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Conserv Biol ; : e14364, 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225252


Anthropogenic activities may alter felid assemblage structure, facilitating the persistence of tolerant species (commonly mesopredators), excluding ecologically demanding ones (top predators) and, consequently, changing coexistence rules. We aimed to determine how human activities influence intraguild relationships among top predators and their cascading effects on mesopredators, which remain poorly understood despite evidence of top carnivore decline. We used structural equation modeling at a continental scale to investigate how habitat quality and quantity, livestock density, and other human pressures modified the intraguild relations of the 3 species that are at the top of the food chain in the Neotropics: jaguars (Panthera onca), pumas (Puma concolor), and ocelots (Leopardus pardalis). We included presence-absence data derived from systematic studies compiled in Neocarnivores data set for these felid species at 0.0833° resolution. Human disturbance reduced the probability of jaguar occurrence by -0.35 standard deviations. Unexpectedly, the presence of sheep (Ovis aries) or goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) and jaguars was positively related to the presence of pumas, whereas puma presence was negatively related to the presence of ocelots. Extent of forest cover had more of an effect on jaguar (ß = 0.23) and ocelot (ß = 0.12) occurrences than the extent of protected area, which did not have a significant effect. The lack of effect of human activities on puma presence and the positive effect of small livestock supports the notion that pumas are more adaptable to habitat disturbance than jaguars. Our findings suggest that human disturbance has the potential to reverse the hierarchical competition dominance among large felids, leading to an unbalanced community structure. This shift disadvantages jaguars and elevates the position of pumas in the assemblage hierarchy, resulting in the exclusion of ocelots, despite their relatively lower susceptibility to anthropogenic disturbance. Our results suggest that conservation efforts should extend beyond protected areas to encompass the surrounding landscape, where complexities and potential conflicts are more pronounced.

Efectos de la tolerancia dispareja a las perturbaciones humanas sobre las interacciones de dominancia de los depredadores mayores Resumen Las actividades antropogénicas pueden alterar la estructura de las poblaciones de félidos, lo que facilita la persistencia de especies tolerantes (normalmente mesodepredadores), excluye a otras especies con exigencias ecológicas (depredadores mayores) y, en consecuencia, modifica las reglas de coexistencia. Buscamos determinar cómo influyen las actividades humanas sobre las relaciones entre gremios de los depredadores superiores y sus efectos en cascada sobre los mesodepredadores, que aún son poco conocidos a pesar de las pruebas del declive de los carnívoros superiores. Utilizamos modelos de ecuaciones estructurales a escala continental para investigar cómo la calidad y cantidad del hábitat, la densidad ganadera y otras presiones humanas modifican las relaciones entre gremios de las tres especies que se encuentran en la cima de la cadena trófica en el Neotrópico: jaguares (Panthera onca), pumas (Puma concolor) y ocelotes (Leopardus pardalis). Incluimos datos de presencia­ausencia derivados de estudios sistemáticos recopilados en el conjunto de datos Neocarnivores para estas especies de félidos con una resolución de 0.0833°. Las perturbaciones humanas redujeron la probabilidad de aparición del jaguar en ­0.35 desviaciones estándar. De forma inesperada, la presencia de ovejas (Ovis aries) o cabras (Capra aegargrus hircus) y jaguares tuvo una relación positiva con la presencia de pumas, mientras que la presencia de pumas tuvo una relación negativa con la presencia de ocelotes. La extensión de la cubierta forestal tuvo más efecto sobre la presencia de jaguares (ß = 0.23) y ocelotes (ß = 0.12) que la extensión del área protegida, que no tuvo un efecto significativo. La falta de efectos de las actividades humanas sobre la presencia del puma y el efecto positivo del ganado menor apoyan la idea de que los pumas son más adaptables a las perturbaciones del hábitat que los jaguares. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las perturbaciones humanas tienen el potencial de invertir la dominancia jerárquica de competencia entre los grandes félidos, lo que lleva a una estructura comunitaria desequilibrada. Este cambio perjudica a los jaguares y eleva la posición de los pumas en la jerarquía del ensamblaje, lo que excluye a los ocelotes, a pesar de su relativamente menor susceptibilidad a las perturbaciones antropogénicas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los esfuerzos de conservación deberían extenderse más allá de las áreas protegidas para abarcar el paisaje circundante, donde las complejidades y los conflictos potenciales son más pronunciados.

