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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 34(1): 113-118, Jan.-Mar. 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460693


The objective of this work was to study the effect of the aerobic physical training and the cafeteria diet introduced after weaning of Wistar rats and on the morphology of the main salivary glands (parotid, submandibular, sublingual). Male rats after weaning were subjected to the cafeteria diet or the standard rodent chow, and either performed aerobic physical training in a treadmill for 100 days, or did not performed any physical activity. Analyses were done considering the response in body weight, adipose tissues and salivary glands, and the data were submitted to statistical treatment (p 0.05). The morphological and morphometric analyses of the salivary glands were performed through histological sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Despite the normophagic behavior, the rodents fed with the cafeteria diet became obese, with repercussions on parotid gland weight. However, this obesity and/or physical training did not influence the histological organization of the salivary glands. The morphometric analysis of the submandibular glands pointed out a reduction in the levels of serous acinar cells as an effect of the diet and physical training. In conclusion, the parotid and the submandibular glands alter themselves due to the nature and consistency of food present in the cafeteria diet as well as due to the aerobic physical training.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 29(3): 239-245, jul.-set. 2007.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460472


The myenteric plexus has a regular characteristic morphological pattern for each segment of the digestive tube and for each species of animal. Considering the lack of data pertaining to the mentioned plexus in rats of Holtzman lineage, the objective of this investigation was to carry out a morpho-quantitative study of the myenteric neurons in the ileum, by means of histological sections and whole-mount muscular preparations treated by the NADH-diaphorase method. The profiles of the cell bodies (CB) of the neurons in the mesenteric and antimesenteric regions were counted and measured. The neurons were classified according to the dimensions of the CBs. NADH-dp myenteric neurons were observed grouped together into ganglia in the muscular tunica. The mean neuronal density was 985.8 ± 195.4 neurons/8.96 mm2 in the antimesenteric region and 1267.8 ± 259.92 neurons/8.96 mm2 in the mesenteric region. The incidences of small, medium and large neurons were 14.4, 82 and 3.6% in the antimesenteric region and 14.6, 70.8 and 14.4% in the mesenteric region, respectively. It was concluded that ganglionated arrangements and medium-sized NADH-dp neurons predominated in the myenteric plexus of adult Holtzman rats. The results observed indicated that the NADH-dp myenteric neurons of the ileum of Holtzman rats are similar to those of rats of Wistar lineage with respect to their localization, gangli

O plexo mioentérico possui um padrão morfológico regular característico para cada segmento do tubo digestório e para cada espécie animal. Considerando a escassez de dados pertinentes ao referido plexo em ratos da linhagem Holtzman, o presente estudo como objetivo o estudo morfoquantitativo dos neurônios mioentéricos do íleo, por meio de cortes histológicos e preparados de membrana, tratados pelo método da NADH-diaforase. Foram contados e mensurados os perfis do corpo celular (PC) de neurônios nas regiões mesentérica e antimesentérica. Os neurônios foram classificados segundo as dimensões do PC. Foram observados os neurônios mioentéricos NADH-dp, reunidos em gânglios na túnica muscular. A densidade neuronal média foi de 985,8 ± 195,4 neurônios/8,96 mm2 na região antimesentérica e 1267,8 ± 258,92 neurônios/8,96 mm2 na região mesentérica. As incidências de neurônios pequenos, médios e grandes foram 14,4, 82 e 3,6% na região antimesentérica, e 14,6, 70,8 e 14,4% na região mesentérica, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que, em ratos Holtzman adultos, predominam o arranjo ganglionado no plexo mioentérico e neurônios NADH-dp de tamanho médio. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os neurônios mioentéricos NADH-dp do íleo de ratos Holtzman são similares aos dos ratos da linhagem Wistar no que diz respeito à localização, arranjo ganglionado e predominância de neurônios com PC de tamanho médi

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 26(1): 107-112, 2004.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460262


The aim of this study was to analyze the morphoquantitative features of the nitrergic myenteric neurons from the body of the stomach of diabetic rats. The body of the stomach of five normoglicemic rats and of five diabetic rats were prepared as whole-mounts stained by the histochemical technique of NADPH-diaphorase. Decreased body weight and increased daily ingestion of water, fast glicemia and glycated hemoglobin were verified in diabetic animals. According to the data obtained, significant difference in the density of nitrergic neurons was not observed between the two groups, but the areas of the neuronal cell body profiles in the diabetic rats were significantly larger. Results showed that the streptozotocin that induced diabetes does not accelerate the death of the nitrergic neurons, but increases the expression of these cells

