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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54370, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366530


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of completely replacing soybean meal (SM) with castor cake detoxified (DCC) with two alkaline products on the nitrogen balance and hepatic and renal function in goat kids. Goatkids of two breeds, Saanen and Anglo Nubian, with an initial body weight of 16.2 ± 0.67 kg, and confined during the growth phase, were used. The treatments consisted of three diets: one based on SM and the other two based on castor cake detoxified with Ca(OH)2or NaOH. Twenty-four goats kids were distributed in a completelyrandomized design using a 3 x 2 factorial scheme (diet x breed) with four replicates per combination. The experimental period lasted for 270 days. Consumed nitrogen, fecal nitrogen, urinary nitrogen, retained nitrogen, and nitrogen balance were influenced(p < 0.05) by diets. There was significant effect of diets (p < 0.05) on creatinine, direct bilirubin, urea, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase blood levels, however without any negative changes involving renal or hepatic dysfunction. Inclusion of castor cake in the diet of goats kids in confinement is an attractive option, considering that goats kids use does not cause hepatic and renal alterations, suggesting that SM can be completely replaced. NaOH DCC stands in the substitution of soybean meal, because in spite of decreasing the consumption of nitrogen provides the same retention of soybean meal.(AU)

Animais , Peso Corporal , Cabras , Nitrogênio , gama-Glutamiltransferase
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54512, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368326


To evaluate the ingestive behavior of sheep confined and fed with substitution levels of soybean meal (SM) by detoxified castor cake (DCC). We adopted a completely randomized design, with four levels of substitution (0; 33; 67 and 100%) with five replicates (sheep). We estimated the percentages of total times of intake of feed, time of rumination, in 'other activities', in idle agreed and in idle sleeping, dividing the day into eight periods (5h00 to 8h00; 8h01 to 11h00; 11h01 to 14h00; 14h01 to 17h00; 17h01 to 20h00; 20h01 to 23h00; 23h01 to 2h00 and 2h01 to 5h00). No interaction was observed between levels of substitution of the SM by DCC and period of the day to go. However, the isolated effect period of the day, there is more time to go from 8h00 to 11h00. The time rumination was not influenced by the levels of substitution of the SM by DCC. As for the variable other activities, the level of 67% DCC was superior to that of 100%. Regarding the variables idle agreed and idle sleeping, were not observed effects of substitution levels of SM by DCC. The DCC provides no changes in the behavior of the sheep, but the period of the day exerts influence on the behavioral pattern of such animals.(AU)

Animais , Ricinus , Ovinos , Comportamento Alimentar , Glycine max , Ruminação Digestiva/fisiologia
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 23: e202220200062, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363218


This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters, the productive characteristics, structural and chemical composition of Megathyrsus maximus (syn. Panicum maximum) cultivars BRS Massai and BRS Tamani submitted to different periods of deferment and moments of use. The experimental design was randomized complete block design in a factorial scheme 2 x 2 x 3, being two grass cultivars (Massai grass and Tamani grass), two deferment periods (rainy season and dry-rainy transition) and three sealing times (40, 80 and 120 days). Both cultivars had higher leaf transpiration rate when used for 40 days of deferment (0.63 µmol/m2/s). It was observed that the cultivar BRS Massai presented higher photosynthetic rate (P<0.05) to 40 days of deferment (1.10 µmol/m2/s), higher rate of production and forage accumulation when used for 40 days. On another side, there was a greater efficiency in the use of water during the period of transition in the pastures sealed for 80 and 120 days (64.60 and 62.30 kg DM/ha/mm, respectively). A reduction (P<0.05) of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and crude protein (CP) was observed with the increase in pasture sealing time. In general, the deferment in the transition period allows the use of forage without greater productive and nutrient losses up to 80 days of sealing for the cultivar BRS Tamani and up to 40 days for BRS Massai.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos, as características produtivas, estruturais e composição química de Megathyrsus maximus (syn. Panicum maximum) cultivares BRS Massai e BRS Tamani submetidas à diferentes períodos de diferimento e momentos de utilização. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 3, sendo duas cultivares de gramíneas (capim-massai e capim-tamani), dois períodos de diferimento (período chuvoso e transição chuvoso-seco) e três tempos de vedação (40, 80 e 120 dias). Ambas as cultivares tiveram maior taxa de transpiração foliar quando utilizadas aos 40 dias de diferimento (0,63 µmol/m2/s). Observou-se que a cultivar BRS Massai apresentou a maior taxa fotossintética (1,10 µmol/m²/s), taxa de produção e acúmulo de forragem quando utilizada aos 40 dias de diferimento (P<0,05). Por outo lado, houve maior eficiência no uso da água durante o período de transição nos pastos vedados por 80 e 120 dias (64,60 e 62,30 kg de MS/ha/mm, respectivamente). Observou-se redução (P<0,05) dos nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e proteína bruta (PB) com o aumento no tempo de vedação das pastagens. De modo geral o diferimento no período de transição possibilita a utilização da forragem sem maiores perdas produtivas e nutritivas até os 80 dias de vedação para a cultivar BRS Tamani e até os 40 dias para a BRS Massai.(AU)

Fotossíntese , Água , Pastagens/análise , Panicum/química
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1493927


ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters, the productive characteristics, structural and chemical composition of Megathyrsus maximus (syn. Panicum maximum) cultivars BRS Massai and BRS Tamani submitted to different periods of deferment and moments of use. The experimental design was randomized complete block design in a factorial scheme 2 x 2 x 3, being two grass cultivars (Massai grass and Tamani grass), two deferment periods (rainy season and dry-rainy transition) and three sealing times (40, 80 and 120 days). Both cultivars had higher leaf transpiration rate when used for 40 days of deferment (0.63 mol/m2/s). It was observed that the cultivar BRS Massai presented higher photosynthetic rate (P 0.05) to 40 days of deferment (1.10 mol/m2/s), higher rate of production and forage accumulation when used for 40 days. On another side, there was a greater efficiency in the use of water during the period of transition in the pastures sealed for 80 and 120 days (64.60 and 62.30 kg DM/ha/mm, respectively). A reduction (P 0.05) of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and crude protein (CP) was observed with the increase in pasture sealing time. In general, the deferment in the transition period allows the use of forage without greater productive and nutrient losses up to 80 days of sealing for the cultivar BRS Tamani and up to 40 days for BRS Massai.