Conserv Biol ; : e14368, 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225250


Accelerating rate of human impact and environmental change severely affects marine biodiversity and increases the urgency to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 30×30 plan for conserving 30% of sea areas by 2030. However, area-based conservation targets are complex to identify in a 3-dimensional (3D) ocean where deep-sea features such as seamounts have been seldom studied mostly due to challenging methodologies to implement at great depths. Yet, the use of emerging technologies, such as environmental DNA combined with modern modeling frameworks, could help address the problem. We collected environmental DNA, echosounder acoustic, and video data at 15 seamounts and deep island slopes across the Coral Sea. We modeled 7 fish community metrics and the abundances of 45 individual species and molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) in benthic and pelagic waters (down to 600-m deep) with boosted regression trees and generalized joint attribute models to describe biodiversity on seamounts and deep slopes and identify 3D protection solutions for achieving the CBD area target in New Caledonia (1.4 million km2). We prioritized the identified conservation units in a 3D space, based on various biodiversity targets, to meet the goal of protecting at least 30% of the spatial domain, with a focus on areas with high biodiversity. The relationship between biodiversity protection targets and the spatial area protected by the solution was linear. The scenario protecting 30% of each biodiversity metric preserved almost 30% of the considered spatial domain and accounted for the 3D distribution of biodiversity. Our study paves the way for the use of combined data collection methodologies to improve biodiversity estimates in 3D structured marine environments for the selection of conservation areas and for the use of biodiversity targets to achieve area-based international targets.

Planeación tridimensional de la conservación de las medidas de biodiversidad de peces para lograr el objetivo de conservación 30x30 de mar profundo Resumen El impacto antropogénico y el cambio ambiental acelerados afectan gravemente a la biodiversidad marina y aumentan la urgencia de aplicar el plan 30x30 del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB) para conservar el 30% de las zonas marinas para el 2030. Sin embargo, la identificación de objetivos de conservación basados en zonas es compleja en un océano tridimensional (3D) en el que rara vez se han estudiado las características de las profundidades marinas, como los montes marinos, sobre todo por la dificultad de aplicar metodologías a grandes profundidades. No obstante, el uso de tecnologías emergentes, como el ADN ambiental combinado con marcos actuales de modelación, podría ayudar a resolver el problema. Recopilamos datos de ADN ambiental, acústica de ecosonda y video en 15 montes marinos y taludes de islas profundas del mar del Coral. Modelamos siete medidas de comunidades de peces y 45 abundancias de especies individuales y unidades taxonómicas moleculares (UTOM) en aguas bentónicas y pelágicas (hasta 600 m de profundidad) con árboles de regresión reforzada (ARR) y modelos de atributos conjuntos generalizados (MACJ) para describir la biodiversidad en los montes marinos y taludes profundos e identificar soluciones de protección en 3D para alcanzar el objetivo de área del CDB en Nueva Caledonia (1.4 millones de km2). Priorizamos las unidades de conservación identificadas en un espacio 3D con base en varios objetivos de biodiversidad para cumplir el objetivo de proteger al menos el 30% del dominio espacial con un enfoque en las zonas con una gran biodiversidad. La relación entre los objetivos de protección de la biodiversidad y el área espacial protegida por la solución fue lineal. El escenario que protegía el 30% de cada medida de biodiversidad preservó casi el 30% del dominio espacial considerado y consideró la distribución tridimensional de la biodiversidad. Nuestro estudio prepara el camino para el uso de metodologías combinadas de recopilación de datos con el fin de mejorar las estimaciones de biodiversidad en entornos marinos estructurados en 3D para la selección de áreas de conservación y para el uso de objetivos de biodiversidad con el fin de alcanzar objetivos internacionales basados en áreas.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225310


The degradation of environmental DNA (eDNA) and its release from fish were investigated in laboratory experiments for seven salmonid fishes. The eDNA concentration in experimental tanks without fish decreased exponentially, with a higher rate of decline observed under higher water temperature conditions. When a fish was introduced into a tank, the eDNA concentration was positively correlated with the length and weight of the fish.

