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Exp Clin Transplant ; 21(Suppl 2): 121-124, 2023 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37496360


OBJECTIVES: Dawud b. 'Umar al-Antaki, known as the Avicenna of his time, was an Ottoman physician and scholar who wrote medical texts in Arabic in the 16th century. He was taught by an Iranian medical scholar, Muhammad Sharif, in the fields of logic, physical sciences, Greek, and medicine. After leaving Antioch, he traveled to Lebanon and then to Damascus, where he began writing his work, Tadhkiratu uli l-albab wa l-jami' li l-'ajab al-'ujab. Dawud b. 'Umar al-Antaki settled in Egypt, where he taught at the Zahiriyya Madrasa and practiced medicine before dying in Mecca in 1599. Here, we examined al-Antaki's writings on kidney and bladder diseases in his work Nuzhat al-adhhan fi islah al-abdan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We translated sections on kidney and bladder diseases into English and compared Ilter Uzel's copy of Nuzhat al-adhhan fi islah al-abdan with a printed copy. We compared the relevant sections of Nuzhat al-adhhan fi islah al-abdan with the relevant sections of other important works of al-Antaki, al-Nuzhat al-mubhija fi tashhidh al-adhhan wa ta'dil al-amzija, and Tadhkiratu uli l-albab wa l-jami' li l-'ajab al-'ujab. The similarities and differences between these works were revealed. RESULTS: Kidney and bladder diseases are briefly discussed in Nuzhat al-adhhan fi islah al-abdan under the headings "amrad al-kula wa l-mathana," "al-hisa," and "harqan al-bawl wa taqtiruhu." CONCLUSIONS: Issues concerning kidney and bladder diseases are addressed more briefly in Nuzhat al-adhhan fi islah al-abdan than in al-Nuzhat al-mubhija fi tashhidh al-adhhan wa ta'dil al-amzija. Tadhkiratu uli l-albab wa l-jami' li l-'ajab al-'ujab consists solely of kidney and bladder stones. When these works are combined, the information in them complements each other.

Nefropatias , Médicos , Livros de Texto como Assunto , Doenças da Bexiga Urinária , Humanos , Egito , Médicos/história , História do Século XVI , Traduções , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história
Ann Intern Med ; 175(1): 114-118, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35038401


William Osler's essay "An Alabama Student" made John Young Bassett (1804-1851) a widely admired avatar of idealism in medicine. However, Bassett fiercely attacked the idea that all humans are members of the same species (known as monogenesis) and asserted that Black inferiority was a justification for slavery. Antebellum physician-anthropologists bequeathed a legacy of scientific racism that in subtler forms still runs deep in American society, including in the field of medicine.

População Negra , Escravização/história , Humanismo/história , Médicos/história , Racismo/história , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , Alabama , Educação Médica/história , História do Século XIX , Humanos , Estados Unidos
World Neurosurg ; 152: 71-79, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34133992


The link between ancient Greek medicine and the Arabic translation period in the 9th century cannot be understood without studying the contributions of Syriac scholars. With their mastery of Greek and the related Semitic languages of Syriac and Arabic, they initiated a scientific translation process with methods that prevail to this day. In this paper, we reviewed Hunayn Ibn Isshaq's Ten Treatises on the Eye to elucidate the original contributions of the Syriac physicians to the field of neurologic surgery. We analyzed the oldest known diagram of orbital anatomy along with Hunayn's genuine ideas on the optic nerve anatomy and pathology, optic chiasm, afferent pupillary reflex, and papilledema and venous congestion. We also reviewed the neurosurgical elements found in the Syriac Book of Medicines including the thought process in localizing neurologic deficits based on clinical experience and anatomic dissections and the earliest recorded description of brachial plexus pathology.