O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar as características morfoquantitativas de neurônios mioentéricos nitrérgicos do corpo do estômago de ratos diabéticos. O corpo do estômago de 5 ratos normoglicêmicos e de 5 ratos diabéticos foi submetido a preparados de membrana corados pela técnica histoquímica da NADPH-diaforase. Verificaram-se, nos animais diabéticos, diminuição do peso corporal, aumento do consumo diário de água, da glicemia em jejum e da hemoglobina glicada. Com os dados obtidos, não foi observada diferença significativa na densidade de neurônios nitrérgicos entre os dois grupos, porém as áreas dos perfis celulares neuronais dos ratos diabéticos foram significativamente maiores. Constatou-se, portanto, que o diabetes induzido por estreptozootocina não acelera a morte dos neurônios nitrérgicos, contudo aumenta a expressão desses neurônios

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 26(2): 251-256, abr.-jun. 2004.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460290


This study aims to evaluate the effects of protein and vitamin deficiency on the neurons of the duodenum myenteric plexus of rats. 24 90-day old animals were divided in two groups: control (n=12) and experimental (n=12). During 120 days, the control group received chow with 22% protein level, vitamins and minerals; the experimental group was fed with 8%-protein chow, without vitamin supplementation. After the experimental period, the animals blood was collected and the duodenum was removed for ultrastructural and morphoquantitative analyses (NADH-d; NADPH-d). The experimental group had reduced total protein, plasma albumin and body weight lower than the control group. The density (NADPH-d) was higher and significant for the experimental group; with the NADH-d technique the neuronal profile differed between the groups. The ultrastructural aspects were similar in both groups. The results allow the conclusion that the diet caused a moderate deficiency, not leading to quantitative alterations, but changed the neuronal profile

Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos das carências protéica e vitamínica sobre os neurônios do plexo mioentérico do duodeno de ratos. 24 animais, aos 90 dias de idade, foram divididos em dois grupos: controle (n=12) e experimental (n=12). Durante 120 dias, o grupo controle recebeu ração com teor protéico de 22%, vitaminas e minerais; o grupo experimental, 8%, sem suplementação de vitaminas. Após período experimental, coletou-se o sangue dos animais e retirou-se o duodeno para análise ultraestrutural e morfoquantitativa (NADH-d; NADPH-d). O grupo experimental apresentou proteínas totais e albumina plasmática reduzidas e peso inferior aos do grupo controle. A densidade (NADPH-d) foi maior e significante para o grupo experimental; na técnica da NADH-d, o perfil neuronal diferiu entre os grupos. Os aspectos ultraestruturais mostraram-se semelhantes entre os grupos. Os resultados permitem concluir que a dieta imposta promoveu um quadro moderado de desnutrição, não provocando alterações quantitativas, porém levou a alterações no perfil neuronal

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 26(3): 349-355, jul.-set. 2004.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460300


The purpose of this work was to compare the profile of the cell body of the NADH-diaphorase positive myenteric neurons from the stomach of rats. It was used 10 animals (Rattus norvegicus), from groups a) control (n = 5), that during 210 days had ad libitum supply of chow with normal protein level (22%) and water; and b) experimental (n = 5), that during 210 days had ad libitum supply of chow with normal protein level (22%) and sugar cane brandy diluted to 30 Gay Lussac (30o v/v). The stomachs collected and subjected to the technique for neuronal staining. The cell body of the neurons (n = 1.000) was measured through a computerized system of image analysis. The profile of the neurons from the control rats ranged from 60.16 and 638.64 µm2. In the experimental group the values ranged from 40.84 to 599.15 µm2. We observed a significant decrease on the cell body size, increase of the small neurons and decrease of the large neurons