Sci Total Environ ; : 175972, 2024 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39233079


Eukaryotic microbes play key ecological roles in riverine ecosystems. Amplicon sequencing has greatly facilitated the identification and characterization of eukaryotic microbial communities. Currently, 18S rRNA gene V4 and V9 hypervariable regions are widely used for sequencing eukaryotic microbes. Identifying optimal regions for the profiling of size-fractional eukaryotic microbial communities is critical for microbial ecological studies. In this study, we spanned three rivers with typical natural-human influenced transition gradients to evaluate the performance of the 18S rRNA gene V4 and V9 hypervariable regions for sequencing size-fractional eukaryotic microbes (>180 µm, 20-180 µm, 5-20 µm, 3-5 µm, 0.8-3 µm). Our comparative analysis revealed that amplicon results depend on the specific species and microbial size. The V9 region was most effective for detecting a broad taxonomic range of species. The V4 region was superior to the V9 region for the identification of microbes in the minor 3 µm and at the family and genus levels, especially for specific microbial groups, such as Labyrinthulomycetes. However, the V9 region was more effective for studies of diverse eukaryotic groups, including Archamoebae, Heterolobosea, and Microsporidia, and various algae, such as Haptophyta, Florideophycidae, and Bangiales. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for potential misclassifications when employing both V4 and V9 regions for the identification of microbial sequences. The use of optimal regions for amplification could enhance the utility of amplicon sequencing in environmental studies. The insights gained from this work will aid future studies that employ amplicon-based identification approaches for the characterization of eukaryotic microbial communities and contribute to our understanding of microbial ecology within aquatic systems.

mSystems ; : e0024224, 2024 Aug 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39158287


Although long-read sequencing has enabled obtaining high-quality and complete genomes from metagenomes, many challenges still remain to completely decompose a metagenome into its constituent prokaryotic and viral genomes. This study focuses on decomposing an estuarine metagenome to obtain a more accurate estimate of microbial diversity. To achieve this, we developed a new bead-based DNA extraction method, a novel bin refinement method, and obtained 150 Gbp of Nanopore sequencing. We estimate that there are ~500 bacterial and archaeal species in our sample and obtained 68 high-quality bins (>90% complete, <5% contamination, ≤5 contigs, contig length of >100 kbp, and all ribosomal and tRNA genes). We also obtained many contigs of picoeukaryotes, environmental DNA of larger eukaryotes such as mammals, and complete mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes and detected ~40,000 viral populations. Our analysis indicates that there are only a few strains that comprise most of the species abundances. IMPORTANCE: Ocean and estuarine microbiomes play critical roles in global element cycling and ecosystem function. Despite the importance of these microbial communities, many species still have not been cultured in the lab. Environmental sequencing is the primary way the function and population dynamics of these communities can be studied. Long-read sequencing provides an avenue to overcome limitations of short-read technologies to obtain complete microbial genomes but comes with its own technical challenges, such as needed sequencing depth and obtaining high-quality DNA. We present here new sampling and bioinformatics methods to attempt decomposing an estuarine microbiome into its constituent genomes. Our results suggest there are only a few strains that comprise most of the species abundances from viruses to picoeukaryotes, and to fully decompose a metagenome of this diversity requires 1 Tbp of long-read sequencing. We anticipate that as long-read sequencing technologies continue to improve, less sequencing will be needed.

Appl Environ Microbiol ; : e0066324, 2024 Aug 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39158314