Neurocirurgia/história , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , História Antiga , História Medieval , Humanos , Medicina Arábica/história , Oriente Médio , Neuroanatomia/história , Traduções
Schizophr Bull ; 47(3): 635-643, 2021 04 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33320201


In 1921, at the age of 65, 6 years after completing the final edition of his textbook, 22 years after first proposing the concept of dementia praecox (DP), and 1 year before retiring from clinical work, Emil Kraepelin completed the last edition of his "Introduction to Clinical Psychiatry," which contained a mini-textbook for students, 10 pages of which were devoted to DP. This work also included a series of new detailed case histories, 3 of which examined DP. This neglected text represents a distillation of what Kraepelin judged, near the end of his long career, to be the essential features of DP. The relevant text and case histories are translated into English for the first time. Kraepelin did not define DP solely by its chronic course and poor prognosis, acknowledging that remissions and even full recovery might be possible. His clinical description emphasized the frequency of bizarre delusions and passivity symptoms. He recognized the heterogeneity of the clinical presentations, outlining 6 subtypes of DP, including dementia simplex, depressive and stuporous dementia, and an agitated and circular DP. Kraepelin's original concept of DP was not impervious to change and expanded somewhat, especially with the inclusion of Diem's concept of simple DP. He also reviews several contributions of Bleuler, including his concept "latent schizophrenia." He writes poignantly of the psychological consequences of DP. His 3 DP cases, for advanced students, included simple DP, "periodic catatonic," and "speech confusion."

Psiquiatria/história , Esquizofrenia/história , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , História do Século XX , Humanos , Esquizofrenia/classificação , Esquizofrenia/diagnóstico , Esquizofrenia/terapia
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e210117, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346364


El propósito del presente trabajo es analizar la cultura de la salud promovida en las escuelas primarias españolas bajo el ideario del régimen franquista (1936-1975). Para ello, hemos indagado en los manuales escolares del periodo, recursos fundamentales en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, con los que se trató de modificar la conducta de la población en relación con la salud y la enfermedad. Desde un enfoque etnográfico hemos analizado tanto el discurso sobre las prácticas infantiles, como el ideario de cuerpo y salud promovido. Si bien, disciplina y control social propios del régimen dejaron su impronta en la salud enseñada, las transformaciones sociales y políticas lo fueron modulando hacia una noción de salud menos moralizadora pero más deudora del discurso experto. (AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a cultura da saúde promovida nas escolas primárias espanholas sob a ideologia do regime franquista (1936-1975). Para este fim, investigamos os livros escolares do período, recursos fundamentais no processo ensino-aprendizagem, que foram utilizados para tentar modificar o comportamento da população em relação à saúde e à doença. A partir de uma abordagem etnográfica, analisamos tanto o discurso sobre as práticas das crianças quanto à ideologia do corpo e da saúde promovida. Embora a disciplina e o controle social do regime tenham deixado sua marca na saúde ensinada, as transformações sociais e políticas o modulavam no sentido de uma noção menos moralizadora de saúde, mas mais endividada com o discurso dos especialistas. (AU)

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the culture of health promoted in Spanish primary schools under the ideology of the Franco regime (1936-1975). To this end, we have investigated the school textbooks of the period, fundamental resources in the teaching-learning process, which were used to try to modify the behaviour of the population in relation to health and illness. From an ethnographic approach, we have analysed both the discourse on children's practices and the ideology of body and health promoted. Although the regime's own discipline and social control left their mark on the health taught, social and political transformations gradually modulated it towards a less moralising notion of health that was more indebted to expert discourse. (AU)

Humanos , Ensino , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , Educação Infantil/etnologia , Educação em Saúde , Espanha
JAMA Psychiatry ; 77(11): 1181-1187, 2020 11 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32520320


In 1893 and 1896, in his fourth and fifth textbook editions, Emil Kraepelin brought together 3 syndromes to form the first and second of his 2 prequels to dementia praecox (DP), a definitive version of which he would propose in his 1899 sixth textbook edition. These syndromes, which would become hebephrenic DP, catatonic DP, and paranoid DP, each had distinct histories. Hebephrenic DP was derived from syndromes first proposed by Hecker, and catatonic DP was derived from syndromes first proposed by Kahlbaum, and then both were substantially revised. Kraepelin created paranoid DP de novo from a division of his early broad delusional syndrome Verrücktheit, distinguishing it from paranoia. Two of these syndromes (catatonic DP and paranoid DP) were present in different forms in his earlier textbook editions, and 1 syndrome (hebephrenic DP) was not. In his 2 prequels, the 3 syndromes were listed together with a brief preface. In the sixth textbook edition, they became "clinical forms" of DP with a lengthy integrative introduction. Much more than in his prequels, in his sixth edition, Kraepelin stitched these 3 syndromes together, emphasizing their shared signs, symptoms, and course. Hebephrenia was the core of Kraepelin's DP concept, while the paranoid subtype fitted least comfortably within his framework. His term dementia was meant in a broad sense consistent with both short-term and rare long-term recoveries. Kraepelin was a pragmatist, not a purist, in his nosologic work and focused both on clinical features and course and outcome. He experimented with various nosologic categories, willing to revise earlier formulations in the light of new data. He was more tentative about his conclusions than many who followed him.