O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar o perfil dos corpos celulares dos neurônios mioentéricos NADH-diaforase positivos do estômago de ratos. Utilizou-se 10 animais (Rattus norvegicus), provenientes dos grupos: a) controle (n=5), que durante 210 dias receberam, ad libitum, dieta com teor protéico normal (22%) e água; e b) experimental (n = 5), que durante 210 dias receberam, ad libitum, ração com teor protéico normal (22%) e aguardente-de-cana diluída a 30 Gay Lussac (30º v/v). Os estômagos coletados foram submetidos à técnica de evidenciação neuronal. A mensuração do perfil dos corpos celulares dos neurônios (n = 1.000) foi através de um Sistema Computadorizado de Análise de Imagem. O perfil dos corpos celulares dos neurônios do grupo controle ficou entre 60,16 a 638,64 µm2. No grupo experimental variou de 40,84 a 599,15 µm2. Constatamos redução significante no tamanho do corpo celular, aumento de neurônios pequenos e diminuição de neurônios grandes

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 22: 561-565, 2000.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-725609


The myenteric plexus shows morphologic and quantitative variability in the alimentary canals of different species of animals. We have quantified and analyzed the morphology of the myenteric plexus of ten adult Cyprinus carpio intestinal bulbs, by means of histological cross sections stained with HE and Van Gieson methods, as well as Giemsa-stained whole mount preparations. The myenteric plexus, located between the longitudinal and circular layers of the muscular tunic, is formed by isolated neurons and ganglia. Percentages of small, medium and large neurons were 21%, 63.4% and 15.6%, respectively, with a prevalence of intermediary cytoplasmic basophily and peripheral nuclei. Neuronal density in 6.92mm2 of intestinal bulb was of 2,040 neurons

O plexo mientérico apresenta variabilidade morfológica e quantitativa ao longo do tubo digestório das diferentes espécies animais. No presente trabalho quantificamos e analisamos a morfologia dos neurônios do plexo mientérico de dez bulbos intestinais de Cyprinus carpio, por meio de cortes histológicos corados com HE e Van Gieson e de preparados de membrana corados pelo método de Giemsa. O plexo mientérico foi localizado entre os estratos longitudinal e circular da túnica muscular, sendo constituído por neurônios isolados e por gânglios. As porcentagens de neurônios pequenos, médios e grandes foram 21%, 63,4% e 15,6%, respectivamente, predominando neurônios com basofilia citoplasmática intermediária e núcleo em posição periférica. A análise quantitativa revelou a presença de 2.040 neurônios/6,92mm2 de bulbo intestinal

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 22: 561-565, 2000.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460060


The myenteric plexus shows morphologic and quantitative variability in the alimentary canals of different species of animals. We have quantified and analyzed the morphology of the myenteric plexus of ten adult Cyprinus carpio intestinal bulbs, by means of histological cross sections stained with HE and Van Gieson methods, as well as Giemsa-stained whole mount preparations. The myenteric plexus, located between the longitudinal and circular layers of the muscular tunic, is formed by isolated neurons and ganglia. Percentages of small, medium and large neurons were 21%, 63.4% and 15.6%, respectively, with a prevalence of intermediary cytoplasmic basophily and peripheral nuclei. Neuronal density in 6.92mm2 of intestinal bulb was of 2,040 neurons

O plexo mientérico apresenta variabilidade morfológica e quantitativa ao longo do tubo digestório das diferentes espécies animais. No presente trabalho quantificamos e analisamos a morfologia dos neurônios do plexo mientérico de dez bulbos intestinais de Cyprinus carpio, por meio de cortes histológicos corados com HE e Van Gieson e de preparados de membrana corados pelo método de Giemsa. O plexo mientérico foi localizado entre os estratos longitudinal e circular da túnica muscular, sendo constituído por neurônios isolados e por gânglios. As porcentagens de neurônios pequenos, médios e grandes foram 21%, 63,4% e 15,6%, respectivamente, predominando neurônios com basofilia citoplasmática intermediária e núcleo em posição periférica. A análise quantitativa revelou a presença de 2.040 neurônios/6,92mm2 de bulbo intestinal

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 29(3): 239-245, 2007.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-725729