The characterization of surface microbiota living in biofilms within livestock buildings has been relatively unexplored, despite its potential impact on animal health. To enhance our understanding of these microbial communities, we characterized 11 spore-forming strains isolated from two commercial broiler chicken farms. Sequencing of the strains revealed them to belong to three species Bacillus velezensis, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus licheniformis. Genomic analysis revealed the presence of antimicrobial resistance genes and genes associated with antimicrobial secretion specific to each species. We conducted a comprehensive characterization of the biofilm formed by these strains under various conditions, and we revealed significant structural heterogeneity across the different strains. A macro-colony interaction model was employed to assess the compatibility of these strains to coexist in mixed biofilms. We identified highly competitive B. velezensis strains, which cannot coexist with other Bacillus spp. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy along with a specific dye for extracellular DNA, we uncovered the importance of extracellular DNA for the formation of B. licheniformis biofilms. Altogether, the results highlight the heterogeneity in both genome and biofilm structure among Bacillus spp. isolated from biofilms present within livestock buildings.IMPORTANCELittle is known about the microbial communities that develop on farms in direct contact with animals. Nonpathogenic strains of Bacillus velezensis, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus licheniformis were found in biofilm samples collected from surfaces in contact with animals. Significant genetic and phenotypic diversity was described among these Bacillus strains. The strains do not possess mobile antibiotic resistance genes in their genomes and have a strong capacity to form structured biofilms. Among these species, B. velezensis was noted for its high competitiveness compared with the other Bacillus spp. Additionally, the importance of extracellular DNA in the formation of B. licheniformis biofilms was observed. These findings provide insights for the management of these surface microbiota that can influence animal health, such as the use of competitive strains to minimize the establishment of undesirable bacteria or enzymes capable of specifically deconstructing biofilms.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 206: 116789, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39094284


This study thoroughly examines three cetacean monitoring methods and assessing their advantages and limitations, establishing a foundational basis for comprehensive information on composition, distribution, and behavior. While real-time and non-invasive, visual surveys favor surface-active cetaceans and are weather-dependent. Local ecological knowledge supplements insights into group behavior. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis efficiently detects species like the narrow-ridged finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) and common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), offering non-invasive, and spatially adept monitoring. Furthermore, eDNA provides prey species information, revealing the narrow-ridged finless porpoise's winter migration to deeper waters due to prey distribution. The study identifies prevalent prey species, like the Japanese Anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) and Osbeck's grenadier anchovy (Coilia mystus), offering insights into the porpoise's feeding ecology and adaptation to changing prey availability in winter. This study systematically compares diverse methodologies employed in cetacean surveys, thereby yielding a comprehensive understanding of cetacean distribution, behavior, and feeding ecology.

Cetáceos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Monitoramento Ambiental , Animais , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , China , Toninhas , DNA Ambiental , Oceanos e Mares , Golfinho Nariz-de-Garrafa/fisiologia
Mar Environ Res ; 200: 106660, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39088889


eDNA metabarcoding has been increasingly employed in the monitoring of marine invertebrate non-indigenous species (NIS), in particular using filtered seawater. However, comprehensive detection of all NIS may require a diversity of sampling substrates. To assess the effectiveness of 5 sample types (hard and artificial substrates, water, zooplankton) on the recovery of invertebrates' diversity, two marinas were monitored over three time points, using COI and 18S rRNA genes as DNA metabarcoding markers. We detected a total of 628 species and 23 NIS, with only up to 9% species and 17% of NIS detected by all sample types. Hard and artificial substrates were similar to each other but displayed the most significant difference in invertebrate recovery when compared to water eDNA and zooplankton. Five NIS are potential first records for Portugal. No NIS were detected in all sample types and seasons, highlighting the need for varied sampling approaches, and consideration of temporal variation for comprehensive marine NIS surveillance.

Biodiversidade , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico , Invertebrados , Animais , Invertebrados/genética , Espécies Introduzidas , Portugal , RNA Ribossômico 18S/genética , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Organismos Aquáticos/genética
Ecol Evol ; 14(8): e70110, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100209


Rivers are crucial ecosystems supporting biodiversity and human well-being, yet they face increasing degradation globally. Traditional river biomonitoring methods based on morphological identification of macroinvertebrates present challenges in terms of taxonomic resolution and scalability. This study explores the application of DNA metabarcoding analysis in both bulk and environmental DNA (eDNA) samples for comprehensive assessment of macrozoobenthic biodiversity, detection of invasive and endangered species, and evaluation of river ecological status in northwestern Spain. DNA metabarcoding of homogenized bulk samples and water eDNA revealed a mean of 100 and 87 macrozoobenthos species per sample respectively. However, the specific composition was significantly different with only 27.3% of the total species being shared. It was not possible to identify all the OTUs to species level; only 17.43% and 49.4% of the OTUs generated could be identified to species level in the bulk and eDNA samples, respectively. Additionally, a total of 11 exotic species (two first records for the Iberian Peninsula and another three first records for Asturias region) and one endangered species were detected by molecular tools. Molecular methods showed significant correlations with morphological identification for EQR values (Ecological Quality Ratio) of IBMWP index, yet differences in inferred river ecological status were noted, with bulk samples tending to indicate higher status. Overall, DNA metabarcoding offers a promising approach for river biomonitoring, providing insights into biodiversity, invasive species, and ecological status within a single analysis. Further optimization and intercalibration are required for its implementation in routine biomonitoring programmes, but its scalability and multi-tasking capabilities position it as a valuable tool for integrated monitoring of river ecosystems.