Catatonia/história , Demência/história , Catatonia/fisiopatologia , Demência/diagnóstico , Demência/fisiopatologia , Alemanha , História do Século XIX , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história
J Hist Med Allied Sci ; 75(3): 299-323, 2020 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32357374


This study examines how medical discourse and culture were affected by the denazification policies of the Soviet occupation authorities in East Germany. Examining medical textbooks in particular, it reveals how the production and dissemination of medical knowledge was subject to a complex process of negotiation among authors, publishers, and censorship officials. Drawing on primary-source material produced by censorship authorities that has not been rigorously examined to date, it reveals how knowledge production processes were structured by broader ideological and political imperatives. It thus sheds new light on a unique chapter in the history of censorship.

Censura Científica , Obras Médicas de Referência , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , Alemanha Oriental , História do Século XX , Socialismo Nacional , U.R.S.S.
Ann Anat ; 227: 151415, 2020 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31513915


BACKGROUND: The phrenicoabdominal branch of the left phrenic nerve passes between muscle fiber bundles within the costal part of the diaphragm near the pericardium. In most German textbooks of anatomy, however, its passage is described to be found in the esophageal hiatus. The aim of this study was to reevaluate its topography relative to the diaphragm in a multicentric study and to identify the initiation of this description. METHODS: In this multicentric study, the most dorsomedial branch of the left phrenic nerve was identified as the phrenicoabdominal branch in 400 embalmed anatomic specimens of Caucasian origin. The distance between its passage and the apex of the pericardium, the left border of the esophageal hiatus, and the inner aspect of the left sixth rib was measured on the cranial aspect of the diaphragm. Textbooks on human anatomy published in German language between 1700 and 2018 were reviewed for their description of the passage of the left phrenicoabdominal branch through the diaphragm. RESULTS: The first statement on the passage of the left phrenicoabdominal branch through the esophageal hiatus was given in 1791 by Sömmering. Since then, in German textbooks of anatomy, a duality in the description of the passage of the left phrenicoabdominal branch persists. In none of the individuals examined in this study, the left phrenicoabdominal branch passed through the esophageal hiatus. In 99.5% of all cases, it pierced the costal part of the diaphragm dorsal to or at the same level as the apex of the pericardium. The mean distances (standard deviations) were 3.4 (±1.5) cm to the apex of the pericardium, 5.8 (±2.2) cm to the esophageal hiatus, and 5.5 (±1.6) cm to the inner aspect of the left sixth rib. CONCLUSION: The findings on the position of the left phrenicoabdominal branch relative to the diaphragm help to improve topographical knowledge and prevent inadvertent nerve injury during surgical interventions on or near the diaphragm. Further to this, these results may form a substantial basis to adopt the correct description of the passage of the left phrenicoabdominal branch to anatomical textbook knowledge.

Diafragma/anatomia & histologia , Esôfago/anatomia & histologia , Nervo Frênico/anatomia & histologia , Anatomia/história , Cadáver , Embalsamamento , Feminino , Alemanha , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Humanos , Masculino , Pericárdio/anatomia & histologia , Costelas/anatomia & histologia , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , População Branca
Bull Hist Med ; 94(2): 179-214, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33416551


This article examines skin and disease in early modern medicine through the writings of the little-known Bohemian physician Jan Jessen (1566-1621). In 1601, Jessen published De cute, et cutaneis affectibus, a set of twenty-one theses dedicated to the question of whether skin disease existed. In considering Jessen and his relationship to a broader world of writing, this article makes three arguments. First, it suggests that, contrary to existing historiography, the question of skin disease was a common sixteenth-century concern. Second, it posits a professional channel for this concern, which arose from surgery and disease, rather than from anatomy and physiology. Finally, rather than positioning Jessen at the forefront of discovery, I suggest his text functions as a representative case study. It allows us to see material change in medicine within a stable Galenic framework.