RESUMO Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos, as características produtivas, estruturais e composição química de Megathyrsus maximus (syn. Panicum maximum) cultivares BRS Massai e BRS Tamani submetidas à diferentes períodos de diferimento e momentos de utilização. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 3, sendo duas cultivares de gramíneas (capim-massai e capim-tamani), dois períodos de diferimento (período chuvoso e transição chuvoso-seco) e três tempos de vedação (40, 80 e 120 dias). Ambas as cultivares tiveram maior taxa de transpiração foliar quando utilizadas aos 40 dias de diferimento (0,63 mol/m2/s). Observou-se que a cultivar BRS Massai apresentou a maior taxa fotossintética (1,10 mol/m²/s), taxa de produção e acúmulo de forragem quando utilizada aos 40 dias de diferimento (P 0,05). Por outo lado, houve maior eficiência no uso da água durante o período de transição nos pastos vedados por 80 e 120 dias (64,60 e 62,30 kg de MS/ha/mm, respectivamente). Observou-se redução (P 0,05) dos nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e proteína bruta (PB) com o aumento no tempo de vedação das pastagens. De modo geral o diferimento no período de transição possibilita a utilização da forragem sem maiores perdas produtivas e nutritivas até os 80 dias de vedação para a cultivar BRS Tamani e até os 40 dias para a BRS Massai.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(1): 301-318, jan.-fev. 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371405


This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters and the biomass flow and structural characteristics of BRS Massai and BRS Tamani grasses under different irrigation conditions. The rating of gas exchange, biomass flow and structural characteristics were performed in dry periods and dry/rainy season, under the water supply of 30; 60; 90 and 120% of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement 4x2 (water supply and grass). The experiment was conducted in pots with capacity for 7.5 dm³, using as substrate layer of 0-0.2 m soil. There was no effect (P < 0.05) between the gas exchange in the dry period, having the largest growing parameters of irrigation schemes. In the transition period of dry/rainy, we observed a reversal behavior in relation to the dry period, showing a rapid recovery of grasses under the minor water supply. It was observed quadratic behavior to concentrations of CO2 in the leaf mesophilic (Ci) with maximum point to the BRS Massai grass and minimum point to the BRS Tamani grass, where the major and minor Ci were 119 and 48 ppm in the water supply of 107 and 35% of ETo, respectively. In relation to the biomass flow, the BRS Tamani grass presented greater stem elongation rate and leaf senescence rate in relation to BRS Massai in both periods assessed. In the dry period, we observed a higher biomass production of green leaf blades in the BRS Tamani grass, while in the transition dry/rainy season, the results for this variable were similar, and at the same time that observed higher accumulation of green culm biomass to the BRS Tamani grass, which certainly affected its structure. It is concluded that the application of a minimum daily water supply of 30% of ETo allows the maintenance of BRS Massai and BRS Tamani grasses without incurring the death of tillers and reduction of regrowth vigor, whereas the water supply of 90% of ETo favors the morphophysiological characteristics, especially of BRS Tamani grass.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos, as características morfogênicas e estruturais dos capins BRS Massai e BRS Tamani sob diferentes condições hídricas. As avaliações de trocas gasosas, do fluxo de biomassa e das características estruturais foram realizadas nos períodos seco e de transição seca/ águas, sob os regimes de lâminas de irrigação de 30; 60; 90 e 120% da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo). Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4x2 (lâminas de irrigação e gramíneas). O experimento foi conduzido em vasos com capacidade para 7,5 dm³, utilizando como substrato a camada de 0-0,2 m do solo. Houve efeito (P < 0,05) entre as trocas gasosas no período seco, onde os crescentes regimes de irrigação proporcionaram melhores resultados. No período de transição seco/chuvoso observou-se uma inversão de comportamento em relação ao período seco, evidenciando rápida recuperação das gramíneas sob os menores tratamentos de irrigação. Observou-se comportamento quadrático para variável concentrações de CO2 no mesófilo foliar (Ci), com ponto de máximo para o capimmassai e de mínimo para o capim-tamani, onde as maiores e menores Ci de 119 e 48 ppm nas lâminas de irrigação de 107 e 35% da ETo, respectivamente. No tocante ao fluxo de biomassa, o capim-tamani apresentou maior taxa de alongamento das hastes e de senescência foliar em relação a cultivar BRS Massai em ambos os períodos avaliados. No período seco, observou-se maior produção de biomassa de lâminas foliares verde no capim-tamani, enquanto que no período de transição seca/águas, os resultados para esta variável foram semelhantes, ao mesmo tempo em que se observa maior acúmulo de biomassa de colmo verde no capim-tamani, o que afetou sua estrutura. Conclui-se que a aplicação de uma lâmina mínima diária de 30% da ETo possibilita a manutenção das gramíneas BRS Massai e BRS Tamani sem incorrer em morte de perfilhos e redução do vigor de rebrotação, ao passo que a lâmina de 90% da ETo favorece as características morfofisiológicas, em especial do capim-tamani.(AU)

Estações do Ano , Biomassa , Poaceae , Consumo de Água (Saúde Ambiental) , Ciências do Solo
R. bras. Saúde Prod. Anim. ; 22: e2122162021, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32299


This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters, the productive characteristics, structural and chemical composition of Urochloa Brizantha cultivars BRS and BRS Piatã submitted to two deferment periods and three using times. The experimental design was randomized complete block design in a factorial scheme 2 x 2 x 3, being two grass cultivars (Paiaguás grass and Piatã grass), two deferment periods (rainy season and dry-rainy transition) and three sealing times (40, 80 and 120 days). It was observed that, in the rainy season, the grasses had higher leaf transpiration rate when used for 40 days of deferment (1.66 µmol m2/s). During the rainy season, the Stomatal conductance was detected only in the grasses used with shorter seal, with an average of 0.07 µmol m2/s. In contrast, in the period of transition, the concentration decreased to 0.02 µmol m2/s. In a general way, the BRS Paiaguás presented lower content of NDF. The shorter cycle provided greater biomass production of total forage during the period of rain, approximately 2.78 times more than the same pasture grass deferred during the transition period. Generally, the periods of deferment and moments of use cause effects on structural characteristics of pasture, being that the period of deferment of the transition period and used for 40 and 80 days may be a strategy for keeping animals in critical periods.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos, as características produtivas, estruturais e composição química da Urochloa Brizantha cultivares BRS Paiaguás e BRS Piatã submetidos a dois períodos de diferimento e três momentos de utilização. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 3, sendo duas cultivares de gramíneas (capim-paiaguás e capim- piatã), dois períodos de diferimento (período chuvoso e transição chuvoso-seco) e três tempos de vedação (40, 80 e 120 dias). Observou-se que, dentro do período chuvoso, as gramíneas tiveram maior taxa de transpiração foliar quando utilizadas aos 40 dias de diferimento (1,66 µmol m2/s). Neste mesmo período, a condutância estomática foi detectada somente nas gramíneas utilizadas com menor tempo de vedação, apresentando média de 0,07 µmol m2/s. Em contrapartida, no período de transição, a concentração diminuiu para 0,02 µmol m2/s. De forma geral, a cultivar BRS Paiaguás apresentou menor teor de FDN. O menor tempo de vedação proporcionou maior produção de biomassa de forragem total durante o período da chuva, cerca de 2,78 vezes mais forragem que o mesmo pasto diferido durante o período de transição. De modo geral, ambos os períodos de diferimento e tempos de vedação causam efeitos nas características estruturais da pastagem, sendo que o diferimento no período de transição por um tempo de 40 e 80 dias pode ser uma estratégia para manutenção dos animais em períodos críticos.(AU)

