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Sensors (Basel) ; 24(16)2024 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39204899


In recent research, there has been a significant focus on establishing robust quantum cryptography using the continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) protocol based on Gaussian modulation of coherent states (GMCS). Unlike more stable fiber channels, one challenge faced in free-space quantum channels is the complex transmittance characterized by varying atmospheric turbulence. This complexity poses difficulties in achieving high transmission rates and long-distance communication. In this article, we thoroughly evaluate the performance of the CV-QKD/GMCS system under the effect of individual attacks, considering homodyne detection with both direct and reverse reconciliation techniques. To address the issue of limited detector efficiency, we incorporate the phase-sensitive amplifier (PSA) as a compensating measure. The results show that the CV-QKD/GMCS system with PSA achieves a longer secure distance and a higher key rate compared to the system without PSA, considering both direct and reverse reconciliation algorithms. With an amplifier gain of 10, the reverse reconciliation algorithm achieves a secure distance of 5 km with a secret key rate of 10-1 bits/pulse. On the other hand, direct reconciliation reaches a secure distance of 2.82 km.

Entropy (Basel) ; 26(6)2024 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38920524


The wavelength attack utilizes the dependence of beam splitters (BSs) on wavelength to cause legitimate users Alice and Bob to underestimate their excess noise so that Eve can steal more secret keys without being detected. Recently, the wavelength attack on Gaussian-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) has been researched in both fiber and atmospheric channels. However, the wavelength attack may also pose a threat to the case of ocean turbulent channels, which are vital for the secure communication of both ocean sensor networks and submarines. In this work, we propose two wavelength attack schemes on underwater discrete modulated (DM) CV-QKD protocol, which is effective for the case with and without local oscillator (LO) intensity monitor, respectively. In terms of the transmittance properties of the fused biconical taper (FBT) BS, two sets of wavelengths are determined for Eve's pulse manipulation, which are all located in the so-called blue-green band. The derived successful criterion shows that both attack schemes can control the estimated excess noise of Alice and Bob close to zero by selecting the corresponding condition parameters based on channel transmittance. Additionally, our numerical analysis shows that Eve can steal more bits when the wavelength attack controls the value of the estimated excess noise closer to zero.

Entropy (Basel) ; 26(3)2024 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38539719


Building an underwater quantum network is necessary for various applications such as ocean exploration, environmental monitoring, and national defense. Motivated by characteristics of the oceanic turbulence channel, we suggest a machine learning approach to predicting the channel characteristics of continuous variable (CV) quantum key distribution (QKD) in challenging seawater environments. We consider the passive continuous variable (CV) measurement-device-independent (MDI) QKD in oceanic scenarios, since the passive-state preparation scheme offers simpler linear elements for preparation, resulting in reduced interaction with the practical environment. To provide a practical reference for underwater quantum communications, we suggest a prediction of transmittance for the ocean quantum links with a given neural network as an example of machine learning algorithms. The results have a good consistency with the real data within the allowable error range; this makes the passive CVQKD more promising for commercialization and implementation.

Entropy (Basel) ; 24(10)2022 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37420483


Long block length rate-compatible low-density parity-compatible (LDPC) codes are designed to solve the problems of great variation of quantum channel noise and extremely low signal-to-noise ratio in continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD). The existing rate-compatible methods for CV-QKD inevitably cost abundant hardware resources and waste secret key resources. In this paper, we propose a design rule of rate-compatible LDPC codes that can cover all potential SNRs with single check matrix. Based on this long block length LDPC code, we achieve high efficiency continuous-variable quantum key distribution information reconciliation with a reconciliation efficiency of 91.80% and we have higher hardware processing efficiency and lower frame error rate than other schemes. Our proposed LDPC code can obtain a high practical secret key rate and a long transmission distance in an extremely unstable channel.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(1)2022 Dec 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36673221


We propose a multidimensional reconciliation encoding algorithm based on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) with variable data throughput that enables quantum key distribution (QKD) systems to be adapted to different throughput requirements. Using the circulatory structure, data flow in the most complex pipeline operation in the same time interval, which enables the structural multiplexing of the algorithm. We handle the calculation and storage of eight-dimensional matrices cleverly to conserve resources and increase data processing speed. In order to obtain the syndrome more efficiently, we designed a simplified algorithm according to the characteristics of the FPGA and parity-check matrix, which omits the unnecessary operation of matrix multiplication. The simplified algorithm could adapt to different rates. We validated the feasibility and high speed of the algorithm by implementing the multidimensional reconciliation encoding algorithm on a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. Our simulation results show that the maximum throughput could reach 4.88 M symbols/s.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(12)2021 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34946004