Médicos/história , Dermatopatias/história , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , Áustria-Hungria , República Tcheca , História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , Humanos
Postgrad Med J ; 95(1130): 637-641, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31754054


BACKGROUND: As the centenary of Sir William Osler's death approaches on 29 December 2019, it is worth pausing to reflect on the relationship between the Osler Library of the History of Medicine at McGill University and the image of William Osler, for the two are arguably inextricable. When Osler died he had not yet completed his library, yet his donation to McGill included nearly 8000 volumes that represented the foundations of western medicine. The Osler Library now boasts over 100 000 titles and is recognised globally as a centre for the study of medical history. METHODS: The approach taken here was to examine inscriptions in the books that William Osler bequeathed to the McGill Medical Facultyin order to learn more about William Osler, the man. RESULTS: By examining inscriptions William Osler and others made in his books, it was possible to learn more about how Osler interacted with his friends, his patients, and also his books. CONCLUSION: It is argued that these inscriptions are as instructive as they are enriching. They reveal information about Osler's priorities and his personal and professional relationships; future scholars will likely find it useful to examine inscriptions more broadly, to gain insight into such topics as the book trade and world events.

Historiografia , Bibliotecas/história , Educação Médica/história , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Humanos , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história
Postgrad Med J ; 95(1130): 642-646, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31754055


William Osler combined many excellent characteristics of a clinical educator being a scientific scholar, a motivational speaker and writer and a proficient physician. As we celebrate his life a century on, many of his educational ideals are as pertinent today as they were in those Victorian times. Osler's contributions to modern medicine go beyond his legacy of quotable aphorisms to a doctor, educator and leader whose proponent use of bedside teaching, careful clinical methods, and clinicopathological correlation was a great inspiration for students and junior doctors. He was also a great advocate of patient-centred care-listening to and closely observing his patients, an important message for modern medicine as the reliance on investigations strains modern healthcare systems. This review of Osler's contribution to medical education summarises his development as an educator and provides reflection on his influences to modern clinical education.

Educação Médica/história , Historiografia , Assistência Centrada no Paciente/história , Médicos/história , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Humanos , Liderança , Padrões de Prática Médica/história
Med Hist ; 63(4): 494-511, 2019 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31571698


This article considers the social function of contagious disease as moderator of class relationships in England during the first half of the eighteenth century and takes into account the ways in which the 'communicability' of the plague, great pox (syphilis) and smallpox (variola) was used by authors to crystallise social interaction and tension along class lines. The essay begins by examining the representation of the plague, syphilis and smallpox in the medical tradition, before shifting its attention to the practice of maritime quarantine, as laid out by Richard Mead in his Short Discourse Concerning Pestilential Contagion (1720). By foregrounding medical writing on contagion through skin contact, I suggest that pornographic texts such as John Cleland's The Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill) (1748) had an interventionist function. Cleland is often charged with sanitising the true horrors of sex work in this period. This article proposes that if we take the time to appreciate the way infectious cutaneous diseases were believed to operate and spread we can recognise the moments in which he not only alludes to disease but invokes it for structural and thematic purposes. In proposing this, I am challenging the dominant interpretation that the problematic realities of eighteenth-century prostitution, especially disease, are subordinated to the narrative's greater interest in erotic pleasure.

Literatura Moderna/história , Medicina na Literatura/história , Peste/história , Quarentena/história , Trabalho Sexual/história , Varíola/história , Sífilis/história , Distinções e Prêmios , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa/história , Historiografia , História do Século XVII , História do Século XVIII , Humanos , Londres , Peste/transmissão , Navios/história , Varíola/transmissão , Sífilis/transmissão , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história
Ann Sci ; 76(2): 113-156, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31573437


Thomas Urquhart (1611-1660), celebrated for his English translation of Rabelais' Gargantua et Pantagruel, has earned some notoriety for his eccentric, putatively incomprehensible early book on trigonometry The Trissotetras (1645). The Trissotetras was too impractical to succeed in its own day as a textbook, since it lacked both trigonometric tables and sample calculations. But its current bad reputation is based on literary authors' amplifications of the verdict prefaced to its 19th century reprinting by one mathematician, William Wallace, who lacked the background to appreciate the book's historical context. Considering that context (including seventeenth century 'copious' prose, and medieval logic and 'art of memory'), the bad reputation is undeserved: the book is mathematically clear, clever (e.g. in superimposing 16 problems into one diagram), and complete. The Trissotetras may thus be viewed as simply one more of Urquhart's polymathic projects and involvements - which included education, rise of the middle class, religious and class conflicts, development of science and mathematics, search for patronage, universal language construction, and development of English prose - which serve to make him a lively and instructive intellectual Everyman for his time.