The myenteric plexus has a regular characteristic morphological pattern for each segment of the digestive tube and for each species of animal. Considering the lack of data pertaining to the mentioned plexus in rats of Holtzman lineage, the objective of this investigation was to carry out a morpho-quantitative study of the myenteric neurons in the ileum, by means of histological sections and whole-mount muscular preparations treated by the NADH-diaphorase method. The profiles of the cell bodies (CB) of the neurons in the mesenteric and antimesenteric regions were counted and measured. The neurons were classified according to the dimensions of the CBs. NADH-dp myenteric neurons were observed grouped together into ganglia in the muscular tunica. The mean neuronal density was 985.8 ± 195.4 neurons/8.96 mm2 in the antimesenteric region and 1267.8 ± 259.92 neurons/8.96 mm2 in the mesenteric region. The incidences of small, medium and large neurons were 14.4, 82 and 3.6% in the antimesenteric region and 14.6, 70.8 and 14.4% in the mesenteric region, respectively. It was concluded that ganglionated arrangements and medium-sized NADH-dp neurons predominated in the myenteric plexus of adult Holtzman rats. The results observed indicated that the NADH-dp myenteric neurons of the ileum of Holtzman rats are similar to those of rats of Wistar lineage with respect to their localization, gangli

O plexo mioentérico possui um padrão morfológico regular característico para cada segmento do tubo digestório e para cada espécie animal. Considerando a escassez de dados pertinentes ao referido plexo em ratos da linhagem Holtzman, o presente estudo como objetivo o estudo morfoquantitativo dos neurônios mioentéricos do íleo, por meio de cortes histológicos e preparados de membrana, tratados pelo método da NADH-diaforase. Foram contados e mensurados os perfis do corpo celular (PC) de neurônios nas regiões mesentérica e antimesentérica. Os neurônios foram classificados segundo as dimensões do PC. Foram observados os neurônios mioentéricos NADH-dp, reunidos em gânglios na túnica muscular. A densidade neuronal média foi de 985,8 ± 195,4 neurônios/8,96 mm2 na região antimesentérica e 1267,8 ± 258,92 neurônios/8,96 mm2 na região mesentérica. As incidências de neurônios pequenos, médios e grandes foram 14,4, 82 e 3,6% na região antimesentérica, e 14,6, 70,8 e 14,4% na região mesentérica, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que, em ratos Holtzman adultos, predominam o arranjo ganglionado no plexo mioentérico e neurônios NADH-dp de tamanho médio. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os neurônios mioentéricos NADH-dp do íleo de ratos Holtzman são similares aos dos ratos da linhagem Wistar no que diz respeito à localização, arranjo ganglionado e predominância de neurônios com PC de tamanho médi

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 26(1): 107-112, 2004.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-725426


The aim of this study was to analyze the morphoquantitative features of the nitrergic myenteric neurons from the body of the stomach of diabetic rats. The body of the stomach of five normoglicemic rats and of five diabetic rats were prepared as whole-mounts stained by the histochemical technique of NADPH-diaphorase. Decreased body weight and increased daily ingestion of water, fast glicemia and glycated hemoglobin were verified in diabetic animals. According to the data obtained, significant difference in the density of nitrergic neurons was not observed between the two groups, but the areas of the neuronal cell body profiles in the diabetic rats were significantly larger. Results showed that the streptozotocin that induced diabetes does not accelerate the death of the nitrergic neurons, but increases the expression of these cells

O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar as características morfoquantitativas de neurônios mioentéricos nitrérgicos do corpo do estômago de ratos diabéticos. O corpo do estômago de 5 ratos normoglicêmicos e de 5 ratos diabéticos foi submetido a preparados de membrana corados pela técnica histoquímica da NADPH-diaforase. Verificaram-se, nos animais diabéticos, diminuição do peso corporal, aumento do consumo diário de água, da glicemia em jejum e da hemoglobina glicada. Com os dados obtidos, não foi observada diferença significativa na densidade de neurônios nitrérgicos entre os dois grupos, porém as áreas dos perfis celulares neuronais dos ratos diabéticos foram significativamente maiores. Constatou-se, portanto, que o diabetes induzido por estreptozootocina não acelera a morte dos neurônios nitrérgicos, contudo aumenta a expressão desses neurônios

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 26(2): 251-256, 2004.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-725990


This study aims to evaluate the effects of protein and vitamin deficiency on the neurons of the duodenum myenteric plexus of rats. 24 90-day old animals were divided in two groups: control (n=12) and experimental (n=12). During 120 days, the control group received chow with 22% protein level, vitamins and minerals; the experimental group was fed with 8%-protein chow, without vitamin supplementation. After the experimental period, the animals blood was collected and the duodenum was removed for ultrastructural and morphoquantitative analyses (NADH-d; NADPH-d). The experimental group had reduced total protein, plasma albumin and body weight lower than the control group. The density (NADPH-d) was higher and significant for the experimental group; with the NADH-d technique the neuronal profile differed between the groups. The ultrastructural aspects were similar in both groups. The results allow the conclusion that the diet caused a moderate deficiency, not leading to quantitative alterations, but changed the neuronal profile

Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos das carências protéica e vitamínica sobre os neurônios do plexo mioentérico do duodeno de ratos. 24 animais, aos 90 dias de idade, foram divididos em dois grupos: controle (n=12) e experimental (n=12). Durante 120 dias, o grupo controle recebeu ração com teor protéico de 22%, vitaminas e minerais; o grupo experimental, 8%, sem suplementação de vitaminas. Após período experimental, coletou-se o sangue dos animais e retirou-se o duodeno para análise ultraestrutural e morfoquantitativa (NADH-d; NADPH-d). O grupo experimental apresentou proteínas totais e albumina plasmática reduzidas e peso inferior aos do grupo controle. A densidade (NADPH-d) foi maior e significante para o grupo experimental; na técnica da NADH-d, o perfil neuronal diferiu entre os grupos. Os aspectos ultraestruturais mostraram-se semelhantes entre os grupos. Os resultados permitem concluir que a dieta imposta promoveu um quadro moderado de desnutrição, não provocando alterações quantitativas, porém levou a alterações no perfil neuronal

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 26(3): 349-355, 2004.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-725692


The purpose of this work was to compare the profile of the cell body of the NADH-diaphorase positive myenteric neurons from the stomach of rats. It was used 10 animals (Rattus norvegicus), from groups a) control (n = 5), that during 210 days had ad libitum supply of chow with normal protein level (22%) and water; and b) experimental (n = 5), that during 210 days had ad libitum supply of chow with normal protein level (22%) and sugar cane brandy diluted to 30 Gay Lussac (30o v/v). The stomachs collected and subjected to the technique for neuronal staining. The cell body of the neurons (n = 1.000) was measured through a computerized system of image analysis. The profile of the neurons from the control rats ranged from 60.16 and 638.64 µm2. In the experimental group the values ranged from 40.84 to 599.15 µm2. We observed a significant decrease on the cell body size, increase of the small neurons and decrease of the large neurons

O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar o perfil dos corpos celulares dos neurônios mioentéricos NADH-diaforase positivos do estômago de ratos. Utilizou-se 10 animais (Rattus norvegicus), provenientes dos grupos: a) controle (n=5), que durante 210 dias receberam, ad libitum, dieta com teor protéico normal (22%) e água; e b) experimental (n = 5), que durante 210 dias receberam, ad libitum, ração com teor protéico normal (22%) e aguardente-de-cana diluída a 30 Gay Lussac (30º v/v). Os estômagos coletados foram submetidos à técnica de evidenciação neuronal. A mensuração do perfil dos corpos celulares dos neurônios (n = 1.000) foi através de um Sistema Computadorizado de Análise de Imagem. O perfil dos corpos celulares dos neurônios do grupo controle ficou entre 60,16 a 638,64 µm2. No grupo experimental variou de 40,84 a 599,15 µm2. Constatamos redução significante no tamanho do corpo celular, aumento de neurônios pequenos e diminuição de neurônios grandes

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 34(1): 113-118, 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-725558


The objective of this work was to study the effect of the aerobic physical training and the cafeteria diet introduced after weaning of Wistar rats and on the morphology of the main salivary glands (parotid, submandibular, sublingual). Male rats after weaning were subjected to the cafeteria diet or the standard rodent chow, and either performed aerobic physical training in a treadmill for 100 days, or did not performed any physical activity. Analyses were done considering the response in body weight, adipose tissues and salivary glands, and the data were submitted to statistical treatment (p 0.05). The morphological and morphometric analyses of the salivary glands were performed through histological sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Despite the normophagic behavior, the rodents fed with the cafeteria diet became obese, with repercussions on parotid gland weight. However, this obesity and/or physical training did not influence the histological organization of the salivary glands. The morphometric analysis of the submandibular glands pointed out a reduction in the levels of serous acinar cells as an effect of the diet and physical training. In conclusion, the parotid and the submandibular glands alter themselves due to the nature and consistency of food present in the cafeteria diet as well as due to the aerobic physical training.