Poaceae/química , Poaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fotossíntese , Transpiração Vegetal/fisiologia
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1493901


ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters, the productive characteristics, structural and chemical composition of Urochloa Brizantha cultivars BRS and BRS Piatã submitted to two deferment periods and three using times. The experimental design was randomized complete block design in a factorial scheme 2 x 2 x 3, being two grass cultivars (Paiaguás grass and Piatã grass), two deferment periods (rainy season and dry-rainy transition) and three sealing times (40, 80 and 120 days). It was observed that, in the rainy season, the grasses had higher leaf transpiration rate when used for 40 days of deferment (1.66 µmol m2/s). During the rainy season, the Stomatal conductance was detected only in the grasses used with shorter seal, with an average of 0.07 µmol m2/s. In contrast, in the period of transition, the concentration decreased to 0.02 µmol m2/s. In a general way, the BRS Paiaguás presented lower content of NDF. The shorter cycle provided greater biomass production of total forage during the period of rain, approximately 2.78 times more than the same pasture grass deferred during the transition period. Generally, the periods of deferment and moments of use cause effects on structural characteristics of pasture, being that the period of deferment of the transition period and used for 40 and 80 days may be a strategy for keeping animals in critical periods.

RESUMO Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiológicos, as características produtivas, estruturais e composição química da Urochloa Brizantha cultivares BRS Paiaguás e BRS Piatã submetidos a dois períodos de diferimento e três momentos de utilização. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 3, sendo duas cultivares de gramíneas (capim-paiaguás e capim- piatã), dois períodos de diferimento (período chuvoso e transição chuvoso-seco) e três tempos de vedação (40, 80 e 120 dias). Observou-se que, dentro do período chuvoso, as gramíneas tiveram maior taxa de transpiração foliar quando utilizadas aos 40 dias de diferimento (1,66 µmol m2/s). Neste mesmo período, a condutância estomática foi detectada somente nas gramíneas utilizadas com menor tempo de vedação, apresentando média de 0,07 µmol m2/s. Em contrapartida, no período de transição, a concentração diminuiu para 0,02 µmol m2/s. De forma geral, a cultivar BRS Paiaguás apresentou menor teor de FDN. O menor tempo de vedação proporcionou maior produção de biomassa de forragem total durante o período da chuva, cerca de 2,78 vezes mais forragem que o mesmo pasto diferido durante o período de transição. De modo geral, ambos os períodos de diferimento e tempos de vedação causam efeitos nas características estruturais da pastagem, sendo que o diferimento no período de transição por um tempo de 40 e 80 dias pode ser uma estratégia para manutenção dos animais em períodos críticos.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20200098, 2021. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1154770


Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is a hematophagous insect and the main vector of Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae). In the present study, the authors investigated whether a serine protease activity from the saliva of T. infestans has a role in vasomotor modulation, and in the insect-blood feeding by cleaving and activating protease-activated receptors (PARs). Methods T. infestans saliva was chromatographed as previously reported for purification of triapsin, a serine protease. The cleavage activity of triapsin on PAR peptides was investigated based on FRET technology. Mass spectrometry was used to analyze the sites of PAR-2 peptide cleaved by triapsin. NO measurements were performed using the DAN assay (2,3-diaminonapthalene). The vasorelaxant activity of triapsin was measured in vessels with or without functional endothelium pre-contracted with phenylephrine (3 µM). Intravital microscopy was used to assess the effect of triapsin on mouse skin microcirculation. Results Triapsin was able to induce hydrolysis of PAR peptides and showed a higher preference for cleavage of the PAR-2 peptide. Analysis by mass spectrometry confirmed a single cleavage site, which corresponds to the activation site of the PAR-2 receptor. Triapsin induced dose-dependent NO release in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), reaching a maximum effect at 17.58 nM. Triapsin purified by gel-filtration chromatography (10-16 to 10-9 M) was applied cumulatively to mouse mesenteric artery rings and showed a potent endothelium-dependent vasodilator effect (EC30 = 10-12 M). Nitric oxide seems to be partially responsible for this vasodilator effect because L-NAME (L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester 300 µM), a nitric oxide synthetase inhibitor, did not abrogate the vasodilation activated by triapsin. Anti-PAR-2 antibody completely inhibited vasodilation observed in the presence of triapsin activity. Triapsin activity also induced an increase in the mouse ear venular diameter. Conclusion Data from this study suggest a plausible association between triapsin activity mediated PAR-2 activation and vasodilation caused by T. infestans saliva.(AU)

Animais , Peptídeos , Triatoma , Trypanosoma cruzi , Vasodilatação , Cromatografia , Receptor PAR-2 , Óxido Nítrico
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 27: e20200098, 2021. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31983


Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is a hematophagous insect and the main vector of Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae). In the present study, the authors investigated whether a serine protease activity from the saliva of T. infestans has a role in vasomotor modulation, and in the insect-blood feeding by cleaving and activating protease-activated receptors (PARs). Methods T. infestans saliva was chromatographed as previously reported for purification of triapsin, a serine protease. The cleavage activity of triapsin on PAR peptides was investigated based on FRET technology. Mass spectrometry was used to analyze the sites of PAR-2 peptide cleaved by triapsin. NO measurements were performed using the DAN assay (2,3-diaminonapthalene). The vasorelaxant activity of triapsin was measured in vessels with or without functional endothelium pre-contracted with phenylephrine (3 µM). Intravital microscopy was used to assess the effect of triapsin on mouse skin microcirculation. Results Triapsin was able to induce hydrolysis of PAR peptides and showed a higher preference for cleavage of the PAR-2 peptide. Analysis by mass spectrometry confirmed a single cleavage site, which corresponds to the activation site of the PAR-2 receptor. Triapsin induced dose-dependent NO release in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), reaching a maximum effect at 17.58 nM. Triapsin purified by gel-filtration chromatography (10-16 to 10-9 M) was applied cumulatively to mouse mesenteric artery rings and showed a potent endothelium-dependent vasodilator effect (EC30 = 10-12 M). Nitric oxide seems to be partially responsible for this vasodilator effect because L-NAME (L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester 300 µM), a nitric oxide synthetase inhibitor, did not abrogate the vasodilation activated by triapsin. Anti-PAR-2 antibody completely inhibited vasodilation observed in the presence of triapsin activity. Triapsin activity also induced an increase in the mouse ear venular diameter. Conclusion Data from this study suggest a plausible association between triapsin activity mediated PAR-2 activation and vasodilation caused by T. infestans saliva.(AU)

Animais , Peptídeos , Triatoma , Trypanosoma cruzi , Vasodilatação , Cromatografia , Receptor PAR-2 , Óxido Nítrico
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(06,supl. 2): 3377-3390, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501698


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the substitution of soybean meal (SM) by detoxified castor cake (DCC) by two alkaline products on intake, performance and on the growth curve of goat's kids. 24 were used, Saanen goats (n=12) and Anglo Nubian (n=12), with initial body weight of 16.2±0.67 kg, initial age of 3 months and confined during the growth phase. The treatments consisted of three diets: a standard diet formulated with a traditional protein source, the soybean meal (SM); and test diets, which consisted of a protein source alternative, differing detoxification processes, on the basis of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design, in factorial 3 x 2 (diet SM, Ca(OH)2 DCC and NaOH DCC x Saanen and Anglo Nubian) totaling six sessions with four replicates each. The experimental period lasted 270 days. The non-linear models used were the Gompertz and Logistic. There was no effect (P 0.05) of breeds and interaction between both factors. The intake of DM during the phase of growth was greater for the goats fed with SM. There was no effect (P>0.05) of diets nor of the breeds in the ADG. Feed conversion was influenced (P < 0.05) by the diets, in which the goats fed diets with DCC presented better feed conversion. It has been observed that both models had good adjustments, with values numerically superior to 90%, however, the logistic model showed higher R2 and, at the same time, asymptotic index (AI). Despite the ADG be equal, the breeds presented absolute growth rate (AGR) vary over time, where the Saanen goats reached the peak first (181 days), with AGR of 0.14 kg day-¹. However, even the goats Anglo Nubian reaching the highest peak late, the AGR was higher, around 0.16 kg day-¹ higher than the Saanen. Both castor cake has the potential to replace the SM on a diet of goat's kids [...].

Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da substituição do farelo de soja (FS) pela torta de mamona destoxificada (TMD) por dois produtos alcalinos sobre o consumo, desempenho e na curva de crescimento de cabritas de aptidão leiteira. Foram utilizadas 24 cabras, Saanen (n=12) e Anglo Nubiana (n=12), com peso corporal inicial de 16,2±0,67 kg, idade inicial de 3 meses e confinadas durante a fase de crescimento. Os tratamentos consistiram de três dietas: dieta padrão formulada com uma fonte proteica tradicional, o farelo de soja (FS); e dietas testes, que consistiram de uma fonte proteica alternativa, diferindo os processos de destoxificação, à base de hidróxido de cálcio (Ca (OH)2) ou hidróxido de sódio (NaOH). Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 (dieta FS, TMD Ca(OH)2 e TMD NaOH x raça Saanen e Anglo Nubiana) perfazendo seis sessões com quatro repetições cada. O período experimental durou 270 dias. Os modelos não-lineares utilizados foram os de Gompertz e Logístico. Houve efeito (P 0,05) das raças e interação entre ambos os fatores. O consumo de MS durante a fase de crescimento foi maior para as cabras alimentadas com FS. Não houve efeito (P > 0,05) das dietas nem das raças no GMD. A conversão alimentar foi influenciada (P < 0,05) pelas dietas, em que as cabras que consumiram as dietas com TMD apresentaram melhor conversão alimentar. Observou-se que ambos os modelos tiveram bons ajustes, com valores numericamente superiores a 90%, contudo, o modelo Logístico apresentou maior R2 e, ao mesmo tempo, índice assintótico (IA). Apesar do GMD ser igual, as raças apresentaram taxa de crescimento absoluto (TCA) diferenciado ao longo do tempo, onde as cabras Saanen atingiram o pico primeiro (181 dias), com TCA de 0,14 kg dia-1. Porém, mesmo as cabras Anglo Nubianas atingindo o pico mais tardiamente, a TCA foi maior, [...].

Feminino , Animais , Cabras/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cabras/fisiologia , Cabras/metabolismo , Dieta/veterinária , Hidróxido de Cálcio/administração & dosagem , Hidróxido de Sódio/administração & dosagem
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(6): 2703-2720, nov.-dez. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501850


We evaluated the influence of totally substituting soybean meal (SM) with detoxified castor cake (DCC) and two alkaline products on the economic and financial viability of producing Saanen and AngloNubian goat dairy breeds with initial body weights of 16.22 ± 0.67 kg that had been confined until they were capable of reproduction (70% of total body weight). The goats were subjected to six simulated production systems (PS). These were PS1 , rearing Saanen goats that were fed with a standard diet based on SM; PS2 , rearing Anglo-Nubian goats that were fed with a standard diet based on SM; PS3 , rearing Saanen goats that where fed with a standard diet based on DCC Ca(OH)2 ; PS4 , rearing Anglo-Nubian goats that were fed with a standard diet based on DCC Ca(OH)2 ; PS5 , rearing Saanen goats fed with a standard diet based on DCC NaOH; and PS6 , rearing Anglo-Nubian goats that were fed with a standard diet based on DCC NaOH. A descriptive economic and financial evaluation of the data was carried out using AVETEC® software. The SM based diets cost approximately 58.70% and 66.22% more for the Saanen and the Anglo-Nubian goats than the other diets, respectively. The results showed that all the scenarios had a point of leveling (PL) values of less than 144 goats, which is the number of animals that can be produced annually by each system simulated in this research. The net revenue for all the systems was greater than zero, which indicated that their activities were stable and that the internal rates of return were high. The profitability indices were also very good, especially the systems that used Saanen goats, because the NPV were higher than 1 million reais. Sensitivity analyzes showed that the indicators of performance were only economically unviable under the least favorable situations, such as 30% reductions in both production and market price. The use of the DCC does not compromise the economic viability of the systems and produces higher returns than the systems that used the standard (SM) diet.

