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Québec; INESSS; 2023.
Não convencional em Francês | BRISA/RedTESA | ID: biblio-1553704


MANDAT: L'Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) a reçu le mandat du Bureau de l'innovation d'estimer la valeur de la technologie OptuneMC et la pertinence de sa couverture par le régime public en tant que dispositif de traitement des patients adultes souffrant d'un glioblastome nouvellement diagnostiqué avec et après la chimiothérapie d'entretien standard au témozolomide. DESCRIPTION: Pour l'indication demandée, le dispositif requiert la pose de matrices de transducteurs fixées sur le crâne rasé des patients afin de délivrer un champ électrique alternatif antitumoral via le générateur de champ OptuneMC. Les champs antitumoraux visent à stopper la progression des tumeurs en ciblant les étapes de la mitose des cellules cancéreuses et ils doivent agir en continu. Le dispositif OptuneMC est donc proposé avec des accessoires permettant un traitement ambulatoire et constant des patients. DÉMARCHE D'ÉVALUATION: Une revue des donn

MANDATE: L'Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) was mandated by the Bureau de l'innovation to assess the value of OptuneTM technology and the relevance of its coverage by the public plan as a treatment device for adult patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma with and after standard temozolomide maintenance chemotherapy. DESCRIPTION: For the requested indication, the device requires the placement of transducer arrays to patients' shaved scalp to deliver to deliver a tumour-treating field through the OptuneTM field generator. Tumour treating fields aim to halt tumour progression by targeting the mitosis stages of cancer cells and must act continuously. The OptuneTM device is therefore provided with accessories for constant ambulatory treatment of patients. EVALUATION PROCESS: A review of data from the literature and those provided by the manufacturer was carried out to assess the scientific evidence regarding the application of tumour treating fields provided by Novocure's OptuneTM device for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Contextual and experiential stakeholder data were also collected through an expert advisory committee and one-on-one interviews with caregivers and patients who have used the OptuneTM device. SOCIO-CULTURAL DIMENSION: Despite the media visibility of the OptuneTM device and the enthusiasm for new therapeutic options, the acceptability of the device by Quebec patients is difficult to predict, as several factors need to be taken into consideration - e.g., aesthetic considerations, portability of the device and usage requirements. According to advisory committee members, the maximum acceptability rate could be as high as 50% of eligible patients offered the treatment. Some health technology assessment agencies have assessed OptuneTM and issued divergent recommendations, some favourable from the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS, France), other unfavourable from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, UK). For their part, publications by listed oncology learned societies have chosen to recommend the OptuneTM device as a complementary treatment option to temozolomide in patients under 70 years of age. POPULATION DIMENSION: Glioblastoma is a heterogeneous cancer, with some subtypes more aggressive than others, affecting an estimated 150 new patient/year in Quebec. Median survival is around 8 months, with a 1-year survival rate of 25%. The disease is both cognitively and physically disabling, and family caregivers play an important role in its management. Current management is mainly based on diagnosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), followed by tumour resection, when possible, combined radiotherapy with temozolomide, and maintenance chemotherapy with temozolomide (Stupp protocol). Despite treatment, 90% of patients will experience a recurrence of their cancer within 7 months. At this stage, there is no recognized standard of care. Glioblastoma is therefore an incurable pathology with limited treatment options, and with high unmet medical needs related to the development of new treatment options to prolong life and reduce the risk of recurrence. CLINICAL DIMENSION: The efficacy of the OptuneTM device is supported by the EF-14 study, an open-label, multicenter, randomized Phase 3 clinical trial conducted in 14 countries, including Canada. This study compared the efficacy of the OptuneTM device / temozolomide combination versus temozolomide alone in adult patients with supratentorial glioblastoma. The EF-14 study is judged to be of good methodological quality, despite