Zoolog Sci ; 41(4): 392-399, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39093285


Some anguillid eels migrate thousands of kilometers from their spawning grounds, dispersing across vast geographic areas to fresh and brackish water habitats, where they settle and grow. Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) and giant mottled eels (A. marmorata) are both found in Japan, although their distributions differ, and their exact distributions are poorly known. We assumed that topographic distribution patterns of Japanese and giant mottled eels must differ among and within rivers along the northwest coast of Kyushu, Japan. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis was conducted at 87 sites in 23 rivers. Japanese eel eDNA was detected in 19 rivers (82.6%) and that of giant mottled eels was detected in eight (34.8%). We detected giant mottled eel eDNA in five rivers where they were previously unknown. eDNA for Japanese eels was detected at six of nine sites in the north (66.7%), 13 of 23 sites in Omura (56.5%), and 37 of 55 sites in the south (67.3%). In contrast, giant mottled eel eDNA was detected at one of nine sites in the north (11.1%), no sites in Omura, and 15 of 55 sites in the south (27.3%). There was no correlation between eDNA concentrations of the two species at 10 sites in the five rivers where eDNA of both species was detected. These findings suggest differences in the distribution of the two eel species and the northern distributional limit of giant mottled eels in the area facing the East China Sea.

Anguilla , Distribuição Animal , DNA Ambiental , Animais , Japão , Anguilla/genética , DNA Ambiental/genética , Rios , Especificidade da Espécie
Mol Ecol Resour ; : e13998, 2024 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39113622


In the context of looming global biodiversity loss, effective species detection represents a critical concern for ecological research and management. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis, which refers to the collection and taxonomic identification of genetic fragments that are shed from an organism into its surroundings, emerged approximately 15 years ago as a sensitive tool for species detection. Today, one of the frontiers of eDNA research concerns the collection and analysis of genetic material in dust and other airborne materials, termed airborne eDNA analysis. As the study of airborne eDNA matures, it is an appropriate time to review the foundational and emerging studies that make up the current literature, and use the reviewed literature to summarize, synthesize, and forecast the major challenges and opportunities for this advancing research front. Specifically, we use the "ecology of eDNA" framework to organize our findings across the origin, state, transport, and fate of airborne genetic materials in the environment, and summarize what is so far known of their interactions with surrounding abiotic and biotic factors, including population and community ecologies and ecosystem processes. Within this work we identify key challenges, opportunities, and future directions associated with the application of airborne eDNA development. Lastly, we discuss the development of applications, partnerships, and messaging that promote development and growth of the field. Together, the broad potential of eDNA analysis and the rate at which research is accelerating in this field suggest that the sky's the limit for airborne eDNA science.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 17890, 2024 08 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39095544


Transitional waters are important habitats both for biodiversity and ecological functions, providing valuable natural resources and relevant ecosystem services. However, they are highly susceptible to climate changes and anthropogenic pressures responsible for biodiversity losses and require specific biomonitoring programs. Benthic macroinvertebrates are suitable as ecological indicators of transitional waters, being affected by biological, chemical, and physical conditions of the ecosystems about their life cycles and space-use behaviour. The advent of high-throughput sequencing technologies has allowed biodiversity investigations, at the molecular level, in multiple ecosystems and for different ecological guilds. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities' composition has been investigated, at the molecular level, mainly through DNA extracted from sediments in marine and riverine ecosystems. In this work, benthic macroinvertebrate communities are explored through eDNA metabarcoding from water samples in a Mediterranean transitional water ecosystem. This research highlighted the validity of eDNA metabarcoding as an efficient tool for the assessment of benthic macroinvertebrate community structure in transitional waters, unveiling the spatial heterogeneity of benthic macroinvertebrate communities correlated to the measured environmental gradients. The results suggest that peculiar features of transitional water ecosystems, such as shallow waters and limited currents, facilitate the assessment of benthic macroinvertebrate communities through environmental DNA analysis from surface water samples, opening for more rapid and accurate monitoring programs for these valuable ecosystems.