Avaliou-se a influência da total substituição do farelo de soja (FS) pela torta de mamona destoxificada (TMD) por dois produtos alcalinos sobre a viabilidade econômico-financeira na produção de matrizes leiteiras das raças Saanen e Anglo Nubiana, com peso corporal inicial de 16,22 ± 0,67 kg confinadas até a formação de matrizes aptas a reprodução (70% do peso vivo corporal). Foram simulados seis sistemas de produção (SP), sendo: SP1 , criação de cabritas Saanen alimentadas com dieta padrão à base de FS; SP2 , criação de cabritas Anglo Nubianas alimentadas com dieta padrão à base de FS; SP3 , criação de cabritas Saanen alimentadas com dieta à base de TMD Ca(OH)2 ; SP4 , criação de cabritas Anglo Nubianas alimentadas com dieta à base de TMD Ca(OH)2 ; SP5 , criação de cabritas Saanen alimentadas com dieta à base de TMD NaOH; SP6 , criação de cabritas Anglo Nubianas alimentadas com dieta à base de TMD NaOH. A avaliação econômico-financeira dos dados foi realizada de forma descritiva, utilizando-se o software AVETEC®. Os maiores custos com alimentação foram observados nos sistemas que utilizaram as dietas a base de FS, cerca de 58,70% para as cabras Saanen e 66,22% para as Anglo Nubianas. A simulação para produção de 144 matrizes leiteiras proporcionou receita superior aos custos de produção, resultando em indicadores econômicos positivos para todos os cenários avaliados. Observou-se que todos os cenários tiveram ponto de nivelamento (PN) inferior a 144 cabras que é a quantidade de animais que podem ser produzidas anualmente para cada sistema simulado nesta pesquisa. A receita líquida de todos os sistemas foi maior que zero, o que indica que a atividade é estável, apresentando altas taxas internas de retorno. Da mesma forma, os índices de lucratividade são bem atrativos, principalmente os sistemas que optarem pela cria de cabras da raça Saanen, onde os VPLs são superiores há um milhão de reais. As análises de sensibilidade mostraram que apenas nas situações mais desfavoráveis, tais como a redução de 30% tanto na produção quanto no preço de mercado, os indicadores são economicamente inviáveis. O uso das TMD não compromete a viabilidade econômica dos sistemas, porém quando comparados aos sistemas que utiliza a dieta padrão, apresentam menor rentabilidade.

Feminino , Animais , Aumento de Peso , Cabras , Ração Animal , Ricinus , Álcalis
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(6): 2703-2720, nov.-dez. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26838


We evaluated the influence of totally substituting soybean meal (SM) with detoxified castor cake (DCC) and two alkaline products on the economic and financial viability of producing Saanen and AngloNubian goat dairy breeds with initial body weights of 16.22 ± 0.67 kg that had been confined until they were capable of reproduction (70% of total body weight). The goats were subjected to six simulated production systems (PS). These were PS1 , rearing Saanen goats that were fed with a standard diet based on SM; PS2 , rearing Anglo-Nubian goats that were fed with a standard diet based on SM; PS3 , rearing Saanen goats that where fed with a standard diet based on DCC Ca(OH)2 ; PS4 , rearing Anglo-Nubian goats that were fed with a standard diet based on DCC Ca(OH)2 ; PS5 , rearing Saanen goats fed with a standard diet based on DCC NaOH; and PS6 , rearing Anglo-Nubian goats that were fed with a standard diet based on DCC NaOH. A descriptive economic and financial evaluation of the data was carried out using AVETEC® software. The SM based diets cost approximately 58.70% and 66.22% more for the Saanen and the Anglo-Nubian goats than the other diets, respectively. The results showed that all the scenarios had a point of leveling (PL) values of less than 144 goats, which is the number of animals that can be produced annually by each system simulated in this research. The net revenue for all the systems was greater than zero, which indicated that their activities were stable and that the internal rates of return were high. The profitability indices were also very good, especially the systems that used Saanen goats, because the NPV were higher than 1 million reais. Sensitivity analyzes showed that the indicators of performance were only economically unviable under the least favorable situations, such as 30% reductions in both production and market price. The use of the DCC does not compromise the economic viability of the systems and produces higher returns than the systems that used the standard (SM) diet.(AU)

Avaliou-se a influência da total substituição do farelo de soja (FS) pela torta de mamona destoxificada (TMD) por dois produtos alcalinos sobre a viabilidade econômico-financeira na produção de matrizes leiteiras das raças Saanen e Anglo Nubiana, com peso corporal inicial de 16,22 ± 0,67 kg confinadas até a formação de matrizes aptas a reprodução (70% do peso vivo corporal). Foram simulados seis sistemas de produção (SP), sendo: SP1 , criação de cabritas Saanen alimentadas com dieta padrão à base de FS; SP2 , criação de cabritas Anglo Nubianas alimentadas com dieta padrão à base de FS; SP3 , criação de cabritas Saanen alimentadas com dieta à base de TMD Ca(OH)2 ; SP4 , criação de cabritas Anglo Nubianas alimentadas com dieta à base de TMD Ca(OH)2 ; SP5 , criação de cabritas Saanen alimentadas com dieta à base de TMD NaOH; SP6 , criação de cabritas Anglo Nubianas alimentadas com dieta à base de TMD NaOH. A avaliação econômico-financeira dos dados foi realizada de forma descritiva, utilizando-se o software AVETEC®. Os maiores custos com alimentação foram observados nos sistemas que utilizaram as dietas a base de FS, cerca de 58,70% para as cabras Saanen e 66,22% para as Anglo Nubianas. A simulação para produção de 144 matrizes leiteiras proporcionou receita superior aos custos de produção, resultando em indicadores econômicos positivos para todos os cenários avaliados. Observou-se que todos os cenários tiveram ponto de nivelamento (PN) inferior a 144 cabras que é a quantidade de animais que podem ser produzidas anualmente para cada sistema simulado nesta pesquisa. A receita líquida de todos os sistemas foi maior que zero, o que indica que a atividade é estável, apresentando altas taxas internas de retorno. Da mesma forma, os índices de lucratividade são bem atrativos, principalmente os sistemas que optarem pela cria de cabras da raça Saanen, onde os VPLs são superiores há um milhão de reais. As análises de sensibilidade mostraram que apenas nas situações mais desfavoráveis, tais como a redução de 30% tanto na produção quanto no preço de mercado, os indicadores são economicamente inviáveis. O uso das TMD não compromete a viabilidade econômica dos sistemas, porém quando comparados aos sistemas que utiliza a dieta padrão, apresentam menor rentabilidade.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ricinus , Álcalis , Cabras , Ração Animal , Aumento de Peso
R. bras. Saúde Prod. Anim. ; 21: e210212020, Feb. 14, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25013


