the transmutation of metals, especially with the purpose of making gold. Thus, Johann Rudolph Glauber made a living making and selling chemicals such as nitric acid and medicaments such as aurum potabile (drinkable gold), but he also believed in the transmutation or "improvement" of metals and the "augmentation" of gold, and he sold recipes for such processes. This perspective aims to provide a snapshot of the range of 17th century chemistry by analysis of the efforts of four representatives to make drugs, chemicals, and gold. It will be concluded that early modern chemists were unable to break out from the conceptual doctrines imposed by Aristotle and Paracelsus, which made transmutation perfectly logical. No further scientific advance could be made until the idea that all things are composed of the same basic constituents was abandoned in favour of the atomic theory.

Alquimia , Ouro