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Gac. méd. espirit ; 17(1): 82-92, ene.-abr. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-953637


Fundamento: El alza creciente de las intoxicaciones accidentales por picaduras y exposiciones al Pterois volitans (pez león) en los últimos años en Cuba, es debido a la presencia en el entorno marino cubano de este particular espécimen. Existe cierto desconocimiento por el personal de salud cubano en cuanto a la conducta a seguir de esta intoxicación debido a la relativa escasez de bibliografía. Objetivo: Profundizar en aspectos esenciales de la intoxicación por pez león, como la toxina involucrada, el cuadro clínico y la conducta a seguir. Desarrollo: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de artículos relacionados con la intoxicación por pez león, en diferentes bases de datos médicas de prestigio, donde se hizo énfasis en la toxina involucrada, las principales manifestaciones clínicas y medidas fundamentales dirigidas al tratamiento adecuado de la intoxicación. Conclusiones: La intoxicación por pez león además de causar un intenso dolor es capaz de producir una sintomatología muy variada y exacerbada, por lo que deben tomarse medidas específicas para una adecuada conducta a seguir, y así evitar complicaciones. Son muy frecuentes los casos clínicos atendidos con urgencia tras accidente con este tipo de pez; por lo que es necesario divulgar su potencial toxicológico.

Background: the increase of accidental intoxication by biting and exposure to Pterois volitans fish in the last years in Cuba is due to the presence of this fish in the Cuban sea world. There is evident lack of knowledge by Cuban health personnel with relation to the way to behave with this kind of intoxication due to the lack of bibliography written about it. Objective: To deepen on Pterois volitans fish intoxication essentialities as involved toxin, clinical picture and behavior. Development: A bibliographical revision of articles related to intoxication by Pterois volitans fish was carried out, the main focus was directed to the involved toxin, main clinical manifestations and measures directed to the right treatment of this intoxication. Conclusion: Intoxication by Pterois volitans fish causes a varied and exacerbated symptomatology. For this reason, it is necessary to take specific measures to avoid complications. Clinical cases attended after accident by this type of fish are very frequent what makes necessary to spread its toxicological potentiality.

Humanos , Intoxicação/epidemiologia , Peixes Venenosos/lesões , Mordeduras e Picadas/epidemiologia , Fauna Aquática
Gac. méd. espirit ; 17(1): 78-85, ene.-abr. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-743974


Fundamento: La didáctica de las ciencias estomatológicas cubanas acumula experiencias que justifican las características actuales del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la asignatura Ortodoncia de la carrera de estomatología. Objetivo: Identificar los aspectos históricos que distinguen el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la asignatura Ortodoncia, en la educación estomatológica cubana. Metodología: Se empleó el método analítico-sintético, el histórico-lógico y el análisis documental con la revisión de bases de datos médicas de reconocido prestigio. Desarrollo: Se logró establecer una secuencia lógica de hechos trascendentes en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Ortodoncia desde sus inicios, cuatro décadas posteriores al comienzo de la estomatología, su evolución con variaciones en la denominación, inclusión de temáticas, ubicación en el plan de estudios e identificación de insuficiencias, presentes en la actualidad Conclusiones: A pesar del perfeccionamiento ascendente aún existen deficiencias en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Ortodoncia que se pueden superar al asumir lo más actual de la didáctica contemporánea.

Background: The didactics of Cuban stomatological sciences accumulates experiences that justify the current characteristics of the teaching-learning process in the subject of Orthodontics in the dentistry career. Objective: To identify the historical aspects that distinguish the process of teaching and learning in the subject of Orthodontics in Cuban stomatological education. Methodology: the analytic-synthetic method, logical and historical method and document analysis with review of medical databases of well-recognized prestige were used. Development: It was possible to establish a logical sequence of significant events in the teaching and learning of the subject of Orthodontics since its inception, four decades after the start of stomatology, its evolution with variations on the name, including themes, location in the study plan and identifying shortcomings, currently present. Conclusions: Despite the ascending improvement there are still shortcomings in the teaching and learning of the subject of Orthodontics that can be overcome by taking the most contemporary of didactic teaching today.

Peixes Venenosos/lesões , Intoxicação/epidemiologia , Toxicidade , Fauna Aquática , Mordeduras e Picadas/epidemiologia , Fauna Marinha
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-686628


Stingrays are a group of rays – cartilaginous fish related to sharks – that have whiplike tails with barbed, usually venomous spines and are found around the world, especially the marine species. Despite recent reports of accidents involving these fish, they are not aggressive, reacting only when stepped on or improperly handled. Injuries by stingrays are seldom mentioned by historians, although they have always been present in riverine communities of inland waters and in South American coasts. Indeed, envenomations by stingrays are quite common in freshwater and marine fishing communities. Although having high morbidity, such injuries are neglected because they have low lethality and usually occur in remote areas, which favor the use of folk remedies. In the present review article, historical aspects of injuries caused by stingrays in Brazil and their distribution on the coast of São Paulo state and riverine communities of the North, Midwest and Southeast regions were studied. In addition, other aspects were analyzed such as clinical features, therapeutic methods, preventive measures and trends in occurrence of these accidents in the country, particularly in areas in which freshwater stingrays had not been previously registered, being introduced after breaching of natural barriers.

Animais , Mordeduras e Picadas , Peixes Venenosos/lesões , Rajidae , Venenos de Peixe/intoxicação , Brasil