The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritive value of sugarcane silage with or without inoculation with P. acidipropionici or L. buchneri, over three fermentation periods. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 3 x 3 inoculant by fermentation period factorial arrangement (without inoculant, inoculant 1, inoculant 2; x three fermentation periods, 10, 60, 90 days). Values of pH, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicellulose (HEM) and lignin were determined and in situ DM degradability profiles were modelled for parameters a, b and c, potential degradation (A) and effective degradability (ED). The 90 day fermentation yielded a lower pH for both inoculants. There was an interaction between inoculant and fermentation period (P < 0.05) for DM content, with a reduction in silage DM without the additive at 90 days. The CP, HEM, ADF and lignin contents of sugarcane were not influenced by the treatments. The addition of P. acidipropionici provided the lowest NDF content at 10 days and presented a higher fraction a, potential degradation and ED. At 60 days, there was no variation in soluble fraction, the control silage showed a higher fraction b, higher potential degradation and ED. At 90 days of fermentation, L. buchneri silages presented a higher fraction a, degradation rate and DE and a higher b value was obtained in the silage without inoculant. Inoculants are effective in maintaining the silage DM content and nutritional value during prolonged fermentation periods.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo de silagens de cana-de-açúcar com ou sem inoculante, em diferentes períodos de fermentação. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 3 x 3 (sem inoculante, inoculante 1 e inoculante 2 x três períodos de fermentação, 10; 60 e 90 dias). Analisou-se pH, matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), hemicelulose (HEM) e lignina; e degradabilidade in situ da MS, quanto aos parâmetros a, b e c, degradação potencial (A) e degradabilidade efetiva (DE). Houve diferença para o pH, o período de 90 dias apresentou menor média para ambos inoculantes. Houve interação inoculante x período de fermentação (P<0,05) para o teor de MS, com redução na silagem sem aditivo aos 90 dias. Os teores de PB, HEM, FDA e lignina não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. A bactéria P. acidipropionici proporcionou menor teor de FDN aos 10 dias e apresentaram maior fração a, degradação potencial e DE. Aos 60 dias não houve variação na fração solúvel, a silagem controle apresentou maior fração b, maior degradação potencial e DE. Aos 90 dias de fermentação, as silagens com L. buchneri apresentaram maior fração a, taxa de degradação e DE e obteve-se maior valor de b na silagem sem inoculante. Os inoculantes são eficientes em manter os teores de MS das silagens durante períodos prolongados de fermentação e manter o valor nutricional do material ensilado.(AU)

Saccharum , Silagem/análise , Fermentação , Inoculantes Agrícolas , Aditivos Alimentares
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(06,supl. 2): 3377-3390, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32441


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the substitution of soybean meal (SM) by detoxified castor cake (DCC) by two alkaline products on intake, performance and on the growth curve of goat's kids. 24 were used, Saanen goats (n=12) and Anglo Nubian (n=12), with initial body weight of 16.2±0.67 kg, initial age of 3 months and confined during the growth phase. The treatments consisted of three diets: a standard diet formulated with a traditional protein source, the soybean meal (SM); and test diets, which consisted of a protein source alternative, differing detoxification processes, on the basis of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design, in factorial 3 x 2 (diet SM, Ca(OH)2 DCC and NaOH DCC x Saanen and Anglo Nubian) totaling six sessions with four replicates each. The experimental period lasted 270 days. The non-linear models used were the Gompertz and Logistic. There was no effect (P < 0.05) of diets on the intake of nutrients, but there was no effect (P > 0.05) of breeds and interaction between both factors. The intake of DM during the phase of growth was greater for the goats fed with SM. There was no effect (P>0.05) of diets nor of the breeds in the ADG. Feed conversion was influenced (P < 0.05) by the diets, in which the goats fed diets with DCC presented better feed conversion. It has been observed that both models had good adjustments, with values numerically superior to 90%, however, the logistic model showed higher R2 and, at the same time, asymptotic index (AI). Despite the ADG be equal, the breeds presented absolute growth rate (AGR) vary over time, where the Saanen goats reached the peak first (181 days), with AGR of 0.14 kg day-¹. However, even the goats Anglo Nubian reaching the highest peak late, the AGR was higher, around 0.16 kg day-¹ higher than the Saanen. Both castor cake has the potential to replace the SM on a diet of goat's kids [...].(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da substituição do farelo de soja (FS) pela torta de mamona destoxificada (TMD) por dois produtos alcalinos sobre o consumo, desempenho e na curva de crescimento de cabritas de aptidão leiteira. Foram utilizadas 24 cabras, Saanen (n=12) e Anglo Nubiana (n=12), com peso corporal inicial de 16,2±0,67 kg, idade inicial de 3 meses e confinadas durante a fase de crescimento. Os tratamentos consistiram de três dietas: dieta padrão formulada com uma fonte proteica tradicional, o farelo de soja (FS); e dietas testes, que consistiram de uma fonte proteica alternativa, diferindo os processos de destoxificação, à base de hidróxido de cálcio (Ca (OH)2) ou hidróxido de sódio (NaOH). Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 (dieta FS, TMD Ca(OH)2 e TMD NaOH x raça Saanen e Anglo Nubiana) perfazendo seis sessões com quatro repetições cada. O período experimental durou 270 dias. Os modelos não-lineares utilizados foram os de Gompertz e Logístico. Houve efeito (P < 0,05) das dietas sobre o consumo dos nutrientes, porém não houve efeito (P > 0,05) das raças e interação entre ambos os fatores. O consumo de MS durante a fase de crescimento foi maior para as cabras alimentadas com FS. Não houve efeito (P > 0,05) das dietas nem das raças no GMD. A conversão alimentar foi influenciada (P < 0,05) pelas dietas, em que as cabras que consumiram as dietas com TMD apresentaram melhor conversão alimentar. Observou-se que ambos os modelos tiveram bons ajustes, com valores numericamente superiores a 90%, contudo, o modelo Logístico apresentou maior R2 e, ao mesmo tempo, índice assintótico (IA). Apesar do GMD ser igual, as raças apresentaram taxa de crescimento absoluto (TCA) diferenciado ao longo do tempo, onde as cabras Saanen atingiram o pico primeiro (181 dias), com TCA de 0,14 kg dia-1. Porém, mesmo as cabras Anglo Nubianas atingindo o pico mais tardiamente, a TCA foi maior, [...].(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cabras/metabolismo , Cabras/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária , Hidróxido de Cálcio/administração & dosagem , Hidróxido de Sódio/administração & dosagem
Rev. bras. zootec ; 49: e20190140, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443911