Biodiversidade , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico , Ecossistema , Invertebrados , Animais , Invertebrados/genética , Invertebrados/classificação , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico/métodos , Mar Mediterrâneo , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , DNA Ambiental/genética , DNA Ambiental/análise
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 19291, 2024 08 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39164301


Marine and coastal ecosystems respond to climate change in various ways, such as the type of ecosystem, the species composition, interactions, and distribution, and the effect of local stressors. Metazoan organisms, particularly zooplankton, are important indicators for monitoring the effects climate-driven warming in marine coastal ecosystems over the long term. In this study, the diversity and distribution of zooplankton communities in the Mediterranean Sea (Canyon Dohrn and LTER-MareChiara, Gulf of Naples), a known biodiversity and climate changes hotspot, have been assessed using the integration of morphological-based identification and organismal eDNA. Our findings showed that the multi-locus strategy including the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene and the hypervariable region V9 of the 18S rDNA (18S V9) as targets, improved the taxonomic overview, with the COI gene being more effective than the 18S V9 region for metazoans at the species level. However, appendicularians were detected only with the 18S V9 region. Overall, organismal eDNA is a powerful approach for revealing hidden biodiversity, especially for gelatinous and meroplankton components, and provided new insights into biodiversity patterns. The ecological importance of calanoid copepods in coastal ecosystems has been confirmed. In contrast, the discovery of 13 new metazoan records in the Mediterranean Sea, including two non-indigenous copepod species, suggested that local stressors affect zooplankton community structure and resilience, highlighting the importance of biomonitoring and protecting marine coastal ecosystems.

Biodiversidade , Zooplâncton , Animais , Mar Mediterrâneo , Zooplâncton/genética , Ecossistema , Complexo IV da Cadeia de Transporte de Elétrons/genética , RNA Ribossômico 18S/genética , Mudança Climática
Curr Biol ; 34(16): 3778-3791.e4, 2024 Aug 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39096906


All species shed DNA during life or in death, providing an opportunity to monitor biodiversity via environmental DNA (eDNA). In recent years, combining eDNA, high-throughput sequencing technologies, bioinformatics, and increasingly complete sequence databases has promised a non-invasive and non-destructive environmental monitoring tool. Modern agricultural systems are often large monocultures and so are highly vulnerable to disease outbreaks. Pest and pathogen monitoring in agricultural ecosystems is key for efficient and early disease prevention, lower pesticide use, and better food security. Although the air is rich in biodiversity, it has the lowest DNA concentration of all environmental media and yet is the route for windborne spread of many damaging crop pathogens. Our work suggests that ecosystems can be monitored efficiently using airborne nucleic acid information. Here, we show that the airborne DNA of microbes can be recovered, shotgun sequenced, and taxonomically classified, including down to the species level. We show that by monitoring a field growing key crops we can identify the presence of agriculturally significant pathogens and quantify their changing abundance over a period of 1.5 months, often correlating with weather variables. We add to the evidence that aerial eDNA can be used as a source for biomonitoring in terrestrial ecosystems, specifically highlighting agriculturally relevant species and how pathogen levels correlate with weather conditions. Our ability to detect dynamically changing levels of species and strains highlights the value of airborne eDNA in agriculture, monitoring biodiversity changes, and tracking taxa of interest.