the presence of a selection bias favouring the inclusion of individuals with a better prognosis. Moreover, the study population is also younger, has a higher performance index and contains a higher proportion of individuals with MGMT (6-O-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase) promoter methylation than the Quebec glioblastoma patient population. The main results of the study showed clinically significant gains in progression-free survival of 2.7 months and overall survival of 4.9 months. A dose-response effect was also observed according to patients' level of adherence to treatment, with a minimum use threshold of 50% to obtain a benefit, i.e., 12 hours per day. Secondary analyses failed to identify a sub-population that might benefit more from treatment and showed that all subgroups treated with the OptuneTM device benefited. The main adverse events attributable to this device were skin reactions and irritations. The results of the quality-of-life assessment indicate that the device is well tolerated by patients, as illustrated by the fact that the 75% adherence threshold was reached by 75% of the cohort. Skin irritation was the main cause of reduced quality of life in the cohort studied. Other results are subject to uncertainty due to the open design of the study, the low response of patients to the quality-of-life questionnaires, and the design of the device used, which was heavier, bulkier, and noisier than the model currently available. ORGANIZATIONAL DIMENSION: The OptuneTM device does not replace current care, but it is added to the standard maintenance treatment. GBM patients' diagnosis MRI images are transmitted to the manufacturer for array creation. Once the healthcare professional has assessed the patient's eligibility and transmitted the prescription to the manufacturer, the latter charges a monthly fee for unlimited array replacement, equipment delivery, patient service (technical assistance and training), and healthcare professional service, which includes training and reporting on patient compliance. This rental model is not common in Quebec, and the real involvement of healthcare network professionals and resources in monitoring patient use of the device is also uncertain, for example regarding skin effects, array repositioning and technical problems. However, Quebec centres participated in the EF-14 study and therefore have some experience with the device and the manufacturer. The OptuneTM device requires the help of a third party to place the electrode arrays, which may represent an issue for patients who have no family caregiver and/or for whom resources from the healthcare network could be solicited. Members of the advisory committee consulted are therefore of the opinion that, without access to such a resource, patients may be unable to use the device. In addition, there is uncertainty as to the optimal discontinuation criteria for patients treated with the OptuneTM device. Indeed, according to the members of the advisory committee consulted, there is no clinical advantage to continuing treatment after a first recurrence. Because of the organizational issues, several uncertainties remain as to whether the results of the clinical study can be reproduced in a real healthcare setting. ECONOMIC DIMENSION: The use of the OptuneTM device to treat patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma concomitantly with temozolomide versus temozolomide alone is not cost-effective. Public coverage could generate additional costs of $ XX million over 5 years for the treatment of 308 patients. The real costs of adding the OptuneTM device, particularly those associated with its implementation in the health and social services network and with the involvement of healthcare personnel in patient follow-up, are uncertain. Market share for the OptuneTM device is also uncertain, since it depends on the quality of the manufacturer's service offering in Quebec, the organizational capacity of the Quebec healthcare network, and real patient acceptability. INESSS'S RECOMMENDATION: Based on the information available to date, and given the importance of the uncertainties raised, INESSS considers that it would not be fair and equitable to provide public coverage for the OptuneTM device for the treatment of adult patients with newly diagnosed supratentorial glioblastoma following maximal reduction surgery and completion of radiotherapy with and after standard maintenance chemotherapy. INESSS may reassess the OptuneTM device, at the request of the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS), when more information becomes available, including data in reallife settings that will better reduce uncertainties and mitigate associated risks.