We aimed to evaluate the lactation curves, composition, and fatty acid profile of milk of lactating goats fed diets containing detoxified castor cake (DCC) by alkaline solutions during 150 days of lactation. Twenty-four Saanen and Anglo Nubian goats, approximately 17 months old (first lactation) and 43±2.97 kg body weight, were distributed in a completely randomized block design with eight replicates. Treatments consisted of three diets, one containing soybean meal (SM) and two others containing DCC, with calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The lactation curves showed greater persistence of lactation in Saanen goats. There were significant effects of diets on the profile of some fatty acids present in the milk. We observed that the NaOH DCC diet led to an increase in desirable fatty acid content. Both Ca(OH)2 and NaOH DCC diets led to decreased milk production during the lactation period; however, the NaOH DCC diet led to high productive efficiency. Furthermore, NaOH DCC did not negatively affect the desirable fatty acid content, unlike Ca(OH)2 DCC. Diets formulated with detoxified castor decrease the production of milk from goats during lactation phase. It should be emphasized that milk produced by goats fed DCC diets does not contain unwanted waste.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ricina/toxicidade , Ricinus/toxicidade , Cabras/fisiologia , Leite/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologia , Ácidos Graxos/química
Rev. bras. zootec ; 49: e20190141, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443913


The objective was to evaluate the intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, and metabolic profile of lactating goats fed diets containing detoxified castor cake (DCC) by alkaline solutions during 150 days of lactation. Twenty-four Saanen and Anglo Nubian goats, approximately 17 months old (first lactation) and body weights of 43±2.97 kg, were distributed in a completely randomized block design with eight replicates. Treatments consisted of three diets, one containing soybean meal (SM) and two others containing DCC, with calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The diets significantly influenced the intake of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and total digestible nutrients (TDN). We observed a higher dry matter intake (DMI) in goats fed SM, similar to that of goats fed Ca(OH)2 DCC. Intake of nutrients followed the same trend as DMI. There was no significant effect of diets on digestibility of DM, CP, EE, and NDF; however, we observed a significant effect of diets on the levels of nitrogen intake (NI) and urinary nitrogen (UN). The goats fed SM consumed a larger quantity of nitrogen, but all had the same nitrogen balance, indicating that goats fed DCC were more efficient. The diets did not influence renal and hepatic parameters. Inclusion of castor cake in the diet of goats in confinement is an attractive option, considering that goats fed DCC present lower feed conversion, and its use does not cause hepatic and renal alterations, suggesting that SM can be completely replaced.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ricinus/toxicidade , Cabras/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Hepatócitos/fisiologia , Reabsorção Renal/fisiologia
Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim ; 21: e210212020, Feb. 14, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1493833


The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritive value of sugarcane silage with or without inoculation with P. acidipropionici or L. buchneri, over three fermentation periods. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 3 x 3 inoculant by fermentation period factorial arrangement (without inoculant, inoculant 1, inoculant 2; x three fermentation periods, 10, 60, 90 days). Values of pH, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicellulose (HEM) and lignin were determined and in situ DM degradability profiles were modelled for parameters a, b and c, potential degradation (A) and effective degradability (ED). The 90 day fermentation yielded a lower pH for both inoculants. There was an interaction between inoculant and fermentation period (P < 0.05) for DM content, with a reduction in silage DM without the additive at 90 days. The CP, HEM, ADF and lignin contents of sugarcane were not influenced by the treatments. The addition of P. acidipropionici provided the lowest NDF content at 10 days and presented a higher fraction a, potential degradation and ED. At 60 days, there was no variation in soluble fraction, the control silage showed a higher fraction b, higher potential degradation and ED. At 90 days of fermentation, L. buchneri silages presented a higher fraction a, degradation rate and DE and a higher b value was obtained in the silage without inoculant. Inoculants are effective in maintaining the silage DM content and nutritional value during prolonged fermentation periods.

Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo de silagens de cana-de-açúcar com ou sem inoculante, em diferentes períodos de fermentação. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 3 x 3 (sem inoculante, inoculante 1 e inoculante 2 x três períodos de fermentação, 10; 60 e 90 dias). Analisou-se pH, matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), hemicelulose (HEM) e lignina; e degradabilidade in situ da MS, quanto aos parâmetros a, b e c, degradação potencial (A) e degradabilidade efetiva (DE). Houve diferença para o pH, o período de 90 dias apresentou menor média para ambos inoculantes. Houve interação inoculante x período de fermentação (P<0,05) para o teor de MS, com redução na silagem sem aditivo aos 90 dias. Os teores de PB, HEM, FDA e lignina não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. A bactéria P. acidipropionici proporcionou menor teor de FDN aos 10 dias e apresentaram maior fração a, degradação potencial e DE. Aos 60 dias não houve variação na fração solúvel, a silagem controle apresentou maior fração b, maior degradação potencial e DE. Aos 90 dias de fermentação, as silagens com L. buchneri apresentaram maior fração a, taxa de degradação e DE e obteve-se maior valor de b na silagem sem inoculante. Os inoculantes são eficientes em manter os teores de MS das silagens durante períodos prolongados de fermentação e manter o valor nutricional do material ensilado.