Matemática/instrumentação , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , História do Século XVII
J Hist Med Allied Sci ; 74(4): 391-415, 2019 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31504658


The publications on morbid anatomy by Matthew Baillie and Samuel Thomas Soemmerring put pathological preparations and images center stage. A comparison between their works highlights major shifts from exceptional to more representative cases and significant differences in the art of representation. Initially Baillie provided careful descriptions of internal postmortem lesions (1793). Then Soemmerring's prompt German translation added a wealth of references to the literature and specifically to pathological images available in print (1794). Soon after a second unillustrated edition incorporating some of Soemmerring's comments (1797), Baillie issued ten installments with dozens of pathological plates (1799-1803). His plates differed from those referred to by Soemmerring for their broader scope, representing common and rare conditions alike, and specific attention to the fine changes of texture of the affected parts. Their works document the crucial status of pathological preparations and images at the time and highlight the achievement of Baillie's work at an artistic as well as at an intellectual level.

Obras Médicas de Referência , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , Alemanha , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , Humanos , Escócia
Surg Radiol Anat ; 41(10): 1135-1146, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31321479


INTRODUCTION: Semseddîn-i Itâkî is a key Turkish scientist in the field of anatomy. His book entitled Tesrih-ül Ebdan ve Tercümâni Kibale-i Feylesûfan which was written in the seventeenth century is accepted as the first illustrated anatomy handwritten textbook in Turkish language. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this article, it was examined an original copy of Tesrih-ül Ebdan ve Tercümâni Kibale-i Feylesûfan, which is available at the Süleymaniye Library in Istanbul, Turkey, as well as the transliteration of this book from old Turkish (Ottoman-Turkish) alphabet to contemporary Turkish alphabet by Esin Kâhya. In this book, the anatomical drawings and their descriptions were evaluated. RESULTS: In this ancient handwriting, Itâkî begins with thanking God and then describes the general structure of the organs, bones, nerves, muscles and vessels, supporting with various illustrations. These illustrations are mainly focused on cranial bones, muscles, cranial nerves, spinal nerves, stomach, intestines, urogenital system, bladder, trachea, larynx and bronchi. CONCLUSION: While some of these illustrations are similar to the illustrations of the earlier authors such as Ahmed Ibn Mansur, Andreas Vesalius and Juan Valverde de Amusco, others are peculiar to this book. This book is highly significant for it's being the first Turkish book in the field of anatomy in Ottoman-Turkish medicine and the text's being supplemented by illustrations. This book is also a fundamental source for translation of anatomical terms into Turkish. Our knowledge of anatomy continues to improve thanks to the contributions of leading scientists such as Itâkî and, therefore, he deserves praise.

Anatomia Artística/história , Ilustração Médica/história , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , História do Século XVI , Humanos , Idioma , Masculino , Império Otomano , Turquia
Surg Radiol Anat ; 41(10): 1155-1162, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31028449


The term "azygos vein" is in common use in modern anatomical and cardiovascular textbooks to describe the vein which ascends to the right side of the vertebral column in the region of the posterior mediastinum draining into the superior vena cava. "Azygos" in Greek means "without a pair", explaining the lack of a similar vein on the left side of the vertebral column in the region of the thorax. The term "azygos" vein was utilized firstly by Galen and then was regenerated during Sylvius' dissections and Vesalius' anatomical research, where it received its final concept as an official anatomical term. The purpose of this study is to highlight the origin of the term "azygos vein" to the best of our knowledge for the first time and its evolution from the era of Hippocrates to Realdo Colombo.

Anatomia/história , Veia Ázigos/anatomia & histologia , Terminologia como Assunto , Livros de Texto como Assunto/história , Cadáver , Dissecação , História do Século XV , História do Século XVI , História Antiga , Humanos