Humanos , Terapia por Estimulação Elétrica/instrumentação , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/tratamento farmacológico , Glioblastoma/terapia , Avaliação em Saúde/economia , Análise Custo-Benefício/economia
Bogotá; IETS; mayo 2016. 68 p. tab, graf.
Monografia em Espanhol | BRISA/RedTESA, LILACS | ID: biblio-846465


Problema de investigación: Evaluar la RICE de la radioterapia (medida la efectividad en AVAC), el PS y el PS+BEV para el tratamiento de pacientes mayores de edad con diagnóstico reciente de GBM confirmado \r\nhistológicamente y con resección macroscópica completa. Tipo de evaluación económica: Análisis de costo\r\n-efectividad. Población objetivo: Pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico reciente de GBM confirmado histológicamente y con resección macroscópica completa. Intervención y comparadores: Comparación 1: PS comparado con radioterapia, Comparación 2: PS+BEV comparado con PS. Horizonte temporal: Se consideró un horizonte temporal de dos años, con ciclos de 1 mes de duración. Tasa de descuento: La tasa de descuento del caso base fue del 5 % y se llevaron a cabo análisis para tasas de 0 %, 3,5 %, 7 % y 12 %. Estructura del modelo: Se diseñó un modelo de Markov con tres estados de salud (estable, progresión y muerte). Fuentes de datos de efectividad y seguridad: Los datos de efectividad y seguridad fueron obtenidos de cuatro estudios clínicos multicéntricos; la información acerca de la valoración de los desenlaces fue obtenida de una ETES. Desenlaces y valoración: Las ponderaciones para la calidad de vida percibida por los pacientes en cada estado de salud fueron obtenidas de una ETES publicada previamente, y fueron utilizadas para calcular los AVAC. Costos incluidos: Fueron incluidos los costos que generan un gasto directo al SGSSS en Colombia. No se incluyeron costos de cuidadores, costos de pérdidas de productividad ni \r\ncostos de transporte. Fuentes de datos de costos: La valoración de los costos se hizo mediante el uso de \r\nSISMED y de la Circular 03 de 2015 de precios máximos en el caso de los medicamentos, y del manual tarifario ISS 2001 para el caso de los procedimientos. Resultados del caso base: La RICE del PS comparado con la radioterapia es de $ 55.410.625, lo que resulta en que no sería una alternativa costo-efectiva para el país. La RICE del PS+ BEVvs. PS ($ 1.795.371.090) comparado con tres veces el PIB per cápita hace que \r\nesta no se considere una estrategia costo-efectiva para el contexto colombiano. Análisis de sensibilidad:\r\nCuando el costo de la dosis de TMZ concomitante con radioterapia es igual a $ 136.868,6 o menos, el PS se \r\nvuelve una tecnología en salud costo-efectiva para Colombia comparado con la RT. Y solo resulta costo-efectivo a su precio actual si el umbral de disponibilidad a pagar fuera mayor a $ 50.000.000. Bajo ningún escenario de disponibilidad a pagar entre 1 y 3 PIB per cápita, el PS+BEV tendría probabilidad de ser costo-efectivo en Colombia al ser comparado con el PS. Conclusiones y discusión: Aunque las diferencias en términos de AVAC no son amplias entre las diferentes tecnologías, el uso de TMZ (es decir, el PS) es el que mejores resultados reporta frente a la radioterapia sola y frente a la inclusión del BEV al PS (aunque el uso del BEV en esta indica ción es off-label en Colombia).(AU)

Humanos , Adulto , Glioblastoma/terapia , Radioterapia Adjuvante/métodos , Bevacizumab/administração & dosagem , Glioma/diagnóstico , Glioma/radioterapia , Avaliação em Saúde/economia , Análise Custo-Benefício/economia , Colômbia , Tecnologia Biomédica/economia
Arch. med. interna (Montevideo) ; 36(3): 133-136, nov. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BRISA/RedTESA | ID: lil-754167


Objetivos: conocer la sobrevida a dos años de pacientes con diagnóstico de Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tratados con Temozolamida con cobertura del Fondo Nacional de Recursos (FNR), evaluar la seguridad del tratamiento y los factores pronósticos. Metodología: cohorte de pacientes portadores de GBM, tratados con Temozolamida entre mayo de 2009 y diciembre 2011. Fuente de información: base de datos del FNR. Resultados: Se incluyeron 81 pacientes. La mediana de sobrevida global fue de 18 meses. Vivos a dos años: 33 de los pacientes. El análisis multivariado encontró a la edad y al peor estado funcional del paciente como los factores de riesgo para mortalidad. 8 pacientes tuvieron efectos adversos severos. Discusión: Se presentan los primeros resultados nacionales vinculados al tratamiento combinado de los GBM. La sobrevida fue similar a la reportada en los estudios de referencia internacionales y mayor que la descripta para el tratamiento radiante exclusivo. El beneficio es mayor en aquellos pacientes jóvenes con buena capacidad funcional previa al inicio del tratamiento. Su seguridad fue considerada como aceptable.

Objectives: find out the two-year survival of patients diagnosed with Multiform Glioblastoma (MGB) treated with Temozolamide funded by the National Resource Fund (FNR), and evaluate the safety of therapy and prognostic factors. Methodology: cohort of patients with MGB, treated with Temozolamide between May 2009 and December 2011. Data source: database of the FNR. Results: the 81 patients included had a median overall survival of 18 months; 33 of them were still alive at two years. The multivariate analysis found that the patient’s age and functional status were the risk factors for mortality. Eight patients had severe adverse effects. Discussion: Presentation of the first national results related to the combined therapy of MGB. Survival was similar to that reported in the international reference studies and greater than that described for radiation therapy alone. Benefits were greater in young patients presenting with a good functional capacity before starting therapy. The safety of therapy was deemed acceptable.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Antineoplásicos Alquilantes/uso terapêutico , Glioblastoma/radioterapia , Glioblastoma/terapia , Estudos de Coortes