Fermentação , Inoculantes Agrícolas , Saccharum , Silagem/análise , Aditivos Alimentares
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.383-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458147


Background: Deep fungal infections of the orbit and nasal passages causing rhinitis and ulcerative keratomycosis areuncommonly reported in cats. Hyalohyphomycetes and phaeohyphomycetes have rarely been associated with this disorder.Sino-orbital fungal diseases are emerging and more invasive than sino-nasal fungal diseases with poor response to therapyand a worse prognosis. Brachycephalic feline breeds seem to be at increased risk for development of upper respiratoryfungal diseases. Diagnosis is based on the demonstration of fungal hyphae by cytology or histology and definitive confirmation by fungal culture and molecular methods. This is the first case report of a cat with clinical mixed fungal ball withAspergillus and Scopulariopsis in Brazil.Case: A 3-year-old male Persian cat, in São José city, Santa Catarina, Brazil, was presented with exophthalmos and corneal ulcer of the left eye and protrusion, hyperemia, quemosis and fibroses of the left third eyelid. The retropulsion of theglobe was negative in this eyeball and a presumptive diagnosis of a retrobulbar mass was made. The patient underwenta surgical procedure for inspection and collection of samples for bacterial and mycological culture. Culture revealed nobacterial growth, however, unique and abundant growth of Aspergillus spp. was present. A subconjunctival enucleation ofthe left eye was made and the mass was sent for histopathology examination. Histology showed inflammatory proliferativenecrotizing pyogranulomatous reaction; with the presence of severe fungal infection evidenced by large number of hyalineseptated regular and irregular mold hyphae. Molecular identification was performed using panfungal primers (ITS3-F /ITS4-R). Patient was treated with systemic itraconazole associated with amphotericin B and topical clotrimazole. A massstarted to grow rapidly in the left pterygopalatine fossa and was surgically removed, but recurrence occurred seven daysafter...

Animais , Gatos , Aspergillus , Bulbo Olfatório/patologia , Micoses/veterinária , Scopulariopsis , Órbita/patologia , Doenças Respiratórias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 383, Apr. 10, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19114


Background: Deep fungal infections of the orbit and nasal passages causing rhinitis and ulcerative keratomycosis areuncommonly reported in cats. Hyalohyphomycetes and phaeohyphomycetes have rarely been associated with this disorder.Sino-orbital fungal diseases are emerging and more invasive than sino-nasal fungal diseases with poor response to therapyand a worse prognosis. Brachycephalic feline breeds seem to be at increased risk for development of upper respiratoryfungal diseases. Diagnosis is based on the demonstration of fungal hyphae by cytology or histology and definitive confirmation by fungal culture and molecular methods. This is the first case report of a cat with clinical mixed fungal ball withAspergillus and Scopulariopsis in Brazil.Case: A 3-year-old male Persian cat, in São José city, Santa Catarina, Brazil, was presented with exophthalmos and corneal ulcer of the left eye and protrusion, hyperemia, quemosis and fibroses of the left third eyelid. The retropulsion of theglobe was negative in this eyeball and a presumptive diagnosis of a retrobulbar mass was made. The patient underwenta surgical procedure for inspection and collection of samples for bacterial and mycological culture. Culture revealed nobacterial growth, however, unique and abundant growth of Aspergillus spp. was present. A subconjunctival enucleation ofthe left eye was made and the mass was sent for histopathology examination. Histology showed inflammatory proliferativenecrotizing pyogranulomatous reaction; with the presence of severe fungal infection evidenced by large number of hyalineseptated regular and irregular mold hyphae. Molecular identification was performed using panfungal primers (ITS3-F /ITS4-R). Patient was treated with systemic itraconazole associated with amphotericin B and topical clotrimazole. A massstarted to grow rapidly in the left pterygopalatine fossa and was surgically removed, but recurrence occurred seven daysafter...(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Aspergillus , Scopulariopsis , Micoses/veterinária , Órbita/patologia , Bulbo Olfatório/patologia , Doenças Respiratórias/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 40(5,supl.1): 2351-2362, 2019. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501512


This study aimed to evaluate the interception of light (%IL), leaf area index (LAI), and the chemical and productive characteristics of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) under different defoliation frequencies (30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 days after cutting). The experimental design was completely randomized with five replications and five treatments (cutting frequencies). The chemical composition was analyzed in a factorial arrangement 2 ×5 (two fractions: leaf and stem, and five defoliation frequencies). The pattern of variation in IL and LAI in function of the frequency of cutting was ascending order. The maximum values of %IL and LAI occurred at 75 and 90 days after cutting with 98.46%; 98.72% (%IL) and 7.08; 8.10 (LAI), respectively. There was no effect of cutting frequency on the total yield of forage, leaf production, generation of stem and dead material, tillers alive, dead tillers and height. Only the leaf/stem ratio was not influenced (P > 0.05) among the factors studied. The frequency of cutting influenced (P < 0.05) the chemical composition, where decreased cutting frequency significantly increased the levels of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, cellulose, and ash in two fractions evaluated (leaf and stem); the crude protein content showed a decline from the moment the frequency of cutting was increased. The LAI, and productive and chemical characteristics of elephant grass were influenced by increased frequency of cutting. Limiting the cutting of the grass to 60 days implies an optimal point of production and quality.

Objetivou-se avaliar a interceptação luminosa (%IL), índice de área foliar (IAF), as características produtivas e químicas do capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) sob diferentes frequências de corte (30, 45, 60, 75 e 90 dias após o corte). Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições e cinco tratamentos (frequências de corte). A composição química foi analisada em arranjo fatorial 2x5 (duas frações: folha e colmo e cinco frequências de corte). O padrão de variação da IL e IAF em função das frequências de corte foi de ordem crescente. Os máximos valores de IL e IAF ocorreram aos 75 e 90 dias de corte com 98,46 %; 98,72% (%IL) e 7,08; 8,10 (IAF), respectivamente. Houve efeito das frequências de corte para a produção total de forragem, produção de folhas, produção de colmo, material morto, perfilhos vivos, perfilhos mortos e altura. Apenas a relação folha/colmo não foi influenciada (P > 0,05) pelos fatores estudados. As frequências de corte influenciaram (P < 0,05) a composição química, onde a diminuição da frequência aumentou significativamente os teores de matéria seca, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, celulose e cinzas nas duas frações avaliadas (folha e colmo), já o teor de proteína bruta apresentou queda a partir do momento que aumentou as frequências de corte. O Índice de área foliar, as características produtivas e químicas do capim-elefante são influenciadas pelo aumento na frequência de corte. O corte do capim aos 60 dias implica em um ponto ótimo de produção e qualidade.

Folhas de Planta/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Folhas de Planta/fisiologia , Pastagens/análise , Pennisetum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pennisetum/fisiologia , Pennisetum/química