Agricultura , Biodiversidade , Metagenômica , Metagenômica/métodos , DNA Ambiental/análise , DNA Ambiental/genética , Microbiologia do Ar , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Metagenoma , Produtos Agrícolas/microbiologia , Bactérias/genética , Bactérias/classificação , Bactérias/isolamento & purificação
Oecologia ; 205(3-4): 437-443, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39143251


Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a pathogenic chytrid fungus that is particularly lethal for amphibians. Bd can extirpate amphibian populations within a few weeks and remain in water in the absence of amphibian hosts. Most efforts to determine Bd presence and quantity in the field have focused on sampling hosts, but these data do not give us a direct reflection of the amount of Bd in the water, which are useful for parameterizing disease models, and are not effective when hosts are absent or difficult to sample. Current methods for screening Bd presence and quantity in water are time, resource, and money intensive. Here, we developed a streamlined method for detecting Bd in water with low turbidity (e.g., water samples from laboratory experiments and relatively clear pond water from a natural lentic system). We centrifuged water samples with known amounts of Bd to form a pellet and extracted the DNA from that pellet. This method was highly effective and the resulting concentrations across all tested treatments presented a highly linear relationship with the expected values. While the experimentally derived values were lower than the inoculation doses, the values were highly correlated and a conversion factor allows us to extrapolate the actual Bd concentration. This centrifuge-based method is effective, repeatable, and would greatly expand the domain of tractable questions to be explored in the field of Bd ecology. Importantly, this method increases equity in the field, because it is time- and cost-efficient and requires few resources.

Batrachochytrium , Centrifugação , Animais , Microbiologia da Água , DNA Fúngico , Quitridiomicetos , Anfíbios/microbiologia
Biology (Basel) ; 13(8)2024 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39194547


Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) has recently been recognized as an influential factor in coastal ecosystems; however, little research has been conducted on its effects on coastal fish diversity. To investigate the relationship between SGD and fish diversity, we conducted a survey at the coastal island scale using the environmental DNA (eDNA) method. Our findings indicate that fish species richness and functional richness peak at stations with high SGD. Environmental variables, such as salinity, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration, and SGD, significantly influence fish diversity. Carnivore fish richness was negatively correlated with salinity, while planktivore fish richness was positively correlated. Additionally, SGD and DIN concentrations were found to be crucial in shaping omnivorous and pelagic communities, respectively. This study highlights the role of SGD in enhancing nutrient conditions favorable for diverse fish communities and demonstrates the effectiveness of eDNA metabarcoding for rapid marine biodiversity assessment. These findings provide valuable insights for coastal ecosystem monitoring and management.

J Environ Manage ; 368: 122136, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39128344


Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an emerging tool for monitoring biological communities in aquatic ecosystems. The selection of bioinformatic pipelines significantly impacts the results of biodiversity assessments. However, there is currently no consensus on the appropriate bioinformatic pipelines for fish community analysis in eDNA metabarcoding. In this study, we compared three bioinformatic pipelines (Uparse, DADA2, and UNOISE3) using real and mock (constructed with 15/30 known fish) communities to investigate the differences in biological interpretation during the data analysis process in eDNA metabarcoding. Performance evaluation and diversity analyses revealed that the choice of bioinformatic pipeline could impact the biological results of metabarcoding experiments. Among the three pipelines, the operational taxonomic units (OTU)-based pipeline (Uparse) showed the best performance (sensitivity: 0.6250 ± 0.0166; compositional similarity: 0.4000 ± 0.0571), the highest richness (25-102) and minimal inter-group differences in alpha diversity. It suggested the OTU-based pipeline possessed superior capability in fish diversity monitoring compared to ASV/ZOTU-based pipeline. Additionally, the Bray-Curtis distance matrix achieved the highest discriminative effect in the PCoA (43.3%-53.89%) and inter-group analysis (P < 0.01), indicating it was better at distinguishing compositional differences or specific genera of fish community at different sampling sites than other distance matrices. These findings provide new insights into fish community monitoring through eDNA metabarcoding in estuarine environments.

Biodiversidade , Biologia Computacional , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico , DNA Ambiental , Estuários , Peixes , Rios , Animais , Peixes/genética , Biologia Computacional/métodos , DNA Ambiental/análise , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos
Ecol Appl ; 34(6): e3017, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39118362