We perform security analysis of a passive continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) protocol by considering the finite-size effect. In the passive CV-QKD scheme, Alice utilizes thermal sources to passively make preparation of quantum state without Gaussian modulations. With this technique, the quantum states can be prepared precisely to match the high transmission rate. Here, both asymptotic regime and finite-size regime are considered to make a comparison. In the finite-size scenario, we illustrate the passive CV-QKD protocol against collective attacks. Simulation results show that the performance of passive CV-QKD protocol in the finite-size case is more pessimistic than that achieved in the asymptotic case, which indicates that the finite-size effect has a great influence on the performance of the single-mode passive CV-QKD protocol. However, we can still obtain a reasonable performance in the finite-size regime by enhancing the average photon number of the thermal state.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(11)2021 Oct 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34828092


An improved continuous variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) approach based on a heralded hybrid linear amplifier (HLA) is proposed in this study, which includes an ideal deterministic linear amplifier and a probabilistic noiseless linear amplifier. The CVQKD, which is based on an amplifier, enhances the signal-to-noise ratio and provides for fine control between high gain and strong noise reduction. We focus on the impact of two types of optical amplifiers on system performance: phase sensitive amplifiers (PSA) and phase insensitive amplifiers (PIA). The results indicate that employing amplifiers, local local oscillation-based CVQKD systems can enhance key rates and communication distances. In addition, the PIA-based CVQKD system has a broader application than the PSA-based system.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(10)2021 Oct 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34682041


Reconciliation is an essential procedure for continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD). As the most commonly used reconciliation protocol in short-distance CV-QKD, the slice error correction (SEC) allows a system to distill more than 1 bit from each pulse. However, the quantization efficiency is greatly affected by the noisy channel with a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which usually limits the secure distance to about 30 km. In this paper, an improved SEC protocol, named Rotated-SEC (RSEC), is proposed through performing a random orthogonal rotation on the raw data before quantization, and deducing a new estimator for the quantized sequences. Moreover, the RSEC protocol is implemented with polar codes. The experimental results show that the proposed protocol can reach up to a quantization efficiency of about 99%, and maintain at around 96% even at the relatively low SNRs (0.5,1), which theoretically extends the secure distance to about 45 km. When implemented with the polar codes with a block length of 16 Mb, the RSEC achieved a reconciliation efficiency of above 95%, which outperforms all previous SEC schemes. In terms of finite-size effects, we achieved a secret key rate of 7.83×10-3 bits/pulse at a distance of 33.93 km (the corresponding SNR value is 1). These results indicate that the proposed protocol significantly improves the performance of SEC and is a competitive reconciliation scheme for the CV-QKD system.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(6)2021 Jun 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34208626


Atmospheric continuous-variable quantum key distribution (ACVQKD) has been proven to be secure theoretically with the assumption that the signal source is well protected by the sender so that it cannot be compromised. However, this assumption is quite unpractical in realistic quantum communication system. In this work, we investigate a practical situation in which the signal source is no longer protected by the legitimate parts, but is exposed to the untrusted atmospheric channel. We show that the performance of ACVQKD is reduced by removing the assumption, especially when putting the untrusted source at the middle of the channel. To improve the performance of the ACVQKD with the untrusted source, a non-Gaussian operation, called photon subtraction, is subsequently introduced. Numerical analysis shows that the performance of ACVQKD with an untrusted source can be improved by properly adopting the photon subtraction operation. Moreover, a special situation where the untrusted source is located in the middle of the atmospheric channel is also considered. Under direct reconciliation, we find that its performance can be significantly improved when the photon subtraction operation is manipulated by the sender.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(3)2021 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33673729


We propose a unidimensional two-way continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocol with coherent states, where the sender modulates a single quadrature of the coherent states rather than both quadratures to simplify the structure of a two-way system. Security analysis is performed with a general attack strategy, known as two-mode attack, which helps to reduce limitations in the analysis. The performance of the protocol under all accessible two-mode attacks at fixed distance is illustrated. Further, two typical two-mode attack strategies are obtained from it, which are one-mode attack strategy and optimal two-mode attack strategy. Between them, the one-mode attack is the simplest form of the two-mode attack, while the optimal two-mode attack is the most complicated one. Simulations show that though the system is simplified, the performance of the two-way protocol with unidimensional modulation is still comparable to that of the counterpart with Gaussian modulation even against the optimal two-mode attack when Eve's ability is maximized. Thus, the proposed protocol simplifies the two-way system while guaranteeing its performance to a certain extent. Especially in a practical system with short transmission distance and high excess noise, the protocol has a good application prospect.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(2)2021 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33573307


In quantum key distribution (QKD), there are some security loopholes opened by the gaps between the theoretical model and the practical system, and they may be exploited by eavesdroppers (Eve) to obtain secret key information without being detected. This is an effective quantum hacking strategy that seriously threatens the security of practical QKD systems. In this paper, we propose a new quantum hacking attack on an integrated silicon photonic continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) system, which is known as a power analysis attack. This attack can be implemented by analyzing the power originating from the integrated electrical control circuit in state preparation with the help of machine learning, where the state preparation is assumed to be perfect in initial security proofs. Specifically, we describe a possible power model and show a complete attack based on a support vector regression (SVR) algorithm. The simulation results show that the secret key information decreases with the increase of the accuracy of the attack, especially in a situation with less excess noise. In particular, Eve does not have to intrude into the transmitter chip (Alice), and may perform a similar attack in practical chip-based discrete-variable quantum key distribution (DVQKD) systems. To resist this attack, the electrical control circuit should be improved to randomize the corresponding power. In addition, the power can be reduced by utilizing the dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technology.

