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Pharmaceutics ; 15(9)2023 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37765301


Cytotherapies are often necessary for the management of symptomatic large knee (osteo)-chondral defects. While autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) has been clinically used for 30 years, allogeneic cells (clinical-grade FE002 primary chondroprogenitors) have been investigated in translational settings (Swiss progenitor cell transplantation program). The aim of this study was to comparatively assess autologous and allogeneic approaches (quality, safety, functional attributes) to cell-based knee chondrotherapies developed for clinical use. Protocol benchmarking from a manufacturing process and control viewpoint enabled us to highlight the respective advantages and risks. Safety data (telomerase and soft agarose colony formation assays, high passage cell senescence) and risk analyses were reported for the allogeneic FE002 cellular active substance in preparation for an autologous to allogeneic clinical protocol transposition. Validation results on autologous bioengineered grafts (autologous chondrocyte-bearing Chondro-Gide scaffolds) confirmed significant chondrogenic induction (COL2 and ACAN upregulation, extracellular matrix synthesis) after 2 weeks of co-culture. Allogeneic grafts (bearing FE002 primary chondroprogenitors) displayed comparable endpoint quality and functionality attributes. Parameters of translational relevance (transport medium, finished product suturability) were validated for the allogeneic protocol. Notably, the process-based benchmarking of both approaches highlighted the key advantages of allogeneic FE002 cell-bearing grafts (reduced cellular variability, enhanced process standardization, rationalized logistical and clinical pathways). Overall, this study built on our robust knowledge and local experience with ACI (long-term safety and efficacy), setting an appropriate standard for further clinical investigations into allogeneic progenitor cell-based orthopedic protocols.

Bioengineering (Basel) ; 10(3)2023 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36978683


Providing accurate and up-to-date practical tools enabling oversight of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) legislation and of the appropriate standards to be implemented for its manufacture and use in Europe is a demanding task. This is due to rapid medico-technological advancements, slowness and disparity in legislation updates and enforcement between member states, and many reported gray-zone practices, notably for autologous PRP use. The levels of risk associated with blood manipulation processes generally dictate the manufacturing requirements for PRP preparations, which have gradually shifted toward good manufacturing practices (GMP) for standardization and overall quality enhancement. This work firstly outlines Western European and Swiss legislation for PRP products/preparations, providing key simplified information and recommendations for medical doctors seeking to implement this biological-based therapy for safe use in hospital settings, clinics, or private offices. This work secondly shows the importance of PRP-based product manufacturing standardization, which subsequently enables sound clinical evaluation of therapeutic interventions. Although the applicable legal bases provide guidelines for GMP manufacturing infrastructure and basic process design, paramount importance is set on the definition of workflows, technical specifications, and key parameters for PRP preparation and delivery. Overall, the development of simple and robust technologies and processes for PRP preparation is critical for guaranteeing the high therapeutic quality of the intervention, in collaboration with qualified GMP manufacturing platforms. Importantly, this work aims to serve as a practical tool for clinicians based in Western Europe who are willing to appropriately (i.e., administratively and technically) implement autologous PRP treatments in musculoskeletal regenerative medicine workflows, to ensure they make informed and optimal regulatory or process-based decisions.

Pharmaceutics ; 15(1)2023 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36678813


Allogeneic dermal progenitor fibroblasts constitute cytotherapeutic contenders for modern cutaneous regenerative medicine. Based on advancements in the relevant scientific, technical, and regulatory fields, translational developments have slowly yet steadily led to the clinical application of such biologicals and derivatives. To set the appropriate general context, the first aim of this study was to provide a current global overview of approved cell and gene therapy products, with an emphasis on cytotherapies for cutaneous application. Notable advances were shown for North America, Europe, Iran, Japan, and Korea. Then, the second and main aim of this study was to perform a retrospective analysis on the various applications of dermal progenitor fibroblasts and derivatives, as clinically used under the Swiss progenitor cell transplantation program for the past three decades. Therein, the focus was set on the extent and versatility of use of the therapies under consideration, their safety parameters, as well as formulation options for topical application. Quantitative and illustrative data were summarized and reported for over 300 patients treated with various cell-based or cell-derived preparations (e.g., progenitor biological bandages or semi-solid emulsions) in Lausanne since 1992. Overall, this study shows the strong current interest in biological-based approaches to cutaneous regenerative medicine from a global developmental perspective, as well as the consolidated local clinical experience gathered with a specific and safe allogeneic cytotherapeutic approach. Taken together, these current and historical elements may serve as tangible working bases for the further optimization of local and modern translational pathways for the provision of topical cytotherapeutic care.

Antioxidants (Basel) ; 12(1)2023 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36671025


Cultured primary progenitor tenocytes in lyophilized form were previously shown to possess intrinsic antioxidant properties and hyaluronan-based hydrogel viscosity-modulating effects in vitro. The aim of this study was to prepare and functionally characterize several stabilized (lyophilized) cell-free progenitor tenocyte extracts for inclusion in cytotherapy-inspired complex injectable preparations. Fractionation and sterilization methods were included in specific biotechnological manufacturing workflows of such extracts. Comparative and functional-oriented characterizations of the various extracts were performed using several orthogonal descriptive, colorimetric, rheological, mechanical, and proteomic readouts. Specifically, an optimal sugar-based (saccharose/dextran) excipient formula was retained to produce sterilizable cytotherapeutic derivatives with appropriate functions. It was shown that extracts containing soluble cell-derived fractions possessed conserved and significant antioxidant properties (TEAC) compared to the freshly harvested cellular starting materials. Progenitor tenocyte extracts submitted to sub-micron filtration (0.22 µm) and 60Co gamma irradiation terminal sterilization (5−50 kGy) were shown to retain significant antioxidant properties and hyaluronan-based hydrogel viscosity modulating effects. Hydrogel combination products displayed important efficacy-related characteristics (friction modulation, tendon bioadhesivity) with significant (p < 0.05) protective effects of the cellular extracts in oxidative environments. Overall, the present study sets forth robust control methodologies (antioxidant assays, H2O2-challenged rheological setups) for stabilized cell-free progenitor tenocyte extracts. Importantly, it was shown that highly sensitive phases of cytotherapeutic derivative manufacturing process development (purification, terminal sterilization) allowed for the conservation of critical biological extract attributes.