Horizon scans have emerged as a valuable tool to anticipate the incoming invasive alien species (IAS) by judging species on their potential impacts. However, little research has been conducted on quantifying actual impacts and assessing causes of species-specific vulnerabilities to particular IAS due to persistent methodological challenges. The underlying interspecific mechanisms driving species-specific vulnerabilities therefore remain poorly understood, even though they can substantially improve the accuracy of risk assessments. Given that interspecific interactions underlying ecological impacts of IAS are often shaped by phenological synchrony, we tested the hypothesis that temporal mismatches in breeding phenology between native species and IAS can mitigate their ecological impacts. Focusing on the invasive American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus), we combined an environmental DNA (eDNA) quantitative barcoding and metabarcoding survey in Belgium with a global meta-analysis, and integrated citizen-science data on breeding phenology. We examined whether the presence of native amphibian species was negatively related to the presence or abundance of invasive bullfrogs and whether this relationship was affected by their phenological mismatches. The field study revealed a significant negative effect of increasing bullfrog eDNA concentrations on native amphibian species richness and community structure. These observations were shaped by species-specific vulnerabilities to invasive bullfrogs, with late spring- and summer-breeding species being strongly affected, while winter-breeding species remained unaffected. This trend was confirmed by the global meta-analysis. A significant negative relationship was observed between phenological mismatch and the impact of bullfrogs. Specifically, native amphibian species with breeding phenology differing by 6 weeks or less from invasive bullfrogs were more likely to be absent in the presence of bullfrogs than species whose phenology differed by more than 6 weeks with that of bullfrogs. Taken together, we present a novel method based on the combination of aqueous eDNA quantitative barcoding and metabarcoding to quantify the ecological impacts of biological invaders at the community level. We show that phenological mismatches between native and invasive species can be a strong predictor of invasion impact regardless of ecological or methodological context. Therefore, we advocate for the integration of temporal alignment between native and IAS's phenologies into invasion impact frameworks.

Espécies Introduzidas , Rana catesbeiana , Animais , Rana catesbeiana/fisiologia , Bélgica , DNA Ambiental
Pathogens ; 13(8)2024 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39204268


The extracellular matrix of most bacterial biofilms contains polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids. These biopolymers have been shown to mediate fundamental biofilm-related phenotypes including surface attachment, intercellular adhesion, and biocide resistance. Enzymes that degrade polymeric biofilm matrix components, including glycoside hydrolases, proteases, and nucleases, are useful tools for studying the structure and function of biofilm matrix components and are also being investigated as potential antibiofilm agents for clinical use. Dispersin B is a well-studied, broad-spectrum antibiofilm glycoside hydrolase produced by Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Dispersin B degrades poly-N-acetylglucosamine, a biofilm matrix polysaccharide that mediates biofilm formation, stress tolerance, and biocide resistance in numerous Gram-negative and Gram-positive pathogens. Dispersin B has been shown to inhibit biofilm and pellicle formation; detach preformed biofilms; disaggregate bacterial flocs; sensitize preformed biofilms to detachment by enzymes, detergents, and metal chelators; and sensitize preformed biofilms to killing by antiseptics, antibiotics, bacteriophages, macrophages, and predatory bacteria. This review summarizes the results of nearly 100 in vitro and in vivo studies that have been carried out on dispersin B since its discovery 20 years ago. These include investigations into the biological function of the enzyme, its structure and mechanism of action, and its in vitro and in vivo antibiofilm activities against numerous bacterial species. Also discussed are potential clinical applications of dispersin B.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(16)2024 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39199966


Investigating fish diversity in canyon rivers through conventional fish surveys is challenging due to precipitous conditions, including steep slopes, rapid water flow, and complex habitats. Additionally, intensive construction of dams has further complicated the understanding of contemporary fish diversity in these rivers. In this study, we used the environmental DNA (eDNA) technique to assess fish diversity and examine the effects of dams on fish diversity in the Mabiehe River, a canyon river in the upper reaches of the Pearl River drainage. Water samples from 15 sampling sites were collected, yielding 9,356,148 valid sequences. Utilizing the NCBI public database, a total of 60 freshwater fish species were identified, with Carassius auratus, Cyprinus carpio, and Pelteobagrus fulvidraco being the most dominant species in the Mabiehe River. We also detected one nationally protected fish species, three provincially protected fish species, and six exotic species in this river. Furthermore, eDNA analyses demonstrated that the lotic river sections harbor more species and greater diversity than dammed sections, suggesting that dams might exert significant impacts on local fish diversity. Overall, this study supports the effectiveness of the eDNA technique as a complementary tool to traditional field surveys for monitoring fish biodiversity in canyon rivers.