Entropy (Basel) ; 22(5)2020 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33286346


Underwater quantumkey distribution (QKD) is tough but important formodern underwater communications in an insecure environment. It can guarantee secure underwater communication between submarines and enhance safety for critical network nodes. To enhance the performance of continuous-variable quantumkey distribution (CVQKD) underwater in terms ofmaximal transmission distance and secret key rate as well, we adopt measurement-device-independent (MDI) quantum key distribution with the zero-photon catalysis (ZPC) performed at the emitter of one side, which is the ZPC-based MDI-CVQKD. Numerical simulation shows that the ZPC-involved scheme, which is a Gaussian operation in essence, works better than the single photon subtraction (SPS)-involved scheme in the extreme asymmetric case. We find that the transmission of the ZPC-involved scheme is longer than that of the SPS-involved scheme. In addition, we consider the effects of temperature, salinity and solar elevation angle on the system performance in pure seawater. The maximal transmission distance decreases with the increase of temperature and the decrease of sunlight elevation angle, while it changes little over a broad range of salinity.

Entropy (Basel) ; 22(10)2020 Sep 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33286856


Due to the rapid development of quantum computing technology, encryption systems based on computational complexity are facing serious threats. Based on the fundamental theorem of quantum mechanics, continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) has the property of physical absolute security and can effectively overcome the dependence of the current encryption system on the computational complexity. In this paper, we construct the spatially coupled (SC)-low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and quasi-cyclic (QC)-LDPC codes by adopting the parity-check matrices of LDPC codes in the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 3.0 standard as base matrices and introduce these codes for information reconciliation in the CVQKD system in order to improve the performance of reconciliation efficiency, and then make further improvements to final secret key rate and transmission distance. Simulation results show that the proposed LDPC codes can achieve reconciliation efficiency of higher than 0.96. Moreover, we can obtain a high final secret key rate and a long transmission distance through using our proposed LDPC codes for information reconciliation.

Entropy (Basel) ; 21(7)2019 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33267366


The entropic uncertainty relation (EUR) is of significant importance in the security proof of continuous-variable quantum key distribution under coherent attacks. The parameter estimation in the EUR method contains the estimation of the covariance matrix (CM), as well as the max-entropy. The discussions in previous works have not involved the effect of finite-size on estimating the CM, which will further affect the estimation of leakage information. In this work, we address this issue by adapting the parameter estimation technique to the EUR analysis method under composable security frameworks. We also use the double-data modulation method to improve the parameter estimation step, where all the states can be exploited for both parameter estimation and key generation; thus, the statistical fluctuation of estimating the max-entropy disappears. The result shows that the adapted method can effectively estimate parameters in EUR analysis. Moreover, the double-data modulation method can, to a large extent, save the key consumption, which further improves the performance in practical implementations of the EUR.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(3)2018 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265248


We study the equivalence between the entanglement-based scheme and prepare-and-measure scheme of unidimensional (UD) continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocol. Based on this equivalence, the physicality and security of the UD coherent-state protocols in the ideal detection and realistic detection conditions are investigated using the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, respectively. We also present a method to increase both the secret key rates and maximal transmission distances of the UD coherent-state protocol by adding an optimal noise to the reconciliation side. It is expected that our analysis will aid in the practical applications of the UD protocol.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(8)2018 Aug 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265667


The scheme of the self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution (SR CV-QKD) has been experimentally demonstrated. However, because of the finite dynamics of Alice's amplitude modulator, there will be an extra excess noise that is proportional to the amplitude of the reference pulse, while the maximal transmission distance of this scheme is positively correlated with the amplitude of the reference pulse. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the maximal transmission distance and the amplitude of the reference pulse. In this paper, we propose the scheme of SR CV-QKD with virtual photon subtraction, which not only has no need for the use of a high intensity reference pulse to improve the maximal transmission distance, but also has no demand of adding complex physical operations to the original self-referenced scheme. Compared to the original scheme, our simulation results show that a considerable extension of the maximal transmission distance can be obtained when using a weak reference pulse, especially for one-photon subtraction. We also find that our scheme is sensible with the detector's electronic noise at reception. A longer maximal transmission distance can be achieved for lower electronic noise. Moreover, our scheme has a better toleration of excess noise compared to the original self-referenced scheme, which implies the advantage of using virtual photon subtraction to increase the maximal tolerable excess noise for distant users. These results suggest that our scheme can make the SR CV-QKD from the laboratory possible for practical metropolitan area application.